Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 103 » Verse 22

Psalms 103:22 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

22 Bless H1288 the LORD, H3068 all his works H4639 in all places H4725 of his dominion: H4475 bless H1288 the LORD, H3068 O my soul. H5315

Cross Reference

Psalms 145:10 STRONG

All thy works H4639 shall praise H3034 thee, O LORD; H3068 and thy saints H2623 shall bless H1288 thee.

Psalms 103:1 STRONG

[[A Psalm of David.]] H1732 Bless H1288 the LORD, H3068 O my soul: H5315 and all that is within H7130 me, bless his holy H6944 name. H8034

Psalms 104:1 STRONG

Bless H1288 the LORD, H3068 O my soul. H5315 O LORD H3068 my God, H430 thou art very H3966 great; H1431 thou art clothed H3847 with honour H1935 and majesty. H1926

Psalms 104:35 STRONG

Let the sinners H2400 be consumed H8552 out of the earth, H776 and let the wicked H7563 be no more. Bless H1288 thou the LORD, H3068 O my soul. H5315 Praise H1984 ye the LORD. H3050

Psalms 146:1 STRONG

Praise H1984 ye the LORD. H3050 Praise H1984 the LORD, H3068 O my soul. H5315

Psalms 148:3-12 STRONG

Praise H1984 ye him, sun H8121 and moon: H3394 praise H1984 him, all ye stars H3556 of light. H216 Praise H1984 him, ye heavens H8064 of heavens, H8064 and ye waters H4325 that be above the heavens. H8064 Let them praise H1984 the name H8034 of the LORD: H3068 for he commanded, H6680 and they were created. H1254 He hath also stablished H5975 them for ever H5703 and ever: H5769 he hath made H5414 a decree H2706 which shall not pass. H5674 Praise H1984 the LORD H3068 from the earth, H776 ye dragons, H8577 and all deeps: H8415 Fire, H784 and hail; H1259 snow, H7950 and vapour; H7008 stormy H5591 wind H7307 fulfilling H6213 his word: H1697 Mountains, H2022 and all hills; H1389 fruitful H6529 trees, H6086 and all cedars: H730 Beasts, H2416 and all cattle; H929 creeping things, H7431 and flying H3671 fowl: H6833 Kings H4428 of the earth, H776 and all people; H3816 princes, H8269 and all judges H8199 of the earth: H776 Both young men, H970 and maidens; H1330 old men, H2205 and children: H5288

Psalms 150:6 STRONG

Let every thing that hath breath H5397 praise H1984 the LORD. H3050 Praise H1984 ye the LORD. H3050

Isaiah 42:10-12 STRONG

Sing H7891 unto the LORD H3068 a new H2319 song, H7892 and his praise H8416 from the end H7097 of the earth, H776 ye that go down H3381 to the sea, H3220 and all that is therein; H4393 the isles, H339 and the inhabitants H3427 thereof. Let the wilderness H4057 and the cities H5892 thereof lift up H5375 their voice, the villages H2691 that Kedar H6938 doth inhabit: H3427 let the inhabitants H3427 of the rock H5553 sing, H7442 let them shout H6681 from the top H7218 of the mountains. H2022 Let them give H7760 glory H3519 unto the LORD, H3068 and declare H5046 his praise H8416 in the islands. H339

Isaiah 43:20 STRONG

The beast H2416 of the field H7704 shall honour H3513 me, the dragons H8577 and the owls: H1323 H3284 because I give H5414 waters H4325 in the wilderness, H4057 and rivers H5104 in the desert, H3452 to give drink H8248 to my people, H5971 my chosen. H972

Isaiah 44:23 STRONG

Sing, H7442 O ye heavens; H8064 for the LORD H3068 hath done H6213 it: shout, H7321 ye lower parts H8482 of the earth: H776 break forth H6476 into singing, H7440 ye mountains, H2022 O forest, H3293 and every tree H6086 therein: for the LORD H3068 hath redeemed H1350 Jacob, H3290 and glorified H6286 himself in Israel. H3478

Isaiah 49:13 STRONG

Sing, H7442 O heavens; H8064 and be joyful, H1523 O earth; H776 and break forth H6476 into singing, H7440 O mountains: H2022 for the LORD H3068 hath comforted H5162 his people, H5971 and will have mercy H7355 upon his afflicted. H6041

Revelation 5:12-14 STRONG

Saying G3004 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 Worthy G514 is G2076 the Lamb G721 that was slain G4969 to receive G2983 power, G1411 and G2532 riches, G4149 and G2532 wisdom, G4678 and G2532 strength, G2479 and G2532 honour, G5092 and G2532 glory, G1391 and G2532 blessing. G2129 And G2532 every G3956 creature G2938 which G3739 is G2076 in G1722 heaven, G3772 and G2532 on G1722 the earth, G1093 and G2532 under G5270 the earth, G1093 and G2532 such as G3739 are G2076 in G1909 the sea, G2281 and G2532 all G3956 that are in G1722 them, G846 heard I G191 saying, G3004 Blessing, G2129 and G2532 honour, G5092 and G2532 glory, G1391 and G2532 power, G2904 be unto him that sitteth G2521 upon G1909 the throne, G2362 and G2532 unto the Lamb G721 for G1519 ever G165 and ever. G165 And G2532 the four G5064 beasts G2226 said, G3004 Amen. G281 And G2532 the four G5064 and twenty G1501 elders G4245 fell down G4098 and G2532 worshipped G4352 him that liveth G2198 for G1519 ever G165 and ever. G165

Commentary on Psalms 103 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 103:1-22. A Psalm of joyous praise, in which the writer rises from a thankful acknowledgment of personal blessings to a lively celebration of God's gracious attributes, as not only intrinsically worthy of praise, but as specially suited to man's frailty. He concludes by invoking all creatures to unite in his song.

1. Bless, &c.—when God is the object, praise.

my soul—myself (Ps 3:3; 25:1), with allusion to the act, as one of intelligence.

all … within me—(De 6:5).

his holy name—(Ps 5:11), His complete moral perfections.

2. forget not all—not any, none of His benefits.

3. diseases—as penal inflictions (De 29:22; 2Ch 21:19).

4. redeemeth—Cost is implied.

destruction—literally, "pit of corruption" (Ps 16:10).

crowneth—or, "adorneth" (Ps 65:11).

tender mercies—compassions (compare Ps 25:6; 40:11).

5. By God's provision, the saint retains a youthful vigor like the eagles (Ps 92:14; compare Isa 40:31).

6. Literally, "righteousness and judgments," denoting various acts of God's government.

7. ways—of providence, &c., as usual (Ps 25:4; 67:2).

acts—literally, "wonders" (Ps 7:11; 78:17).

8-10. God's benevolence implies no merit. He shows it to sinners, who also are chastened for a time (Ex 34:6).

keep (anger)—in Le 19:18, bear a grudge (Jer 3:5, 12).

11. great—efficient.

12. removed … from us—so as no longer to affect our relations to Him.

13. pitieth—literally, "has compassion on."

14. he—"who formed," Ps 94:9.

knoweth our frame—literally, "our form."

we are dust—made of and tending to it (Ge 2:7).

15, 16. So short and frail is life that a breath may destroy it.

it is gone—literally, "it is not."

know it no more—no more recognize him (Ps 90:6; Isa 40:6-8).

17, 18. For similar contrast compare Ps 90:2-6; 102:27, 28.

18. such … covenant—limits the general terms preceding.

righteousness—as usual (Ps 7:17; 31:1).

19. God's firm and universal dominion is a pledge that He will keep His promises (Ps 11:4; 47:8).

20-22. do his commandments … word—or, literally, "so as to hearken," &c., that is, their acts of obedience are prompt, so that they are ever ready to hear, and know, and follow implicitly His declared will (compare De 26:17; Lu 1:19).

21. ye his hosts—myriads, or armies, as corresponding to angels of great power [Ps 103:20], denoting multitudes also.

22. all his works—creatures of every sort, everywhere.