Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Proverbs » Chapter 24 » Verse 5-6

Proverbs 24:5-6 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 A wise H2450 man H1397 is strong; H5797 yea, a man H376 of knowledge H1847 increaseth H553 strength. H3581

6 For by wise counsel H8458 thou shalt make H6213 thy war: H4421 and in multitude H7230 of counsellors H3289 there is safety. H8668

Commentary on Proverbs 24 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 24:1-34.

1, 2. (Compare Pr 23:3, 17; Ps 37:1).

2. studieth—meditateth.

talk … mischief—Their expressed purposes are to do evil.

3, 4. (Compare Pr 14:1; Isa 54:14).

house—including the family.

4. by knowledge … riches—(Pr 8:18; 21:20).

5, 6. The general statement (Ec 9:16, 18) is specially illustrated (compare Pr 21:22; Ps 144:1).

7. (Compare Pr 14:16).

in the gate—(Compare Pr 22:22).

8. So called even if he fails to do evil.

9. Same thought varied.

10. Literally, "If thou fail in the day of straits (adversity), strait (or, small) is thy strength," which is then truly tested.

11, 12. Neglect of known duty is sin (Jas 4:17).

ready—literally, "bowing down"

to be slain—that is, unjustly. God's retributive justice cannot be avoided by professed ignorance.

13, 14. As delicious food whets the appetite, so should the rewards of wisdom excite us to seek it.

14. reward—literally, "after part," the proper result (compare Pr 23:18; Ps 37:37, 38).

15, 16. The plots of the wicked against the good, though partially, shall not be fully successful (Ps 37:24); while the wicked, falling under penal evil, find no help.

16. seven times—often, or many (Pr 6:16, 31; 9:1).

17, 18. Yet let none rejoice over the fate of evildoers, lest God punish their wrong spirit by relieving the sufferer (compare Pr 17:5; Job 31:29).

19, 20. (Ps 37:1, 38; 18:28).

20. candle—or, "prosperity"; it shall come to an end (Pr 13:9; 20:20).

21, 22. A warning against impiety and resistance to lawful rule (Ro 13:1-7; 1Pe 2:17).

meddle … change—(Compare Margin), literally, "mingle not yourself," avoid the society of restless persons.

22. their calamity, &c.—either what God and the king inflict, or what changers and their company suffer; better the first.

23. These … wise—literally, "are of the wise," as authors (compare "Psalms of David," Hebrew). "These" refers to the verses following, Pr 24:24-34.

to have respect—literally, "to discern faces," show partiality,

24, 25. of which an example is justifying the wicked, to which is opposed, rebuking him, which has a blessing.

26. kiss his lips—love and obey, do homage (Ps 2:12; So 8:1).

right answer—literally, "plain words" (compare Pr 8:9), opposed to deceptive, or obscure.

27. Prepare … in the field—Secure, by diligence, a proper support, and then build; provide necessaries, then comforts, to which a house rather pertained, in a mild climate, permitting the use of tents.

28. Do not speak even truth needlessly against any, and never falsehood.

29. Especially avoid retaliation (Mt 5:43-45; Ro 12:17).

30, 31. A striking picture of the effects of sloth.

32-34. From the folly of the sluggard learn wisdom (Pr 6:10, 11).