Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Numbers » Chapter 6 » Verse 14

Numbers 6:14 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

14 And he shall offer H7126 his offering H7133 unto the LORD, H3068 one H259 he lamb H3532 of the first H1121 year H8141 without blemish H8549 for a burnt offering, H5930 and one H259 ewe lamb H3535 of the first H1323 year H8141 without blemish H8549 for a sin offering, H2403 and one H259 ram H352 without blemish H8549 for peace offerings, H8002

Cross Reference

Leviticus 3:6 STRONG

And if his offering H7133 for a sacrifice H2077 of peace offering H8002 unto the LORD H3068 be of the flock; H6629 male H2145 or female, H5347 he shall offer H7126 it without blemish. H8549

Leviticus 4:32 STRONG

And if he bring H935 a lamb H3532 for a sin H2403 offering, H7133 he shall bring H935 it a female H5347 without blemish. H8549

Leviticus 1:10-13 STRONG

And if his offering H7133 be of the flocks, H6629 namely, of the sheep, H3775 or of the goats, H5795 for a burnt sacrifice; H5930 he shall bring H7126 it a male H2145 without blemish. H8549 And he shall kill H7819 it on the side H3409 of the altar H4196 northward H6828 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 and the priests, H3548 Aaron's H175 sons, H1121 shall sprinkle H2236 his blood H1818 round about H5439 upon the altar. H4196 And he shall cut H5408 it into his pieces, H5409 with his head H7218 and his fat: H6309 and the priest H3548 shall lay them in order H6186 on the wood H6086 that is on the fire H784 which is upon the altar: H4196 But he shall wash H7364 the inwards H7130 and the legs H3767 with water: H4325 and the priest H3548 shall bring H7126 it all, and burn H6999 it upon the altar: H4196 it is a burnt sacrifice, H5930 an offering made by fire, H801 of a sweet H5207 savour H7381 unto the LORD. H3068

Leviticus 4:2-3 STRONG

Speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel, H3478 saying, H559 If a soul H5315 shall sin H2398 through ignorance H7684 against any of the commandments H4687 of the LORD H3068 concerning things which ought not to be done, H6213 and shall do H6213 against any H259 of them: H2007 If the priest H3548 that is anointed H4899 do sin H2398 according to the sin H819 of the people; H5971 then let him bring H7126 for his sin, H2403 which he hath sinned, H2398 a young H1241 H1121 bullock H6499 without blemish H8549 unto the LORD H3068 for a sin offering. H2403

Leviticus 4:27 STRONG

And if any H259 one H5315 of the common H776 people H5971 sin H2398 through ignorance, H7684 while he doeth H6213 somewhat against any H259 of the commandments H4687 of the LORD H3068 concerning things which ought not to be done, H6213 and be guilty; H816

Leviticus 14:10 STRONG

And on the eighth H8066 day H3117 he shall take H3947 two H8147 he lambs H3532 without blemish, H8549 and one H259 ewe lamb H3535 of the first H1323 year H8141 without blemish, H8549 and three H7969 tenth deals H6241 of fine flour H5560 for a meat offering, H4503 mingled H1101 with oil, H8081 and one H259 log H3849 of oil. H8081

Numbers 15:27 STRONG

And if any H259 soul H5315 sin H2398 through ignorance, H7684 then he shall bring H7126 a she goat H5795 of the first H1323 year H8141 for a sin offering. H2403

1 Chronicles 15:26 STRONG

And it came to pass, when God H430 helped H5826 the Levites H3881 that bare H5375 the ark H727 of the covenant H1285 of the LORD, H3068 that they offered H2076 seven H7651 bullocks H6499 and seven H7651 rams. H352

1 Chronicles 15:28-29 STRONG

Thus all Israel H3478 brought up H5927 the ark H727 of the covenant H1285 of the LORD H3068 with shouting, H8643 and with sound H6963 of the cornet, H7782 and with trumpets, H2689 and with cymbals, H4700 making a noise H8085 with psalteries H5035 and harps. H3658 And it came to pass, as the ark H727 of the covenant H1285 of the LORD H3068 came H935 to the city H5892 of David, H1732 that Michal H4324 the daughter H1323 of Saul H7586 looking out H8259 at a window H2474 saw H7200 king H4428 David H1732 dancing H7540 and playing: H7832 and she despised H959 him in her heart. H3820

Malachi 1:13-14 STRONG

Ye said H559 also, Behold, what a weariness H4972 is it! and ye have snuffed H5301 at it, saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 and ye brought H935 that which was torn, H1497 and the lame, H6455 and the sick; H2470 thus ye brought H935 an offering: H4503 should I accept H7521 this of your hand? H3027 saith H559 the LORD. H3068 But cursed H779 be the deceiver, H5230 which H3426 hath in his flock H5739 a male, H2145 and voweth, H5087 and sacrificeth H2076 unto the Lord H136 a corrupt thing: H7843 for I am a great H1419 King, H4428 saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts, H6635 and my name H8034 is dreadful H3372 among the heathen. H1471

1 Peter 1:19 STRONG

But G235 with the precious G5093 blood G129 of Christ, G5547 as G5613 of a lamb G286 without blemish G299 and G2532 without spot: G784

Commentary on Numbers 6 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Nu 6:1-22. The Law of the Nazarite in His Separation.

2-8. When either man or woman … shall vow a vow of a Nazarite—that is, "a separated one," from a Hebrew word, "to separate." It was used to designate a class of persons who, under the impulse of extraordinary piety and with a view to higher degrees of religious improvement, voluntarily renounced the occupations and pleasures of the world to dedicate themselves unreservedly to the divine service. The vow might be taken by either sex, provided they had the disposal of themselves (Nu 30:4), and for a limited period—usually a month or a lifetime (Jud 13:5; 16:17). We do not know, perhaps, the whole extent of abstinence they practised. But they separated themselves from three things in particular—namely, from wine, and all the varieties of vinous produce; from the application of a razor to their head, allowing their hair to grow; and from pollution by a dead body. The reasons of the self-restrictions are obvious. The use of wine tended to inflame the passions, intoxicate the brain, and create a taste for luxurious indulgence. The cutting off the hair being a recognized sign of uncleanness (Le 14:8, 9), its unpolled luxuriance was a symbol of the purity he professed. Besides, its extraordinary length kept him in constant remembrance of his vow, as well as stimulated others to imitate his pious example. Moreover, contact with a dead body, disqualifying for the divine service, the Nazarite carefully avoided such a cause of unfitness, and, like the high priest, did not assist at the funeral rites of his nearest relatives, preferring his duty to God to the indulgence of his strongest natural affections.

9-12. If any man die very suddenly by him, and he hath defiled the head of his consecration—Cases of sudden death might occur to make him contract pollution; and in such circumstances he was required, after shaving his head, to make the prescribed offerings necessary for the removal of ceremonial defilement (Le 15:13; Nu 19:11). But by the terms of this law an accidental defilement vitiated the whole of his previous observances, and he was required to begin the period of his Nazaritism afresh. But even this full completion did not supersede the necessity of a sin offering at the close. Sin mingles with our best and holiest performances, and the blood of sprinkling is necessary to procure acceptance to us and our services.

13-20. when the days of his separation are fulfilled, &c.—On the accomplishment of a limited vow of Nazaritism, Nazarites might cut their hair wherever they happened to be (Ac 18:18); but the hair was to be carefully kept and brought to the door of the sanctuary. Then after the presentation of sin offerings and burnt offerings, it was put under the vessel in which the peace offerings were boiled; and the priest, taking the shoulder (Le 7:32), when boiled, and a cake and wafer of the meat offering, put them on the hands of the Nazarites to wave before the Lord, as a token of thanksgiving, and thus released them from their vow.

Nu 6:23-27. The Form of Blessing the People.

23-27. Speak unto Aaron and unto his sons, saying, On this wise ye shall bless the congregation of Israel, &c.—This passage records the solemn benediction which God appointed for dismissing the people at the close of the daily service. The repetition of the name "Lord" or "Jehovah" three times, expresses the great mystery of the Godhead—three persons, and yet one God. The expressions in the separate clauses correspond to the respective offices of the Father, to "bless and keep us"; of the Son, to be "gracious to us"; and of the Holy Ghost, to "give us peace." And because the benediction, though pronounced by the lips of a fellow man, derived its virtue, not from the priest but from God, the encouraging assurance was added, "I the Lord will bless them."