Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 102 » Verse 11

Psalms 102:11 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

11 My days H3117 are like a shadow H6738 that declineth; H5186 and I am withered H3001 like grass. H6212

Cross Reference

Job 14:2 STRONG

He cometh forth H3318 like a flower, H6731 and is cut down: H5243 he fleeth H1272 also as a shadow, H6738 and continueth H5975 not.

Psalms 109:23 STRONG

I am gone H1980 like the shadow H6738 when it declineth: H5186 I am tossed up and down H5287 as the locust. H697

Psalms 144:4 STRONG

Man H120 is like H1819 to vanity: H1892 his days H3117 are as a shadow H6738 that passeth away. H5674

Psalms 39:5-6 STRONG

Behold, thou hast made H5414 my days H3117 as an handbreadth; H2947 and mine age H2465 is as nothing before thee: verily every H3605 man H120 at his best state H5324 is altogether H3605 vanity. H1892 Selah. H5542 Surely every man H376 walketh H1980 in a vain shew: H6754 surely they are disquieted H1993 in vain: H1892 he heapeth up H6651 riches, and knoweth H3045 not who shall gather H622 them.

Psalms 102:3-4 STRONG

For my days H3117 are consumed H3615 like smoke, H6227 and my bones H6106 are burned H2787 as an hearth. H4168 My heart H3820 is smitten, H5221 and withered H3001 like grass; H6212 so that I forget H7911 to eat H398 my bread. H3899

Ecclesiastes 6:12 STRONG

For who knoweth H3045 what is good H2896 for man H120 in this life, H2416 all H4557 the days H3117 of his vain H1892 life H2416 which he spendeth H6213 as a shadow? H6738 for who can tell H5046 a man H120 what shall be after H310 him under the sun? H8121

Isaiah 40:6-8 STRONG

The voice H6963 said, H559 Cry. H7121 And he said, H559 What shall I cry? H7121 All flesh H1320 is grass, H2682 and all the goodliness H2617 thereof is as the flower H6731 of the field: H7704 The grass H2682 withereth, H3001 the flower H6731 fadeth: H5034 because the spirit H7307 of the LORD H3068 bloweth H5380 upon it: surely H403 the people H5971 is grass. H2682 The grass H2682 withereth, H3001 the flower H6731 fadeth: H5034 but the word H1697 of our God H430 shall stand H6965 for ever. H5769

James 1:10 STRONG

But G1161 the rich, G4145 in G1722 that he G846 is made low: G5014 because G3754 as G5613 the flower G438 of the grass G5528 he shall pass away. G3928

James 4:14 STRONG

Whereas G3748 ye know G1987 not G3756 what G3588 shall be on the morrow. G839 For G1063 what G4169 is your G5216 life? G2222 It is G2076 even G1063 a vapour, G822 that G4314 appeareth for G5316 a little time, G3641 and G1161 then G1899 vanisheth away. G853

1 Peter 1:24 STRONG

For G1360 all G3956 flesh G4561 is as G5613 grass, G5528 and G2532 all G3956 the glory G1391 of man G444 as G5613 the flower G438 of grass. G5528 The grass G5528 withereth, G3583 and G2532 the flower G438 thereof G846 falleth away: G1601

Commentary on Psalms 102 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 102:1-28. A Prayer of the afflicted, &c.—The general terms seem to denote the propriety of regarding the Psalm as suitably expressive of the anxieties of any one of David's descendants, piously concerned for the welfare of the Church. It was probably David's composition, and, though specially suggested by some peculiar trials, descriptive of future times. Overwhelmed—(compare Ps 61:2). Poureth out—pouring out the soul—(Ps 62:8). Complaint—(Ps 55:2). The tone of complaint predominates, though in view of God's promises and abiding faithfulness, it is sometimes exchanged for that of confidence and hope.

1-3. The terms used occur in Ps 4:1; 17:1, 6; 18:6; 31:2, 10; 37:20.

4. (Compare Ps 121:6).

so that I forget—or, "have forgotten," that is, in my distress (Ps 107:18), and hence strength fails.

5. voice … groaning—effect put for cause, my agony emaciates me.

6, 7. The figures express extreme loneliness.

8. sworn against me—or literally, "by me," wishing others as miserable as I am (Nu 5:21).

9. ashes—a figure of grief, my bread; weeping or tears, my drink (Ps 80:5).

10. lifted … cast me down—or, "cast me away" as stubble by a whirlwind (Isa 64:6).

11. shadow … declineth—soon to vanish in the darkness of night.

12. Contrast with man's frailty (compare Ps 90:1-7).

thy remembrance—that by which Thou art remembered, Thy promise.

13, 14. Hence it is here adduced.

for—or, "when."

the set time, &c.—the time promised, the indication of which is the interest felt for Zion by the people of God.

15-17. God's favor to the Church will affect her persecutors with fear.

16. When the Lord shall build—or better, "Because the Lord hath built," &c., as a reason for the effect on others; for in thus acting and hearing the humble, He is most glorious.

18. people … created—(compare Ps 22:31), an organized body, as a Church.

19-22. For—or, "That," as introducing the statement of God's condescension. A summary of what shall be written.

to loose … appointed—or, "deliver" them (Ps 79:11).

21. To declare, &c.—or, that God's name may be celebrated in the assemblies of His Church, gathered from all nations (Zec 8:20-23), and devoted to His service.

23-28. The writer, speaking for the Church, finds encouragement in the midst of all his distresses. God's eternal existence is a pledge of faithfulness to His promises.

in the way—of providence.

weakened—literally, "afflicted," and made fearful of a premature end, a figure of the apprehensions of the Church, lest God might not perform His promise, drawn from those of a person in view of the dangers of early death (compare Ps 89:47). Paul (Heb 1:10) quotes Ps 102:26-28 as addressed to Christ in His divine nature. The scope of the Psalm, as already seen, so far from opposing, favors this view, especially by the sentiments of Ps 102:12-15 (compare Isa 60:1). The association of the Messiah with a day of future glory to the Church was very intimate in the minds of Old Testament writers; and with correct views of His nature it is very consistent that He should be addressed as the Lord and Head of His Church, who would bring about that glorious future on which they ever dwelt with fond delightful anticipations.