Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 104 » Verse 23

Psalms 104:23 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

23 Man H120 goeth forth H3318 unto his work H6467 and to his labour H5656 until the evening. H6153

Cross Reference

Genesis 3:19 STRONG

In the sweat H2188 of thy face H639 shalt thou eat H398 bread, H3899 till H5704 thou return H7725 unto the ground; H127 for out of it wast thou taken: H3947 for dust H6083 thou H859 art, and unto dust H6083 shalt thou return. H7725

Judges 19:16 STRONG

And, behold, there came H935 an old H2205 man H376 from his work H4639 out of the field H7704 at even, H6153 which was also H376 of mount H2022 Ephraim; H669 and he sojourned H1481 in Gibeah: H1390 but the men H582 of the place H4725 were Benjamites. H1145

Ecclesiastes 5:12 STRONG

The sleep H8142 of a labouring man H5647 is sweet, H4966 whether he eat H398 little H4592 or much: H7235 but the abundance H7647 of the rich H6223 will not suffer H3240 him to sleep. H3462

Ephesians 4:28 STRONG

Let G2813 him that stole G2813 steal G2813 no more: G3371 but G1161 rather G3123 let him labour, G2872 working G2038 with his hands G5495 the thing which is good, G18 that G2443 he may have G2192 to give G3330 to him that needeth. G5532 G2192

2 Thessalonians 3:8-12 STRONG

Neither G3761 did we eat G5315 any man's G3844 G5100 bread G740 for nought; G1432 but G235 wrought G2038 with G1722 labour G2873 and G2532 travail G3449 night G3571 and G2532 day, G2250 that G4314 we might G1912 not G3361 be chargeable G1912 to any G5100 of you: G5216 Not G3756 because G3754 we have G2192 not G3756 power, G1849 but G235 to G2443 make G1325 ourselves G1438 an ensample G5179 unto you G5213 to G1519 follow G3401 us. G2248 For G1063 even G2532 when G3753 we were G2258 with G4314 you, G5209 this G5124 we commanded G3853 you, G5213 that G3754 if any G1536 would G2309 not G3756 work, G2038 neither G3366 should he eat. G2068 For G1063 we hear G191 that there are some G5100 which walk G4043 among G1722 you G5213 disorderly, G814 working G2038 not at all, G3367 but G235 are busybodies. G4020 Now G1161 them that are such G5108 we command G3853 and G2532 exhort G3870 by G1223 our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 that G2443 with G3326 quietness G2271 they work, G2038 and eat G2068 their own G1438 bread. G740

Commentary on Psalms 104 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 104:1-35. The Psalmist celebrates God's glory in His works of creation and providence, teaching the dependence of all living creatures; and contrasting the happiness of those who praise Him with the awful end of the wicked.

1. God's essential glory, and also that displayed by His mighty works, afford ground for praise.

2. light—is a figurative representation of the glory of the invisible God (Mt 17:2; 1Ti 6:16). Its use in this connection may refer to the first work of creation (Ge 1:3).

stretchest out the heavens—the visible heavens or sky which cover the earth as a curtain (Isa 40:12).

3. in the waters—or, it may be "with"; using this fluid for the beams, or frames, of His residence accords with the figure of clouds for chariots, and wind as a means of conveyance.

walketh—or, "moveth" (compare Ps 18:10, 11; Am 9:6).

4. This is quoted by Paul (Heb 1:7) to denote the subordinate position of angels; that is, they are only messengers as other and material agencies.

spirits—literally, "winds."

flaming fire—(Ps 105:32) being here so called.

5. The earth is firmly fixed by His power.

6-9. These verses rather describe the wonders of the flood than the creation (Ge 7:19, 20; 2Pe 3:5, 6). God's method of arresting the flood and making its waters subside is poetically called a "rebuke" (Ps 76:6; Isa 50:2), and the process of the flood's subsiding by undulations among the hills and valleys is vividly described.

10-13. Once destructive, these waters are subjected to the service of God's creatures. In rain and dew from His chambers (compare Ps 104:3), and fountains and streams, they give drink to thirsting animals and fertilize the soil. Trees thus nourished supply homes to singing birds, and the earth teems with the productions of God's wise agencies,

14, 15. so that men and beasts are abundantly provided with food.

for the service—literally, "for the culture," &c., by which he secures the results.

oil … shine—literally, "makes his face to shine more than oil," that is, so cheers and invigorates him, that outwardly he appears better than if anointed.

strengtheneth … heart—gives vigor to man (compare Jud 19:5).

16-19. God's care of even wild animals and uncultivated parts of the earth.

20-23. He provides and adapts to man's wants the appointed times and seasons.

24-26. From a view of the earth thus full of God's blessings, the writer passes to the sea, which, in its immensity, and as a scene and means of man's activity in commerce, and the home of countless multitudes of creatures, also displays divine power and beneficence. The mention of

26. leviathan—(Job 40:20) heightens the estimate of the sea's greatness, and of His power who gives such a place for sport to one of His creatures.

27-30. The entire dependence of this immense family on God is set forth. With Him, to kill or make alive is equally easy. To hide His face is to withdraw favor (Ps 13:1). By His spirit, or breath, or mere word, He gives life. It is His constant providence which repairs the wastes of time and disease.

31-34. While God could equally glorify His power in destruction, that He does it in preservation is of His rich goodness and mercy, so that we may well spend our lives in grateful praise, honoring to Him, and delightful to pious hearts (Ps 147:1).

35. Those who refuse such a protector and withhold such a service mar the beauty of His works, and must perish from His presence.

Praise ye the Lord—The Psalm closes with an invocation of praise, the translation of a Hebrew phrase, which is used as an English word, "Hallelujah," and may have served the purpose of a chorus, as often in our psalmody, or to give fuller expression to the writer's emotions. It is peculiar to Psalms composed after the captivity, as "Selah" is to those of an earlier date.