Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Proverbs » Chapter 25 » Verse 20

Proverbs 25:20 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

20 As he that taketh away H5710 a garment H899 in cold H7135 weather, H3117 and as vinegar H2558 upon nitre, H5427 so is he that singeth H7891 songs H7892 to an heavy H7451 heart. H3820

Cross Reference

Romans 12:15 STRONG

Rejoice G5463 with G3326 them that do rejoice, G5463 and G2532 weep G2799 with G3326 them that weep. G2799

Ecclesiastes 3:4 STRONG

A time H6256 to weep, H1058 and a time H6256 to laugh; H7832 a time H6256 to mourn, H5594 and a time H6256 to dance; H7540

Deuteronomy 24:12-17 STRONG

And if the man H376 be poor, H6041 thou shalt not sleep H7901 with his pledge: H5667 In any case H7725 thou shalt deliver H7725 him the pledge H5667 again H7725 when the sun H8121 goeth down, H935 that he may sleep H7901 in his own raiment, H8008 and bless H1288 thee: and it shall be righteousness H6666 unto thee before H6440 the LORD H3068 thy God. H430 Thou shalt not oppress H6231 an hired servant H7916 that is poor H6041 and needy, H34 whether he be of thy brethren, H251 or of thy strangers H1616 that are in thy land H776 within thy gates: H8179 At his day H3117 thou shalt give H5414 him his hire, H7939 neither shall the sun H8121 go down H935 upon it; for he is poor, H6041 and setteth H5375 his heart H5315 upon it: lest he cry H7121 against thee unto the LORD, H3068 and it be sin H2399 unto thee. The fathers H1 shall not be put to death H4191 for the children, H1121 neither shall the children H1121 be put to death H4191 for the fathers: H1 every man H376 shall be put to death H4191 for his own sin. H2399 Thou shalt not pervert H5186 the judgment H4941 of the stranger, H1616 nor of the fatherless; H3490 nor take H2254 a widow's H490 raiment H899 to pledge: H2254

Job 24:7-10 STRONG

They cause the naked H6174 to lodge H3885 without clothing, H3830 that they have no covering H3682 in the cold. H7135 They are wet H7372 with the showers H2230 of the mountains, H2022 and embrace H2263 the rock H6697 for want of a shelter. H4268 They pluck H1497 the fatherless H3490 from the breast, H7699 and take a pledge H2254 of the poor. H6041 They cause him to go H1980 naked H6174 without clothing, H3830 and they take away H5375 the sheaf H6016 from the hungry; H7457

Psalms 137:3-4 STRONG

For there they that carried us away captive H7617 required H7592 of us a song; H1697 H7892 and they that wasted H8437 us required of us mirth, H8057 saying, Sing H7891 us one of the songs H7892 of Zion. H6726 How shall we sing H7891 the LORD'S H3068 song H7892 in a strange H5236 land? H127

Proverbs 10:26 STRONG

As vinegar H2558 to the teeth, H8127 and as smoke H6227 to the eyes, H5869 so is the sluggard H6102 to them that send H7971 him.

Isaiah 58:7 STRONG

Is it not to deal H6536 thy bread H3899 to the hungry, H7457 and that thou bring H935 the poor H6041 that are cast out H4788 to thy house? H1004 when thou seest H7200 the naked, H6174 that thou cover H3680 him; and that thou hide H5956 not thyself from thine own flesh? H1320

Daniel 6:18 STRONG

Then H116 the king H4430 went H236 to his palace, H1965 and passed the night H956 fasting: H2908 neither H3809 were instruments H1761 of musick brought H5954 before H6925 him: and his sleep H8139 went H5075 from him. H5922

James 2:15-16 STRONG

If G1437 G1161 a brother G80 or G2228 sister G79 be G5225 naked, G1131 and G2532 destitute G3007 G5600 of daily G2184 food, G5160 And G1161 one G5100 of G1537 you G5216 say G2036 unto them, G846 Depart G5217 in G1722 peace, G1515 be ye warmed G2328 and G2532 filled; G5526 notwithstanding G1161 ye give G1325 them G846 not G3361 those things which are needful G2006 to the body; G4983 what G5101 doth it profit? G3786

James 5:15 STRONG

And G2532 the prayer G2171 of faith G4102 shall save G4982 the sick, G2577 and G2532 the Lord G2962 shall raise G1453 him G846 up; G1453 and if G2579 he have G5600 committed G4160 sins, G266 they shall be forgiven G863 him. G846

Commentary on Proverbs 25 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 25:1-28.

1. The character of these proverbs sustains the title (see Introduction).

also—refers to the former part of the book.

copied out—literally, "transferred," that is, from some other book to this; not given from memory.

2. God's unsearchableness impresses us with awe (compare Isa 45:15; Ro 11:33). But kings, being finite, should confer with wise counsellors;

3. Ye wisely keeping state secrets, which to common men are as inaccessible heights and depths.

4, 5. As separating impurities from ore leaves pure silver, so taking from a king wicked counsellors leaves a wise and beneficent government.

5. before—or, "in presence of," as courtiers stood about a king.

6, 7. Do not intrude into the presence of the king, for the elevation of the humble is honorable, but the humbling of the proud disgraceful (Lu 14:8-10).

8. (Compare Pr 3:30).

lest … shame—lest you do what you ought not, when shamed by defeat, or "lest thou art shut out from doing any thing."

9, 10. (Compare Mt 5:25, Margin).

secret—that is, of your opponent, for his disadvantage, and so you be disgraced, not having discussed your difficulties with him.

11. a word fitly—literally, "quickly," as wheels roll, just in time. The comparison as apples … silver gives a like sense.

apples, &c.—either real apples of golden color, in a silver network basket, or imitations on silver embroidery.

12. Those who desire to know and do rightly, most highly esteem good counsel (Pr 9:9; 15:31). The listening ear is better than one hung with gold.

13. Snow from mountains was used to cool drinks; so refreshing is a faithful messenger (Pr 13:17).

14. clouds—literally, "vapors" (Jer 10:13), clouds only in appearance.

a false gift—promised, but not given.

15. Gentleness and kindness overcome the most powerful and obstinate.

long forbearing—or, "slowness to anger" (Pr 14:29; 15:18).

16, 17. A comparison, as a surfeit of honey produces physical disgust, so your company, however agreeable in moderation, may, if excessive, lead your friend to hate you.

18. A false witness is as destructive to reputation, as such weapons to the body (Pr 24:28).

beareth … witness—literally, "answereth questions," as before a judge, against his neighbor.

19. Treachery annoys as well as deceives.

20. Not only is the incongruity of songs (that is, joyful) and sadness meant, but an accession of sadness, by want of sympathy, is implied.

21, 22. (Compare Mt 5:44; Ro 12:20). As metals are melted by heaping coals upon them, so is the heart softened by kindness.

23. Better, "As the north wind bringeth forth (Ps 90:2) or produces rain, so does a concealed or slandering tongue produce anger."

24. (Compare Pr 21:9, 19).

25. (Compare Pr 25:13).

good news—that is, of some loved interest or absent friend, the more grateful as coming from afar.

26. From troubled fountains and corrupt springs no healthy water is to be had, so when the righteous are oppressed by the wicked, their power for good is lessened or destroyed.

27. Satiety surfeits (Pr 25:16); so men who are self-glorious find shame.

is not glory—"not" is supplied from the first clause, or "is grievous," in which sense a similar word is used (Pr 27:2).

28. Such are exposed to the incursions of evil thoughts and successful temptations.