Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Proverbs » Chapter 10 » Verse 13

Proverbs 10:13 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

13 In the lips H8193 of him that hath understanding H995 wisdom H2451 is found: H4672 but a rod H7626 is for the back H1460 of him that is void H2638 of understanding. H3820

Cross Reference

Proverbs 26:3 STRONG

A whip H7752 for the horse, H5483 a bridle H4964 for the ass, H2543 and a rod H7626 for the fool's H3684 back. H1460

Proverbs 6:32 STRONG

But whoso committeth adultery H5003 with a woman H802 lacketh H2638 understanding: H3820 he that doeth H6213 it destroyeth H7843 his own soul. H5315

Exodus 10:12 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Moses, H4872 Stretch out H5186 thine hand H3027 over the land H776 of Egypt H4714 for the locusts, H697 that they may come up H5927 upon the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 and eat H398 every herb H6212 of the land, H776 even all that the hail H1259 hath left. H7604

Psalms 32:9 STRONG

Be ye not as the horse, H5483 or as the mule, H6505 which have no understanding: H995 whose mouth H5716 must be held H1102 in with bit H4964 and bridle, H7448 lest H1077 they come near H7126 unto thee.

Proverbs 7:22 STRONG

He goeth H1980 after H310 her straightway, H6597 as an ox H7794 goeth H935 to the slaughter, H2874 or as a fool H191 to the correction H4148 of the stocks; H5914

Proverbs 10:10-11 STRONG

He that winketh H7169 with the eye H5869 causeth H5414 sorrow: H6094 but a prating H8193 fool H191 shall fall. H3832 The mouth H6310 of a righteous H6662 man is a well H4726 of life: H2416 but violence H2555 covereth H3680 the mouth H6310 of the wicked. H7563

Proverbs 10:21 STRONG

The lips H8193 of the righteous H6662 feed H7462 many: H7227 but fools H191 die H4191 for want H2638 of wisdom. H3820

Proverbs 10:31 STRONG

The mouth H6310 of the just H6662 bringeth forth H5107 wisdom: H2451 but the froward H8419 tongue H3956 shall be cut out. H3772

Proverbs 15:7 STRONG

The lips H8193 of the wise H2450 disperse H2219 knowledge: H1847 but the heart H3820 of the foolish H3684 doeth not so.

Proverbs 15:23 STRONG

A man H376 hath joy H8057 by the answer H4617 of his mouth: H6310 and a word H1697 spoken in due season, H6256 how good H2896 is it!

Proverbs 17:10 STRONG

A reproof H1606 entereth H5181 more into a wise man H995 than an hundred H3967 stripes H5221 into a fool. H3684

Proverbs 19:29 STRONG

Judgments H8201 are prepared H3559 for scorners, H3887 and stripes H4112 for the back H1460 of fools. H3684

Proverbs 20:15 STRONG

There is H3426 gold, H2091 and a multitude H7230 of rubies: H6443 but the lips H8193 of knowledge H1847 are a precious H3366 jewel. H3627

Proverbs 27:22 STRONG

Though thou shouldest bray H3806 a fool H191 in a mortar H4388 among H8432 wheat H7383 with a pestle, H5940 yet will not his foolishness H200 depart H5493 from him.

Isaiah 50:4 STRONG

The Lord H136 GOD H3069 hath given H5414 me the tongue H3956 of the learned, H3928 that I should know H3045 how to speak H5790 a word H1697 in season to him that is weary: H3287 he wakeneth H5782 morning H1242 by morning, H1242 he wakeneth H5782 mine ear H241 to hear H8085 as the learned. H3928

Luke 4:22 STRONG

And G2532 all G3956 bare G3140 him G846 witness, G3140 and G2532 wondered G2296 at G1909 the gracious G5485 words G3056 which G3588 proceeded G1607 out of G1537 his G846 mouth. G4750 And G2532 they said, G3004 Is G2076 not G3756 this G3778 Joseph's G2501 son? G5207

Commentary on Proverbs 10 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 10:1-32. Here begins the second part of the book, Pr 10:1-22:16, which, with the third, Pr 22:16-25:28, contains series of proverbs whose sense is complete in one or two verses, and which, having no logical connection, admit of no analysis. The parallelisms of Pr 10:1-15:33 are mostly antithetic; and those of Pr 16:1-22:16, synthetic. The evidences of art in the structure are very clear, and indicate, probably, a purpose of facilitating the labor of memorizing.

1. wise [and] foolish—as they follow or reject the precepts of wisdom.

maketh … father—or, "gladdens a father."

heaviness—or, "grief."

2. Treasures … nothing—that is, Ill-gotten gains give no true happiness (compare Pr 4:17; Mt 6:19).

righteousness—especially beneficence (Ps 112:9).

death—the greatest of all evils.

3. (Compare Ps 37:16-20). The last clause is better: "He will repel the greedy desires of the wicked."

4. slack—literally, "deceitful," failing of its purpose (compare Ho 7:16).

maketh rich—(compare Pr 10:22).

5. son—as Pr 1:8, 10, and often.

sleepeth—in indolence, and not for rest.

causeth shame—literally, "is base" (compare Pr 14:35; 17:2).

6. Blessings—literally, "Praises." The last clause is better: "The mouth of the wicked covereth (or concealeth) violence (or mischievous devices)" to be executed in due time (Ps 5:9; 10:7; Ro 3:14), and hence has no praises (compare Pr 10:11).

7. blessed—literally, "for a blessing," or praise.

shall rot—literally, "be worm-eaten," useless and disgusting.

8. wise, &c.—(compare Pr 9:8, 9, 16), opposed to

prating fool—or, "fool of lips of wicked language."

fall—headlong, suddenly.

9. perverteth his ways—acts deceitfully.

known—discovered and punished.

10. Two vices contrasted; hypocrisy, or insinuating evil against one (Pr 6:13; Ps 35:19), and rashness of speech. In each case, the results are on the evildoers.

11. a well—or, "source" of good to himself and others (Joh 7:37, 38). On last clause, see on Pr 10:6.

12. strifes—or, "litigations."

covereth—by forgiveness and forbearance.

13. In the lips … found—hence, not beaten, as the wicked-speaking fool.

void of understanding—(Pr 6:32; 7:7).

14. lay up knowledge—that is, as treasures for good use.

mouth … destruction—or, "as to the mouth," &c., destruction is near; they expose themselves to evil by prating.

15. Both by trusting in "uncertain riches" (1Ti 6:17), or by the evils of poverty (Pr 30:9), men, not fearing God, fall into dangers.

16. The industry of the righteous is alone truly successful, while the earnings of the wicked tempt and lead to sin.

17. keepeth—observes (Pr 3:18; 4:22).

refuseth—or, "turns from reproof," which might direct him aright.

18. Both vices must one day be known and punished, and hence their folly.

19. Much speech involves risk of sin; hence the wisdom of restraining the tongue (Ps 39:1; Jas 1:26).

20. Right speech is the fruit of a good heart, but the wicked show theirs to be useless.

21. Fools not only fail to benefit others, as do the righteous, but procure their own ruin (compare Pr 10:11, 17; Ho 4:6).

22. it maketh, &c.—"it" is emphatic. Riches from God are without the sorrow of ill-gotten wealth (compare Ec 2:21-23; 1Ti 6:9, 10, 17).

23. Sin is the pleasure of the wicked; wisdom that of the good.

24. it—the very thing. The wicked get dreaded evil; the righteous, desired good.

25. (Compare Ps 1:4; 37:9, 10, 36).

righteous … foundation—well laid and firm (Mt 7:24, 25).

26. that is, causes vexation.

27. (Compare Pr 9:11; Ps 55:23).

28. gladness—in confidence of realizing it.

expectation … perish—in disappointment.

29. The way, &c.—that is, God's providence sustains the righteous and overthrows the wicked (Ho 14:9).

30. (Compare Pr 12:3; Ps 37:9-11; 102:28).

earth—or, "land of promise."

31. bringeth forth—literally, "germinates" as a plant.

froward—(Compare Pr 2:12, 14).

cut off—as an unproductive plant.

32. know—regard and provide for (Ps 1:6).

frowardness—all kinds of deceit and ill-nature. The word is plural.