Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Proverbs » Chapter 30 » Verse 15

Proverbs 30:15 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

15 The horseleach H5936 hath two H8147 daughters, H1323 crying, Give, H3051 give. H3051 There are three H7969 things that are never satisfied, H7646 yea, four H702 things say H559 not, It is enough: H1952

Cross Reference

Proverbs 30:29 STRONG

There be three H7969 things which go H6806 well, H3190 yea, four H702 are comely H2895 in going: H3212

Proverbs 30:21 STRONG

For three H7969 things the earth H776 is disquieted, H7264 and for four H702 which it cannot H3201 bear: H5375

Proverbs 6:16 STRONG

These six H8337 things doth the LORD H3068 hate: H8130 yea, seven H7651 are an abomination H8441 unto him: H5315

Amos 2:4 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 For three H7969 transgressions H6588 of Judah, H3063 and for four, H702 I will not turn away H7725 the punishment thereof; because they have despised H3988 the law H8451 of the LORD, H3068 and have not kept H8104 his commandments, H2706 and their lies H3577 caused them to err, H8582 after H310 the which their fathers H1 have walked: H1980

Jude 1:11-12 STRONG

Woe G3759 unto them! G846 for G3754 they have gone G4198 in the way G3598 of Cain, G2535 and G2532 ran greedily after G1632 the error G4106 of Balaam G903 for reward, G3408 and G2532 perished G622 in the gainsaying G485 of Core. G2879 These G3778 are G1526 spots G4694 in G1722 your G5216 feasts of charity, G26 when they feast G4910 with you, G5213 feeding G4165 themselves G1438 without fear: G870 clouds G3507 they are without water, G504 carried about G4064 of G5259 winds; G417 trees G1186 whose fruit withereth, G5352 without fruit, G175 twice G1364 dead, G599 plucked up by the roots; G1610

2 Peter 2:13-15 STRONG

And shall receive G2865 the reward G3408 of unrighteousness, G93 as they that count G2233 it pleasure G2237 to riot G5172 in G1722 the day time. G2250 Spots G4696 they are and G2532 blemishes, G3470 sporting themselves G1792 with G1722 their own G846 deceivings G539 while they feast G4910 with you; G5213 Having G2192 eyes G3788 full G3324 of adultery, G3428 and G2532 that cannot cease from G180 sin; G266 beguiling G1185 unstable G793 souls: G5590 an heart G2588 they have G2192 exercised G1128 with covetous practices; G4124 cursed G2671 children: G5043 Which have forsaken G2641 the right G2117 way, G3598 and are gone astray, G4105 following G1811 the way G3598 of Balaam G903 the son of Bosor, G1007 who G3739 loved G25 the wages G3408 of unrighteousness; G93

2 Peter 2:3 STRONG

And G2532 through G1722 covetousness G4124 shall they with feigned G4112 words G3056 make merchandise G1710 of you: G5209 whose G3739 judgment G2917 now of a long time G1597 lingereth G691 not, G3756 and G2532 their G846 damnation G684 slumbereth G3573 not. G3756

Romans 16:18 STRONG

For G1063 they that are such G5108 serve G1398 not G3756 our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 but G235 their own G1438 belly; G2836 and G2532 by G1223 good words G5542 and G2532 fair speeches G2129 deceive G1818 the hearts G2588 of the simple. G172

John 8:44 STRONG

Ye G5210 are G2075 of G1537 your father G3962 the devil, G1228 and G2532 the lusts G1939 of your G5216 father G3962 ye will G2309 do. G4160 He G1565 was G2258 a murderer G443 from G575 the beginning, G746 and G2532 abode G2476 not G3756 in G1722 the truth, G225 because G3754 there is G2076 no G3756 truth G225 in G1722 him. G846 When G3752 he speaketh G2980 a lie, G5579 he speaketh G2980 of G1537 his own: G2398 for G3754 he is G2076 a liar, G5583 and G2532 the father G3962 of it. G846

John 8:39 STRONG

They answered G611 and G2532 said G2036 unto him, G846 Abraham G11 is G2076 our G2257 father. G3962 Jesus G2424 saith G3004 unto them, G846 If G1487 ye were G2258 Abraham's G11 children, G5043 ye would do G4160 G302 the works G2041 of Abraham. G11

Matthew 23:32 STRONG

Fill G4137 ye G5210 up G4137 then G2532 the measure G3358 of your G5216 fathers. G3962

Micah 7:3 STRONG

That they may do evil H7451 with both hands H3709 earnestly, H3190 the prince H8269 asketh, H7592 and the judge H8199 asketh for a reward; H7966 and the great H1419 man, he uttereth H1696 his mischievous H1942 desire: H5315 so they wrap it up. H5686

Proverbs 30:24 STRONG

There be four H702 things which are little H6996 upon the earth, H776 but they are exceeding H2449 wise: H2450

Amos 2:1 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 For three H7969 transgressions H6588 of Moab, H4124 and for four, H702 I will not turn away H7725 the punishment thereof; because he burned H8313 the bones H6106 of the king H4428 of Edom H123 into lime: H7875

Amos 1:13 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 For three H7969 transgressions H6588 of the children H1121 of Ammon, H5983 and for four, H702 I will not turn away H7725 the punishment thereof; because they have ripped up H1234 the women with child H2030 of Gilead, H1568 that they might enlarge H7337 their border: H1366

Amos 1:11 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 For three H7969 transgressions H6588 of Edom, H123 and for four, H702 I will not turn away H7725 the punishment thereof; because he did pursue H7291 his brother H251 with the sword, H2719 and did cast off H7843 all pity, H7356 and his anger H639 did tear H2963 perpetually, H5703 and he kept H8104 his wrath H5678 for ever: H5331

Amos 1:9 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 For three H7969 transgressions H6588 of Tyrus, H6865 and for four, H702 I will not turn away H7725 the punishment thereof; because they delivered up H5462 the whole H8003 captivity H1546 to Edom, H123 and remembered H2142 not the brotherly H251 covenant: H1285

Amos 1:6 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 For three H7969 transgressions H6588 of Gaza, H5804 and for four, H702 I will not turn away H7725 the punishment thereof; because they carried away captive H1540 the whole H8003 captivity, H1546 to deliver them up H5462 to Edom: H123

Amos 1:3 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 For three H7969 transgressions H6588 of Damascus, H1834 and for four, H702 I will not turn away H7725 the punishment thereof; because they have threshed H1758 Gilead H1568 with threshing instruments H2742 of iron: H1270

Hosea 4:18 STRONG

Their drink H5435 is sour: H5493 they have committed whoredom H2181 continually: H2181 her rulers H4043 with shame H7036 do love, H157 Give H3051 ye.

Ezekiel 16:44-46 STRONG

Behold, every one that useth proverbs H4911 shall use this proverb H4911 against thee, saying, H559 As is the mother, H517 so is her daughter. H1323 Thou art thy mother's H517 daughter, H1323 that lotheth H1602 her husband H376 and her children; H1121 and thou art the sister H269 of thy sisters, H269 which lothed H1602 their husbands H582 and their children: H1121 your mother H517 was an Hittite, H2850 and your father H1 an Amorite. H567 And thine elder H1419 sister H269 is Samaria, H8111 she and her daughters H1323 that dwell H3427 at thy left hand: H8040 and thy younger H6996 sister, H269 that dwelleth H3427 at thy right hand, H3225 is Sodom H5467 and her daughters. H1323

Isaiah 57:3 STRONG

But draw near H7126 hither, ye sons H1121 of the sorceress, H6049 the seed H2233 of the adulterer H5003 and the whore. H2181

Isaiah 56:11-12 STRONG

Yea, they are greedy H5794 H5315 dogs H3611 which can H3045 never have H3045 enough, H7654 and they are shepherds H7462 that cannot understand: H995 they all look H6437 to their own way, H1870 every one H376 for his gain, H1215 from his quarter. H7097 Come H857 ye, say they, I will fetch H3947 wine, H3196 and we will fill H5433 ourselves with strong drink; H7941 and to morrow H4279 shall be as this day, H3117 and much H3966 more H3499 abundant. H1419

Commentary on Proverbs 30 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 30:1-33.

1. This is the title of this chapter (see Introduction).

the prophecy—literally, "the burden" (compare Isa 13:1; Zec 9:1), used for any divine instruction; not necessarily a prediction, which was only a kind of prophecy (1Ch 15:27, "a song"). Prophets were inspired men, who spoke for God to man, or for man to God (Ge 20:7; Ex 7:14, 15, 16). Such, also, were the New Testament prophets. In a general sense, Gad, Nathan, and others were such, who were divine teachers, though we do not learn that they ever predicted.

the man spake—literally, "the saying of the man"; an expression used to denote any solemn and important announcement (compare 2Sa 23:1; Ps 36:1; 110:1; Isa 1:24, &c.). Ithiel and Ucal were perhaps pupils.

2-4. brutish—stupid, a strong term to denote his lowly self-estimation; or he may speak of such as his natural condition, as contrasted with God's all-seeing comprehensive knowledge and almighty power. The questions of this clause emphatically deny the attributes mentioned to be those of any creature, thus impressively strengthening the implied reference of the former to God (compare De 30:12-14; Isa 40:12; Eph 4:8).

5. (Compare Ps 12:6; 119:140).

6. Add … words—implying that his sole reliance was on God's all-sufficient teaching.

reprove thee—or, "convict thee"—and so the falsehood will appear.

7-9. A prayer for exemption from wickedness, and the extremes of poverty and riches, the two things mentioned. Contentment is implied as desired.

8. vanity—all sorts of sinful acts (Job 11:11; Isa 5:18).

9. be full … deny—that is, puffed up by the pride of prosperity.

take the name … vain—This is not (Hebrew) the form (compare Ex 20:7), but "take" rather denotes laying violent hold on any thing; that is, lest I assail God's name or attributes, as justice, mercy, &c., which the poor are tempted to do.

10. Accuse not—Slander not (Ps 10:7).

curse … guilty—lest, however lowly, he be exasperated to turn on thee, and your guilt be made to appear.

11-14. Four kinds of hateful persons—(1) graceless children, (2) hypocrites, (3) the proud, (4) cruel oppressors (compare on Pr 30:14; Ps 14:4; 52:2)—are now illustrated; (1) Pr 30:15, 16, the insatiability of prodigal children and their fate; (2) Pr 30:17, hypocrisy, or the concealment of real character; (3 and 4) Pr 30:18-20, various examples of pride and oppression.

15, 16. horse leech—supposed by some to be the vampire (a fabulous creature), as being literally insatiable; but the other subjects mentioned must be taken as this, comparatively insatiable. The use of a fabulous creature agreeably to popular notions is not inconsistent with inspiration.

There are three … yea, four—(Compare Pr 6:16).

17. The eye—for the person, with reference to the use of the organ to express mockery and contempt, and also as that by which punishment is received.

the ravens … eagles … eat—either as dying unnaturally, or being left unburied, or both.

18-20. Hypocrisy is illustrated by four examples of the concealment of all methods or traces of action, and a pertinent example of double dealing in actual vice is added, that is, the adulterous woman.

20. she eateth … mouth—that is, she hides the evidences of her shame and professes innocence.

21-23. Pride and cruelty, the undue exaltation of those unfit to hold power, produce those vices which disquiet society (compare Pr 19:10; 28:3).

23. heir … mistress—that is, takes her place as a wife (Ge 16:4).

24-31. These verses provide two classes of apt illustrations of various aspects of the moral world, which the reader is left to apply. By the first (Pr 30:25-28), diligence and providence are commended; the success of these insignificant animals being due to their instinctive sagacity and activity, rather than strength. The other class (Pr 30:30, 31) provides similes for whatever is majestic or comely, uniting efficiency with gracefulness.

26. conies—mountain mice, or rabbits.

28. spider—tolerated, even in palaces, to destroy flies.

taketh … hands—or, uses with activity the limbs provided for taking prey.

32. As none can hope, successfully, to resist such a king, suppress even the thought of an attempt.

lay … hand upon thy mouth—"lay" is well supplied (Jud 18:19; Job 29:9; 40:4).

33. That is, strife—or other ills, as surely arise from devising evil as natural effects from natural causes.