Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Proverbs » Chapter 25 » Verse 2

Proverbs 25:2 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

2 It is the glory H3519 of God H430 to conceal H5641 a thing: H1697 but the honour H3519 of kings H4428 is to search out H2713 a matter. H1697

Cross Reference

Deuteronomy 29:29 STRONG

The secret H5641 things belong unto the LORD H3068 our God: H430 but those things which are revealed H1540 belong unto us and to our children H1121 for H5704 ever, H5769 that we may do H6213 all the words H1697 of this law. H8451

1 Kings 3:9-28 STRONG

Give H5414 therefore thy servant H5650 an understanding H8085 heart H3820 to judge H8199 thy people, H5971 that I may discern H995 between good H2896 and bad: H7451 for who is able H3201 to judge H8199 this thy so great H3515 a people? H5971 And the speech H1697 pleased H3190 H5869 the Lord, H136 that Solomon H8010 had asked H7592 this thing. H1697 And God H430 said H559 unto him, Because thou hast asked H7592 this thing, H1697 and hast not asked H7592 for thyself long H7227 life; H3117 neither hast asked H7592 riches H6239 for thyself, nor hast asked H7592 the life H5315 of thine enemies; H341 but hast asked H7592 for thyself understanding H995 to discern H8085 judgment; H4941 Behold, I have done H6213 according to thy words: H1697 lo, I have given H5414 thee a wise H2450 and an understanding H995 heart; H3820 so that there was none like thee before H6440 thee, neither after H310 thee shall any arise H6965 like unto thee. And I have also given H5414 thee that which thou hast not asked, H7592 both riches, H6239 and honour: H3519 so that there shall not be any H376 among the kings H4428 like unto thee all thy days. H3117 And if thou wilt walk H3212 in my ways, H1870 to keep H8104 my statutes H2706 and my commandments, H4687 as thy father H1 David H1732 did walk, H1980 then I will lengthen H748 thy days. H3117 And Solomon H8010 awoke; H3364 and, behold, it was a dream. H2472 And he came H935 to Jerusalem, H3389 and stood H5975 before H6440 the ark H727 of the covenant H1285 of the LORD, H3068 and offered up H5927 burnt offerings, H5930 and offered H6213 peace offerings, H8002 and made H6213 a feast H4960 to all his servants. H5650 Then came H935 there two H8147 women, H802 that were harlots, H2181 unto the king, H4428 and stood H5975 before H6440 him. And the one H259 woman H802 said, H559 O H994 my lord, H113 I and this woman H802 dwell H3427 in one H259 house; H1004 and I was delivered of a child H3205 with her in the house. H1004 And it came to pass the third H7992 day H3117 after that I was delivered, H3205 that this woman H802 was delivered H3205 also: and we were together; H3162 there was no stranger H2114 with us in the house, H1004 save H2108 we two H8147 in the house. H1004 And this woman's H802 child H1121 died H4191 in the night; H3915 because she overlaid H7901 it. And she arose H6965 at midnight, H8432 H3915 and took H3947 my son H1121 from beside H681 me, while thine handmaid H519 slept, H3463 and laid H7901 it in her bosom, H2436 and laid H7901 her dead H4191 child H1121 in my bosom. H2436 And when I rose H6965 in the morning H1242 to give my child H1121 suck, H3243 behold, it was dead: H4191 but when I had considered H995 it in the morning, H1242 behold, it was not my son, H1121 which I did bear. H3205 And the other H312 woman H802 said, H559 Nay; but the living H2416 is my son, H1121 and the dead H4191 is thy son. H1121 And this said, H559 No; but the dead H4191 is thy son, H1121 and the living H2416 is my son. H1121 Thus they spake H1696 before H6440 the king. H4428 Then said H559 the king, H4428 The one H2063 saith, H559 This is my son H1121 that liveth, H2416 and thy son H1121 is the dead: H4191 and the other H2063 saith, H559 Nay; but thy son H1121 is the dead, H4191 and my son H1121 is the living. H2416 And the king H4428 said, H559 Bring H3947 me a sword. H2719 And they brought H935 a sword H2719 before H6440 the king. H4428 And the king H4428 said, H559 Divide H1504 the living H2416 child H3206 in two, H8147 and give H5414 half H2677 to the one, H259 and half H2677 to the other. H259 Then spake H559 the woman H802 whose the living H2416 child H1121 was unto the king, H4428 for her bowels H7356 yearned H3648 upon her son, H1121 and she said, H559 O H994 my lord, H113 give H5414 her the living H2416 child, H3205 and in no wise H4191 slay H4191 it. But the other said, H559 Let it be neither mine nor thine, but divide H1504 it. Then the king H4428 answered H6030 and said, H559 Give H5414 her the living H2416 child, H3205 and in no wise H4191 slay H4191 it: she is the mother H517 thereof. And all Israel H3478 heard H8085 of the judgment H4941 which the king H4428 had judged; H8199 and they feared H3372 the king: H6440 for they saw H7200 that the wisdom H2451 of God H430 was in him, H7130 to do H6213 judgment. H4941

Job 29:16 STRONG

I was a father H1 to the poor: H34 and the cause H7379 which I knew H3045 not I searched out. H2713

Romans 11:33-34 STRONG

O G5599 the depth G899 of the riches G4149 both G2532 of the wisdom G4678 and G2532 knowledge G1108 of God! G2316 how G5613 unsearchable G419 are his G846 judgments, G2917 and G2532 his G846 ways G3598 past finding out! G421 For G1063 who G5101 hath known G1097 the mind G3563 of the Lord? G2962 or G2228 who G5101 hath been G1096 his G846 counsellor? G4825

1 Kings 4:29-34 STRONG

And God H430 gave H5414 Solomon H8010 wisdom H2451 and understanding H8394 exceeding H3966 much, H7235 and largeness H7341 of heart, H3820 even as the sand H2344 that is on the sea H3220 shore. H8193 And Solomon's H8010 wisdom H2451 excelled H7235 the wisdom H2451 of all the children H1121 of the east country, H6924 and all the wisdom H2451 of Egypt. H4714 For he was wiser H2449 than all men; H120 than Ethan H387 the Ezrahite, H250 and Heman, H1968 and Chalcol, H3633 and Darda, H1862 the sons H1121 of Mahol: H4235 and his fame H8034 was in all nations H1471 round about. H5439 And he spake H1696 three H7969 thousand H505 proverbs: H4912 and his songs H7892 were a thousand H505 and five. H2568 And he spake H1696 of trees, H6086 from the cedar tree H730 that is in Lebanon H3844 even unto the hyssop H231 that springeth out H3318 of the wall: H7023 he spake H1696 also of beasts, H929 and of fowl, H5775 and of creeping things, H7431 and of fishes. H1709 And there came H935 of all people H5971 to hear H8085 the wisdom H2451 of Solomon, H8010 from all kings H4428 of the earth, H776 which had heard H8085 of his wisdom. H2451

Ezra 4:15 STRONG

That search H1240 may be made in the book H5609 of the records H1799 of thy fathers: H2 so shalt thou find H7912 in the book H5609 of the records, H1799 and know H3046 that this H1791 city H7149 is a rebellious H4779 city, H7149 and hurtful H5142 unto kings H4430 and provinces, H4083 and that they have moved H5648 sedition H849 within the same H1459 of H4481 old H5957 time: H3118 for H5922 which H1836 cause was this H1791 city H7149 destroyed. H2718

Ezra 4:19 STRONG

And I H4481 commanded, H7761 H2942 and search H1240 hath been made, and it is found H7912 that this H1791 city H7149 of H4481 old H5957 time H3118 hath made insurrection H5376 against H5922 kings, H4430 and that rebellion H4776 and sedition H849 have been made H5648 therein.

Job 11:7-8 STRONG

Canst thou by searching H2714 find out H4672 God? H433 canst thou find H4672 out the Almighty H7706 unto perfection? H8503 It is as high H1363 as heaven; H8064 what canst thou do? H6466 deeper H6013 than hell; H7585 what canst thou know? H3045

Job 42:3 STRONG

Who is he that hideth H5956 counsel H6098 without knowledge? H1847 therefore have I uttered H5046 that I understood H995 not; things too wonderful H6381 for me, which I knew H3045 not.

Commentary on Proverbs 25 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 25:1-28.

1. The character of these proverbs sustains the title (see Introduction).

also—refers to the former part of the book.

copied out—literally, "transferred," that is, from some other book to this; not given from memory.

2. God's unsearchableness impresses us with awe (compare Isa 45:15; Ro 11:33). But kings, being finite, should confer with wise counsellors;

3. Ye wisely keeping state secrets, which to common men are as inaccessible heights and depths.

4, 5. As separating impurities from ore leaves pure silver, so taking from a king wicked counsellors leaves a wise and beneficent government.

5. before—or, "in presence of," as courtiers stood about a king.

6, 7. Do not intrude into the presence of the king, for the elevation of the humble is honorable, but the humbling of the proud disgraceful (Lu 14:8-10).

8. (Compare Pr 3:30).

lest … shame—lest you do what you ought not, when shamed by defeat, or "lest thou art shut out from doing any thing."

9, 10. (Compare Mt 5:25, Margin).

secret—that is, of your opponent, for his disadvantage, and so you be disgraced, not having discussed your difficulties with him.

11. a word fitly—literally, "quickly," as wheels roll, just in time. The comparison as apples … silver gives a like sense.

apples, &c.—either real apples of golden color, in a silver network basket, or imitations on silver embroidery.

12. Those who desire to know and do rightly, most highly esteem good counsel (Pr 9:9; 15:31). The listening ear is better than one hung with gold.

13. Snow from mountains was used to cool drinks; so refreshing is a faithful messenger (Pr 13:17).

14. clouds—literally, "vapors" (Jer 10:13), clouds only in appearance.

a false gift—promised, but not given.

15. Gentleness and kindness overcome the most powerful and obstinate.

long forbearing—or, "slowness to anger" (Pr 14:29; 15:18).

16, 17. A comparison, as a surfeit of honey produces physical disgust, so your company, however agreeable in moderation, may, if excessive, lead your friend to hate you.

18. A false witness is as destructive to reputation, as such weapons to the body (Pr 24:28).

beareth … witness—literally, "answereth questions," as before a judge, against his neighbor.

19. Treachery annoys as well as deceives.

20. Not only is the incongruity of songs (that is, joyful) and sadness meant, but an accession of sadness, by want of sympathy, is implied.

21, 22. (Compare Mt 5:44; Ro 12:20). As metals are melted by heaping coals upon them, so is the heart softened by kindness.

23. Better, "As the north wind bringeth forth (Ps 90:2) or produces rain, so does a concealed or slandering tongue produce anger."

24. (Compare Pr 21:9, 19).

25. (Compare Pr 25:13).

good news—that is, of some loved interest or absent friend, the more grateful as coming from afar.

26. From troubled fountains and corrupt springs no healthy water is to be had, so when the righteous are oppressed by the wicked, their power for good is lessened or destroyed.

27. Satiety surfeits (Pr 25:16); so men who are self-glorious find shame.

is not glory—"not" is supplied from the first clause, or "is grievous," in which sense a similar word is used (Pr 27:2).

28. Such are exposed to the incursions of evil thoughts and successful temptations.