Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 105 » Verse 31

Psalms 105:31 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

31 He spake, H559 and there came H935 divers sorts of flies, H6157 and lice H3654 in all their coasts. H1366

Cross Reference

Exodus 8:16-18 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 said H559 unto Moses, H4872 Say H559 unto Aaron, H175 Stretch out H5186 thy rod, H4294 and smite H5221 the dust H6083 of the land, H776 that it may become lice H3654 throughout all the land H776 of Egypt. H4714 And they did H6213 so; for Aaron H175 stretched out H5186 his hand H3027 with his rod, H4294 and smote H5221 the dust H6083 of the earth, H776 and it became lice H3654 in man, H120 and in beast; H929 all the dust H6083 of the land H776 became lice H3654 throughout all the land H776 of Egypt. H4714 And the magicians H2748 did H6213 so with their enchantments H3909 to bring forth H3318 lice, H3654 but they could H3201 not: so there were lice H3654 upon man, H120 and upon beast. H929

Exodus 8:21-24 STRONG

Else, if thou wilt not let my people H5971 go, H7971 behold, I will send H7971 swarms H6157 of flies upon thee, and upon thy servants, H5650 and upon thy people, H5971 and into thy houses: H1004 and the houses H1004 of the Egyptians H4714 shall be full H4390 of swarms H6157 of flies, and also the ground H127 whereon they are. And I will sever H6395 in that day H3117 the land H776 of Goshen, H1657 in which my people H5971 dwell, H5975 that no H1115 swarms H6157 of flies shall be H1961 there; to the end H4616 thou mayest know H3045 that I am the LORD H3068 in the midst H7130 of the earth. H776 And I will put H7760 a division H6304 between my people H5971 and thy people: H5971 to morrow H4279 shall this sign H226 be. And the LORD H3068 did H6213 so; and there came H935 a grievous H3515 swarm H6157 of flies into the house H1004 of Pharaoh, H6547 and into his servants' H5650 houses, H1004 and into all the land H776 of Egypt: H4714 the land H776 was corrupted H7843 by reason H6440 of the swarm H6157 of flies.

Psalms 78:45 STRONG

He sent H7971 divers sorts of flies H6157 among them, which devoured H398 them; and frogs, H6854 which destroyed H7843 them.

Isaiah 7:18 STRONG

And it shall come to pass in that day, H3117 that the LORD H3068 shall hiss H8319 for the fly H2070 that is in the uttermost part H7097 of the rivers H2975 of Egypt, H4714 and for the bee H1682 that is in the land H776 of Assyria. H804

Commentary on Psalms 105 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 105:1-45. After an exhortation to praise God, addressed especially to the chosen people, the writer presents the special reason for praise, in a summary of their history from the calling of Abraham to their settlement in Canaan, and reminds them that their obedience was the end of all God's gracious dealings.

1. call … name—(Ps 79:6; Ro 10:13). Call on Him, according to His historically manifested glory. After the example of Abraham, who, as often as God acquired for Himself a name in guiding him, called in solemn worship upon the name of the Lord (Ge 12:8; 13:4).

among the people—or, "peoples" (Ps 18:49).

deeds—or, "wonders" (Ps 103:7).

3, 4. Seeking God's favor is the only true mode of getting true happiness, and His strength [Ps 105:4] is the only true source of protection (compare Ps 32:11; 40:16).

Glory … name—boast in His perfections. The world glories in its horses and chariots against the Church of God lying in the dust; but our hope is in the name, that is, the power and love of God to His people, manifested in past deliverances.

5, 6. judgments … mouth—His judicial decisions for the good and against the wicked.

6. chosen—rather qualifies "children" than "Jacob," as a plural.

7. Rather, "He, Jehovah, is our God." His title, "Jehovah," implies that He, the unchangeable, self-existing Being, makes things to be, that is, fulfils His promises, and therefore will not forsake His people. Though specially of His people, He is God over all.

8-11. The covenant was often ratified.

word—answering to "covenant" [Ps 105:9] in the parallel clause, namely, the word of promise, which, according to Ps 105:10, He set forth for an inviolable law.

commanded—or, "ordained" (Ps 68:28).

to a thousand generations—perpetually. A verbal allusion to De 7:9 (compare Ex 20:6).

9. Which covenant—or, "Word" (Ps 105:8).

10, 11. Alluding to God's promise to Jacob (Ge 28:13). Out of the whole storehouse of the promises of God, only one is prominently brought forward, namely, that concerning the possession of Canaan [Ps 105:11]. Everything revolves around this. The wonders and judgments have all for their ultimate design the fulfilment of this promise.

12-15. few … in number—alluding to Jacob's words (Ge 34:30), "I being few in number."

yea, very few—literally, "as a few," that is, like fewness itself (compare Isa 1:9).

strangers—sojourners in the land of their future inheritance, as in a strange country (Heb 11:9).

13. from one nation to another—and so from danger to danger; now in Egypt, now in the wilderness, and lastly in Canaan. Though a few strangers, wandering among various nations, God protected them.

14. reproved kings—Pharaoh of Egypt and Abimelech of Gerar (Ge 12:17; 20:3).

15. Touch not—referring to Ge 26:11, where Abimelech says of Isaac, "He that toucheth this man or his wife shall surely be put to death."

mine anointed—as specially consecrated to Me (Ps 2:2). The patriarch was the prophet, priest, and king of his family.

my prophets—in a similar sense, compare Ge 20:7. The "anointed" are those vessels of God, consecrated to His service, "in whom (as Pharaoh said of Joseph, Ge 41:38) the Spirit of God is" [Hengstenberg].

16. God ordered the famine. God

called for a famine—as if it were a servant, ready to come at God's bidding. Compare the centurion's words, as to disease being God's servant (Mt 8:8, 9).

upon the land—namely, Canaan (Ge 41:54).

staff of bread—what supports life (Le 26:26; Ps 104:15; Isa 3:1).

17-21. Joseph was sent of God (Ge 45:5).

18. hurt with fetters—(Ge 40:3).

was laid in iron—literally, "his soul" (see on Ps 16:10), or, "he came into iron," or, he was bound to his grief (compare Ps 3:2; 11:1). The "soul" is put for the whole person, because the soul of the captive suffers still more than the body. Joseph is referred to as being an appropriate type of those "bound in affliction and iron" (Ps 107:10).

19. his word came—His prophecy (Ge 41:11-20) to the officers came to pass, or was fulfilled (Jud 13:12, 17; 1Sa 9:6, explain the form of speech).

the word of the Lord—or, "saying," or "decree of the Lord."

tried him—or, "proved him," by the afflictions it appointed him to endure before his elevation (compare Ge 41:40-43).

22. To bind—Not literally bind; but exercise over them absolute control, as the parallel in the second clause shows; also Ge 41:40, 44, in which not literal fettering, but commanding obedience, is spoken of. It refers to Ps 105:18. The soul that was once bound itself now binds others, even princes. The same moral binding is assigned to the saints (Ps 149:8).

teach … senators wisdom—the ground of his exaltation by Pharaoh was his wisdom (Ge 41:39); namely, in state policy, and ordering well a kingdom.

23-25. Israel … and Jacob—that is, Jacob himself is meant, as Ps 105:24 speaks of "his people." Still, he came with his whole house (Ge 46:6, 7).

sojourned—(Ge 47:4).

land of Ham—or, Egypt (Ps 78:51).

25. turned their heart—God controls men's free acts (compare 1Sa 10:9). "When Saul had turned his back to go from (God's prophet) Samuel, God turned (Margin) him another heart" (see Ex 1:8, &c.). Whatever evil the wicked man plots against God's people, God holds bound even his heart, so as not to lay a single plan except what God permits. Thus Isaiah (Isa 43:17) says it was God who brought forth the army of Pharaoh to pursue Israel to their own destruction (Ex 4:21; 7:3).

26. Moses … chosen—both what they were by divine choice (Ps 78:70).

27. signs—literally, "words of signs," or rather, as "words" in Hebrew means "things," "things of His signs," that is, His marvellous tokens of power (Ps 145:5, Margin). Compare the same Hebraism (Ps 65:3, Margin).

28-36. The ninth plague is made prominent as peculiarly wonderful.

they rebelled not—Moses and Aaron promptly obeyed God (Heb 11:27); (compare Ex 7:1-11:10 and Ps 78:44-51, with which this summary substantially agrees). Or, rather, the "darkness" here is figurative (Jer 13:16), the literal plague of darkness (Ex 10:22, 23) being only alluded to as the symbol of God's wrath which overhung Egypt as a dark cloud during all the plagues. Hence, it is placed first, out of the historical order. Thus, "They rebelled not (that is, no longer) against His word," refers to the Egyptians. Whenever God sent a plague on them, they were ready to let Israel go, though refusing when the plague ceased.

his word—His command to let Israel go [Hengstenberg]. Of the ten plagues, only eight are mentioned, the fifth, the murrain of beasts, and the sixth, the boils, being omitted.

29-31. He deprived them of their favorite "fish," and gave them instead, [Ps 105:30] out of the water, loathsome "frogs," and (Ps 105:31) upon their land tormenting "flies" (the dog-fly, according to Maurer) and "lice" (gnats, according to Hengstenberg).

32. gave them—referring to Le 26:4, "I give you rain in due season." His "gift" to Israel's foes is one of a very different kind from that bestowed on His people.

hail for rain—instead of fertilizing showers, hail destructive to trees. This forms the transition to the vegetable kingdom. The locusts in Ps 105:34 similarly are destructive to plants.

33. their coasts—all their land (Ps 78:54).

34. caterpillars—literally, "the lickers up," devouring insects; probably the hairy-winged locust.

36. the chief—literally, "the firstlings." The ascending climax passes from the food of man to man himself. The language here is quoted from Ps 78:51.

37. with silver and gold—presented them by the Egyptians, as an acknowledgment due for their labors in their bondage (compare Ex 12:35).

one feeble person—or, "stumbler," unfit for the line of march. Compare "harnessed," that is, accoutred and marshalled as an army on march (Ex 13:18; Isa 5:27).

38. (Compare Ex 12:33; De 11:25).

39. covering—in sense of protection (compare Ex 13:21; Nu 10:34). In the burning sands of the desert the cloud protected the congregation from the heat of the sun; an emblem of God's protecting favor of His people, as interpreted by Isaiah (Isa 4:5, 6; compare Nu 9:16).

42-45. The reasons for these dealings: (1) God's faithfulness to His covenant, "His holy promise" of Canaan, is the fountain whence flowed so many acts of marvellous kindness to His people (compare Ps 105:8, 11). Ex 2:24 is the fundamental passage [Hengstenberg]. (2) That they might be obedient. The observance of God's commands by Abraham was the object of the covenant with him (Ge 18:19), as it was also the object of the covenant with Israel, that they might observe God's statutes.

remembered … and Abraham—or, "remembered His holy word (that is, covenant confirmed) with Abraham."

44. inherited the labour—that is, the fruits of their labor; their corn and vineyards (Jos 21:43-45).