Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 103 » Verse 4

Psalms 103:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 Who redeemeth H1350 thy life H2416 from destruction; H7845 who crowneth H5849 thee with lovingkindness H2617 and tender mercies; H7356

Cross Reference

Psalms 34:22 STRONG

The LORD H3068 redeemeth H6299 the soul H5315 of his servants: H5650 and none of them that trust H2620 in him shall be desolate. H816

Psalms 56:13 STRONG

For thou hast delivered H5337 my soul H5315 from death: H4194 wilt not thou deliver my feet H7272 from falling, H1762 that I may walk H1980 before H6440 God H430 in the light H216 of the living? H2416

Psalms 71:23 STRONG

My lips H8193 shall greatly rejoice H7442 when I sing H2167 unto thee; and my soul, H5315 which thou hast redeemed. H6299

Psalms 103:12 STRONG

As far as H7368 the east H4217 is from the west, H4628 so far hath he removed H7368 our transgressions H6588 from us.

Psalms 8:5 STRONG

For thou hast made him a little H4592 lower H2637 than the angels, H430 and hast crowned H5849 him with glory H3519 and honour. H1926

Psalms 21:3 STRONG

For thou preventest H6923 him with the blessings H1293 of goodness: H2896 thou settest H7896 a crown H5850 of pure gold H6337 on his head. H7218

1 Peter 5:4 STRONG

And G2532 when the chief Shepherd G750 shall appear, G5319 ye shall receive G2865 a crown G4735 of glory G1391 that fadeth not away. G262

Genesis 48:16 STRONG

The Angel H4397 which redeemed H1350 me from all evil, H7451 bless H1288 the lads; H5288 and let my name H8034 be named H7121 on them, and the name H8034 of my fathers H1 Abraham H85 and Isaac; H3327 and let them grow H1711 into a multitude H7230 in the midst H7130 of the earth. H776

Job 33:19-30 STRONG

He is chastened H3198 also with pain H4341 upon his bed, H4904 and the multitude H7230 H7379 of his bones H6106 with strong H386 pain: So that his life H2416 abhorreth H2092 bread, H3899 and his soul H5315 dainty H8378 meat. H3978 His flesh H1320 is consumed away, H3615 that it cannot be seen; H7210 and his bones H6106 that were not seen H7200 stick out. H8192 H8205 Yea, his soul H5315 draweth near H7126 unto the grave, H7845 and his life H2416 to the destroyers. H4191 If there H3426 be a messenger H4397 with him, an interpreter, H3887 one H259 among a thousand, H505 to shew H5046 unto man H120 his uprightness: H3476 Then he is gracious H2603 unto him, and saith, H559 Deliver H6308 him from going down H3381 to the pit: H7845 I have found H4672 a ransom. H3724 His flesh H1320 shall be fresher H7375 than a child's: H5290 he shall return H7725 to the days H3117 of his youth: H5934 He shall pray H6279 unto God, H433 and he will be favourable H7521 unto him: and he shall see H7200 his face H6440 with joy: H8643 for he will render H7725 unto man H582 his righteousness. H6666 He looketh H7789 upon men, H582 and if any say, H559 I have sinned, H2398 and perverted H5753 that which was right, H3477 and it profited H7737 me not; He will deliver H6299 his soul H5315 from going H5674 into the pit, H7845 and his life H2416 shall see H7200 the light. H216 Lo, all these things worketh H6466 God H410 oftentimes H6471 H7969 with man, H1397 To bring back H7725 his soul H5315 from the pit, H7845 to be enlightened H215 with the light H216 of the living. H2416

Psalms 5:12 STRONG

For thou, LORD, H3068 wilt bless H1288 the righteous; H6662 with favour H7522 wilt thou compass H5849 him as with a shield. H6793

Psalms 65:11 STRONG

Thou crownest H5849 the year H8141 with thy goodness; H2896 and thy paths H4570 drop H7491 fatness. H1880

James 1:12 STRONG

Blessed G3107 is the man G435 that G3739 endureth G5278 temptation: G3986 for G3754 when he is tried, G1384 G1096 he shall receive G2983 the crown G4735 of life, G2222 which G3739 the Lord G2962 hath promised G1861 to them that love G25 him. G846

Revelation 5:9 STRONG

And G2532 they sung G103 a new G2537 song, G5603 saying, G3004 Thou art G1488 worthy G514 to take G2983 the book, G975 and G2532 to open G455 the seals G4973 thereof: G846 for G3754 thou wast slain, G4969 and G2532 hast redeemed G59 us G2248 to God G2316 by G1722 thy G4675 blood G129 out of G1537 every G3956 kindred, G5443 and G2532 tongue, G1100 and G2532 people, G2992 and G2532 nation; G1484

Commentary on Psalms 103 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 103:1-22. A Psalm of joyous praise, in which the writer rises from a thankful acknowledgment of personal blessings to a lively celebration of God's gracious attributes, as not only intrinsically worthy of praise, but as specially suited to man's frailty. He concludes by invoking all creatures to unite in his song.

1. Bless, &c.—when God is the object, praise.

my soul—myself (Ps 3:3; 25:1), with allusion to the act, as one of intelligence.

all … within me—(De 6:5).

his holy name—(Ps 5:11), His complete moral perfections.

2. forget not all—not any, none of His benefits.

3. diseases—as penal inflictions (De 29:22; 2Ch 21:19).

4. redeemeth—Cost is implied.

destruction—literally, "pit of corruption" (Ps 16:10).

crowneth—or, "adorneth" (Ps 65:11).

tender mercies—compassions (compare Ps 25:6; 40:11).

5. By God's provision, the saint retains a youthful vigor like the eagles (Ps 92:14; compare Isa 40:31).

6. Literally, "righteousness and judgments," denoting various acts of God's government.

7. ways—of providence, &c., as usual (Ps 25:4; 67:2).

acts—literally, "wonders" (Ps 7:11; 78:17).

8-10. God's benevolence implies no merit. He shows it to sinners, who also are chastened for a time (Ex 34:6).

keep (anger)—in Le 19:18, bear a grudge (Jer 3:5, 12).

11. great—efficient.

12. removed … from us—so as no longer to affect our relations to Him.

13. pitieth—literally, "has compassion on."

14. he—"who formed," Ps 94:9.

knoweth our frame—literally, "our form."

we are dust—made of and tending to it (Ge 2:7).

15, 16. So short and frail is life that a breath may destroy it.

it is gone—literally, "it is not."

know it no more—no more recognize him (Ps 90:6; Isa 40:6-8).

17, 18. For similar contrast compare Ps 90:2-6; 102:27, 28.

18. such … covenant—limits the general terms preceding.

righteousness—as usual (Ps 7:17; 31:1).

19. God's firm and universal dominion is a pledge that He will keep His promises (Ps 11:4; 47:8).

20-22. do his commandments … word—or, literally, "so as to hearken," &c., that is, their acts of obedience are prompt, so that they are ever ready to hear, and know, and follow implicitly His declared will (compare De 26:17; Lu 1:19).

21. ye his hosts—myriads, or armies, as corresponding to angels of great power [Ps 103:20], denoting multitudes also.

22. all his works—creatures of every sort, everywhere.