Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Proverbs » Chapter 2 » Verse 3

Proverbs 2:3 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

3 Yea, if thou criest H7121 after knowledge, H998 and liftest up H5414 thy voice H6963 for understanding; H8394

Cross Reference

Psalms 119:169 STRONG

TAU. Let my cry H7440 come near H7126 before H6440 thee, O LORD: H3068 give me understanding H995 according to thy word. H1697

Ephesians 1:17-18 STRONG

That G2443 the God G2316 of our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 the Father G3962 of glory, G1391 may give G1325 unto you G5213 the spirit G4151 of wisdom G4678 and G2532 revelation G602 in G1722 the knowledge G1922 of him: G846 The eyes G3788 of your G5216 understanding G1271 being enlightened; G5461 that G1519 ye G5209 may know G1492 what G5101 is G2076 the hope G1680 of his G846 calling, G2821 and G2532 what G5101 the riches G4149 of the glory G1391 of his G846 inheritance G2817 in G1722 the saints, G40

James 1:5 STRONG

G1161 If any G1536 of you G5216 lack G3007 wisdom, G4678 let him ask G154 of G3844 God, G2316 that giveth G1325 to all G3956 men liberally, G574 and G2532 upbraideth G3679 not; G3361 and G2532 it shall be given G1325 him. G846

1 Kings 3:9-12 STRONG

Give H5414 therefore thy servant H5650 an understanding H8085 heart H3820 to judge H8199 thy people, H5971 that I may discern H995 between good H2896 and bad: H7451 for who is able H3201 to judge H8199 this thy so great H3515 a people? H5971 And the speech H1697 pleased H3190 H5869 the Lord, H136 that Solomon H8010 had asked H7592 this thing. H1697 And God H430 said H559 unto him, Because thou hast asked H7592 this thing, H1697 and hast not asked H7592 for thyself long H7227 life; H3117 neither hast asked H7592 riches H6239 for thyself, nor hast asked H7592 the life H5315 of thine enemies; H341 but hast asked H7592 for thyself understanding H995 to discern H8085 judgment; H4941 Behold, I have done H6213 according to thy words: H1697 lo, I have given H5414 thee a wise H2450 and an understanding H995 heart; H3820 so that there was none like thee before H6440 thee, neither after H310 thee shall any arise H6965 like unto thee.

1 Chronicles 22:12 STRONG

Only the LORD H3068 give H5414 thee wisdom H7922 and understanding, H998 and give thee charge H6680 concerning Israel, H3478 that thou mayest keep H8104 the law H8451 of the LORD H3068 thy God. H430

Psalms 25:4-5 STRONG

Shew H3045 me thy ways, H1870 O LORD; H3068 teach H3925 me thy paths. H734 Lead H1869 me in thy truth, H571 and teach H3925 me: for thou art the God H430 of my salvation; H3468 on thee do I wait H6960 all the day. H3117

Psalms 119:34 STRONG

Give me understanding, H995 and I shall keep H5341 thy law; H8451 yea, I shall observe H8104 it with my whole heart. H3820

Psalms 119:73 STRONG

JOD. Thy hands H3027 have made H6213 me and fashioned H3559 me: give me understanding, H995 that I may learn H3925 thy commandments. H4687

Psalms 119:125 STRONG

I am thy servant; H5650 give me understanding, H995 that I may know H3045 thy testimonies. H5713

Proverbs 3:6 STRONG

In all thy ways H1870 acknowledge H3045 him, and he shall direct H3474 thy paths. H734

Proverbs 8:17 STRONG

I love H157 them that love H157 me; and those that seek me early H7836 shall find H4672 me.

Luke 11:13 STRONG

If G1487 ye G5210 then, G3767 being G5225 evil, G4190 know G1492 how to give G1325 good G18 gifts G1390 unto your G5216 children: G5043 how much G4214 more G3123 shall G1325 your heavenly G3772 Father G3962 G1537 give G1325 the Holy G40 Spirit G4151 to them that ask G154 him? G846

Commentary on Proverbs 2 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 2:1-22. Men are invited to seek wisdom because it teaches those principles by which they may obtain God's guidance and avoid the society and influence of the wicked, whose pernicious courses are described.

1-5. Diligence in hearing and praying for instruction must be used to secure the great principle of godliness, the fear of God.

hide … with thee—lay up in store (compare Pr 7:1).

2. Listen attentively and reflect seriously (Pr 1:24; Ps 130:2).

understanding—right perception of truth.

3. Yea, if—literally, "When if," that is, in such a case.

knowledge—or, "discrimination."

understanding—as in Pr 2:2.

4. There must be earnest prayer and effort.

5. understand—or, "perceive intelligently."


6. For—God is ready (Jas 1:5; 4:8).

out of his mouth—by revelation from Him.

7. sound wisdom—literally, "substance," opposed to what is fictitious. According to the context, this may be assistance, as here corresponding with

buckler—or safety, or wisdom, which procures it (compare Pr 3:21; 8:14; 18:1; Job 6:13; 12:13).

layeth up—provides, ever ready.

8. keepeth … way—God defends the right way, and those in it.

saints—objects of favor (compare Ps 4:3, &c.). He guides and guards them.

9. Then—emphatic, in such a case.

righteousness … path—all parts of duty to God and man.

10, 11. Idea of Pr 2:9, amplified; on terms, compare Pr 2:2 and Pr 2:4.

12-15. To deliver—as from great danger (Pr 6:5).

way … man—(Ps 1:1).

froward things—perversity (Pr 6:14; 23:23), what is opposed to truth.

13. paths of uprightness—or, "plainness."

walk—habitually act;

14. and that with pleasure, in ignorance of good and pursuit of evil.

frowardness—Not only their own perversity, but that of others is their delight. They love most the worst things.

15. crooked—tortuous, unprincipled.

froward—literally, (they) are going back, not only aside from right, but opposite to it.

16-19. Deliverance from another danger.

the strange woman—This term is often used for harlot, or loose woman (Jud 11:1, 2), married (Pr 7:5, 19) or not (1Ki 11:1), so called, because such were, perhaps at first, foreigners, though "strange" may also denote whatever is opposed to right or proper, as "strange fire" (Nu 3:4); "strange incense" (Ex 30:9).

flattereth—literally, "smooths."

her words—(Ps 5:9).

17. guide … youth—lawful husband (Jer 3:4).

covenant … God—of marriage made in God's name.

18. inclineth—sinks down (compare Nu 13:31).

the dead—or shades of the departed (Ps 88:10).

19. that is, such as remain impenitent (compare Ec 7:26).

paths of life—(Ps 16:11), opposed to paths unto the dead.

20. That … way of good—that is, Such is the object of these warnings.

21, 22. (Compare Ps 37:3, 9, 22, 27).

22. transgressors—or impious rebels (compare Jer 9:2).

rooted out—utterly destroyed, as trees plucked up by the roots.