Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Proverbs » Chapter 7 » Verse 9

Proverbs 7:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 In the twilight, H5399 in the evening, H3117 H6153 in the black H380 and dark H653 night: H3915

Cross Reference

Job 24:13-15 STRONG

They are of those that rebel H4775 against the light; H216 they know H5234 not the ways H1870 thereof, nor abide H3427 in the paths H5410 thereof. The murderer H7523 rising H6965 with the light H216 killeth H6991 the poor H6041 and needy, H34 and in the night H3915 is as a thief. H1590 The eye H5869 also of the adulterer H5003 waiteth H8104 for the twilight, H5399 saying, H559 No eye H5869 shall see H7789 me: and disguiseth H5643 H7760 his face. H6440

Romans 13:12-14 STRONG

The night G3571 is far spent, G4298 G1161 the day G2250 is at hand: G1448 let us G659 therefore G3767 cast off G659 the works G2041 of darkness, G4655 and G2532 let us put on G1746 the armour G3696 of light. G5457 Let us walk G4043 honestly, G2156 as G5613 in G1722 the day; G2250 not G3361 in rioting G2970 and G2532 drunkenness, G3178 not G3361 in chambering G2845 and G2532 wantonness, G766 not G3361 in strife G2054 and G2532 envying. G2205 But G235 put ye on G1746 the Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 and G2532 make G4160 not G3361 provision G4307 for G1519 the flesh, G4561 to fulfil the lusts G1939 thereof.

Genesis 39:11 STRONG

And it came to pass about this time, H3117 that Joseph went H935 into the house H1004 to do H6213 his business; H4399 and there was none of the men H376 H582 of the house H1004 there within.

Exodus 12:6 STRONG

And ye shall keep H4931 it up until the fourteenth H702 H6240 day H3117 of the same month: H2320 and the whole H3605 assembly H6951 of the congregation H5712 of Israel H3478 shall kill H7819 it in H996 the evening. H6153

Ephesians 5:11 STRONG

And G2532 have G4790 no G3361 fellowship G4790 with the unfruitful G175 works G2041 of darkness, G4655 but G1161 rather G3123 G2532 reprove G1651 them.

Commentary on Proverbs 7 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Pr 7:1-27. The subject continued, by a delineation of the arts of strange women, as a caution to the unwary.

1-4. Similar calls (Pr 3:1-3; 4:10, &c.).

2. apple … eye—pupil of eye, a custody (Pr 4:23) of special value.

3. Bind … fingers—as inscriptions on rings.

5. The design of the teaching (compare Pr 2:16; 6:24).

6. For—or, "Since," introducing an example to illustrate the warning, which, whether a narrative or a parable, is equally pertinent.

window—or, "opening"

looked—literally, "watched earnestly" (Jud 5:28).

casement—or, "lattice."

7. simple—as in Pr 1:4.

void of, &c.—(Compare Pr 6:32).

8. her corner—where she was usually found.

went … house—implying, perhaps, confidence in himself by his manner, as denoted in the word

went—literally, "tread pompously."

9. The time, twilight, ending in darkness.

black … night—literally, "pupil," or, "eye," that is, middle of night.

10. attire—that of harlots was sometimes peculiar.

subtile—or, "wary," "cunning."

11, 12. loud—or, "noisy," "bustling."

stubborn—not submissive.

without … streets, … corner—(Compare 1Ti 5:13; Tit 2:5).

13-15. The preparations for a feast do not necessarily imply peculiar religious professions. The offerer retained part of the victim for a feast (Le 3:9, &c.). This feast she professes was prepared for him whom she boldly addresses as one sought specially to partake of it.

16, 17. my bed—or, "couch," adorned in the costliest manner.

17. bed—a place for sleeping.

18-20. There is no fear of discovery.

20. the day appointed—perhaps, literally, "a full moon," that is, a fortnight's time (compare Pr 7:19).

21. caused … yield—or, "inclines."

flattering—(Compare Pr 5:3).

forced him—by persuasion overcoming his scruples.

22. straightway—quickly, either as ignorant of danger, or incapable of resistance.

23. Till—He is now caught (Pr 6:26).

24. The inferential admonition is followed (Pr 7:26, 27), by a more general allegation of the evils of this vice.

26, 27. Even the mightiest fail to resist her deathly allurements.