Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 1 » Verse 2

Psalms 1:2 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

2 But his delight H2656 is in the law H8451 of the LORD; H3068 and in his law H8451 doth he meditate H1897 day H3119 and night. H3915

Cross Reference

Joshua 1:8 STRONG

This book H5612 of the law H8451 shall not depart H4185 out of thy mouth; H6310 but thou shalt meditate H1897 therein day H3119 and night, H3915 that thou mayest observe H8104 to do H6213 according to all that is written H3789 therein: for then thou shalt make H6743 thy way H1870 prosperous, H6743 and then thou shalt have good success. H7919

Psalms 119:35 STRONG

Make me to go H1869 in the path H5410 of thy commandments; H4687 for therein do I delight. H2654

Psalms 119:11 STRONG

Thy word H565 have I hid H6845 in mine heart, H3820 that I might not sin H2398 against thee.

Psalms 119:92 STRONG

Unless H3884 thy law H8451 had been my delights, H8191 I should then have perished H6 in mine affliction. H6040

Romans 7:22 STRONG

For G1063 I delight G4913 in the law G3551 of God G2316 after G2596 the inward G2080 man: G444

Psalms 112:1 STRONG

Praise H1984 ye the LORD. H3050 Blessed H835 is the man H376 that feareth H3372 the LORD, H3068 that delighteth H2654 greatly H3966 in his commandments. H4687

Psalms 119:15-16 STRONG

I will meditate H7878 in thy precepts, H6490 and have respect H5027 unto thy ways. H734 I will delight H8173 myself in thy statutes: H2708 I will not forget H7911 thy word. H1697

Psalms 119:97-99 STRONG

MEM. O how love I H157 thy law! H8451 it is my meditation H7881 all the day. H3117 Thou through thy commandments H4687 hast made me wiser H2449 than mine enemies: H341 for they are ever H5769 with me. I have more understanding H7919 than all my teachers: H3925 for thy testimonies H5715 are my meditation. H7881

Psalms 40:8 STRONG

I delight H2654 to do H6213 thy will, H7522 O my God: H430 yea, thy law H8451 is within H8432 my heart. H4578

Job 23:12 STRONG

Neither have I gone back H4185 from the commandment H4687 of his lips; H8193 I have esteemed H6845 the words H561 of his mouth H6310 more than my necessary H2706 food.

Jeremiah 15:16 STRONG

Thy words H1697 were found, H4672 and I did eat H398 them; and thy word H1697 was unto me the joy H8342 and rejoicing H8057 of mine heart: H3824 for I am called H7121 by thy name, H8034 O LORD H3068 God H430 of hosts. H6635

1 John 5:3 STRONG

For G1063 this G3778 is G2076 the love G26 of God, G2316 that G2443 we keep G5083 his G846 commandments: G1785 and G2532 his G846 commandments G1785 are G1526 not G3756 grievous. G926

Psalms 119:1 STRONG

ALEPH. Blessed H835 are the undefiled H8549 in the way, H1870 who walk H1980 in the law H8451 of the LORD. H3068

1 Timothy 4:15 STRONG

Meditate upon G3191 these things; G5023 give thyself G2468 wholly to G1722 them; G5125 that G2443 thy G4675 profiting G4297 may G5600 appear G5318 to G1722 all. G3956

Psalms 104:34 STRONG

My meditation H7879 of him shall be sweet: H6149 I will be glad H8055 in the LORD. H3068

Psalms 119:47-48 STRONG

And I will delight H8173 myself in thy commandments, H4687 which I have loved. H157 My hands H3709 also will I lift up H5375 unto thy commandments, H4687 which I have loved; H157 and I will meditate H7878 in thy statutes. H2706

Psalms 119:72 STRONG

The law H8451 of thy mouth H6310 is better H2896 unto me than thousands H505 of gold H2091 and silver. H3701

Psalms 88:1 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 or Psalm H4210 for the sons H1121 of Korah, H7141 to the chief Musician H5329 upon Mahalath H4257 Leannoth, H6031 Maschil H4905 of Heman H1968 the Ezrahite.]] H250 O LORD H3068 God H430 of my salvation, H3444 I have cried H6817 day H3117 and night H3915 before thee:

Luke 18:7 STRONG

And G1161 shall G1557 not G3364 God G2316 avenge G1557 his own G846 elect, G1588 G4160 which G3588 cry G994 day G2250 and G2532 night G3571 unto G4314 him, G846 though G2532 he bear long G3114 with G1909 them? G846

2 Timothy 1:3 STRONG

I thank G2192 G5485 God, G2316 whom G3739 I serve G3000 from G575 my forefathers G4269 with G1722 pure G2513 conscience, G4893 that G5613 without ceasing G88 I have G2192 remembrance G3417 of G4012 thee G4675 in G1722 my G3450 prayers G1162 night G3571 and G2532 day; G2250

1 Thessalonians 2:9 STRONG

For G1063 ye remember, G3421 brethren, G80 our G2257 labour G2873 and G2532 travail: G3449 for G1063 labouring G2038 night G3571 and G2532 day, G2250 because G4314 we would G1912 not G3361 be chargeable G1912 unto any G5100 of you, G5216 we preached G2784 unto G1519 you G5209 the gospel G2098 of God. G2316

Luke 2:37 STRONG

And G2532 she G3778 was a widow G5503 of about G5613 fourscore G3589 and four G5064 years, G2094 which G3739 departed G868 not G3756 from G575 the temple, G2411 but served G3000 God with fastings G3521 and G2532 prayers G1162 night G3571 and G2532 day. G2250

Commentary on Psalms 1 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 1:1-6. The character and condition, and the present and future destiny, of the pious and the wicked are described and contrasted, teaching that true piety is the source of ultimate happiness, and sin of misery. As this is a summary of the teachings of the whole book, this Psalm, whether designedly so placed or not, forms a suitable preface.

1. Blessed—literally, "oh, the happiness"—an exclamation of strong emotion, as if resulting from reflecting on the subject. The use of the plural may denote fulness and variety (2Ch 9:7).

counsel … way … seat—With their corresponding verbs, mark gradations of evil, as acting on the principles, cultivating the society, and permanently conforming to the conduct of the wicked, who are described by three terms, of which the last is indicative of the boldest impiety (compare Ps 26:4, 5; Jer 15:17).

2. law—all of God's word then written, especially the books of Moses (compare Ps 119:1, 55, 97, &c.).

3. like a tree—(Jer 17:7, 8).

planted—settled, fast.

by—or, "over."

the rivers—canals for irrigation.

shall prosper—literally, "make prosper," brings to perfection. The basis of this condition and character is given (Ps 32:1).

4. not so—either as to conduct or happiness.

like the chaff—which, by Eastern modes of winnowing against the wind, was utterly blown away.

5. stand in the judgment—be acquitted. They shall be driven from among the good (Mt 25:45, 46).

6. knoweth the way—attends to and provides for them (Ps 101:6; Pr 12:10; Ho 13:5).

way of the wicked—All their plans will end in disappointment and ruin (Ps 37:13; 146:8; Pr 4:19).