Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Proverbs » Chapter 11 » Verse 24

Proverbs 11:24 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

24 There is H3426 that scattereth, H6340 and yet increaseth; H3254 and there is that withholdeth H2820 more than is meet, H3476 but it tendeth to poverty. H4270

Cross Reference

Proverbs 19:17 STRONG

He that hath pity H2603 upon the poor H1800 lendeth H3867 unto the LORD; H3068 and that which he hath given H1576 will he pay him again. H7999

Psalms 112:9 STRONG

He hath dispersed, H6340 he hath given H5414 to the poor; H34 his righteousness H6666 endureth H5975 for ever; H5703 his horn H7161 shall be exalted H7311 with honour. H3519

Luke 6:38 STRONG

Give, G1325 and G2532 it shall be given G1325 unto you; G5213 good G2570 measure, G3358 pressed down, G4085 and G2532 shaken together, G4531 and G2532 running over, G5240 shall men give G1325 into G1519 your G5216 bosom. G2859 For G1063 with the same G846 measure G3358 that G3739 ye mete withal G3354 it shall be measured G488 to you G5213 again. G488

2 Corinthians 9:5-11 STRONG

Therefore G3767 I thought G2233 it necessary G316 to exhort G3870 the brethren, G80 that G2443 they would go before G4281 unto G1519 you, G5209 and G2532 make up beforehand G4294 your G5216 bounty, G2129 whereof ye had notice before, G4293 that the same G5026 might be G1511 ready, G2092 G3779 as G5613 a matter of bounty, G2129 and G2532 not G3361 as G5618 of covetousness. G4124 But G1161 this G5124 I say, He which soweth G4687 sparingly G5340 shall reap G2325 also G2532 sparingly; G5340 and G2532 he which soweth G4687 bountifully G1909 G2129 shall reap G2325 also G2532 bountifully. G1909 G2129 Every man G1538 according as G2531 he purposeth G4255 in his heart, G2588 so let him give; not G3361 grudgingly, G1537 G3077 or G2228 of G1537 necessity: G318 for G1063 God G2316 loveth G25 a cheerful G2431 giver. G1395 And G1161 God G2316 is able G1415 to make G4052 all G3956 grace G5485 abound G4052 toward G1519 you; G5209 that G2443 ye, always G3842 having G2192 all G3956 sufficiency G841 in G1722 all G3956 things, may abound G4052 to G1519 every G3956 good G18 work: G2041 (As G2531 it is written, G1125 He hath dispersed abroad; G4650 he hath given G1325 to the poor: G3993 his G846 righteousness G1343 remaineth G3306 for G1519 ever. G165 Now G1161 he that ministereth G2023 seed G4690 to the sower G4687 both G2532 minister G5524 bread G740 for G1519 your food, G1035 and G2532 multiply G4129 your G5216 seed sown, G4703 and G2532 increase G837 the fruits G1081 of your G5216 righteousness;) G1343 Being enriched G4148 in G1722 every thing G3956 to G1519 all G3956 bountifulness, G572 which G3748 causeth G2716 through G1223 us G2257 thanksgiving G2169 to God. G2316

Deuteronomy 15:10 STRONG

Thou shalt surely H5414 give H5414 him, and thine heart H3824 shall not be grieved H3415 when thou givest H5414 unto him: because H1558 that for this thing H1697 the LORD H3068 thy God H430 shall bless H1288 thee in all thy works, H4639 and in all that thou puttest H4916 thine hand H3027 unto.

Proverbs 11:18 STRONG

The wicked H7563 worketh H6213 a deceitful H8267 work: H6468 but to him that soweth H2232 righteousness H6666 shall be a sure H571 reward. H7938

Proverbs 28:8 STRONG

He that by usury H5392 and unjust gain H8636 increaseth H7235 his substance, H1952 he shall gather H6908 it for him that will pity H2603 the poor. H1800

Ecclesiastes 11:1-2 STRONG

Cast H7971 thy bread H3899 upon H6440 the waters: H4325 for thou shalt find H4672 it after many H7230 days. H3117 Give H5414 a portion H2506 to seven, H7651 and also to eight; H8083 for thou knowest H3045 not what evil H7451 shall be upon the earth. H776

Haggai 1:6 STRONG

Ye have sown H2232 much, H7235 and bring H935 in little; H4592 ye eat, H398 but ye have not enough; H7654 ye drink, H8354 but ye are not filled with drink; H7937 ye clothe H3847 you, but there is none warm; H2527 and he that earneth wages H7936 earneth wages H7936 to put it into a bag H6872 with holes. H5344

Haggai 1:9-11 STRONG

Ye looked H6437 for much, H7235 and, lo, it came to little; H4592 and when ye brought H935 it home, H1004 I did blow H5301 upon it. Why? saith H5002 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635 Because H3282 of mine house H1004 that is waste, H2720 and ye run H7323 every man H376 unto his own house. H1004 Therefore the heaven H8064 over you is stayed H3607 from dew, H2919 and the earth H776 is stayed H3607 from her fruit. H2981 And I called H7121 for a drought H2721 upon the land, H776 and upon the mountains, H2022 and upon the corn, H1715 and upon the new wine, H8492 and upon the oil, H3323 and upon that which the ground H127 bringeth forth, H3318 and upon men, H120 and upon cattle, H929 and upon all the labour H3018 of the hands. H3709

Haggai 2:16-19 STRONG

Since those days were, when one came H935 to an heap H6194 of twenty H6242 measures, there were but ten: H6235 when one came H935 to the pressfat H3342 for to draw out H2834 fifty H2572 vessels out of the press, H6333 there were but twenty. H6242 I smote H5221 you with blasting H7711 and with mildew H3420 and with hail H1259 in all the labours H4639 of your hands; H3027 yet ye turned not to me, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 Consider H7760 H3824 now from this day H3117 and upward, H4605 from the four H702 and twentieth H6242 day H3117 of the ninth H8671 month, even from the day H3117 that the foundation H3245 of the LORD'S H3068 temple H1964 was laid, consider H7760 H3824 it. Is the seed H2233 yet in the barn? H4035 yea, as yet the vine, H1612 and the fig tree, H8384 and the pomegranate, H7416 and the olive H2132 tree, H6086 hath not brought forth: H5375 from this day H3117 will I bless H1288 you.

Acts 11:29-30 STRONG

Then G1161 the disciples, G3101 every G1538 man G846 according to G2531 his ability, G2141 G5100 determined G3724 to send G3992 relief G1248 unto G1519 the brethren G80 which dwelt G2730 in G1722 Judaea: G2449 Which G3739 also G2532 they did, G4160 and sent it G649 to G4314 the elders G4245 by G1223 the hands G5495 of Barnabas G921 and G2532 Saul. G4569

Ecclesiastes 11:6 STRONG

In the morning H1242 sow H2232 thy seed, H2233 and in the evening H6153 withhold H3240 not thine hand: H3027 for thou knowest H3045 not whether H335 shall prosper, H3787 either this or that, or whether they both H8147 shall be alike H259 good. H2896

Commentary on Proverbs 11 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 11:1-31.

1. (Compare Margin). The Hebrews used stones for weights.

just—complete in measure.

2. Self-conceit is unteachable; the humble grow wise (compare Pr 16:18; 18:12).

3. guide—to lead, as a shepherd (Pr 6:7; Ps 78:52).


destroy—with violence.

4. (Compare Pr 10:2).

wrath—that is, of God.

5. direct—or, "make plain"; wicked ways are not plain (Pr 13:17).

6. deliver them—that is, from evil, which the wicked suffer by their own doings (Pr 5:22; Ps 9:16).

7. expectation … perish—for death cuts short all his plans (Lu 16:25).

hope of unjust—better, "hope of wealth," or "power" (compare Isa 40:29, Hebrew). This gives an advance on the sentiment of the first clause. Even hopes of gain die with him.

8. Perhaps the trouble prepared by the wicked, and which he inherits (compare Pr 11:6).

9. (Compare Ps 35:16; Da 11:32). The just is saved by superior discernment.

10, 11. The last may be a reason for the first. Together, they set forth the relative moral worth of good and bad men.

11. By the blessing—implying active benevolence.

12. despiseth—or, "reviles," a course contrasted with the prudent silence of the wise.

holdeth his peace—as if neither hearing nor telling.

13. tale-bearer—(Compare Margin), one trading as a peddler in scandal, whose propensity to talk leads him to betray confidence.

14. counsel—the art of governing (Pr 1:5).

counsellors—literally, "one giving counsel"; the participle used as a collective.

15. (Compare Pr 6:1).

suretiship—(Compare Margin), the actors put for the action, which may be lawfully hated.

16. retaineth—or literally, "lay hold of as a support." Honor is to a feeble woman thus as valuable as riches to men.

17. merciful—kind to others; opposed to cruel. Such benefit themselves by doing good to others (compare Pr 24:5), while the cruel injure themselves as well as others.

flesh—that is, his body, by penuriousness (Col 2:23).

18. a deceitful work—or, "wages," which fail to satisfy, or flee away (Pr 10:2; 23:5).

sure reward—or, "gain," as from trading (Ho 10:12; Ga 6:8, 9).

19. Inference from Pr 11:18 (compare Pr 11:5, 6; 10:16).

20. (Compare Pr 11:5).

froward—as in Pr 2:15, opposed to the simplicity and purity of the upright.

in their way—or, "conduct."

21. The combined power of the wicked cannot free them from just punishment, while the unaided children of the righteous find deliverance by reason of their pious relationship (Ps 37:25, 26).

22. Jewels were often suspended from the nose (Ge 24:47; Isa 3:21). Thus adorned, a hog disgusts less than a fair and indiscreet woman.

23. (Compare Pr 10:28).

wrath—is that of God.

24-31. The scope of the whole is a comment on Pr 11:23. Thus liberality, by God's blessing, secures increase, while penuriousness, instead of expected gain, procures poverty.

25. liberal soul—(Compare Margin).

made fat—prospers (Pr 28:25; De 32:15; Lu 6:38).

watereth … watered—a common figure for blessing.

26. Another example of the truth of Pr 11:23; the miser loses reputation, though he saves corn.

selleth it—that is, at a fair price.

27. good [and] mischief—that is, of others.

procureth … seeketh—implying success.

28. (Compare Pr 10:15; Ps 49:6; 1Ti 6:17).

righteous … branch—(Ps 1:3; Jer 17:8).

29. troubleth—as Pr 15:27 explains, by greediness for gain (compare Pr 11:17).

inherit … wind—Even successful, his gains are of no real value. So the fool, thus acting, either comes to poverty, or heaps up for others.

30. a tree of life—Blessings to others proceed from the works of the righteous (Pr 3:18).

winneth souls—(Compare Margin) to do them good as opposed to Pr 6:25; Eze 13:18 (compare Lu 5:10).

31. Behold—Thus calling attention to the illustrations (compare Pr 11:23), the sentiment of which is confirmed even in time, not excluding future rewards and punishments.