Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Proverbs » Chapter 6 » Verse 16

Proverbs 6:16 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

16 These six H8337 things doth the LORD H3068 hate: H8130 yea, seven H7651 are an abomination H8441 unto him: H5315

Cross Reference

Proverbs 30:21 STRONG

For three H7969 things the earth H776 is disquieted, H7264 and for four H702 which it cannot H3201 bear: H5375

Proverbs 30:18 STRONG

There be three H7969 things which are too wonderful H6381 for me, yea, four H702 which I know H3045 not:

Proverbs 17:15 STRONG

He that justifieth H6663 the wicked, H7563 and he that condemneth H7561 the just, H6662 even they both H8147 are abomination H8441 to the LORD. H3068

Proverbs 15:8-9 STRONG

The sacrifice H2077 of the wicked H7563 is an abomination H8441 to the LORD: H3068 but the prayer H8605 of the upright H3477 is his delight. H7522 The way H1870 of the wicked H7563 is an abomination H8441 unto the LORD: H3068 but he loveth H157 him that followeth H7291 after righteousness. H6666

Proverbs 11:20 STRONG

They that are of a froward H6141 heart H3820 are abomination H8441 to the LORD: H3068 but such as are upright H8549 in their way H1870 are his delight. H7522

Proverbs 11:1 STRONG

A false H4820 balance H3976 is abomination H8441 to the LORD: H3068 but a just H8003 weight H68 is his delight. H7522

Proverbs 8:13 STRONG

The fear H3374 of the LORD H3068 is to hate H8130 evil: H7451 pride, H1344 and arrogancy, H1347 and the evil H7451 way, H1870 and the froward H8419 mouth, H6310 do I hate. H8130

Proverbs 3:32 STRONG

For the froward H3868 is abomination H8441 to the LORD: H3068 but his secret H5475 is with the righteous. H3477

Psalms 11:5 STRONG

The LORD H3068 trieth H974 the righteous: H6662 but the wicked H7563 and him that loveth H157 violence H2555 his soul H5315 hateth. H8130

Deuteronomy 25:16 STRONG

For all that do H6213 such things, H428 and all that do H6213 unrighteously, H5766 are an abomination H8441 unto the LORD H3068 thy God. H430

Deuteronomy 18:10-12 STRONG

There shall not be found H4672 among you any one that maketh his son H1121 or his daughter H1323 to pass H5674 through the fire, H784 or that useth H7080 divination, H7081 or an observer of times, H6049 or an enchanter, H5172 or a witch, H3784 Or a charmer, H2266 H2267 or a consulter H7592 with familiar spirits, H178 or a wizard, H3049 or a necromancer. H1875 H4191 For all that do H6213 these things are an abomination H8441 unto the LORD: H3068 and because H1558 of these abominations H8441 the LORD H3068 thy God H430 doth drive them out H3423 from before H6440 thee.

Amos 2:6 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 For three H7969 transgressions H6588 of Israel, H3478 and for four, H702 I will not turn away H7725 the punishment thereof; because they sold H4376 the righteous H6662 for silver, H3701 and the poor H34 for a pair of shoes; H5275

Revelation 21:27 STRONG

And G2532 there shall G1525 in no wise G3364 enter G1525 into G1519 it G846 any thing G3956 that defileth, G2840 neither G2532 whatsoever worketh G4160 abomination, G946 or G2532 maketh a lie: G5579 but G1508 they which are written G1125 in G1722 the Lamb's G721 book G975 of life. G2222

Amos 2:4 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 For three H7969 transgressions H6588 of Judah, H3063 and for four, H702 I will not turn away H7725 the punishment thereof; because they have despised H3988 the law H8451 of the LORD, H3068 and have not kept H8104 his commandments, H2706 and their lies H3577 caused them to err, H8582 after H310 the which their fathers H1 have walked: H1980

Amos 2:1 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 For three H7969 transgressions H6588 of Moab, H4124 and for four, H702 I will not turn away H7725 the punishment thereof; because he burned H8313 the bones H6106 of the king H4428 of Edom H123 into lime: H7875

Amos 1:11 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 For three H7969 transgressions H6588 of Edom, H123 and for four, H702 I will not turn away H7725 the punishment thereof; because he did pursue H7291 his brother H251 with the sword, H2719 and did cast off H7843 all pity, H7356 and his anger H639 did tear H2963 perpetually, H5703 and he kept H8104 his wrath H5678 for ever: H5331

Amos 1:9 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 For three H7969 transgressions H6588 of Tyrus, H6865 and for four, H702 I will not turn away H7725 the punishment thereof; because they delivered up H5462 the whole H8003 captivity H1546 to Edom, H123 and remembered H2142 not the brotherly H251 covenant: H1285

Amos 1:6 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 For three H7969 transgressions H6588 of Gaza, H5804 and for four, H702 I will not turn away H7725 the punishment thereof; because they carried away captive H1540 the whole H8003 captivity, H1546 to deliver them up H5462 to Edom: H123

Amos 1:3 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 For three H7969 transgressions H6588 of Damascus, H1834 and for four, H702 I will not turn away H7725 the punishment thereof; because they have threshed H1758 Gilead H1568 with threshing instruments H2742 of iron: H1270

Proverbs 30:29 STRONG

There be three H7969 things which go H6806 well, H3190 yea, four H702 are comely H2895 in going: H3212

Proverbs 30:24 STRONG

There be four H702 things which are little H6996 upon the earth, H776 but they are exceeding H2449 wise: H2450

Proverbs 20:23 STRONG

Divers weights H68 H68 are an abomination H8441 unto the LORD; H3068 and a false H4820 balance H3976 is not good. H2896

Proverbs 20:10 STRONG

Divers weights, H68 H68 and divers measures, H374 H374 both H8147 of them are alike H1571 abomination H8441 to the LORD. H3068

Deuteronomy 23:18 STRONG

Thou shalt not bring H935 the hire H868 of a whore, H2181 or the price H4242 of a dog, H3611 into the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 thy God H430 for any vow: H5088 for even both H8147 these are abomination H8441 unto the LORD H3068 thy God. H430

Deuteronomy 24:4 STRONG

Her former H7223 husband, H1167 which sent her away, H7971 may H3201 not take H3947 her again H7725 to be his wife, H802 after H310 that she is defiled; H2930 for that is abomination H8441 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 and thou shalt not cause the land H776 to sin, H2398 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 giveth H5414 thee for an inheritance. H5159

Commentary on Proverbs 6 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 6:1-35. After admonitions against suretyship and sloth (compare Pr 6:6-8), the character and fate of the wicked generally are set forth, and the writer (Pr 6:20-35) resumes the warnings against incontinence, pointing out its certain and terrible results. This train of thought seems to intimate the kindred of these vices.

1, 2. if—The condition extends through both verses.

be surety—art pledged.

stricken … hand—bargained (compare Job 17:3).

with a stranger—that is, for a friend (compare Pr 11:15; 17:18).

3. come … friend—in his power.

humble … sure thy friend—urge as a suppliant; that is, induce the friend to provide otherwise for his debt, or secure the surety.

4, 5. The danger requires promptness.

6-8. The improvident sluggards usually want sureties. Hence, such are advised to industry by the ant's example.

9, 10. Their conduct graphically described;

11. and the fruits of their self-indulgence and indolence presented.

as … travelleth—literally, "one who walks backwards and forwards," that is, a highwayman.

armed man—that is, one prepared to destroy.

12. A naughty person—literally, "A man of Belial," or of worthlessness, that is, for good, and so depraved, or wicked (compare 1Sa 25:25; 30:22, &c.). Idleness and vice are allied. Though indolent in acts, he actively and habitually (walketh) is ill-natured in speech (Pr 4:24).

13, 14. If, for fear of detection, he does not speak, he uses signs to carry on his intrigues. These signs are still so used in the East.

14. Frowardness—as in Pr 2:14.

deviseth—literally, "constructs, as an artisan."

mischief—evil to others.

discord—especially litigation. Cunning is the talent of the weak and lazy.

15. Suddenness aggravates evil (compare Pr 6:11; 29:1).

calamity—literally, "a crushing weight."

broken—shivered as a potter's vessel; utterly destroyed (Ps 2:9).

16-19. six … seven—a mode of speaking to arrest attention (Pr 30:15, 18; Job 5:19).

17. proud look—literally, "eyes of loftiness" (Ps 131:1). Eyes, tongue, &c., for persons.

19. speaketh—literally, "breathes out," habitually speaks (Ps 27:12; Ac 9:1).

20-23. (Compare Pr 1:8; 3:3, &c.).

22. it—(compare Pr 6:23); denotes the instruction of parents (Pr 6:20), to which all the qualities of a safe guide and guard and ready teacher are ascribed. It prevents the ingress of evil by supplying good thoughts, even in dreams (Pr 3:21-23; Ps 19:9; 2Pe 1:19).

23. reproofs—(Pr 1:23) the convictions of error produced by instruction.

24. A specimen of its benefit. By appreciating truth, men are not affected by lying flattery.

25. One of the cautions of this instruction, avoid alluring beauty.

take—or, "ensnare."

eyelids—By painting the lashes, women enhanced beauty.

26. The supplied words give a better sense than the old version: "The price of a whore is a piece of bread."

adulteress—(Compare Margin), which the parallel and context (Pr 6:29-35) sustain. Of similar results of this sin, compare Pr 5:9-12.

will hunt—alluding to the snares spread by harlots (compare Pr 7:6-8).

precious life—more valuable than all else.

27-29. The guilt and danger most obvious.

30, 31. Such a thief is pitied, though heavily punished.

31. sevenfold—(compare Ex 22:1-4), for many, ample (compare Ge 4:24; Mt 18:21), even if all his wealth is taken.

32. lacketh understanding—or, "heart"; destitute of moral principle and prudence.

33. dishonour—or, "shame," as well as hurt of body (Pr 3:35).

reproach … away—No restitution will suffice;

34, 35. nor any terms of reconciliation be admitted.

regard—or, "accept" any ransom.