Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Proverbs » Chapter 21 » Verse 29

Proverbs 21:29 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

29 A wicked H7563 man H376 hardeneth H5810 his face: H6440 but as for the upright, H3477 he directeth H995 H3559 his way. H1870

Cross Reference

Proverbs 11:5 STRONG

The righteousness H6666 of the perfect H8549 shall direct H3474 his way: H1870 but the wicked H7563 shall fall H5307 by his own wickedness. H7564

Psalms 119:5 STRONG

O that H305 my ways H1870 were directed H3559 to keep H8104 thy statutes! H2706

Psalms 119:59 STRONG

I thought H2803 on my ways, H1870 and turned H7725 my feet H7272 unto thy testimonies. H5713

Proverbs 28:14 STRONG

Happy H835 is the man H120 that feareth H6342 alway: H8548 but he that hardeneth H7185 his heart H3820 shall fall H5307 into mischief. H7451

Proverbs 29:1 STRONG

He, H376 that being often reproved H8433 hardeneth H7185 his neck, H6203 shall suddenly H6621 be destroyed, H7665 and that without remedy. H4832

Jeremiah 3:2-3 STRONG

Lift up H5375 thine eyes H5869 unto the high places, H8205 and see H7200 where H375 thou hast not been lien H7693 H7901 with. In the ways H1870 hast thou sat H3427 for them, as the Arabian H6163 in the wilderness; H4057 and thou hast polluted H2610 the land H776 with thy whoredoms H2184 and with thy wickedness. H7451 Therefore the showers H7241 have been withholden, H4513 and there hath been no latter rain; H4456 and thou hadst a whore's H2181 H802 forehead, H4696 thou refusedst H3985 to be ashamed. H3637

Jeremiah 5:3 STRONG

O LORD, H3068 are not thine eyes H5869 upon the truth? H530 thou hast stricken H5221 them, but they have not grieved; H2342 thou hast consumed H3615 them, but they have refused H3985 to receive H3947 correction: H4148 they have made their faces H6440 harder H2388 than a rock; H5553 they have refused H3985 to return. H7725

Jeremiah 8:12 STRONG

Were they ashamed H3001 when they had committed H6213 abomination? H8441 nay, they were not at all H954 ashamed, H954 neither could H3045 they blush: H3637 therefore shall they fall H5307 among them that fall: H5307 in the time H6256 of their visitation H6486 they shall be cast down, H3782 saith H559 the LORD. H3068

Jeremiah 44:16-17 STRONG

As for the word H1697 that thou hast spoken H1696 unto us in the name H8034 of the LORD, H3068 we will not hearken H8085 unto thee. But we will certainly H6213 do H6213 whatsoever thing H1697 goeth forth H3318 out of our own mouth, H6310 to burn incense H6999 unto the queen H4446 of heaven, H8064 and to pour out H5258 drink offerings H5262 unto her, as we have done, H6213 we, and our fathers, H1 our kings, H4428 and our princes, H8269 in the cities H5892 of Judah, H3063 and in the streets H2351 of Jerusalem: H3389 for then had we plenty H7646 of victuals, H3899 and were well, H2896 and saw H7200 no evil. H7451

Ezekiel 18:28 STRONG

Because he considereth, H7200 and turneth away H7725 from all his transgressions H6588 that he hath committed, H6213 he shall surely H2421 live, H2421 he shall not die. H4191

Haggai 1:5 STRONG

Now therefore thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 Consider H7760 H3824 your ways. H1870

Haggai 1:7 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 Consider H7760 H3824 your ways. H1870

Haggai 2:15 STRONG

And now, I pray you, consider H7760 H3824 from this day H3117 and upward, H4605 from before H2962 a stone H68 was laid H7760 upon a stone H68 in the temple H1964 of the LORD: H3068

Haggai 2:18-19 STRONG

Consider H7760 H3824 now from this day H3117 and upward, H4605 from the four H702 and twentieth H6242 day H3117 of the ninth H8671 month, even from the day H3117 that the foundation H3245 of the LORD'S H3068 temple H1964 was laid, consider H7760 H3824 it. Is the seed H2233 yet in the barn? H4035 yea, as yet the vine, H1612 and the fig tree, H8384 and the pomegranate, H7416 and the olive H2132 tree, H6086 hath not brought forth: H5375 from this day H3117 will I bless H1288 you.

Luke 15:17-18 STRONG

And G1161 when he came G2064 to G1519 himself, G1438 he said, G2036 How many G4214 hired servants G3407 of my G3450 father's G3962 have bread G740 enough and to spare, G4052 and G1161 I G1473 perish G622 with hunger! G3042 I will arise G450 and go G4198 to G4314 my G3450 father, G3962 and G2532 will say G2046 unto him, G846 Father, G3962 I have sinned G264 against G1519 heaven, G3772 and G2532 before G1799 thee, G4675

1 Thessalonians 3:11 STRONG

Now G1161 God G2316 himself G846 and G2532 our G2257 Father, G3962 and G2532 our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 direct G2720 our G2257 way G3598 unto G4314 you. G5209

Commentary on Proverbs 21 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 21:1-31.

1. rivers—irrigating channels (Ps 1:3), whose course was easily turned (compare De 11:10). God disposes even kings as He pleases (Pr 16:9; Ps 33:15).

2. (Compare Pr 14:2; 16:2-25).

3. (Compare Ps 50:7-15; Isa 1:11, 17).

4. high look—(Compare Margin; Ps 131:1).

proud heart—or, "heart of breadth," one that is swollen (compare Ps 101:5).

ploughing—better "lamp," a frequent figure for prosperity (Pr 20:20); hence joy or delight.

5. The contrast is between steady industry and rashness (compare Pr 19:2).

6. The getting—or, "what is obtained" (compare Job 7:2; Jer 22:13, Hebrew).

vanity … to and fro—as fleeting as chaff or stubble in the wind (compare Pr 20:17-21; Ps 62:10). Such gettings are unsatisfactory.

them … death—act as if they did (Pr 8:36; 17:19).

7. robbery—or, "destruction," especially oppression, of which they are authors.

shall destroy—literally, "cut with a saw" (1Ki 7:9), that is, utterly ruin them. Their sins shall be visited on them in kind.

to do judgment—what is just and right.

8. of man—any one; his way is opposed to truth, and also estranged from it. The pure proves himself such by his right conduct.

9. corner—a turret or arbor on the roof.

brawling—or contentious.

wide house—literally, "house of fellowship," large enough for several families.

10. So strongly does he desire to do evil (Ps 10:3; Ec 8:11), that he will not even spare his friend if in his way.

11. (Compare Pr 19:25). That which the simple learn by the terrors of punishment, the wise learn by teaching.

12. (Compare Ps 37:35-38; 73:17, 20).

house—family or interests.

overthroweth—either supply "God" (compare Pr 10:24), or the word is used impersonally.

13. The principles of retribution, often taught (compare Ps 18:26; Mt 7:1-12).

14. The effect of bribery (Pr 17:23) is enhanced by secrecy, as the bribed person does not wish his motives made known.

15. But the just love right and need no bribes. The wicked at last meet destruction, though for a time happy in concealing corruption.

16. the way of understanding—(Compare Pr 12:26; 14:22).

remain—that is, rest as at a journey's end; death will be his unchanging home.

17. Costly luxuries impoverish.

18. (Compare Pr 11:8). By suffering what they had devised for the righteous, or brought on them, the wicked became their ransom, in the usual sense of substitutes (compare Jos 7:26; Es 7:9).

19. (Compare Pr 21:9).

wilderness—pasture, though uninhabitable ground (Ps 65:12).

20. The wise, by diligence and care, lay up and increase wealth, while fools

spend—literally, "swallow it up," greedily.

21. He who tries to act justly and kindly (Ps 34:14) will prosper and obtain justice and honor.

22. "Wisdom is better than strength" (Ec 7:19; 9:15).

strength … thereof—that in which they confide.

23. (Compare Pr 13:2, 3; Jas 3:6-10).

24. The reproachful name is deserved by those who treat others with anger and contempt.

25. desire—that is, of ease and idleness brings him to starvation.

26. The sin of covetousness marks the sluggard, as the virtue of benevolence the righteous.

27. God regards the heart, and hypocrisy is more odious than open inconsistency.

wicked mind—or, "design" (Pr 1:4).

28. (Compare Pr 19:5).

that heareth—or heeds instruction, and so grows wise.

speaketh constantly—or sincerely (compare Hab 1:5), and hence is believed (Pr 12:19; Jas 1:19).

29. hardeneth his face—is obstinate.

directeth … way—considers it, and acts advisedly.

30, 31. Men's best devices and reliances are vain compared with God's, or without His aid (Pr 19:21; Ps 20:7; 33:17).