Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Proverbs » Chapter 24 » Verse 7

Proverbs 24:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 Wisdom H2454 is too high H7311 for a fool: H191 he openeth H6605 not his mouth H6310 in the gate. H8179

Cross Reference

Proverbs 14:6 STRONG

A scorner H3887 seeketh H1245 wisdom, H2451 and findeth it not: but knowledge H1847 is easy H7043 unto him that understandeth. H995

Psalms 10:5 STRONG

His ways H1870 are always H6256 grievous; H2342 thy judgments H4941 are far above H4791 out of his sight: as for all his enemies, H6887 he puffeth H6315 at them.

1 Corinthians 2:14 STRONG

But G1161 the natural G5591 man G444 receiveth G1209 not G3756 the things G3588 of the Spirit G4151 of God: G2316 for G1063 they are G2076 foolishness G3472 unto him: G846 neither G2532 G3756 can G1410 he know G1097 them, because G3754 they are spiritually G4153 discerned. G350

Job 5:4 STRONG

His children H1121 are far H7368 from safety, H3468 and they are crushed H1792 in the gate, H8179 neither is there any to deliver H5337 them.

Job 29:7-25 STRONG

When I went out H3318 to the gate H8179 through the city, H7176 when I prepared H3559 my seat H4186 in the street! H7339 The young men H5288 saw H7200 me, and hid H2244 themselves: and the aged H3453 arose, H6965 and stood up. H5975 The princes H8269 refrained H6113 talking, H4405 and laid H7760 their hand H3709 on their mouth. H6310 The nobles H5057 held H2244 their peace, H6963 and their tongue H3956 cleaved H1692 to the roof of their mouth. H2441 When the ear H241 heard H8085 me, then it blessed H833 me; and when the eye H5869 saw H7200 me, it gave witness H5749 to me: Because I delivered H4422 the poor H6041 that cried, H7768 and the fatherless, H3490 and him that had none to help H5826 him. The blessing H1293 of him that was ready to perish H6 came H935 upon me: and I caused the widow's H490 heart H3820 to sing for joy. H7442 I put H3847 on righteousness, H6664 and it clothed H3847 me: my judgment H4941 was as a robe H4598 and a diadem. H6797 I was eyes H5869 to the blind, H5787 and feet H7272 was I to the lame. H6455 I was a father H1 to the poor: H34 and the cause H7379 which I knew H3045 not I searched out. H2713 And I brake H7665 the jaws H4973 of the wicked, H5767 and plucked H7993 the spoil H2964 out of his teeth. H8127 Then I said, H559 I shall die H1478 in my nest, H7064 and I shall multiply H7235 my days H3117 as the sand. H2344 My root H8328 was spread out H6605 by the waters, H4325 and the dew H2919 lay all night H3885 upon my branch. H7105 My glory H3519 was fresh H2319 in me, H5978 and my bow H7198 was renewed H2498 in my hand. H3027 Unto me men gave ear, H8085 and waited, H3176 and kept silence H1826 at H3926 my counsel. H6098 After H310 my words H1697 they spake not again; H8138 and my speech H4405 dropped H5197 upon them. And they waited H3176 for me as for the rain; H4306 and they opened H6473 their mouth H6310 wide as for the latter rain. H4456 If I laughed H7832 on them, they believed H539 it not; and the light H216 of my countenance H6440 they cast not down. H5307 I chose H977 out their way, H1870 and sat H3427 chief, H7218 and dwelt H7931 as a king H4428 in the army, H1416 as one that comforteth H5162 the mourners. H57

Job 31:21 STRONG

If I have lifted up H5130 my hand H3027 against the fatherless, H3490 when I saw H7200 my help H5833 in the gate: H8179

Psalms 92:5-6 STRONG

O LORD, H3068 how great H1431 are thy works! H4639 and thy thoughts H4284 are very H3966 deep. H6009 A brutish H1198 man H376 knoweth H3045 not; neither doth a fool H3684 understand H995 this.

Proverbs 15:24 STRONG

The way H734 of life H2416 is above H4605 to the wise, H7919 that he may depart H5493 from hell H7585 beneath. H4295

Proverbs 17:24 STRONG

Wisdom H2451 is before him that hath understanding; H6440 H995 but the eyes H5869 of a fool H3684 are in the ends H7097 of the earth. H776

Proverbs 22:22 STRONG

Rob H1497 not the poor, H1800 because he is poor: H1800 neither oppress H1792 the afflicted H6041 in the gate: H8179

Proverbs 31:8-9 STRONG

Open H6605 thy mouth H6310 for the dumb H483 in the cause H1779 of all such as are appointed H1121 to destruction. H2475 Open H6605 thy mouth, H6310 judge H8199 righteously, H6664 and plead H1777 the cause of the poor H6041 and needy. H34

Isaiah 29:21 STRONG

That make a man H120 an offender H2398 for a word, H1697 and lay a snare H6983 for him that reproveth H3198 in the gate, H8179 and turn aside H5186 the just H6662 for a thing of nought. H8414

Amos 5:10 STRONG

They hate H8130 him that rebuketh H3198 in the gate, H8179 and they abhor H8581 him that speaketh H1696 uprightly. H8549

Amos 5:12 STRONG

For I know H3045 your manifold H7227 transgressions H6588 and your mighty H6099 sins: H2403 they afflict H6887 the just, H6662 they take H3947 a bribe, H3724 and they turn aside H5186 the poor H34 in the gate H8179 from their right.

Amos 5:15 STRONG

Hate H8130 the evil, H7451 and love H157 the good, H2896 and establish H3322 judgment H4941 in the gate: H8179 it may be that the LORD H3068 God H430 of hosts H6635 will be gracious H2603 unto the remnant H7611 of Joseph. H3130

Commentary on Proverbs 24 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 24:1-34.

1, 2. (Compare Pr 23:3, 17; Ps 37:1).

2. studieth—meditateth.

talk … mischief—Their expressed purposes are to do evil.

3, 4. (Compare Pr 14:1; Isa 54:14).

house—including the family.

4. by knowledge … riches—(Pr 8:18; 21:20).

5, 6. The general statement (Ec 9:16, 18) is specially illustrated (compare Pr 21:22; Ps 144:1).

7. (Compare Pr 14:16).

in the gate—(Compare Pr 22:22).

8. So called even if he fails to do evil.

9. Same thought varied.

10. Literally, "If thou fail in the day of straits (adversity), strait (or, small) is thy strength," which is then truly tested.

11, 12. Neglect of known duty is sin (Jas 4:17).

ready—literally, "bowing down"

to be slain—that is, unjustly. God's retributive justice cannot be avoided by professed ignorance.

13, 14. As delicious food whets the appetite, so should the rewards of wisdom excite us to seek it.

14. reward—literally, "after part," the proper result (compare Pr 23:18; Ps 37:37, 38).

15, 16. The plots of the wicked against the good, though partially, shall not be fully successful (Ps 37:24); while the wicked, falling under penal evil, find no help.

16. seven times—often, or many (Pr 6:16, 31; 9:1).

17, 18. Yet let none rejoice over the fate of evildoers, lest God punish their wrong spirit by relieving the sufferer (compare Pr 17:5; Job 31:29).

19, 20. (Ps 37:1, 38; 18:28).

20. candle—or, "prosperity"; it shall come to an end (Pr 13:9; 20:20).

21, 22. A warning against impiety and resistance to lawful rule (Ro 13:1-7; 1Pe 2:17).

meddle … change—(Compare Margin), literally, "mingle not yourself," avoid the society of restless persons.

22. their calamity, &c.—either what God and the king inflict, or what changers and their company suffer; better the first.

23. These … wise—literally, "are of the wise," as authors (compare "Psalms of David," Hebrew). "These" refers to the verses following, Pr 24:24-34.

to have respect—literally, "to discern faces," show partiality,

24, 25. of which an example is justifying the wicked, to which is opposed, rebuking him, which has a blessing.

26. kiss his lips—love and obey, do homage (Ps 2:12; So 8:1).

right answer—literally, "plain words" (compare Pr 8:9), opposed to deceptive, or obscure.

27. Prepare … in the field—Secure, by diligence, a proper support, and then build; provide necessaries, then comforts, to which a house rather pertained, in a mild climate, permitting the use of tents.

28. Do not speak even truth needlessly against any, and never falsehood.

29. Especially avoid retaliation (Mt 5:43-45; Ro 12:17).

30, 31. A striking picture of the effects of sloth.

32-34. From the folly of the sluggard learn wisdom (Pr 6:10, 11).