Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Proverbs » Chapter 18 » Verse 23

Proverbs 18:23 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

23 The poor H7326 useth H1696 intreaties; H8469 but the rich H6223 answereth H6030 roughly. H5794

Cross Reference

James 2:3 STRONG

And G2532 ye have respect G1914 to G1909 him that weareth G5409 the gay G2986 clothing, G2066 and G2532 say G2036 unto him, G846 Sit G2521 thou G4771 here G5602 in a good place; G2573 and G2532 say G2036 to the poor, G4434 Stand G2476 thou G4771 there, G1563 or G2228 sit G2521 here G5602 under G5259 my G3450 footstool: G5286

Genesis 42:7 STRONG

And Joseph H3130 saw H7200 his brethren, H251 and he knew H5234 them, but made himself strange H5234 unto them, and spake H1696 roughly H7186 unto them; and he said H559 unto them, Whence H370 come H935 ye? And they said, H559 From the land H776 of Canaan H3667 to buy H7666 food. H400

Genesis 42:30 STRONG

The man, H376 who is the lord H113 of the land, H776 spake H1696 roughly H7186 to us, and took H5414 us for spies H7270 of the country. H776

Exodus 5:2 STRONG

And Pharaoh H6547 said, H559 Who is the LORD, H3068 that I should obey H8085 his voice H6963 to let Israel H3478 go? H7971 I know H3045 not the LORD, H3068 neither will I let Israel H3478 go. H7971

Ruth 2:7 STRONG

And she said, H559 I pray you, let me glean H3950 and gather H622 after H310 the reapers H7114 among the sheaves: H6016 so she came, H935 and hath continued H5975 even H227 from the morning H1242 until now, that she tarried H3427 a little H4592 in the house. H1004

1 Samuel 2:36 STRONG

And it shall come to pass, that every one that is left H3498 in thine house H1004 shall come H935 and crouch H7812 to him for a piece H95 of silver H3701 and a morsel H3603 of bread, H3899 and shall say, H559 Put H5596 me, I pray thee, into one H259 of the priests' offices, H3550 that I may eat H398 a piece H6595 of bread. H3899

1 Samuel 25:10 STRONG

And Nabal H5037 answered H6030 David's H1732 servants, H5650 and said, H559 Who is David? H1732 and who is the son H1121 of Jesse? H3448 there be many H7231 servants H5650 now a days H3117 that break away H6555 every man H376 from H6440 his master. H113

1 Samuel 25:17 STRONG

Now therefore know H3045 and consider H7200 what thou wilt do; H6213 for evil H7451 is determined H3615 against our master, H113 and against all his household: H1004 for he is such a son H1121 of Belial, H1100 that a man cannot speak H1696 to him.

2 Kings 4:1-2 STRONG

Now there cried H6817 a certain H259 woman H802 of the wives H802 of the sons H1121 of the prophets H5030 unto Elisha, H477 saying, H559 Thy servant H5650 my husband H376 is dead; H4191 and thou knowest H3045 that thy servant H5650 did fear H3373 the LORD: H3068 and the creditor H5383 is come H935 to take H3947 unto him my two H8147 sons H3206 to be bondmen. H5650 And Elisha H477 said H559 unto her, What shall I do H6213 for thee? tell H5046 me, what hast H3426 thou in the house? H1004 And she said, H559 Thine handmaid H8198 hath not any thing in the house, H1004 save a pot H610 of oil. H8081

Isaiah 66:2 STRONG

For all those things hath mine hand H3027 made, H6213 and all those things have been, saith H5002 the LORD: H3068 but to this man will I look, H5027 even to him that is poor H6041 and of a contrite H5223 spirit, H7307 and trembleth H2730 at my word. H1697

Matthew 5:3 STRONG

Blessed G3107 are the poor G4434 in spirit: G4151 for G3754 theirs G846 is G2076 the kingdom G932 of heaven. G3772

James 1:9-11 STRONG

G1161 Let G2744 the brother G80 of low degree G5011 rejoice G2744 in G1722 that he G846 is exalted: G5311 But G1161 the rich, G4145 in G1722 that he G846 is made low: G5014 because G3754 as G5613 the flower G438 of the grass G5528 he shall pass away. G3928 For G1063 the sun G2246 is no sooner risen G393 with G4862 a burning heat, G2742 but G2532 it withereth G3583 the grass, G5528 and G2532 the flower G438 thereof G846 falleth, G1601 and G2532 the grace G2143 of the fashion G4383 of it G846 perisheth: G622 so G3779 also G2532 shall G3133 the rich man G4145 fade away G3133 in G1722 his G846 ways. G4197

James 2:6 STRONG

But G1161 ye G5210 have despised G818 the poor. G4434 Do G2616 not G3756 rich men G4145 oppress G2616 you, G5216 and G2532 draw G846 G1670 you G5209 before G1519 the judgment seats? G2922

Commentary on Proverbs 18 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 18:1-24.

1. Through desire … seeketh—that is, seeks selfish gratification.

intermeddleth … wisdom—or, "rushes on" (Pr 17:14) against all wisdom, or what is valuable (Pr 2:7).

2. that his heart … itself—that is, takes pleasure in revealing his folly (Pr 12:23; 15:2).

3. So surely are sin and punishment connected (Pr 16:4).

wicked, for "wickedness," answers to

ignominy, or the state of such; and

contempt, the feeling of others to them; and to

reproach, a manifestation of contempt.

4. Wise speech is like an exhaustless stream of benefit.

5. accept the person—(Compare Ps 82:2). "It is not good" is to be supplied before "to overthrow."

6, 7. The quarrelsome bring trouble on themselves. Their rash language ensnares them (Pr 6:2).

8. (Compare Pr 16:28).

as wounds—not sustained by the Hebrew; better, as "sweet morsels," which men gladly swallow.

innermost … belly—the mind, or heart (compare Pr 20:27-30; Ps 22:14).

9. One by failing to get, the other by wasting wealth, grows poor.

waster—literally, "master of washing," a prodigal.

10. name of the Lord—manifested perfections (Ps 8:1; 20:2), as faithfulness, power, mercy, &c., on which men rely.

is safe—literally, "set on high, out of danger" (Ps 18:2; 91:4).

11. contrasts with Pr 18:10 (compare Pr 10:15). Such is a vain trust (compare Ps 73:6).

12. (Compare Pr 15:33; 16:18).

13. Hasty speech evinces self-conceit, and ensures shame (Pr 26:12).

14. infirmity—bodily sickness, or outward evil. The spirit, which sustains, being wounded, no support is left, except, as implied, in God.

15. (Compare Pr 1:5, 15, 31).

16. (Compare Pr 17:8, 23). Disapproval of the fact stated is implied.

17. One-sided statements are not reliable.

searcheth—thoroughly (Pr 17:9, 19).

18. The lot—whose disposal is of God (Pr 16:13), may, properly used, be a right mode of settling disputes.

19. No feuds so difficult of adjustment as those of relatives; hence great care should be used to avoid them.

20. (Compare Pr 12:14; 13:2). Men's words are the fruit, or, increase of his lips, and when good, benefit them.

satisfied with—(Compare Pr 1:31; 14:14).

21. Death and life—or, the greatest evil and good.

that love it—that is, the tongue, or its use for good or evil.

eat … fruit—(Compare Pr 18:19; Jas 1:19).

22. The old versions supply "good" before the "wife," as the last clause and Pr 19:14 imply (compare Pr 31:10).

23. the rich … roughly—He is tolerated because rich, implying that the estimate of men by wealth is wrong.

24. A man … friendly—better, "A man … (is) to, or, may triumph (Ps 108:9), or, shout for joy (Ps 5:11), that is, may congratulate himself." Indeed, there is a Friend who is better than a brother; such is the "Friend of sinners" [Mt 11:19; Lu 7:34], who may have been before the writer's mind.