Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Philippians » Chapter 2 » Verse 19

Philippians 2:19 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

19 But G1161 I trust G1679 in G1722 the Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 to send G3992 Timotheus G5095 shortly G5030 unto you, G5213 that G2443 I also G2504 may be of good comfort, G2174 when I know G1097 your G5216 state. G4012

Cross Reference

1 Thessalonians 3:2 STRONG

And G2532 sent G3992 Timotheus, G5095 our G2257 brother, G80 and G2532 minister G1249 of God, G2316 and G2532 our G2257 fellowlabourer G4904 in G1722 the gospel G2098 of Christ, G5547 to G1519 establish G4741 you, G5209 and G2532 to comfort G3870 you G5209 concerning G4012 your G5216 faith: G4102

Philippians 1:1 STRONG

Paul G3972 and G2532 Timotheus, G5095 the servants G1401 of Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 to all G3956 the saints G40 in G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus G2424 which are G5607 at G1722 Philippi, G5375 with G4862 the bishops G1985 and G2532 deacons: G1249

1 Corinthians 4:17 STRONG

For G1223 this G5124 cause G1223 have I sent G3992 unto you G5213 Timotheus, G5095 who G3739 is G2076 my G3450 beloved G27 son, G5043 and G2532 faithful G4103 in G1722 the Lord, G2962 who G3739 shall bring G363 you G5209 into remembrance G363 of my G3450 ways G3598 which G3588 be in G1722 Christ, G5547 as G2531 I teach G1321 every where G3837 in G1722 every G3956 church. G1577

Philippians 2:28 STRONG

I sent G3992 him G846 therefore G3767 the more carefully, G4708 that, G2443 when ye see G1492 him G846 again, G3825 ye may rejoice, G5463 and that I G2504 may be G5600 the less sorrowful. G253

James 4:15 STRONG

For that G473 ye G5209 ought to say, G3004 If G1437 the Lord G2962 will, G2309 G2532 we shall live, G2198 G2198 and G2532 do G4160 G4160 this, G5124 or G2228 that. G1565

Philemon 1:5-7 STRONG

Hearing G191 of thy G4675 love G26 and G2532 faith, G4102 which G3739 thou hast G2192 toward G4314 the Lord G2962 Jesus, G2424 and G2532 toward G1519 all G3956 saints; G40 That G3704 the communication G2842 of thy G4675 faith G4102 may become G1096 effectual G1756 by G1722 the acknowledging G1922 of every G3956 good thing G18 which G3588 is in G1722 you G5213 in G1519 Christ G5547 Jesus. G2424 For G1063 we have G2192 great G4183 joy G5485 and G2532 consolation G3874 in G1909 thy G4675 love, G26 because G3754 the bowels G4698 of the saints G40 are refreshed G373 by G1223 thee, G4675 brother. G80

2 Timothy 1:12 STRONG

For G1223 the which G3739 cause G156 I G3958 also G2532 suffer G3958 these things: G5023 nevertheless G235 I am G1870 not G3756 ashamed: G1870 for G1063 I know G1492 whom G3739 I have believed, G4100 and G2532 am persuaded G3982 that G3754 he is G2076 able G1415 to keep G5442 that which I G3450 have committed unto him G3866 against G1519 that G1565 day. G2250

2 Thessalonians 1:3 STRONG

We are bound G3784 to thank G2168 God G2316 always G3842 for G4012 you, G5216 brethren, G80 as G2531 it is G2076 meet, G514 because G3754 that your G5216 faith G4102 groweth exceedingly, G5232 and G2532 the charity G26 of every G1538 one G1520 of you G5216 all G3956 toward G1519 each other G240 aboundeth; G4121

1 Thessalonians 3:6-8 STRONG

But G1161 now G737 when Timotheus G5095 came G2064 from G575 you G5216 unto G4314 us, G2248 and G2532 brought G2097 us G2254 good tidings G2097 of your G5216 faith G4102 and G2532 charity, G26 and G2532 that G3754 ye have G2192 good G18 remembrance G3417 of us G2257 always, G3842 desiring greatly G1971 to see G1492 us, G2248 as G2509 we G2249 also G2532 to see you: G5209 Therefore, G1223 G5124 brethren, G80 we were comforted G3870 over G1909 you G5213 in G1909 all G3956 our G2257 affliction G2347 and G2532 distress G318 by G1223 your G5216 faith: G4102 For G3754 now G3568 we live, G2198 if G1437 ye G5210 stand fast G4739 in G1722 the Lord. G2962

Colossians 4:8-9 STRONG

Whom G3739 I have sent G3992 unto G4314 you G5209 for G1519 the same G846 purpose, G5124 that G2443 he might know G1097 your G5216 estate, G4012 and G2532 comfort G3870 your G5216 hearts; G2588 With G4862 Onesimus, G3682 a faithful G4103 and G2532 beloved G27 brother, G80 who G3739 is G2076 one of G1537 you. G5216 They shall make known G1107 unto you G5213 all things G3956 which G3588 are done here. G5602

Philippians 2:23-25 STRONG

Him G3303 G5126 therefore G3767 I hope G1679 to send G3992 presently, G1824 so soon as G5613 I G302 shall see G542 how G4012 it will go with me. G1691 But G1161 I trust G3982 in G1722 the Lord G2962 that G3754 I G2064 also G2532 myself G846 shall come G2064 shortly. G5030 Yet G1161 I supposed G2233 it necessary G316 to send G3992 to G4314 you G5209 Epaphroditus, G1891 my G3450 brother, G80 and G2532 companion in labour, G4904 and G2532 fellowsoldier, G4961 but G1161 your G5216 messenger, G652 and G2532 he that ministered G3011 to my G3450 wants. G5532

Ephesians 6:21-22 STRONG

But G1161 that G2443 ye G5210 also G2532 may know G1492 my G1691 affairs, G2596 and how G5101 I do, G4238 Tychicus, G5190 a beloved G27 brother G80 and G2532 faithful G4103 minister G1249 in G1722 the Lord, G2962 shall make known G1107 to you G5213 all things: G3956 Whom G3739 I have sent G3992 unto G4314 you G5209 for G1519 the same G846 purpose, G5124 that G2443 ye might know G1097 our G2257 affairs, G4012 and G2532 that he might comfort G3870 your G5216 hearts. G2588

Ephesians 1:13 STRONG

In G1722 whom G3739 ye G5210 also G2532 trusted, after that ye heard G191 the word G3056 of truth, G225 the gospel G2098 of your G5216 salvation: G4991 in G1722 whom G3739 also G2532 after that ye believed, G4100 ye were sealed with G4972 that holy G40 Spirit G4151 of promise, G1860

Romans 16:21 STRONG

Timotheus G5095 my G3450 workfellow, G4904 and G2532 Lucius, G3066 and G2532 Jason, G2394 and G2532 Sosipater, G4989 my G3450 kinsmen, G4773 salute G782 you. G5209

Romans 15:12 STRONG

And G2532 again, G3825 Esaias G2268 saith, G3004 There shall be G2071 a root G4491 of Jesse, G2421 and G2532 he that shall rise G450 to reign over G757 the Gentiles; G1484 in G1909 him G846 shall G1679 the Gentiles G1484 trust. G1679

Matthew 12:21 STRONG

And G2532 in G1722 his G846 name G3686 shall G1679 the Gentiles G1484 trust. G1679

Jeremiah 17:5 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Cursed H779 be the man H1397 that trusteth H982 in man, H120 and maketh H7760 flesh H1320 his arm, H2220 and whose heart H3820 departeth H5493 from the LORD. H3068

1 Peter 1:21 STRONG

Who G3588 by G1223 him G846 do believe G4100 in G1519 God, G2316 that raised G1453 him G846 up G1453 from G1537 the dead, G3498 and G2532 gave G1325 him G846 glory; G1391 that G5620 your G5216 faith G4102 and G2532 hope G1680 might be G1511 in G1519 God. G2316

3 John 1:3-4 STRONG

For G1063 I rejoiced G5463 greatly, G3029 when the brethren G80 came G2064 and G2532 testified G3140 of the truth G225 that is in thee, G4675 even as G2531 thou G4771 walkest G4043 in G1722 the truth. G225 I have G2192 no G3756 greater G3186 G5130 joy G5479 than to G2443 hear G191 that my G1699 children G5043 walk G4043 in G1722 truth. G225

Commentary on Philippians 2 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Php 2:1-30. Continued Exhortation: To Unity: To Humility after Christ's Example, Whose Glory Followed His Humiliation: To Earnestness in Seeking Perfection, that They May Be His Joy in the Day of Christ: His Joyful Readiness to Be Offered Now by Death, so as to Promote Their Faith. His Intention to Send Timothy: His Sending Epaphroditus Meantime.

1. The "therefore" implies that he is here expanding on the exhortation (Php 1:27), "In one Spirit, with one mind (soul)." He urges four influencing motives in this verse, to inculcate the four Christian duties corresponding respectively to them (Php 2:2). "That ye be like-minded, having the same love, of one accord, of one mind"; (1) "If there be (with you) any consolation in Christ," that is, any consolation of which Christ is the source, leading you to wish to console me in my afflictions borne for Christ's sake, ye owe it to me to grant my request "that ye be like-minded" [Chrysostom and Estius]: (2) "If there be any comfort of (that is, flowing from) love," the adjunct of "consolation in Christ"; (3) "If any fellowship of (communion together as Christians, flowing from joint participation in) the Spirit" (2Co 13:14). As Pagans meant literally those who were of one village, and drank of one fountain, how much greater is the union which conjoins those who drink of the same Spirit! (1Co 12:4, 13) [Grotius]: (4) "If any bowels (tender emotions) and mercies (compassions)," the adjuncts of "fellowship of the Spirit." The opposites of the two pairs, into which the four fall, are reprobated, Php 2:3, 4.

2. Fulfil—that is, Make full. I have joy in you, complete it by that which is still wanting, namely, unity (Php 1:9).

likeminded—literally, "that ye be of the same mind"; more general than the following "of one mind."

having the same love—equally disposed to love and be loved.

being of one accord—literally, "with united souls." This pairs with the following clause, thus, "With united souls, being of one mind"; as the former two also pair together, "That ye be likeminded, having the same love."

3. Let nothing be done—The italicized words are not in the Greek. Perhaps the ellipsis had better be supplied from the Greek (Php 2:2), "Thinking nothing in the way of strife" (or rather, "factious intrigue," "self-seeking," see on Php 1:16). It is the thought which characterizes the action as good or bad before God.

lowliness of mind—The direct relation of this grace is to God alone; it is the sense of dependence of the creature on the Creator as such, and it places all created beings in this respect on a level. The man "lowly of mind" as to his spiritual life is independent of men, and free from all slavish feeling, while sensible of his continual dependence on God. Still it INDIRECTLY affects his behavior toward his fellow men; for, conscious of his entire dependence on God for all his abilities, even as they are dependent on God for theirs, he will not pride himself on his abilities, or exalt self in his conduct toward others (Eph 4:2; Col 3:12) [Neander].

let each esteem—Translate as Greek, "esteeming each other superior to yourselves." Instead of fixing your eyes on those points in which you excel, fix them on those in which your neighbor excels you: this is true "humility."

4. The oldest manuscripts read, "Not looking each of you (plural, Greek) on his own things (that is, not having regard solely to them), but each of you on the things of others" also. Compare Php 2:21; also Paul's own example (Php 1:24).

5. The oldest manuscripts read, "Have this mind in you," &c. He does not put forward himself (see on Php 2:4, and Php 1:24) as an example, but Christ, THE ONE pre-eminently who sought not His own, but "humbled Himself" (Php 2:8), first in taking on Him our nature, secondly, in humbling Himself further in that nature (Ro 15:3).

6. Translate, "Who subsisting (or existing, namely, originally: the Greek is not the simple substantive verb, 'to be') in the form of God (the divine essence is not meant: but the external self-manifesting characteristics of God, the form shining forth from His glorious essence). The divine nature had infinite BEAUTY in itself, even without any creature contemplating that beauty: that beauty was 'the form of God'; as 'the form of a servant' (Php 2:7), which is in contrasted opposition to it, takes for granted the existence of His human nature, so 'the form of God' takes for granted His divine nature [Bengel], Compare Joh 5:37; 17:5; Col 1:15, 'Who is the IMAGE of the invisible God' at a time before 'every creature,' 2Co 4:4, esteemed (the same Greek verb as in Php 2:3) His being on an equality with God no (act of) robbery" or self-arrogation; claiming to one's self what does not belong to him. Ellicott, Wahl, and others have translated, "A thing to be grasped at," which would require the Greek to be harpagma, whereas harpagmos means the act of seizing. So harpagmos means in the only other passage where it occurs, Plutarch [On the Education of Children, 120]. The same insuperable objection lies against Alford's translation, "He regarded not as self-enrichment (that is, an opportunity for self-exaltation) His equality with God." His argument is that the antithesis (Php 2:7) requires it, "He used His equality with God as an opportunity, not for self-exaltation, but for self-abasement, or emptying Himself." But the antithesis is not between His being on an equality with God, and His emptying Himself; for He never emptied Himself of the fulness of His Godhead, or His "BEING on an equality with God"; but between His being "in the FORM (that is, the outward glorious self-manifestation) of God," and His "taking on Him the form of a servant," whereby He in a great measure emptied Himself of His precedent "form," or outward self-manifesting glory as God. Not "looking on His own things" (Php 2:4), He, though existing in the form of God, He esteemed it no robbery to be on an equality with God, yet made Himself of no reputation. "Being on an equality with God, is not identical with subsisting in the form of God"; the latter expresses the external characteristics, majesty, and beauty of the Deity, which "He emptied Himself of," to assume "the form of a servant"; the former, "His being," or NATURE, His already existing STATE OF EQUALITY with God, both the Father and the Son having the same ESSENCE. A glimpse of Him "in the form of God," previous to His incarnation, was given to Moses (Ex 24:10, 11), Aaron, &c.

7. made himself of no reputation, and … and—rather as the Greek, "emptied Himself, taking upon him the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men." The two latter clauses (there being no conjunctions, "and … and," in the Greek) expresses in what Christ's "emptying of Himself" consists, namely, in "taking the form of a servant" (see on Heb 10:5; compare Ex 21:5, 6, and Ps 40:6, proving that it was at the time when He assumed a body, He took "the form of a servant"), and in order to explain how He took "the form of a servant," there is added, by "being made in the likeness of men." His subjection to the law (Lu 2:21; Ga 4:4) and to His parents (Lu 2:51), His low state as a carpenter, and carpenter's reputed son (Mt 13:55; Mr 6:3), His betrayal for the price of a bond-servant (Ex 21:32), and slave-like death to relieve us from the slavery of sin and death, finally and chiefly, His servant-like dependence as man on God, while His divinity was not outwardly manifested (Isa 49:3, 7), are all marks of His "form as a servant." This proves: (1) He was in the form of a servant as soon as He was made man. (2) He was "in the form of God" before He was "in the form of a servant." (3) He did as really subsist in the divine nature, as in the form of a servant, or in the nature of man. For He was as much "in the form of God" as "in the form of a servant"; and was so in the form of God as "to be on an equality with God"; He therefore could have been none other than God; for God saith, "To whom will ye liken Me and make Me equal?" (Isa 46:5), [Bishop Pearson]. His emptying Himself presupposes His previous plenitude of Godhead (Joh 1:14; Col 1:19; 2:9). He remained full of this; yet He bore Himself as if He were empty.

8. being found in fashion as a man—being already, by His "emptying Himself," in the form of a servant, or likeness of man (Ro 8:3), "He humbled Himself (still further by) becoming obedient even unto death (not as English Version, 'He humbled Himself and became,'&c.; the Greek has no 'and,' and has the participle, not the verb), and that the death of the cross." "Fashion" expresses that He had the outward guise, speech, and look. In Php 2:7, in the Greek, the emphasis is on Himself (which stands before the Greek verb), "He emptied Himself," His divine self, viewed in respect to what He had heretofore been; in Php 2:8 the emphasis is on "humbled" (which stands before the Greek "Himself"); He not only "emptied Himself" of His previous "form of God," but submitted to positive HUMILIATION. He "became obedient," namely, to God, as His "servant" (Ro 5:19; Heb 5:8). Therefore "God" is said to "exalt" Him (Php 2:9), even as it was God to whom He became voluntarily "obedient." "Even unto death" expresses the climax of His obedience (Joh 10:18).

9. Wherefore—as the just consequence of His self-humiliation and obedience (Ps 8:5, 6; 110:1, 7; Mt 28:18; Lu 24:26; Joh 5:27; 10:17; Ro 14:9; Eph 1:20-22; Heb 2:9). An intimation, that if we would hereafter be exalted, we too must, after His example, now humble ourselves (Php 2:3, 5; Php 3:21; 1Pe 5:5, 6). Christ emptied Christ; God exalted Christ as man to equality with God [Bengel].

highly exalted—Greek, "super-eminently exalted" (Eph 4:10).

given him—Greek, "bestowed on Him."

a name—along with the corresponding reality, glory and majesty.

which—Translate, namely, "that which is above every name." The name "Jesus" (Php 2:10), which is even now in glory His name of honor (Ac 9:5). "Above" not only men, but angels (Eph 1:21).

10. at the name—rather as Greek, "in the name."

bow—rather, "bend," in token of worship. Referring to Isa 45:23; quoted also in Ro 14:11. To worship "in the name of Jesus," is to worship Jesus Himself (compare Php 2:11; Pr 18:10), or God in Christ (Joh 16:23; Eph 3:14). Compare "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord (that is, whosoever shall call on the Lord in His revealed character) shall be saved" (Ro 10:13; 1Co 1:2); "all that call upon the name of Jesus Christ our Lord" (compare 2Ti 2:22); "call on the Lord"; Ac 7:59, "calling upon … and saying, Lord Jesus" (Ac 9:14, 21; 22:16).

of things in heaven—angels. They worship Him not only as God, but as the ascended God-man, "Jesus" (Eph 1:21; Heb 1:6; 1Pe 3:22).

in earth—men; among whom He tabernacled for a time.

under the earth—the dead; among whom He was numbered once (Ro 14:9, 11; Eph 4:9, 10; Re 5:13). The demons and the lost may be included indirectly, as even they give homage, though one of fear, not love, to Jesus (Mr 3:11; Lu 8:31; Jas 2:19, see on Php 2:11).

11. every tongue—Compare "every knee" (Php 2:10). In every way He shall be acknowledged as Lord (no longer as "servant," Php 2:7). As none can fully do so "but by the Holy Ghost" (1Co 12:3), the spirits of good men who are dead, must be the class directly meant, Php 2:10, "under the earth."

to the glory of God the Father—the grand end of Christ's mediatorial office and kingdom, which shall cease when this end shall have been fully realized (Joh 5:19-23, 30; 17:1, 4-7; 1Co 15:24-28).

12. Wherefore—Seeing that we have in Christ such a specimen of glory resulting from "obedience" (Php 2:8) and humiliation, see that ye also be "obedient," and so "your salvation" shall follow your obedience.

as ye have … obeyed—"even as ye have been obedient," namely, to God, as Jesus was "obedient" unto God (see on Php 2:8).

not as, &c.—"not as if" it were a matter to be done "in my presence only, but now (as things are) much more (with more earnestness) in my absence (because my help is withdrawn from you)" [Alford].

work out—carry out to its full perfection. "Salvation" is "worked in" (Php 2:13; Eph 1:11) believers by the Spirit, who enables them through faith to be justified once for all; but it needs, as a progressive work, to be "worked out" by obedience, through the help of the same Spirit, unto perfection (2Pe 1:5-8). The sound Christian neither, like the formalist, rests in the means, without looking to the end, and to the Holy Spirit who alone can make the means effectual; nor, like the fanatic, hopes to attain the end without the means.

your own—The emphasis is on this. Now that I am not present to further the work of your salvation, "work out your own salvation" yourselves the more carefully. Do not think this work cannot go on because I am absent; "for (Php 2:13) it is God that worketh in you," &c. In this case adopt a rule different from the former (Php 2:4), but resting on the same principle of "lowliness of mind" (Php 2:3), namely, "look each on his own things," instead of "disputings" with others (Php 2:14).

salvation—which is in "Jesus" (Php 2:10), as His name (meaning God-Saviour) implies.

with fear and trembling—the very feeling enjoined on "servants," as to what ought to accompany their "obedience" (Eph 6:5). So here: See that, as "servants" to God, after the example of Christ, ye be so "with the fear and trembling" which becomes servants; not slavish fear, but trembling anxiety not to fall short of the goal (1Co 9:26, 27; Heb 4:1, "Let us fear, lest a promise being left us of entering into His rest, any should come short of it"), resulting from a sense of our human insufficiency, and from the consciousness that all depends on the power of God, "who worketh both to will and to do" (Ro 11:20). "Paul, though joyous, writes seriously" [J. J. Wolf].

13. For—encouragement to work: "For it is God who worketh in you," always present with you, though I be absent. It is not said, "Work out your own salvation, though it is God," &c., but, "because it is God who," &c. The will, and the power to work, being first instalments of His grace, encourage us to make full proof of, and carry out to the end, the "salvation" which He has first "worked," and is still "working in" us, enabling us to "work it out." "Our will does nothing thereunto without grace; but grace is inactive without our will" [St. Bernard]. Man is, in different senses, entirely active, and entirely passive: God producing all, and we acting all. What He produced is our own acts. It is not that God does some, and we the rest. God does all, and we do all. God is the only proper author, we the only proper actors. Thus the same things in Scripture are represented as from God, and from us. God makes a new heart, and we are commanded to make us a new heart; not merely because we must use the means in order to the effect, but the effect itself is our act and our duty (Eze 11:19; 18:31; 36:26) [Edwards].

worketh—rather as Greek, "worketh effectually." We cannot of ourselves embrace the Gospel of grace: "the will" (Ps 110:3; 2Co 3:5) comes solely of God's gift to whom He will (Joh 6:44, 65); so also the power "to do" (rather, "to work effectually," as the Greek is the same as that for "worketh in"), that is, effectual perseverance to the end, is wholly of God's gift (Php 1:6; Heb 13:21).

of his good pleasure—rather as Greek, "FOR His good pleasure"; in order to carry out His sovereign gracious purpose towards you (Eph 1:5, 9).

14. murmurings—secret murmurings and complaints against your fellow men arising from selfishness: opposed to the example of Jesus just mentioned (compare the use of the word, Joh 7:12, 13; Ac 6:1; 1Pe 4:9; Jude 16).

disputings—The Greek is translated "doubting" in 1Ti 2:8. But here referring to profitless "disputings" with our fellow men, in relation to whom we are called on to be "blameless and harmless" (Php 2:15): so the Greek is translated, Mr 9:33, 34. These disputings flow from "vain glory" reprobated (Php 2:3); and abounded among the Aristotelian philosophers in Macedon, where Philippi was.

15. blameless and harmless—without either the repute of mischief, or the inclination to do it [Alford].

sons—rather as Greek, "the children of God" (Ro 8:14-16). Imitation of our heavenly Father is the instinctive guide to our duty as His children, more than any external law (Mt 5:44, 45, 48).

without rebuke—"without (giving handle for) reproach." The whole verse tacitly refers by contrast to De 32:5, "Their spot … not … of His children … a perverse and crooked generation" (compare 1Pe 2:12).

ye shine—literally, "appear" [Trench]. "Show yourselves" (compare Mt 5:14-16; Eph 5:8-13).

as lights in the world—The Greek expresses "as luminaries in the world," as the sun and moon, "the lights," or "great lights," in the material world or in the firmament. The Septuagint uses the very same Greek word in the passage, Ge 1:14, 16; compare Note,, see on Re 21:11.

16. Holding forth—to them, and so applying it (the common meaning of the Greek; perhaps here including also the other meaning, "holding fast"). The image of light-bearers or luminaries is carried on from Php 2:15. As the heavenly luminaries' light is closely connected with the life of animals, so ye hold forth the light of Christ's "word" (received from me) which is the "life" of the Gentiles (Joh 1:4; 1Jo 1:1, 5-7). Christ is "the Light of the world" (Joh 8:12); believers are only "light-bearers" reflecting His light.

that I may rejoice in—literally, "with a view to (your being) a subject of rejoicing to me against the day of Christ" (Php 4:1; 2Co 1:14; 1Th 2:19).

that I have not run in vain—that it was not in vain that I labored for your spiritual good.

17. Yea, and if—rather as Greek, "Yea, if even"; implying that he regarded the contingency as not unlikely: He had assumed the possibility of his being found alive at Christ's coming (for in every age Christ designed Christians to stand in preparedness for His coming as at hand): he here puts a supposition which he regards as more likely, namely, his own death before Christ's coming.

I be offered—rather as Greek, "I am poured out." "I am made a libation." Present, not future, as the danger is threatening him now. As in sacrifices libations of wine were "poured upon" the offerings, so he represents his Philippian converts, offered through faith (or else their faith itself), as the sacrifice, and his blood as the libation "poured upon" it (compare Ro 15:16; 2Ti 4:6).

service—Greek, "priest's ministration"; carrying out the image of a sacrifice.

I joy—for myself (Php 1:21, 23). His expectation of release from prison is much fainter, than in the Epistles to Ephesians, Colossians, and Philemon, written somewhat earlier from Rome. The appointment of Tigellinus to be Prætorian Prefect was probably the cause of this change. See Introduction.

rejoice with you all—Alford translates, "I congratulate you all," namely on the honor occurring to you by my blood being poured out on the sacrifice of your faith. If they rejoiced already (as English Version represents), what need of his urging them, "Do ye also joy."

18. "Do ye also rejoice" at this honor to you, "and congratulate me" on my blessed "gain" (Php 1:21).

19. Php 2:22, "ye know the proof of him … that … he hath served with me," implies that Timothy had been long with Paul at Philippi; Accordingly, in the history (Ac 16:1-4; 17:10, 14), we find them setting out together from Derbe in Lycaonia, and together again at Berea in Macedonia, near the conclusion of Paul's missionary journey: an undesigned coincidence between the Epistle and history, a mark of genuineness [Paley]. From Php 2:19-30, it appears Epaphroditus was to set out at once to allay the anxiety of the Philippians on his account, and at the same time bearing the Epistle; Timothy was to follow after the apostle's liberation was decided, when they could arrange their plans more definitely as to where Timothy should, on his return with tidings from Philippi, meet Paul, who was designing by a wider circuit, and slower progress, to reach that city. Paul's reason for sending Timothy so soon after having heard of the Philippians from Epaphroditus was that they were now suffering persecutions (Php 1:28-30); and besides, Epaphroditus' delay through sickness on his journey to Rome from Philippi, made the tidings he brought to be of less recent date than Paul desired. Paul himself also hoped to visit them shortly.

But I trust—Yet my death is by no means certain; yea, "I hope (Greek) in the Lord (that is, by the Lord's help)"

unto you—literally, "for you," that is, to your satisfaction, not merely motion, to you.

I also—that not only you "may be of good courage" (so Greek) on hearing of me (Php 2:23), but "I also, when I know your state."

20. His reason for sending Timothy above all others: I have none so "like-minded," literally, "like-souled," with myself as is Timothy. Compare De 13:6, "Thy friend which is as thine own soul" (Ps 55:14). Paul's second self.

naturally—Greek, "genuinely"; "with sincere solicitude." A case wherein the Spirit of God so changed man's nature, that to be natural was with him to be spiritual: the great point to be aimed at.

21. Translate as Greek, "They all" (namely, who are now with me, Php 1:14, 17; Php 4:21: such Demas, then with him, proved to be, Col 4:14; compare 2Ti 4:10; Phm 24).

seek their own—opposed to Paul's precept (Php 2:4; 1Co 10:24, 33; 13:5). This is spoken, by comparison with Timothy; for Php 1:16, 17 implies that some of those with Paul at Rome were genuine Christians, though not so self-sacrificing as Timothy. Few come to the help of the Lord's cause, where ease, fame, and gain have to be sacrificed. Most help only when Christ's gain is compatible with their own (Jud 5:17, 23).

22. Rare praise (Ne 7:2).

as a son with the father—Translate, "as a child (serveth) a father."

served with me—When we might expect the sentence to run thus. "As a child serveth a father, so he served me"; he changes it to "served with me" in modesty; as Christians are not servants TO one another," but servants of God WITH one another (compare Php 3:17).

in the gospel—Greek, "unto," or "for the Gospel."

23. so soon as I shall see—that is, so soon as I shall have known for certain.

24. also myself—as well as Timothy.

25. I supposed—"I thought it necessary."

to send—It was properly a sending Epaphroditus back (Php 4:18). But as he had come intending to stay some time with Paul, the latter uses the word "send" (compare Php 2:30).

fellow soldier—in the "good fight" of faith (Php 1:27, 30; 2Ti 2:3; 4:7).

your messenger—literally, "apostle." The "apostles" or "messengers of the churches" (Ro 16:7; 2Co 8:23), were distinct from the "apostles" specially commissioned by Christ, as the Twelve and Paul.

ministered to my wants—by conveying the contributions from Philippi. The Greek "leitourgon," literally, implies ministering in the ministerial office. Probably Epaphroditus was a presbyter or else a deacon.

26. For—reason for thinking it "necessary to send" "Epaphroditus. Translate as Greek, "Inasmuch as he was longing after you all."

full of heaviness—The Greek expresses the being worn out and overpowered with heavy grief.

because that ye had heard that he had been sick—rather, "that he was sick." He felt how exceedingly saddened you would be in hearing it; and he now is hastening to relieve your minds of the anxiety.

27. Epaphroditus' sickness proves that the apostles had not ordinarily the permanent gift of miracles, any more than of inspiration: both were vouchsafed to them only for each particular occasion, as the Spirit thought fit.

lest I should have sorrow upon sorrow—namely, the sorrow of losing him by death, in addition to the sorrow of my imprisonment. Here only occurs anything of a sorrowful tone in this Epistle, which generally is most joyous.

29. Receive him—There seems to be something behind respecting him. If extreme affection had been the sole ground of his "heaviness," no such exhortation would have been needed [Alford].

in reputation—"in honor."

30. for the work of Christ—namely, the bringing of a supply to me, the minister of Christ. He was probably in a delicate state of health in setting out from Philippi; but at all hazards he undertook this service of Christian love, which cost him a serious sickness.

not regarding his life—Most of the oldest manuscripts read, "hazarding," &c.

to supply your lack of service—Not that Paul would imply, they lacked the will: what they "lacked" was the "opportunity" by which to send their accustomed bounty (Php 4:10). "That which ye would have done if you could (but which you could not through absence), he did for you; therefore receive him with all joy" [Alford].