Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Proverbs » Chapter 28 » Verse 19

Proverbs 28:19 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

19 He that tilleth H5647 his land H127 shall have plenty H7646 of bread: H3899 but he that followeth H7291 after vain H7386 persons shall have poverty enough. H7389

Cross Reference

Proverbs 12:11 STRONG

He that tilleth H5647 his land H127 shall be satisfied H7646 with bread: H3899 but he that followeth H7291 vain H7386 persons is void H2638 of understanding. H3820

Judges 9:4 STRONG

And they gave H5414 him threescore and ten H7657 pieces of silver H3701 out of the house H1004 of Baalberith, H1170 wherewith Abimelech H40 hired H7936 vain H7386 and light H6348 persons, H582 which followed H3212 him. H310

Proverbs 13:20 STRONG

He that walketh H1980 with wise H2450 men shall be wise: H2449 but a companion H7462 of fools H3684 shall be destroyed. H7321

Proverbs 23:20-21 STRONG

Be not among winebibbers; H3196 H5433 among riotous eaters H2151 of flesh: H1320 For the drunkard H5433 and the glutton H2151 shall come to poverty: H3423 and drowsiness H5124 shall clothe H3847 a man with rags. H7168

Proverbs 27:23-27 STRONG

Be thou diligent H3045 to know H3045 the state H6440 of thy flocks, H6629 and look H7896 well H3820 to thy herds. H5739 For riches H2633 are not for ever: H5769 and doth the crown H5145 endure to every H1755 generation? H1755 The hay H2682 appeareth, H1540 and the tender grass H1877 sheweth H7200 itself, and herbs H6212 of the mountains H2022 are gathered. H622 The lambs H3532 are for thy clothing, H3830 and the goats H6260 are the price H4242 of the field. H7704 And thou shalt have goats' H5795 milk H2461 enough H1767 for thy food, H3899 for the food H3899 of thy household, H1004 and for the maintenance H2416 for thy maidens. H5291

Luke 15:12-17 STRONG

And G2532 the younger G3501 of them G846 said G2036 to his father, G3962 Father, G3962 give G1325 me G3427 the portion G3313 of goods G3776 that falleth G1911 to me. And G2532 he divided G1244 unto them G846 his living. G979 And G2532 not G3756 many G4183 days G2250 after G3326 the younger G3501 son G5207 gathered G4863 all G537 together, G4863 and took his journey G589 into G1519 a far G3117 country, G5561 and G2532 there G1563 wasted G1287 his G846 substance G3776 with riotous G811 living. G2198 And G1161 when he G846 had spent G1159 all, G3956 there arose G1096 a mighty G2478 famine G3042 in G2596 that G1565 land; G5561 and G2532 he G846 began G756 to be in want. G5302 And G2532 he went G4198 and joined himself G2853 to G1520 a citizen G4177 of that G1565 country; G5561 and G2532 he sent G3992 him G846 into G1519 his G846 fields G68 to feed G1006 swine. G5519 And G2532 he would fain G1937 have filled G1072 his G846 belly G2836 with G575 the husks G2769 that G3739 the swine G5519 did eat: G2068 and G2532 no man G3762 gave G1325 unto him. G846 And G1161 when he came G2064 to G1519 himself, G1438 he said, G2036 How many G4214 hired servants G3407 of my G3450 father's G3962 have bread G740 enough and to spare, G4052 and G1161 I G1473 perish G622 with hunger! G3042

Proverbs 14:4 STRONG

Where no oxen H504 are, the crib H18 is clean: H1249 but much H7230 increase H8393 is by the strength H3581 of the ox. H7794

Commentary on Proverbs 28 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 28:1-28.

1. A bad conscience makes men timid; the righteous are alone truly bold (Pr 14:26; Ps 27:1).

2. Anarchy producing contending rulers shortens the reign of each.

but by a man … prolonged—or, "by a man of understanding—that is, a good ruler—he who knows or regards the right, that is, a good citizen, shall prolong (his days)." Good rulers are a blessing to the people. Bad government as a punishment for evil is contrasted with good as blessing to the good.

3. A poor man, &c.—Such, in power, exact more severely, and so leave subjects bare.

4. They that forsake … wicked—Wrongdoers encourage one another.

5. (Compare Joh 7:17). Ignorance of moral truth is due to unwillingness to know it.

6. (Compare Pr 10:6). Riches cannot compensate for sin, nor the want of them affect integrity.

7. (Compare Pr 17:25).

riotous men—or, "gluttons" (Pr 23:20, 21).

8. usury … unjust gain—(Compare Margin). The two terms, meaning nearly the same, may denote excessive interest. God's providence directs the proper use of wealth.

9. (Compare Pr 15:8; 21:27).

hearing—that is, obeying. God requires sincere worshippers (Ps 66:18; Joh 4:24).

10. (Compare Pr 26:27).

11. A poor but wise man can discover (and expose) the rich and self-conceited.

12. great glory—or, cause for it to a people, for the righteous rejoice in good, and righteousness exalts a nation (Pr 14:34).

a man … hidden—that is, the good retire, or all kinds try to escape a wicked rule.

13. (Compare Ps 32:3-5). Concealment of sin delivers none from God's wrath, but He shows mercy to the humble penitent (Ps 51:4).

14. feareth—that is, God, and so repents.

hardeneth his heart—makes himself insensible to sin, and so will not repent (Pr 14:16; 29:1).

15. The rapacity and cruelty of such beasts well represent some wicked men (compare Ps 7:2; 17:12).

16. The prince … understanding—that is, He does not perceive that oppression jeopards his success. Covetousness often produces oppression, hence the contrast.

17. doeth violence … blood, &c.—or, that is oppressed by the blood of life (Ge 9:6), which he has taken.

to the pit—the grave or destruction (Pr 1:12; Job 33:18-24; Ps 143:7).

stay him—sustain or deliver him.

18. (Compare Pr 10:9; 17:20). Double dealing is eventually fatal.

19. (Compare Pr 10:4; 20:4).

vain persons—idle, useless drones, implying that they are also wicked (Pr 12:11; Ps 26:4).

20. maketh haste … rich—implying deceit or fraud (Pr 20:21), and so opposed to "faithful" or reliable.

21. respect of persons—(Pr 24:23). Such are led to evil by the slightest motive.

22. (Compare Pr 28:20).

evil eye—in the general sense of Pr 23:6, here more specific for covetousness (compare Pr 22:9; Mt 20:15).

poverty … him—by God's providence.

23. (Compare Pr 9:8, 9; 27:5). Those benefited by reproof will love their monitors.

24. (Compare Mt 15:4-6). Such, though heirs, are virtually thieves, to be ranked with highwaymen.

25. of a proud heart—literally, "puffed up of soul"—that is, self-confident, and hence overbearing and litigious.

made fat—or, "prosperous" (Pr 11:25; 16:20).

26. (Compare Pr 3:6-8).

walketh wisely—that is, trusting in God (Pr 22:17-19).

27. (Compare Pr 11:24-26).

hideth his eyes—as the face (Ps 27:9; 69:17), denotes inattention.

28. The elevation of the wicked to power drives men to seek refuge from tyranny (compare Pr 28:12; 11:10; Ps 12:8).