Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Proverbs » Chapter 16 » Verse 30

Proverbs 16:30 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

30 He shutteth H6095 his eyes H5869 to devise H2803 froward things: H8419 moving H7169 his lips H8193 he bringeth H3615 evil H7451 to pass. H3615

Cross Reference

Proverbs 6:12-14 STRONG

A naughty H1100 person, H120 a wicked H205 man, H376 walketh H1980 with a froward H6143 mouth. H6310 He winketh H7169 with his eyes, H5869 he speaketh H4448 with his feet, H7272 he teacheth H3384 with his fingers; H676 Frowardness H8419 is in his heart, H3820 he deviseth H2790 mischief H7451 continually; H6256 he soweth H7971 discord. H4066 H4090

Proverbs 10:10 STRONG

He that winketh H7169 with the eye H5869 causeth H5414 sorrow: H6094 but a prating H8193 fool H191 shall fall. H3832

Proverbs 16:27 STRONG

An ungodly H1100 man H376 diggeth up H3738 evil: H7451 and in his lips H8193 there is as a burning H6867 fire. H784

Isaiah 6:10 STRONG

Make the heart H3820 of this people H5971 fat, H8080 and make their ears H241 heavy, H3513 and shut H8173 their eyes; H5869 lest they see H7200 with their eyes, H5869 and hear H8085 with their ears, H241 and understand H995 with their heart, H3824 and convert, H7725 and be healed. H7495

Micah 7:3 STRONG

That they may do evil H7451 with both hands H3709 earnestly, H3190 the prince H8269 asketh, H7592 and the judge H8199 asketh for a reward; H7966 and the great H1419 man, he uttereth H1696 his mischievous H1942 desire: H5315 so they wrap it up. H5686

Matthew 13:15 STRONG

For G1063 this G5127 people's G2992 heart G2588 is waxed gross, G3975 and G2532 their ears G3775 are dull G917 of hearing, G191 and G2532 their G846 eyes G3788 they have closed; G2576 lest at any time G3379 they should see G1492 with their eyes, G3788 and G2532 hear G191 with their ears, G3775 and G2532 should understand G4920 with their heart, G2588 and G2532 should be converted, G1994 and G2532 I should heal G2390 them. G846

Matthew 14:7-8 STRONG

Whereupon G3606 he promised G3670 with G3326 an oath G3727 to give G1325 her G846 whatsoever G3739 G1437 she would ask. G154 And G1161 she, being before instructed G4264 of G5259 her G846 mother, G3384 said, G5346 Give G1325 me G3427 here G5602 John G2491 Baptist's G910 head G2776 in G1909 a charger. G4094

Matthew 27:23-26 STRONG

And G1161 the governor G2232 said, G5346 Why, G1063 what G5101 evil G2556 hath he done? G4160 But G1161 they cried out G2896 the more, G4057 saying, G3004 Let him be crucified. G4717 When G1161 Pilate G4091 saw G1492 that G3754 he could prevail G5623 nothing, G3762 but G235 that rather G3123 a tumult G2351 was made, G1096 he took G2983 water, G5204 and washed G633 his hands G5495 before G561 the multitude, G3793 saying, G3004 I am G1510 innocent G121 of G575 the blood G129 of this G5127 just person: G1342 see G3700 ye G5210 to it. Then G2532 answered G611 all G3956 the people, G2992 and said, G2036 His G846 blood G129 be on G1909 us, G2248 and G2532 on G1909 our G2257 children. G5043 Then G5119 released he G630 Barabbas G912 unto them: G846 and G1161 when he had scourged G5417 Jesus, G2424 he delivered G3860 him to G2443 be crucified. G4717

John 3:20 STRONG

For G1063 every one G3956 that doeth G4238 evil G5337 hateth G3404 the light, G5457 neither G2532 G3756 cometh G2064 to G4314 the light, G5457 lest G3363 his G846 deeds G2041 should be reproved. G1651

Commentary on Proverbs 16 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 16:1-33.

1. preparations—schemes.

in man—or literally, "to man," belonging, or pertaining to him.

the answer … Lord—The efficient ordering is from God: "Man proposes; God disposes."

2. clean—or, "faultless."

weigheth—or, "tries," "judges," implying that they are faulty (Pr 21:2; 24:12).

3. (Compare Margin). Rely on God for success to your lawful purposes.

4. for himself—"for its answer," or "purpose," that is, according to God's plan; the wicked are for the day of evil (Ps 49:5; Jer 17:18); sinning and suffering answer to each other, are indissolubly united.

5. (Compare Pr 3:32).

6. By mercy and truth—that is, God's (Ps 85:10); He effects the atonement, or covering of sin; and the principles of true piety incline men to depart from evil; or, "mercy" and "truth" may be man's, indicative of the gracious tempers which work instrumentally in procuring pardon.

purged—expiated (as in Le 16:33; Isa 27:9, Hebrew).

7. Persecutions, of course, excepted.

8. (Compare Pr 15:6, 16, 17).

9. (Compare Pr 16:3).


10. The last clause depends on the first, expressing the importance of equity in decisions, so authoritative.

11. are the Lord's … his work—that is, what He has ordered, and hence should be observed by men.

12. Rulers are rightly expected, by their position, to hate evil; for their power is sustained by righteousness.

13. A specification of the general sentiment of Pr 16:12.

14. This wrath, so terrible and certain, like messengers of death (1Ki 2:25), can be appeased by the wise.

15. light of … countenance—favor (Ps 4:6).

life—preserves it, or gives blessings which make it valuable.

the latter rain—fell just before harvest and matured the crop; hence specially valuable (De 11:14).

16. (Compare Pr 3:16; 4:5).

17. The highway—A common, plain road represents the habitual course of the righteous in departing from evil.


18, 19. (Compare Pr 15:33). Haughtiness and pride imply self-confidence which produces carelessness, and hence

a fall—literally, "sliding."

19. divide the spoil—that is, conquer. Avoid the society of the proud (Jas 4:6).

20. handleth a matter—wisely considers "the word," that is, of God (compare Pr 13:13).

trusteth—(Compare Ps 2:12; 118:8, 9).

21. wise in heart—who rightly consider duty.

sweetness of the lips—eloquent discourse, persuades and instructs others.

22. Understanding—or, "discretion," is a constant source of blessing (Pr 13:14), benefiting others; but fools' best efforts are folly.

23. The heart is the source of wisdom flowing from the mouth.

24. (Compare Pr 15:26). Gentle, kind words, by soothing the mind, give the body health.

25. (Compare Pr 14:2).

26. Diligence is a duty due to one's self, for his wants require labor.

27. ungodly man—(Compare Pr 6:12).

diggeth up evil—labors for it.

in his lips … fire—His words are calumniating (Jas 3:6).

28. (Compare Pr 6:14; 10:31).

whisperer—prater, talebearer (Pr 18:8; 26:20).

29. violent man—or, "man of mischief" (Pr 3:31).

enticeth—(Pr 1:10).

30. He shutteth his eyes—denoting deep thought (Ps 64:6).

moving his lips—or, "biting his lips"—a determined purpose (Pr 6:13).

31. (Compare Pr 20:29).

if—or, which may be supplied properly, or without it the sense is as in Pr 3:16; 4:10, that piety is blessed with long life.

32. (Compare Pr 14:29).

taketh a city—that is, by fighting.

33. Seemingly the most fortuitous events are ordered by God.