Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Numbers » Chapter 4 » Verse 49

Numbers 4:49 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

49 According to the commandment H6310 of the LORD H3068 they were numbered H6485 by the hand H3027 of Moses, H4872 every H376 one H376 according to his service, H5656 and according to his burden: H4853 thus were they numbered H6485 of him, as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses. H4872

Cross Reference

Numbers 4:15 STRONG

And when Aaron H175 and his sons H1121 have made an end H3615 of covering H3680 the sanctuary, H6944 and all the vessels H3627 of the sanctuary, H6944 as the camp H4264 is to set forward; H5265 after H310 that, the sons H1121 of Kohath H6955 shall come H935 to bear H5375 it: but they shall not touch H5060 any holy thing, H6944 lest they die. H4191 These things are the burden H4853 of the sons H1121 of Kohath H6955 in the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150

Numbers 4:21 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Moses, H4872 saying, H559

Numbers 4:24 STRONG

This is the service H5656 of the families H4940 of the Gershonites, H1649 to serve, H5647 and for burdens: H4853

Numbers 4:31 STRONG

And this is the charge H4931 of their burden, H4853 according to all their service H5656 in the tabernacle H168 of the congregation; H4150 the boards H7175 of the tabernacle, H4908 and the bars H1280 thereof, and the pillars H5982 thereof, and sockets H134 thereof,

Numbers 1:47 STRONG

But the Levites H3881 after the tribe H4294 of their fathers H1 were not numbered H6485 among H8432 them.

Numbers 1:54 STRONG

And the children H1121 of Israel H3478 did H6213 according to all that the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses, H4872 so did H6213 they.

Numbers 2:33 STRONG

But the Levites H3881 were not numbered H6485 among H8432 the children H1121 of Israel; H3478 as the LORD H3068 commanded H6680 Moses. H4872

Numbers 4:37 STRONG

These were they that were numbered H6485 of the families H4940 of the Kohathites, H6956 all that might do service H5647 in the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 which Moses H4872 and Aaron H175 did number H6485 according to the commandment H6310 of the LORD H3068 by the hand H3027 of Moses. H4872

Numbers 4:41 STRONG

These are they that were numbered H6485 of the families H4940 of the sons H1121 of Gershon, H1648 of all that might do service H5647 in the tabernacle H168 of the congregation, H4150 whom Moses H4872 and Aaron H175 did number H6485 according to the commandment H6310 of the LORD. H3068

Numbers 4:45 STRONG

These be those that were numbered H6485 of the families H4940 of the sons H1121 of Merari, H4847 whom Moses H4872 and Aaron H175 numbered H6485 according to the word H6310 of the LORD H3068 by the hand H3027 of Moses. H4872

Isaiah 11:2-4 STRONG

And the spirit H7307 of the LORD H3068 shall rest H5117 upon him, the spirit H7307 of wisdom H2451 and understanding, H998 the spirit H7307 of counsel H6098 and might, H1369 the spirit H7307 of knowledge H1847 and of the fear H3374 of the LORD; H3068 And shall make him of quick understanding H7306 in the fear H3374 of the LORD: H3068 and he shall not judge H8199 after the sight H4758 of his eyes, H5869 neither reprove H3198 after the hearing H4926 of his ears: H241 But with righteousness H6664 shall he judge H8199 the poor, H1800 and reprove H3198 with equity H4334 for the meek H6035 of the earth: H776 and he shall smite H5221 the earth H776 with the rod H7626 of his mouth, H6310 and with the breath H7307 of his lips H8193 shall he slay H4191 the wicked. H7563

Isaiah 42:1-7 STRONG

Behold my servant, H5650 whom I uphold; H8551 mine elect, H972 in whom my soul H5315 delighteth; H7521 I have put H5414 my spirit H7307 upon him: he shall bring forth H3318 judgment H4941 to the Gentiles. H1471 He shall not cry, H6817 nor lift up, H5375 nor cause his voice H6963 to be heard H8085 in the street. H2351 A bruised H7533 reed H7070 shall he not break, H7665 and the smoking H3544 flax H6594 shall he not quench: H3518 he shall bring forth H3318 judgment H4941 unto truth. H571 He shall not fail H3543 nor be discouraged, H7533 till he have set H7760 judgment H4941 in the earth: H776 and the isles H339 shall wait H3176 for his law. H8451 Thus saith H559 God H410 the LORD, H3068 he that created H1254 the heavens, H8064 and stretched them out; H5186 he that spread forth H7554 the earth, H776 and that which cometh out H6631 of it; he that giveth H5414 breath H5397 unto the people H5971 upon it, and spirit H7307 to them that walk H1980 therein: I the LORD H3068 have called H7121 thee in righteousness, H6664 and will hold H2388 thine hand, H3027 and will keep H5341 thee, and give H5414 thee for a covenant H1285 of the people, H5971 for a light H216 of the Gentiles; H1471 To open H6491 the blind H5787 eyes, H5869 to bring out H3318 the prisoners H616 from the prison, H4525 and them that sit H3427 in darkness H2822 out of the prison H3608 house. H1004

Isaiah 49:1-8 STRONG

Listen, H8085 O isles, H339 unto me; and hearken, H7181 ye people, H3816 from far; H7350 The LORD H3068 hath called H7121 me from the womb; H990 from the bowels H4578 of my mother H517 hath he made mention H2142 of my name. H8034 And he hath made H7760 my mouth H6310 like a sharp H2299 sword; H2719 in the shadow H6738 of his hand H3027 hath he hid H2244 me, and made H7760 me a polished H1305 shaft; H2671 in his quiver H827 hath he hid H5641 me; And said H559 unto me, Thou art my servant, H5650 O Israel, H3478 in whom I will be glorified. H6286 Then I said, H559 I have laboured H3021 in vain, H7385 I have spent H3615 my strength H3581 for nought, H8414 and in vain: H1892 yet surely H403 my judgment H4941 is with the LORD, H3068 and my work H6468 with my God. H430 And now, saith H559 the LORD H3068 that formed H3335 me from the womb H990 to be his servant, H5650 to bring H7725 Jacob H3290 again H7725 to him, Though Israel H3478 be not gathered, H622 yet shall I be glorious H3513 in the eyes H5869 of the LORD, H3068 and my God H430 shall be my strength. H5797 And he said, H559 It is a light thing H7043 that thou shouldest be my servant H5650 to raise up H6965 the tribes H7626 of Jacob, H3290 and to restore H7725 the preserved H5341 H5336 of Israel: H3478 I will also give H5414 thee for a light H216 to the Gentiles, H1471 that thou mayest be my salvation H3444 unto the end H7097 of the earth. H776 Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 the Redeemer H1350 of Israel, H3478 and his Holy One, H6918 to him whom man H5315 despiseth, H960 to him whom the nation H1471 abhorreth, H8581 to a servant H5650 of rulers, H4910 Kings H4428 shall see H7200 and arise, H6965 princes H8269 also shall worship, H7812 because of the LORD H3068 that is faithful, H539 and the Holy One H6918 of Israel, H3478 and he shall choose H977 thee. Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 In an acceptable H7522 time H6256 have I heard H6030 thee, and in a day H3117 of salvation H3444 have I helped H5826 thee: and I will preserve H5341 thee, and give H5414 thee for a covenant H1285 of the people, H5971 to establish H6965 the earth, H776 to cause to inherit H5157 the desolate H8074 heritages; H5159

Romans 12:4-8 STRONG

For G1063 as G2509 we have G2192 many G4183 members G3196 in G1722 one G1520 body, G4983 and G1161 all G3956 members G3196 have G2192 not G3756 the same G846 office: G4234 So G3779 we, G2070 being many, G4183 are G2070 one G1520 body G4983 in G1722 Christ, G5547 and G1161 every G2596 one G1520 members G3196 one of another. G240 Having G2192 then G1161 gifts G5486 differing G1313 according G2596 to the grace G5485 that is given G1325 to us, G2254 whether G1535 prophecy, G4394 let us prophesy according G2596 to the proportion G356 of faith; G4102 Or G1535 ministry, G1248 let us wait on G1722 our ministering: G1248 or G1535 he that teacheth, G1321 on G1722 teaching; G1319 Or G1535 he that exhorteth, G3870 on G1722 exhortation: G3874 he that giveth, G3330 let him do it with G1722 simplicity; G572 he that ruleth, G4291 with G1722 diligence; G4710 he that sheweth mercy, G1653 with G1722 cheerfulness. G2432

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Numbers 4

Commentary on Numbers 4 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary

Verse 1

Rules of Service, and Numbering of the Levites Qualified for Service. - After the adoption of the Levites for service at the sanctuary, in the place of the first-born of Israel, Moses and Aaron mustered the three families of the Levites by the command of God for the service to be performed by those who were between the ages of 30 and 50. The particulars of the service are first of all described in detail (vv. 4-33); and then the men in each family are taken, of the specified age for service (vv. 34-49). The three families are not arranged according to the relative ages of their founders, but according to the importance or sacredness of their service. The Kohathites take the lead, because the holiest parts of the tabernacle were to be carried and kept by this family, which included the priests, Aaron and his sons. The service to be performed by each of the three Levitical families is introduced in every case by a command from God to take the sum of the men from 30 years old to 50 (see Numbers 4:1-3, Numbers 4:21-23, Numbers 4:29 and Numbers 4:30).

Verse 2-3

Service of the Kohathites, and the number qualified for service . - Numbers 4:2, Numbers 4:3. “ Take the sum of the sons of Kohath from among the sons of Levi: ” i.e., by raising them out of the sum total of the Levites, by numbering them first and specially, viz., the men from 30 to 50 years of age, “ every one who comes to the service, ” i.e., who has to enter upon service “ to do work at the tabernacle .” צבא ( Angl . ' host' ) signifies military service, and is used here with special reference to the service of the Levites as the militia sacra of Jehovah.

Verses 4-6

The service of the Kohathites at the tabernacle is (relates to) “ the most holy ” (see at Exodus 30:10). This term includes, as is afterwards explained, the most holy things in the tabernacle, viz., the ark of the covenant, the table of shew-bread, the candlestick, the altar of incense and altar of burnt-offering, together with all the other things belonging to these. When the camp was broken up, the priests were to roll them up in wrappers, and hand them over in this state to the Kohathites, for them to carry (Numbers 4:5-15). First of all (Numbers 4:5, Numbers 4:6), Aaron and his sons were to take down the curtain between the holy place and the most holy (see Exodus 26:31), and to cover the ark of testimony with it (Exodus 25:10). Over this they were to place a wrapper of sea-cow skin ( tachash , see Exodus 25:5), and over this again another covering of cloth made entirely of hyacinth-coloured purple (as in Exodus 28:31). The sea-cow skin as to protect the inner curtain, which was covered over the ark, from storm and rain; the hyacinth purple, to distinguish the ark of the covenant as the throne of the glory of Jehovah. Lastly, they were to place the staves into the rings again, that is to say, the bearing poles, which were always left in their places on the ark (Exodus 25:15), but had necessarily to be taken out while it was being covered and wrapped up.

Verse 7-8

Over the table of shew-bread (Exodus 25:23) they were to spread a hyacinth cloth, to place the plates, bowls, wine-pitchers, and drink-offering bowls (Exodus 25:29) upon the top of this, and to lay shew-bread thereon; and then to spread a crimson cloth over these vessels and the shew-bread, and cover this with a sea-cow skin, and lastly to put the bearing poles in their places.

Verse 9-10

The candlestick, with its lamps, snuffers, extinguishers (Exodus 25:31-37), and all its oil-vessels (oil-cans), “ wherewith they serve it, ” i.e., prepare it for the holy service, were to be covered with a hyacinth cloth, and then with a wrapper of sea-cow skin, and laid upon the carriage. מות (Numbers 4:10 and Numbers 4:12), bearing frame, in Numbers 13:23 bearing poles.

Verse 11-12

So again they were to wrap up the altar of incense (Exodus 30:1), to adjust its bearing poles; and having wrapped it up in such coverings, along with the vessels belonging to it, to lay it upon the frame.

Verse 13-14

The altar of burnt-offering was first of all to be cleansed from the ashes; a crimson cloth was then to be covered over it, and the whole of the furniture belonging to it to be placed upon the top; and lastly, the whole was to be covered with a sea-cow skin. The only thing not mentioned is the copper laver (Exodus 30:18), probably because it was carried without any cover at all. The statement in the Septuagint and the Samaritan text, which follows Numbers 4:14. respecting its covering and conveyance upon a frame, is no doubt a spurious interpolation.

Verse 15

After the priests had completed the wrapping up of all these things, the Kohathites were to come up to carry them; but they were not to touch “ the holy” (the holy things), lest they should die (see Numbers 1:53; Numbers 18:3, and comp. 2 Samuel 6:6-7).

Verse 16

The oversight of the oil for the candlestick (Exodus 27:20), the incense ( Exodus 30:34), the continual meat-offering (Exodus 29:40), and the anointing oil ( Exodus 30:23), belonged to Eleazar as the head of all the Levites (Numbers 3:32). He had also the oversight of the dwelling and all the holy things and furniture belonging to it; and, as a comparison of Numbers 4:28 and Numbers 4:33 clearly shows, of the services of the Kohathites also.

Verse 17-18

In order to prevent as far as possible any calamity from befalling the Levites while carrying the most holy things, the priests are again urged by the command of God to do what has already been described in detail in Numbers 4:5-15, lest through any carelessness on their part they should cut off the tribe of the families of the Kohathites, i.e., should cause their destruction; viz., if they should approach the holy things before they had been wrapped up by Aaron and his sons in the manner prescribed and handed over to them to carry. If the Kohathites should come for only a single moment to look at the holy things, they would die. אל־תּכריתוּ , “ cut ye not off, ” i.e., “take care that the Kohathites are not cut off through your mistake and negligence” ( Ros .). “ The tribe of the families of the Kohathites: shebet , the tribe, is not used here, as it frequently is, in its derivative sense of tribe ( Tribus ), but in the original literal sense of stirps .

Verse 19

This do to them: ” sc., what is prescribed in Numbers 4:5-15 with reference to their service.

Verse 20

כּבלּע , “ like a swallow, a gulp, ” is probably a proverbial expression, according to the analogy of Job 7:19, for “ a single instant, ” of which the Arabic also furnishes examples (see A. Schultens on Job 7:19). The Sept . rendering, ἐξάπινα , conveys the actual sense. A historical illustration of Numbers 4:20 is furnished by 1 Samuel 6:19.

(Note: According to Knobel , Numbers 4:17-20 have been interpolated by the Jehovist into the Elohistic text. But the reasons for this assumption are weak throughout. Neither the peculiar use of the word shebet, to which there is no corresponding parallel in the whole of the Old Testament, nor the construction of נגשׁ with את , which is only met with in 1 Samuel 9:18 and 1 Samuel 30:21, nor the Hiphil הכרית , can be regarded as criteria of a Jehovistic usage. And the assertion, that the Elohist lays the emphasis upon approaching and touching the holy things (Numbers 4:15; Numbers 8:19; Numbers 18:3, Numbers 18:22), and not upon seeing or looking at them, rests upon an antithesis which is arbitrarily forced upon the text, since not only seeing (Numbers 4:20), but touching also (Numbers 4:19), is described as causing death; so that seeing and touching form no antithesis at all.)

Verses 21-26

The service of the Gershonites is introduced in Numbers 4:21-23 in the same manner as that of the Kohathites in Numbers 4:1-3; and in Numbers 4:24-26 it is described in accordance with the brief notice and explanation already given in Numbers 3:24-26.

Verse 27

Their service was to be performed “ according to the mouth (i.e., according to the appointment) of Aaron and his sons, with regard to all their carrying (all that they were to carry), and all their doing .” - “ And ye (the priests) shall appoint to them for attendance (in charge) all their carrying ,” i.e., all the things they were to carry. בּמשׁמרת פּקד , to give into keeping. The combination of פּקד with בּ and the accusative of the object is analogous to בּ נתן , to give into a persons' hand, in Genesis 27:17; and there is no satisfactory reason for any such emendations of the text as Knobel proposes.

Verse 28

Their charge ( mishmereth ) is in the hand of Ithamar, ” i.e., is to be carried out under his superintendence (cf. Exodus 38:21).

Verse 29-30

Service of the Merarites . - Numbers 4:29 and Numbers 4:30, like Numbers 4:22 and Numbers 4:23. פּקד , to muster, i.e., to number, equivalent to ראשׁ נשׁא , to take the number.

Verse 31-32

Numbers 4:31 and Numbers 4:32, like Numbers 3:36 and Numbers 3:37. “ The charge of their burden ” (their carrying), i.e., the things which it was their duty to carry.

Verse 32-33

לכל־כּליהם : with regard to all their instruments, i.e., all the things used for setting up, fastening, or undoing the beams, bolts, etc.; see Numbers 3:36 and Exodus 27:19.

Verses 34-48

Completion of the prescribed mustering, and statement of the number of men qualified for service in the three Levitical families: viz., 2750 Kohathites, 2630 Gershonites, and 3200 Merarites - in all, 8580 Levites fit for service: a number which bears a just proportion to the total number of male Levites of a month old and upwards, viz., 22,000.

Verse 49

According to the commandment of Jehovah, they appointed them through the hand of Moses (i.e., under his direction), each one to his service, and his burden, and his mustered things ( פּקדיו ), i.e., the things assigned to him at the time of the mustering as his special charge (see Exodus 38:21).