Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Numbers » Chapter 5 » Verse 9

Numbers 5:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 And every offering H8641 of all the holy things H6944 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 which they bring H7126 unto the priest, H3548 shall be his.

Cross Reference

Exodus 29:28 STRONG

And it shall be Aaron's H175 and his sons' H1121 by a statute H2706 for ever H5769 from the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 for it is an heave offering: H8641 and it shall be an heave offering H8641 from the children H1121 of Israel H3478 of the sacrifice H2077 of their peace offerings, H8002 even their heave offering H8641 unto the LORD. H3068

Leviticus 6:17-18 STRONG

It shall not be baken H644 with leaven. H2557 I have given H5414 it unto them for their portion H2506 of my offerings made by fire; H801 it is most H6944 holy, H6944 as is the sin offering, H2403 and as the trespass offering. H817 All the males H2145 among the children H1121 of Aaron H175 shall eat H398 of it. It shall be a statute H2706 for ever H5769 in your generations H1755 concerning the offerings H801 of the LORD H3068 made by fire: H801 every one that toucheth H5060 them shall be holy. H6942

Leviticus 7:6-14 STRONG

Every male H2145 among the priests H3548 shall eat H398 thereof: it shall be eaten H398 in the holy H6918 place: H4725 it is most H6944 holy. H6944 As the sin offering H2403 is, so is the trespass offering: H817 there is one H259 law H8451 for them: the priest H3548 that maketh atonement H3722 therewith shall have it. And the priest H3548 that offereth H7126 any man's H376 burnt offering, H5930 even the priest H3548 shall have to himself the skin H5785 of the burnt offering H5930 which he hath offered. H7126 And all the meat offering H4503 that is baken H644 in the oven, H8574 and all that is dressed H6213 in the fryingpan, H4802 and in the pan, H4227 shall be the priest's H3548 that offereth H7126 it. And every meat offering, H4503 mingled H1101 with oil, H8081 and dry, H2720 shall all the sons H1121 of Aaron H175 have, one H376 as much as another. H251 And this is the law H8451 of the sacrifice H2077 of peace offerings, H8002 which he shall offer H7126 unto the LORD. H3068 If he offer H7126 it for a thanksgiving, H8426 then he shall offer H7126 with the sacrifice H2077 of thanksgiving H8426 unleavened H4682 cakes H2471 mingled H1101 with oil, H8081 and unleavened H4682 wafers H7550 anointed H4886 with oil, H8081 and cakes H2471 mingled H1101 with oil, H8081 of fine flour, H5560 fried. H7246 Besides the cakes, H2471 he shall offer H7126 for his offering H7133 leavened H2557 bread H3899 with the sacrifice H2077 of thanksgiving H8426 of his peace offerings. H8002 And of it he shall offer H7126 one H259 out of the whole oblation H7133 for an heave offering H8641 unto the LORD, H3068 and it shall be the priest's H3548 that sprinkleth H2236 the blood H1818 of the peace offerings. H8002

Numbers 18:19 STRONG

All the heave offerings H8641 of the holy things, H6944 which the children H1121 of Israel H3478 offer H7311 unto the LORD, H3068 have I given H5414 thee, and thy sons H1121 and thy daughters H1323 with thee, by a statute H2706 for ever: H5769 it is a covenant H1285 of salt H4417 for ever H5769 before H6440 the LORD H3068 unto thee and to thy seed H2233 with thee.

Deuteronomy 18:3-4 STRONG

And this shall be the priest's H3548 due H4941 from the people, H5971 from them that offer H2076 a sacrifice, H2077 whether it be ox H7794 or sheep; H7716 and they shall give H5414 unto the priest H3548 the shoulder, H2220 and the two cheeks, H3895 and the maw. H6896 The firstfruit H7225 also of thy corn, H1715 of thy wine, H8492 and of thine oil, H3323 and the first H7225 of the fleece H1488 of thy sheep, H6629 shalt thou give H5414 him.

Leviticus 6:26 STRONG

The priest H3548 that offereth it for sin H2398 shall eat H398 it: in the holy H6918 place H4725 shall it be eaten, H398 in the court H2691 of the tabernacle H168 of the congregation. H4150

Leviticus 10:13 STRONG

And ye shall eat H398 it in the holy H6918 place, H4725 because it is thy due, H2706 and thy sons' H1121 due, H2706 of the sacrifices H801 of the LORD H3068 made by fire: H801 for so I am commanded. H6680

Leviticus 22:2-3 STRONG

Speak H1696 unto Aaron H175 and to his sons, H1121 that they separate H5144 themselves from the holy things H6944 of the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 and that they profane H2490 not my holy H6944 name H8034 in those things which they hallow H6942 unto me: I am the LORD. H3068 Say H559 unto them, Whosoever H376 he be of all your seed H2233 among your generations, H1755 that goeth H7126 unto the holy things, H6944 which the children H1121 of Israel H3478 hallow H6942 unto the LORD, H3068 having his uncleanness H2932 upon him, that soul H5315 shall be cut off H3772 from my presence: H6440 I am the LORD. H3068

Numbers 18:8-9 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 spake H1696 unto Aaron, H175 Behold, I also have given H5414 thee the charge H4931 of mine heave offerings H8641 of all the hallowed things H6944 of the children H1121 of Israel; H3478 unto thee have I given H5414 them by reason of the anointing, H4888 and to thy sons, H1121 by an ordinance H2706 for ever. H5769 This shall be thine of the most H6944 holy things, H6944 reserved from the fire: H784 every oblation H7133 of theirs, every meat offering H4503 of theirs, and every sin offering H2403 of theirs, and every trespass offering H817 of theirs, which they shall render H7725 unto me, shall be most H6944 holy H6944 for thee and for thy sons. H1121

Ezekiel 44:29-30 STRONG

They shall eat H398 the meat offering, H4503 and the sin offering, H2403 and the trespass offering; H817 and every dedicated thing H2764 in Israel H3478 shall be theirs. And the first H7225 of all the firstfruits H1061 of all things, and every oblation H8641 of all, of every sort of your oblations, H8641 shall be the priest's: H3548 ye shall also give H5414 unto the priest H3548 the first H7225 of your dough, H6182 that he may cause the blessing H1293 to rest H5117 in thine house. H1004

Malachi 3:8-10 STRONG

Will a man H120 rob H6906 God? H430 Yet ye have robbed H6906 me. But ye say, H559 Wherein have we robbed H6906 thee? In tithes H4643 and offerings. H8641 Ye are cursed H779 with a curse: H3994 for ye have robbed H6906 me, even this whole nation. H1471 Bring H935 ye all the tithes H4643 into the storehouse, H214 that there may be meat H2964 in mine house, H1004 and prove H974 me now herewith, H2063 saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 if I will not open H6605 you the windows H699 of heaven, H8064 and pour you out H7324 a blessing, H1293 that there shall not be room enough H1767 to receive it.

1 Corinthians 9:7-13 STRONG

Who G5101 goeth a warfare G4754 any time at G4218 his own G2398 charges? G3800 who G5101 planteth G5452 a vineyard, G290 and G2532 eateth G2068 not G3756 of G1537 the fruit G2590 thereof? G846 or G2228 who G5101 feedeth G4165 a flock, G4167 and G2532 eateth G2068 not G3756 of G1537 the milk G1051 of the flock? G4167 Say I G2980 these things G5023 as G3361 G2596 a man? G444 or G2228 saith G3004 not G3780 the law G3551 the same G5023 also? G2532 For G1063 it is written G1125 in G1722 the law G3551 of Moses, G3475 Thou shalt G5392 not G3756 muzzle G5392 the mouth of the ox G1016 that treadeth out the corn. G248 G3361 Doth G3199 God G2316 take care G3199 for oxen? G1016 Or G2228 saith he G3004 it altogether G3843 for G1223 our G2248 sakes? G1223 For G1223 our G2248 sakes, G1223 no doubt, G1063 this is written: G1125 that G3754 he that ploweth G722 should G3784 plow G722 in G1909 hope; G1680 and G2532 that he that thresheth G248 in hope G1680 should be partaker G3348 of G1909 his G846 hope. G1680 If G1487 we G2249 have sown G4687 unto you G5213 spiritual things, G4152 is it a great thing G3173 if G1487 we G2249 shall reap G2325 your G5216 carnal things? G4559 If G1487 others G243 be partakers G3348 of this power G1849 over you, G5216 are not G3756 we G2249 rather? G3123 Nevertheless G235 we have G5530 not G3756 used G5530 this G5026 power; G1849 but G235 suffer G4722 all things, G3956 lest G3363 we should G1325 G5100 hinder G1464 the gospel G2098 of Christ. G5547 Do ye G1492 not G3756 know G1492 that G3754 they which minister G2038 about holy things G2413 live G2068 of the things of G1537 the temple? G2411 and they which wait G4332 at the altar G2379 are partakers G4829 with the altar? G2379

Commentary on Numbers 5 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Nu 5:1-4. The Unclean to Be Removed out of the Camp.

2. Command the children of Israel, that they put out of the camp every leper—The exclusion of leprous persons from the camp in the wilderness, as from cities and villages afterwards, was a sanitary measure taken according to prescribed rules (Le 13:1-14:57). This exclusion of lepers from society has been acted upon ever since; and it affords almost the only instance in which any kind of attention is paid in the East to the prevention of contagion. The usage still more or less prevails in the East among people who do not think the least precaution against the plague or cholera necessary; but judging from personal observation, we think that in Asia the leprosy has now much abated in frequency and virulence. It usually appears in a comparatively mild form in Egypt, Palestine, and other countries where the disorder is, or was, endemic. Small societies of excluded lepers live miserably in paltry huts. Many of them are beggars, going out into the roads to solicit alms, which they receive in a wooden bowl; charitable people also sometimes bring different articles of food, which they leave on the ground at a short distance from the hut of the lepers, for whom it is intended. They are generally obliged to wear a distinctive badge that people may know them at first sight and be warned to avoid them. Other means were adopted among the ancient Jews by putting their hand on their mouth and crying, "Unclean, unclean" [Le 13:45]. But their general treatment, as to exclusion from society, was the same as now described. The association of the lepers, however, in this passage, with those who were subject only to ceremonial uncleanness, shows that one important design in the temporary exile of such persons was to remove all impurities that reflected dishonor on the character and residence of Israel's King. And this vigilant care to maintain external cleanliness in the people was typically designed to teach them the practice of moral purity, or cleansing themselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit. The regulations made for ensuring cleanliness in the camp suggest the adoption of similar means for maintaining purity in the church. And although, in large communities of Christians, it may be often difficult or delicate to do this, the suspension or, in flagrant cases of sin, the total excommunication of the offender from the privileges and communion of the church is an imperative duty, as necessary to the moral purity of the Christian as the exclusion of the leper from the camp was to physical health and ceremonial purity in the Jewish church.

Nu 5:5-10. Restitution Enjoined.

6-8. When a man or a woman shall commit any sin that men commit, to do a trespass against the Lord—This is a wrong or injury done by one man to the property of another, and as it is called "a trespass against the Lord," it is implied, in the case supposed, that the offense has been aggravated by prevaricating—by a false oath, or a fraudulent lie in denying it, which is a "trespass" committed against God, who is the sole judge of what is falsely sworn or spoken (Ac 5:3, 4).

and that person be guilty—that is, from the obvious tenor of the passage, conscience-smitten, or brought to a sense and conviction of his evil conduct. (See on Le 6:2). In that case, there must be: first, confession, a penitential acknowledgment of sin; secondly, restitution of the property, or the giving of an equivalent, with the additional fine of a fifth part, both as a compensation to the person defrauded, and as a penalty inflicted on the injurer, to deter others from the commission of similar trespasses. (See on Ex 22:1). The difference between the law recorded in that passage and this is that the one was enacted against flagrant and determined thieves, the other against those whose necessities might have urged them into fraud, and whose consciences were distressed by their sin. This law also supposes the injured party to be dead, in which case, the compensation due to his representatives was to be paid to the priest, who, as God's deputy, received the required satisfaction.

9, 10. every offering … shall be his—Whatever was given in this way, or otherwise, as by freewill offerings, irrevocably belonged to the priest.

Nu 5:11-31. The Trial of Jealousy.

12-15. if any man's wife go aside, and commit a trespass against him—This law was given both as a strong discouragement to conjugal infidelity on the part of a wife, and a sufficient protection of her from the consequences of a hasty and groundless suspicion on the part of the husband. His suspicions, however, were sufficient in the absence of witnesses (Le 20:10) to warrant the trial described; and the course of proceeding to be followed was for the jealous husband to bring his wife unto the priest with an offering of barley meal, because none were allowed to approach the sanctuary empty handed (Ex 23:15). On other occasions, there were mingled with the offering, oil which signified joy, and frankincense which denoted acceptance (Ps 141:2). But on the occasion referred to, both these ingredients were to be excluded, partly because it was a solemn appeal to God in distressing circumstances, and partly because it was a sin offering on the part of the wife, who came before God in the character of a real or suspected offender.

17, 18. the priest shall take holy water—Water from the laver, which was to be mixed with dust—an emblem of vileness and misery (Ge 3:14; Ps 22:15).

in an earthen vessel—This fragile ware was chosen because, after being used, it was broken in pieces (Le 6:28; 11:33). All the circumstances of this awful ceremony—her being placed with her face toward the ark—her uncovered head, a sign of her being deprived of the protection of her husband (1Co 11:7)—the bitter potion being put into her hands preparatory to an appeal to God—the solemn adjuration of the priest (Nu 5:19-22), all were calculated in no common degree to excite and appall the imagination of a person conscious of guilt.

21. The Lord make thee a curse, &c.—a usual form of imprecation (Isa 65:15; Jer 29:22).

22. the woman shall say, Amen, Amen—The Israelites were accustomed, instead of formally repeating the words of an oath merely to say, "Amen," a "so be it" to the imprecations it contained. The reduplication of the word was designed as an evidence of the woman's innocence, and a willingness that God would do to her according to her desert.

23, 24. write these curses in a book—The imprecations, along with her name, were inscribed in some kind of record—on parchment, or more probably on a wooden tablet.

blot them out with the bitter water—If she were innocent, they could be easily erased, and were perfectly harmless; but if guilty, she would experience the fatal effects of the water she had drunk.

29. This is the law of jealousies—Adultery discovered and proved was punished with death. But strongly suspected cases would occur, and this law made provision for the conviction of the guilty person. It was, however, not a trial conducted according to the forms of judicial process, but an ordeal through which a suspected adulteress was made to go—the ceremony being of that terrifying nature, that, on the known principles of human nature, guilt or innocence could not fail to appear. From the earliest times, the jealousy of Eastern people has established ordeals for the detection and punishment of suspected unchastity in wives. The practice was deep-rooted as well as universal. And it has been thought, that the Israelites being strongly biassed in favor of such usages, this law of jealousies "was incorporated among the other institutions of the Mosaic economy, in order to free it from the idolatrous rites which the heathens had blended with it." Viewed in this light, its sanction by divine authority in a corrected and improved form exhibits a proof at once of the wisdom and condescension of God.