Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 102 » Verse 2

Psalms 102:2 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

2 Hide H5641 not thy face H6440 from me in the day H3117 when I am in trouble; H6862 incline H5186 thine ear H241 unto me: in the day H3117 when I call H7121 answer H6030 me speedily. H4118

Cross Reference

Psalms 69:17 STRONG

And hide H5641 not thy face H6440 from thy servant; H5650 for I am in trouble: H6887 hear H6030 me speedily. H4118

Psalms 27:9 STRONG

Hide H5641 not thy face H6440 far from me; put H5186 not thy servant H5650 away H5186 in anger: H639 thou hast been my help; H5833 leave H5203 me not, neither forsake H5800 me, O God H430 of my salvation. H3468

Psalms 104:29 STRONG

Thou hidest H5641 thy face, H6440 they are troubled: H926 thou takest away H622 their breath, H7307 they die, H1478 and return H7725 to their dust. H6083

1 Corinthians 10:13 STRONG

There hath G2983 no G3756 temptation G3986 taken G2983 you G5209 but G1508 such as is common to man: G442 but G1161 God G2316 is faithful, G4103 who G3739 will G1439 not G3756 suffer G1439 you G5209 to be tempted G3985 above G5228 that G3739 ye are able; G1410 but G235 will G4160 with G4862 the temptation G3986 also G2532 make G4160 a way to escape, G1545 that ye G5209 may be able G1410 to bear G5297 it.

Acts 12:5-25 STRONG

Peter G4074 G3303 therefore G3767 was kept G5083 in G1722 prison: G5438 but G1161 prayer G4335 was G2258 made G1096 without ceasing G1618 of G5259 the church G1577 unto G4314 God G2316 for G5228 him. G846 And G1161 when G3753 Herod G2264 would G3195 have brought G4254 him G846 forth, G4254 the same G1565 night G3571 Peter G4074 was G2258 sleeping G2837 between G3342 two G1417 soldiers, G4757 bound G1210 with two G1417 chains: G254 and G5037 the keepers G5441 before G4253 the door G2374 kept G5083 the prison. G5438 And, G2532 behold, G2400 the angel G32 of the Lord G2962 came upon G2186 him, and G2532 a light G5457 shined G2989 in G1722 the prison: G3612 and G1161 he smote G3960 Peter G4074 on the side, G4125 and raised G1453 him G846 up, G1453 saying, G3004 Arise up G450 quickly. G1722 G5034 And G2532 his G846 chains G254 fell off G1601 from G1537 his hands. G5495 And G5037 the angel G32 said G2036 unto G4314 him, G846 Gird thyself, G4024 and G2532 bind on G5265 thy G4675 sandals. G4547 And G1161 so G3779 he did. G4160 And G2532 he saith G3004 unto him, G846 Cast G4016 thy garment G2440 about G4016 thee, G4675 and G2532 follow G190 me. G3427 And G2532 he went out, G1831 and followed G190 him; G846 and G2532 wist G1492 not G3756 that G3754 it was G2076 true G227 which G3588 was done G1096 by G1223 the angel; G32 but G1161 thought G1380 he saw G991 a vision. G3705 When G1161 they were past G1330 the first G4413 and G2532 the second G1208 ward, G5438 they came G2064 unto G1909 the iron G4603 gate G4439 that leadeth G5342 unto G1519 the city; G4172 which G3748 opened G455 to them G846 of his own accord: G844 and G2532 they went out, G1831 and passed on through G4281 one G3391 street; G4505 and G2532 forthwith G2112 the angel G32 departed G868 from G575 him. G846 And G2532 when Peter G4074 was come G1096 to G1722 himself, G1438 he said, G2036 Now G3568 I know G1492 of a surety, G230 that G3754 the Lord G2962 hath sent G1821 his G846 angel, G32 and G2532 hath delivered G1807 me G3165 out of G1537 the hand G5495 of Herod, G2264 and G2532 from all G3956 the expectation G4329 of the people G2992 of the Jews. G2453 And G5037 when he had considered G4894 the thing, he came G2064 to G1909 the house G3614 of Mary G3137 the mother G3384 of John, G2491 whose surname was G1941 Mark; G3138 where G3757 many G2425 were G2258 gathered together G4867 praying. G2532 G4336 And G1161 as Peter G4074 knocked at G2925 the door G2374 of the gate, G4440 a damsel G3814 came G4334 to hearken, G5219 named G3686 Rhoda. G4498 And G2532 when she knew G1921 Peter's G4074 voice, G5456 she opened G455 not G3756 the gate G4440 for G575 gladness, G5479 but G1161 ran in, G1532 and told how G518 Peter G4074 stood G2476 before G4253 the gate. G4440 And G1161 they said G2036 unto G4314 her, G846 Thou art mad. G3105 But G1161 she constantly affirmed G1340 that it was G2192 even so. G3779 Then G1161 said they, G3004 It is G2076 his G846 angel. G32 But G1161 Peter G4074 continued G1961 knocking: G2925 and G1161 when they had opened G455 the door, and saw G1492 him, G846 G2532 they were astonished. G1839 But G1161 he, beckoning G2678 unto them G846 with the hand G5495 to hold their peace, G4601 declared G1334 unto them G846 how G4459 the Lord G2962 had brought G1806 him G846 out of G1537 the prison. G5438 And G1161 he said, G2036 Go shew G518 these things G5023 unto James, G2385 and G2532 to the brethren. G80 And G2532 he departed, G1831 and went G4198 into G1519 another G2087 place. G5117 Now G1161 as soon as it was G1096 day, G2250 there was G2258 no G3756 small G3641 stir G5017 among G1722 the soldiers, G4757 what G5101 G686 was become G1096 of Peter. G4074 And G1161 when G1934 Herod G2264 had sought for G1934 him, G846 and G2532 found him G2147 not, G3361 he examined G350 the keepers, G5441 and commanded G2753 that they should be put to death. G520 And G2532 he went down G2718 from G575 Judaea G2449 to G1519 Caesarea, G2542 and there abode. G1304 And G1161 Herod G2264 was G2258 highly displeased G2371 with them of Tyre G5183 and G2532 Sidon: G4606 but G1161 they came G3918 with one accord G3661 to G4314 him, G846 and, G2532 having made G3982 Blastus G986 the king's G935 chamberlain G1909 G2846 their friend, G3982 desired G154 peace; G1515 because G1223 their G846 country G5561 was nourished G5142 by G575 the king's G937 country. And G1161 upon a set G5002 day G2250 Herod, G2264 arrayed G1746 in royal G937 apparel, G2066 sat G2523 upon G1909 his throne, G968 and G2532 made an oration G1215 unto G4314 them. G846 And G1161 the people G1218 gave a shout, G2019 saying, It is the voice G5456 of a god, G2316 and G2532 not G3756 of a man. G444 And G1161 immediately G3916 the angel G32 of the Lord G2962 smote G3960 him, G846 because G473 G3739 he gave G1325 not G3756 God G2316 the glory: G1391 and G2532 he was G1096 eaten of worms, G4662 and gave up the ghost. G1634 But G1161 the word G3056 of God G2316 grew G837 and G2532 multiplied. G4129 And G1161 Barnabas G921 and G2532 Saul G4569 returned G5290 from G1537 Jerusalem, G2419 when they had fulfilled G4137 their ministry, G1248 and G2532 took with them G4838 John, G2491 whose surname was G1941 Mark. G3138

Isaiah 65:24 STRONG

And it shall come to pass, that before they call, H7121 I will answer; H6030 and while they are yet speaking, H1696 I will hear. H8085

Isaiah 43:2 STRONG

When thou passest through H5674 the waters, H4325 I will be with thee; and through the rivers, H5104 they shall not overflow H7857 thee: when thou walkest H3212 through H1119 the fire, H784 thou shalt not be burned; H3554 neither shall the flame H3852 kindle H1197 upon thee.

Isaiah 8:17 STRONG

And I will wait H2442 upon the LORD, H3068 that hideth H5641 his face H6440 from the house H1004 of Jacob, H3290 and I will look H6960 for him.

Psalms 143:7 STRONG

Hear H6030 me speedily, H4118 O LORD: H3068 my spirit H7307 faileth: H3615 hide H5641 not thy face H6440 from me, lest I be like H4911 unto them that go down H3381 into the pit. H953

Job 7:21 STRONG

And why dost thou not pardon H5375 my transgression, H6588 and take away H5674 mine iniquity? H5771 for now shall I sleep H7901 in the dust; H6083 and thou shalt seek me in the morning, H7836 but I shall not be.

Psalms 88:2-18 STRONG

Let my prayer H8605 come H935 before H6440 thee: incline H5186 thine ear H241 unto my cry; H7440 For my soul H5315 is full H7646 of troubles: H7451 and my life H2416 draweth nigh H5060 unto the grave. H7585 I am counted H2803 with them that go down H3381 into the pit: H953 I am as a man H1397 that hath no strength: H353 Free H2670 among the dead, H4191 like the slain H2491 that lie H7901 in the grave, H6913 whom thou rememberest H2142 no more: and they are cut off H1504 from thy hand. H3027 Thou hast laid H7896 me in the lowest H8482 pit, H953 in darkness, H4285 in the deeps. H4688 Thy wrath H2534 lieth hard H5564 upon me, and thou hast afflicted H6031 me with all thy waves. H4867 Selah. H5542 Thou hast put away H7368 mine acquaintance H3045 far H7368 from me; thou hast made H7896 me an abomination H8441 unto them: I am shut up, H3607 and I cannot come forth. H3318 Mine eye H5869 mourneth H1669 by reason of affliction: H6040 LORD, H3068 I have called H7121 daily H3117 upon thee, I have stretched out H7849 my hands H3709 unto thee. Wilt thou shew H6213 wonders H6382 to the dead? H4191 shall the dead H7496 arise H6965 and praise H3034 thee? Selah. H5542 Shall thy lovingkindness H2617 be declared H5608 in the grave? H6913 or thy faithfulness H530 in destruction? H11 Shall thy wonders H6382 be known H3045 in the dark? H2822 and thy righteousness H6666 in the land H776 of forgetfulness? H5388 But unto thee have I cried, H7768 O LORD; H3068 and in the morning H1242 shall my prayer H8605 prevent H6923 thee. LORD, H3068 why castest thou off H2186 my soul? H5315 why hidest H5641 thou thy face H6440 from me? I am afflicted H6041 and ready to die H1478 from my youth H5290 up: while I suffer H5375 thy terrors H367 I am distracted. H6323 Thy fierce wrath H2740 goeth over H5674 me; thy terrors H1161 have cut me off. H6789 They came round about H5437 me daily H3117 like water; H4325 they compassed H5362 me about together. H3162 Lover H157 and friend H7453 hast thou put far H7368 from me, and mine acquaintance H3045 into darkness. H4285

Psalms 71:2 STRONG

Deliver H5337 me in thy righteousness, H6666 and cause me to escape: H6403 incline H5186 thine ear H241 unto me, and save H3467 me.

Psalms 70:1 STRONG

[[To the chief Musician, H5329 A Psalm of David, H1732 to bring to remembrance.]] H2142 Make haste, O God, H430 to deliver H5337 me; make haste H2363 to help H5833 me, O LORD. H3068

Psalms 40:13 STRONG

Be pleased, H7521 O LORD, H3068 to deliver H5337 me: O LORD, H3068 make haste H2363 to help H5833 me.

Psalms 31:2 STRONG

Bow down H5186 thine ear H241 to me; deliver H5337 me speedily: H4120 be thou my strong H4581 rock, H6697 for an house H1004 of defence H4686 to save H3467 me.

Psalms 22:19 STRONG

But be not thou far H7368 from me, O LORD: H3068 O my strength, H360 haste H2363 thee to help H5833 me.

Psalms 13:1 STRONG

[[To the chief Musician, H5329 A Psalm H4210 of David.]] H1732 How long wilt thou forget H7911 me, O LORD? H3068 for ever? H5331 how long wilt thou hide H5641 thy face H6440 from me?

Job 34:29 STRONG

When he giveth quietness, H8252 who then can make trouble? H7561 and when he hideth H5641 his face, H6440 who then can behold H7789 him? whether it be done against a nation, H1471 or against a man H120 only: H3162

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Psalms 102

Commentary on Psalms 102 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


Prayer of a Patient Sufferer for Himself and for the Jerusalem That Lies in Ruins

Psalms 101:1-8 utters the sigh: When wilt Thou come to me? and Ps 102 with the inscription: Prayer for an afflicted one when he pineth away and poureth forth his complaint before Jahve , prays, Let my prayer come unto Thee . It is to be taken, too, just as personally as it sounds, and the person is not to be construed into a nation. The song of the עני is, however, certainly a national song; the poet is a servant of Jahve, who shares the calamity that has befallen Jerusalem and its homeless people, both in outward circumstances and in the very depth of his soul. עטף signifies to pine away, languish, as in Psalms 61:3, Isaiah 57:16; and שׁפך שׂיחו to pour out one's thoughts and complaints, one's anxious care, as in Psalms 142:3, cf. 1 Samuel 1:15.

As in the case already with many of the preceding Psalms, the deutero-Isaianic impression accompanies us in connection with this Psalm also, even to the end; and the further we get in it the more marked does the echo of its prophetical prototype become. The poet also allies himself with earlier Psalms, such as Ps 22, Ps 69, and Psalms 79:1-13, although himself capable of lofty poetic flight, in return for which he makes us feel the absence of any safely progressive unfolding of the thoughts.

Verse 1-2

The Psalm opens with familiar expressions of prayer, such as rise in the heart and mouth of the praying one without his feeling that they are of foreign origin; cf. more especially Psalms 39:13; Psalms 18:7; Psalms 88:3; and on Psalms 102:3 : Psalms 27:9 ( Hide not Thy face from me ); Psalms 59:17 ( ביום צר לי ); Psalms 31:3 and frequently ( Incline Thine ear unto me ); Psalms 56:10 ( ביום אקוא ); Psalms 69:8; Psalms 143:7 ( מהר ענני ).

Verses 3-5

From this point onward the Psalm becomes original. Concerning the Beth in בעשׁן , vid., on Psalms 37:20. The reading כּמו קד (in the Karaite Ben-Jerucham) enriches the lexicon in the same sense with a word which has scarcely had any existence. מוקד (Arabic mauḳid ) signifies here, as in other instances, a hearth. נחרוּ is, as in Psalms 69:4, Niphal : my bones are heated through with a fever-heat, as a hearth with the smouldering fire that is on it. הוּכּה (cf. יגודּוּ , Psalms 94:21) is used exactly as in Hosea 9:16, cf. Psalms 121:5. The heart is said to dry up when the life's blood, of which it is the reservoir, fails. The verb שׁכח is followed by מן of dislike. On the cleaving of the bones to the flesh from being baked, i.e., to the skin (Arabic bašar , in accordance with the radical signification, the surface of the body = the skin, from בשׂר , to brush along, rub, scrape, scratch on the surface), cf. Job 19:20; Lamentations 4:8. ל ( אל ) with דּבק is used just like בּ . It is unnecessary, with Böttcher, to draw מקּול אנחתי to Psalms 102:5. Continuous straining of the voice, especially in connection with persevering prayer arising from inward conflict, does really make the body waste away.

Verses 6-8

קאת (construct of קאת or קאת from קאה , vid., Isaiah , at Isaiah 34:11-12), according to the lxx, is the pelican, and כּוס is the night-raven or the little horned-owl.

(Note: The lxx renders it: I am like a pelican of the desert, I am become as a night-raven upon a ruined place ( οἰκοπέδῳ ). In harmony with the lxx, Saadia (as also the Arabic version edited by Erpenius, the Samaritan Arabic, and Abulwalîd) renders קאת by Arab. qûq (here and in Leviticus 11:18; Deuteronomy 14:17; Isaiah 34:17), and כוס by Arab. bûm ; the latter ( bum ) is an onomatopoetic name of the owl, and the former ( k[uk[ ) does not even signify the owl or horned-owl (although the small horned-owl is called um kuéik in Egypt, and in Africa abu kuéik ; vid., the dictionaries of Bocthor and Marcel s.v. chouette ), but the pelican, the “long-necked water-bird” (Damiri after the lexicon el - ‛Obâb of Hasan ben-Mohammed el-Saghani). The Graeco-Veneta also renders קאת with πελεκάν , - the Peshito, however, with Syr. qāqā' . What Ephrem on Deuteronomy 14:17 and the Physiologus Syrus (ed. Tychsen , p. 13, cf. pp. 110 f). say of Syr. qāqā' , viz., that it is a marsh-bird, is very fond of its young ones, dwells in desolate places, and is incessantly noisy, likewise points to the pelican, although the Syrian lexicographers vary. Cf. also Oedmann, Vermischte Sammlungen , Heft 3, Cap. 6. (Fleischer after a communication from Rodiger.))

דּמה obtains the signification to be like, equal ( aequalem esse ), from the radical signification to be flat, even, and to spread out flat (as the Dutch have already recognised). They are both unclean creatures, which are fond of the loneliness of the desert and ruined places. To such a wilderness, that of the exile, is the poet unwillingly transported. He passes the nights without sleep ( שׁקד , to watch during the time for sleep), and is therefore like a bird sitting lonesome ( בּודד , Syriac erroneously נודד ) upon the roof whilst all in the house beneath are sleeping. The Athnach in Psalms 102:8 separates that which is come to be from the ground of the “becoming” and the “becoming” itself. His grief is that his enemies reproach him as one forsaken of God. מהולל , part. Poal , is one made or become mad, Ecclesiastes 2:2 : my mad ones = those who are mad against me. These swear by him, inasmuch as they say when they want to curse: “God do unto thee as unto this man,” which is to be explained according to Isaiah 65:15; Jeremiah 29:22.

Verses 9-11

Ashes are his bread (cf. Lamentations 3:16), inasmuch as he, a mourner, sits in ashes, and has thrown ashes all over himself, Job 2:8; Ezekiel 27:30. The infected שׁקּוי has שׁקּוּ = שׁקּוּו for its principal form, instead of which it is שׁקּוּי in Hosea 2:7. “That Thou hast lifted me up and cast me down” is to be understood according to Job 30:22. First of all God has taken away the firm ground from under his feet, then from aloft He has cast him to the ground - an emblem of the lot of Israel, which is removed from its fatherland and cast into exile, i.e., into a strange land. In that passage the days of his life are כּצל נטוּי , like a lengthened shadow, which grows longer and longer until it is entirely lost in darkness, Psalms 109:23. Another figure follows: he there becomes like an (uprooted) plant which dries up.

Verses 12-14

When the church in its individual members dies off on a foreign soil, still its God, the unchangeable One, remains, and therein the promise has the guarantee of its fulfilment. Faith lays hold upon this guarantee as in Ps 90. It becomes clear from Psalms 9:8 and Lamentations 5:19 how תּשׁב is to be understood. The Name which Jahve makes Himself by self-attestation never falls a prey to the dead past, it is His ever-living memorial ( זכר , Exodus 3:15). Thus, too, will He restore Jerusalem; the limit, or appointed time, to which the promise points is, as his longing tells the poet, now come. מועד , according to Psalms 75:3; Habakkuk 2:3, is the juncture, when the redemption by means of the judgment on the enemies of Israel shall dawn. לחננהּ , from the infinitive חנן , has , flattened from , in an entirely closed syllable. רצה seq. acc. signifies to have pleasure in anything, to cling to it with delight; and חנן , according to Proverbs 14:21, affirms a compassionate, tender love of the object. The servants of God do not feel at home in Babylon, but their loving yearning lingers over the ruins, the stones and the heaps of the rubbish (Nehemiah 4:2), of Jerusalem.

Verses 15-17

With וייראוּ we are told what will take place when that which is expected in Psalms 102:14 comes to pass, and at the same time the fulfilment of that which is longed for is thereby urged home upon God: Jahve's own honour depends upon it, since the restoration of Jerusalem will become the means of the conversion of the world - a fundamental thought of Isaiah 40:1 (cf. more particularly Isaiah 59:19; Isaiah 60:2), which is also called to mind in the expression of this strophe. This prophetic prospect (Isaiah 40:1-5) that the restoration of Jerusalem will take place simultaneously with the glorious parusia of Jahve re-echoes here in a lyric form. כּי , Psalms 102:17, states the ground of the reverence, just as Psalms 102:20 the ground of the praise. The people of the Exile are called in Psalms 102:18 הערער , from ערר , to be naked: homeless, powerless, honourless, and in the eyes of men, prospectless. The lxx renders this word in Jeremiah 17:6 ἀγριομυρίκη , and its plural, formed by an internal change of vowel, ערוער , in Jeremiah 48:6 ὄνος ἄγριος , which are only particularizations of the primary notion of that which is stark naked, neglected, wild. Psalms 102:18 is an echo off Psalms 22:25. In the mirror of this and of other Psalms written in times of affliction the Israel of the Exile saw itself reflected.

Verses 18-22

The poet goes on advancing motives to Jahve for the fulfilment of his desire, by holding up to Him what will take place when He shall have restored Zion. The evangel of God's redemptive deed will be written down for succeeding generations, and a new, created people, i.e., a people coming into existence, the church of the future, shall praise God the Redeemer for it. דּור אחרון as in Psalms 48:14; Psalms 78:4. עם נברא like עם נולד Ps 22:32, perhaps with reference to deutero-Isaianic passages like Isaiah 43:17. On Psalms 102:20, cf. Isaiah 63:15; in Psalms 102:21 (cf. Isaiah 42:7; Isaiah 61:1) the deutero-Isaianic colouring is very evident. And Psalms 102:21 rests still more verbally upon Psalms 79:11. The people of the Exile are as it were in prison and chains ( אסיר ), and are advancing towards their destruction ( בּני תמוּתה ), if God does not interpose. Those who have returned home are the subject to לספּר . בּ in Psalms 102:23 introduces that which takes place simultaneously: with the release of Israel from servitude is united the conversion of the world. נקבּץ occurs in the same connection as in Isaiah 60:4. After having thus revelled in the glory of the time of redemption the poet comes back to himself and gives form to his prayer on his own behalf.

Verses 23-28

On the way ( ב as in Psalms 110:7) - not “by means of the way” ( ב as in Psalms 105:18), in connection with which one would expect of find some attributive minuter definition of the way - God hath bowed down his strength (cf. Deuteronomy 8:2); it was therefore a troublous, toilsome way which he has been led, together with his people. He has shortened his days, so that he only drags on wearily, and has only a short distance still before him before he is entirely overcome. The Chethîb כחו (lxx ἰσχύος αὐτοῦ ) may be understood of God's irresistible might, as in Job 23:6; Job 30:18, but in connection with it the designation of the object is felt to be wanting. The introductory אמר (cf. Job 10:2), which announces a definite moulding of the utterance, serves to give prominence to the petition that follows. In the expression אל־תּעלני life is conceived of as a line the length of which accords with nature; to die before one's time is a being taken up out of this course, so that the second half of the line is not lived through (Ps 55:24, Isaiah 38:10). The prayer not to sweep him away before his time, the poet supports not by the eternity of God in itself, but by the work of the rejuvenation of the world and of the restoration of Israel that is to be looked for, which He can and will bring to an accomplishment, because He is the ever-living One. The longing to see this new time is the final ground of the poet's prayer for the prolonging of his life. The confession of God the Creator in Psalms 102:26 reminds one in its form of Isaiah 48:13, cf. Psalms 44:24. המּה in Psalms 102:27 refers to the two great divisions of the universe. The fact that God will create heaven and earth anew is a revelation that is indicated even in Isaiah 34:4, but is first of all expressed more fully and in many ways in the second part of the Book of Isaiah, viz., Isaiah 51:6, Isaiah 51:16; Isaiah 65:17; Isaiah 66:22. It is clear from the agreement in the figure of the garment (Isaiah 51:6, cf. Psalms 50:9) and in the expression ( עמד , perstare , as in Isaiah 66:22) that the poet has gained this knowledge from the prophet. The expressive אתּה הוּא , Thou art He, i.e., unalterably the same One, is also taken from the mouth of the prophet, Isaiah 41:4; Isaiah 43:10; Isaiah 46:4; Isaiah 48:12; הוּא is a predicate, and denotes the identity (sameness) of Jahve (Hofmann, Schriftbeweis , i. 63). In v. 29 also, in which the prayer for a lengthening of life tapers off to a point, we hear Isaiah 65:2; Isaiah 66:22 re-echoed. And from the fact that in the mind of the poet as of the prophet the post-exilic Jerusalem and the final new Jerusalem upon the new earth under a new heaven blend together, it is evident that not merely in the time of Hezekiah or of Manasseh (assuming that Isaiah 40:1 are by the old Isaiah), but also even in the second half of the Exile, such a perspectively foreshortened view was possible. When, moreover, the writer of the Epistle to the Hebrews at once refers Psalms 102:26-28 to Christ, this is justified by the fact that the God whom the poet confesses as the unchangeable One is Jahve who is to come.