Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 106 » Verse 34

Psalms 106:34 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

34 They did not destroy H8045 the nations, H5971 concerning whom the LORD H3068 commanded H559 them:

Cross Reference

Deuteronomy 7:16 STRONG

And thou shalt consume H398 all the people H5971 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 shall deliver H5414 thee; thine eye H5869 shall have no pity H2347 upon them: neither shalt thou serve H5647 their gods; H430 for that will be a snare H4170 unto thee.

Judges 1:21 STRONG

And the children H1121 of Benjamin H1144 did not drive out H3423 the Jebusites H2983 that inhabited H3427 Jerusalem; H3389 but the Jebusites H2983 dwell H3427 with the children H1121 of Benjamin H1144 in Jerusalem H3389 unto this day. H3117

Deuteronomy 7:2 STRONG

And when the LORD H3068 thy God H430 shall deliver H5414 them before H6440 thee; thou shalt smite H5221 them, and utterly H2763 destroy H2763 them; thou shalt make H3772 no covenant H1285 with them, nor shew mercy H2603 unto them:

Numbers 33:52 STRONG

Then ye shall drive out H3423 all the inhabitants H3427 of the land H776 from before H6440 you, and destroy H6 all their pictures, H4906 and destroy H6 all their molten H4541 images, H6754 and quite pluck down H8045 all their high places: H1116

Numbers 33:55-56 STRONG

But if ye will not drive out H3423 the inhabitants H3427 of the land H776 from before H6440 you; then it shall come to pass, that those which ye let remain H3498 of them shall be pricks H7899 in your eyes, H5869 and thorns H6796 in your sides, H6654 and shall vex H6887 you in the land H776 wherein ye dwell. H3427 Moreover it shall come to pass, that I shall do H6213 unto you, as I thought H1819 to do H6213 unto them.

Deuteronomy 7:23-24 STRONG

But the LORD H3068 thy God H430 shall deliver H5414 them unto thee, H6440 and shall destroy H1949 them with a mighty H1419 destruction, H4103 until they be destroyed. H8045 And he shall deliver H5414 their kings H4428 into thine hand, H3027 and thou shalt destroy H6 their name H8034 from under heaven: H8064 there shall no man H376 be able to stand H3320 before H6440 thee, until thou have destroyed H8045 them.

Deuteronomy 20:16-17 STRONG

But of the cities H5892 of these people, H5971 which the LORD H3068 thy God H430 doth give H5414 thee for an inheritance, H5159 thou shalt save alive H2421 nothing that breatheth: H5397 But thou shalt utterly H2763 destroy H2763 them; namely, the Hittites, H2850 and the Amorites, H567 the Canaanites, H3669 and the Perizzites, H6522 the Hivites, H2340 and the Jebusites; H2983 as the LORD H3068 thy God H430 hath commanded H6680 thee:

Joshua 15:63 STRONG

As for the Jebusites H2983 the inhabitants H3427 of Jerusalem, H3389 the children H1121 of Judah H3063 could H3201 H3201 not drive them out: H3423 but the Jebusites H2983 dwell H3427 with the children H1121 of Judah H3063 at Jerusalem H3389 unto this day. H3117

Joshua 16:10 STRONG

And they drave not out H3423 the Canaanites H3669 that dwelt H3427 in Gezer: H1507 but the Canaanites H3669 dwell H3427 among H7130 the Ephraimites H669 unto this day, H3117 and serve H5647 under tribute. H4522

Joshua 17:12-16 STRONG

Yet the children H1121 of Manasseh H4519 could H3201 not drive out H3423 the inhabitants of those cities; H5892 but the Canaanites H3669 would H2974 dwell H3427 in that land. H776 Yet it came to pass, when the children H1121 of Israel H3478 were waxen strong, H2388 that they put H5414 the Canaanites H3669 to tribute; H4522 but did not utterly H3423 drive them out. H3423 And the children H1121 of Joseph H3130 spake H1696 unto Joshua, H3091 saying, H559 Why hast thou given H5414 me but one H259 lot H1486 and one H259 portion H2256 to inherit, H5159 seeing I am a great H7227 people, H5971 forasmuch as H5704 the LORD H3068 hath blessed H1288 me hitherto? H3541 And Joshua H3091 answered H559 them, If thou be a great H7227 people, H5971 then get thee up H5927 to the wood H3293 country, and cut down H1254 for thyself there in the land H776 of the Perizzites H6522 and of the giants, H7497 if mount H2022 Ephraim H669 be too narrow H213 for thee. And the children H1121 of Joseph H3130 said, H559 The hill H2022 is not enough H4672 for us: and all the Canaanites H3669 that dwell H3427 in the land H776 of the valley H6010 have chariots H7393 of iron, H1270 both they who are of Bethshean H1052 and her towns, H1323 and they who are of the valley H6010 of Jezreel. H3157

Joshua 23:12-13 STRONG

Else if ye do in any wise H7725 go back, H7725 and cleave H1692 unto the remnant H3499 of these nations, H1471 even these that remain H7604 among you, and shall make marriages H2859 with them, and go in H935 unto them, and they to you: Know H3045 for a certainty H3045 that the LORD H3068 your God H430 will no more H3254 drive out H3423 any of these nations H1471 from before H6440 you; but they shall be snares H6341 and traps H4170 unto you, and scourges H7850 in your sides, H6654 and thorns H6796 in your eyes, H5869 until ye perish H6 from off this good H2896 land H127 which the LORD H3068 your God H430 hath given H5414 you.

Judges 1:19 STRONG

And the LORD H3068 was with Judah; H3063 and he drave out H3423 the inhabitants of the mountain; H2022 but could not H3808 drive out H3423 the inhabitants H3427 of the valley, H6010 because they had chariots H7393 of iron. H1270

Judges 1:27-36 STRONG

Neither did Manasseh H4519 drive out H3423 the inhabitants of Bethshean H1052 and her towns, H1323 nor Taanach H8590 and her towns, H1323 nor the inhabitants H3427 of Dor H1756 and her towns, H1323 nor the inhabitants H3427 of Ibleam H2991 and her towns, H1323 nor the inhabitants H3427 of Megiddo H4023 and her towns: H1323 but the Canaanites H3669 would H2974 dwell H3427 in that land. H776 And it came to pass, when Israel H3478 was strong, H2388 that they put H7760 the Canaanites H3669 to tribute, H4522 and did not utterly H3423 drive them out. H3423 Neither did Ephraim H669 drive out H3423 the Canaanites H3669 that dwelt H3427 in Gezer; H1507 but the Canaanites H3669 dwelt H3427 in Gezer H1507 among H7130 them. Neither did Zebulun H2074 drive out H3423 the inhabitants H3427 of Kitron, H7003 nor the inhabitants H3427 of Nahalol; H5096 but the Canaanites H3669 dwelt H3427 among H7130 them, and became tributaries. H4522 Neither did Asher H836 drive out H3423 the inhabitants H3427 of Accho, H5910 nor the inhabitants H3427 of Zidon, H6721 nor of Ahlab, H303 nor of Achzib, H392 nor of Helbah, H2462 nor of Aphik, H663 nor of Rehob: H7340 But the Asherites H843 dwelt H3427 among H7130 the Canaanites, H3669 the inhabitants H3427 of the land: H776 for they did not drive them out. H3423 Neither did Naphtali H5321 drive out H3423 the inhabitants H3427 of Bethshemesh, H1053 nor the inhabitants H3427 of Bethanath; H1043 but he dwelt H3427 among H7130 the Canaanites, H3669 the inhabitants H3427 of the land: H776 nevertheless the inhabitants H3427 of Bethshemesh H1053 and of Bethanath H1043 became tributaries H4522 unto them. And the Amorites H567 forced H3905 the children H1121 of Dan H1835 into the mountain: H2022 for they would not suffer H5414 them to come down H3381 to the valley: H6010 But the Amorites H567 would H2974 dwell H3427 in mount H2022 Heres H2776 in Aijalon, H357 and in Shaalbim: H8169 yet the hand H3027 of the house H1004 of Joseph H3130 prevailed, H3513 so that they became tributaries. H4522 And the coast H1366 of the Amorites H567 was from the going up H4608 to Akrabbim, H4610 from the rock, H5553 and upward. H4605

1 Samuel 15:3 STRONG

Now go H3212 and smite H5221 Amalek, H6002 and utterly destroy H2763 all that they have, and spare H2550 them not; but slay H4191 both man H376 and woman, H802 infant H5768 and suckling, H3243 ox H7794 and sheep, H7716 camel H1581 and ass. H2543

1 Samuel 15:22-23 STRONG

And Samuel H8050 said, H559 Hath the LORD H3068 as great delight H2656 in burnt offerings H5930 and sacrifices, H2077 as in obeying H8085 the voice H6963 of the LORD? H3068 Behold, to obey H8085 is better H2896 than sacrifice, H2077 and to hearken H7181 than the fat H2459 of rams. H352 For rebellion H4805 is as the sin H2403 of witchcraft, H7081 and stubbornness H6484 is as iniquity H205 and idolatry. H8655 Because thou hast rejected H3988 the word H1697 of the LORD, H3068 he hath also rejected H3988 thee from being king. H4428

Matthew 17:19-20 STRONG

Then G5119 came G4334 the disciples G3101 to Jesus G2424 apart, G2596 G2398 and said, G2036 Why G1302 could G1410 not G3756 we G2249 cast G1544 him G846 out? G1544 And G1161 Jesus G2424 said G2036 unto them, G846 Because G1223 of your G5216 unbelief: G570 for G1063 verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 If G1437 ye have G2192 faith G4102 as G5613 a grain G2848 of mustard seed, G4615 ye shall say G2046 unto this G5129 mountain, G3735 Remove G3327 hence G1782 to yonder place; G1563 and G2532 it shall remove; G3327 and G2532 nothing G3762 shall be impossible G101 unto you. G5213

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Psalms 106

Commentary on Psalms 106 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


Israel's Unfaithfulness from Egypt Onwards, and God's Faithfulness Down to the Present Time

With this anonymous Psalm begins the series of the strictly Hallelujah-Psalms, i.e., those Psalms which have הללו־יה for their arsis-like beginning and for their inscription (Ps 106, 111-113, Psalms 117:1-2, 135, 146-150). The chronicler in his cento, 1 Chronicles 16:8., and in fact in 1 Chronicles 16:34-36, puts the first and last verses of this Psalm (Psalms 106:1, Psalms 106:47), together with the Beracha (Psalms 106:48) which closes the Fourth Book of the Psalms, into the mouth of David, from which it is to be inferred that this Psalm is no more Maccabaean than Psalms 96:1-13 and Ps 105 (which see), and that the Psalter was divided into five books which were marked off by the doxologies even in the time of the chronicler. The Beracha, Psalms 106:48, appears even at that period to have been read as an integral part of the Psalm, according to liturgical usage. The Hallelujah Psalms 106, like the Hodu Ps 105 and the Asaph Ps 78, recapitulates the history of the olden times of the Israelitish nation. But the purpose and mode of the recapitulation differ in each of these three Psalms. In Ps 78 it is didactic; in Ps 105 hymnic; and here in Psalms 106 penitential. It is a penitential Psalm, or Psalm of confession, a ודּוּי (from התודּה to confess, Leviticus 16:21). The oldest types of such liturgical prayers are the two formularies at the offering of the first-fruits, Deut. 26, and Solomon's prayer at the dedication of the Temple, 1 Kings 8. And to this kind of tephilla , the Vidduj , belong, beyond the range of the Psalter, the prayer of Daniel, Daniel 9:1 (vid., the way in which it is introduced in Daniel 9:4), and the prayer (Neh 9:5-38) which eight Levites uttered in the name of the people at the celebration of the fast-day on the twenty-fourth of Tishri. It is true Psalms 106 is distinguished from these prayers of confession in the prose style as being a Psalm; but it has three points in common with them and with the liturgical tephilla in general, viz., (1) the fondness for inflexional rhyming, i.e., for rhyming terminations of the same suffixes; (2) the heaping up of synonyms; and (3) the unfolding of the thoughts in a continuous line. These three peculiarities are found not only in the liturgical border, Psalms 106:1-6, Psalms 106:47, but also in the middle historical portion, which forms the bulk of the Psalm. The law of parallelism, is, it is true, still observed; but apart from these distichic wave-like ridges of the thoughts, it is all one direct, straight-line flow without technical division.

Verses 1-5

The Psalm begins with the liturgical call, which has not coined for the first time in the Maccabaean age (1 Macc. 4:24), but was already in use in Jeremiah's time (Psalms 33:11). The lxx appropriately renders טּוב by χρηστός , for God is called “good” not so much in respect of His nature as of the revelation of His nature. The fulness of this revelation, says Psalms 106:2 (like Psalms 40:6), is inexhaustible. גּבוּרות are the manifestations of His all-conquering power which makes everything subservient to His redemptive purposes (Psalms 20:7); and תּהלּה is the glory (praise or celebration) of His self-attestation in history. The proclaiming of these on the part of man can never be an exhaustive echo of them. In Psalms 106:3 the poet tells what is the character of those who experience such manifestations of God; and to the assertion of the blessedness of these men he appends the petition in Psalms 106:4, that God would grant him a share in the experiences of the whole nation which is the object of these manifestations. עמּך beside בּרצון is a genitive of the object: with the pleasure which Thou turnest towards Thy people, i.e., when Thou again (cf. Psalms 106:47) showest Thyself gracious unto them. On פּקד cf. Psalms 8:5; Psalms 80:15, and on ראה ב , Jeremiah 29:32; a similar Beth is that beside לשׂמח (at, on account of, not: in connection with), Psalms 21:2; Psalms 122:1. God's “inheritance” is His people; the name for them is varied four times, and thereby גּוי is also exceptionally brought into use, as in Zephaniah 2:9.

Verses 6-12

The key-note of the vidduj , which is a settled expression since 1 Kings 8:47 (Daniel 9:5, cf. Bar. 2:12), makes itself heard here in Psalms 106:6; Israel is bearing at this time the punishment of its sins, by which it has made itself like its forefathers. In this needy and helpless condition the poet, who all along speaks as a member of the assembly, takes the way of the confession of sin, which leads to the forgiveness of sin and to the removal of the punishment of sin. רשׁע , 1 Kings 8:47, signifies to be, and the Hiph . to prove one's self to be, a רשׁע . עם in Psalms 106:6 is equivalent to aeque ac , as in Ecclesiastes 2:16; Job 9:26. With Psalms 106:7 the retrospect begins. The fathers contended with Moses and Aaron in Egypt (Exodus 5:21), and gave no heed to the prospect of redemption (Exodus 6:9). The miraculous judgments which Moses executed (Exodus 3:20) had no more effect in bringing them to a right state of mind, and the abundant tokens of loving-kindness (Isaiah 63:7) amidst which God redeemed them made so little impression on their memories that they began to despair and to murmur even at the Red Sea (Exodus 14:11.). With על , Psalms 106:7 , alternates בּ (as in Ezekiel 10:15, בּנהר ); cf. the alternation of prepositions in Joel 3:8 . When they behaved thus, Jahve might have left their redemption unaccomplished, but out of unmerited mercy He nevertheless redeemed them. Psalms 106:8-11 are closely dependent upon Ex. 14. Psalms 106:11 is a transposition (cf. Psalms 34:21; Isaiah 34:16) from Exodus 14:28. On the other hand, Psalms 106:9 is taken out of Isaiah 63:13 (cf. Wisd. 19:9); Isa. 63:7-64:12 is a prayer for redemption which has a similar ground-colouring. The sea through which they passed is called, as in the Tôra, ים־סוּף , which seems, according to Exodus 2:3; Isaiah 19:3, to signify the sea of reed or sedge, although the sedge does not grow in the Red Sea itself, but only on the marshy places of the coast; but it can also signify the sea of sea-weed, mare algosum , after the Egyptian sippe , wool and sea-weed (just as Arab. ṣûf also signifies both these). The word is certainly Egyptian, whether it is to be referred back to the Egyptian word sippe (sea-weed) or seebe (sedge), and is therefore used after the manner of a proper name; so that the inference drawn by Knobel on Exodus 8:18 from the absence of the article, that סוּף is the name of a town on the northern point of the gulf, is groundless. The miracle at the sea of sedge or sea-weed - as Psalms 106:12 says - also was not without effect. Exodus 14:31 tells us that they believed on Jahve and Moses His servant, and the song which they sang follows in Ex. 15. But they then only too quickly added sins of ingratitude.

Verses 13-23

The first of the principal sins on the other side of the Red Sea was the unthankful, impatient, unbelieving murmuring about their meat and drink, Psalms 106:13-15. For what Psalms 106:13 places foremost was the root of the whole evil, that, falling away from faith in God's promise, they forgot the works of God which had been wrought in confirmation of it, and did not wait for the carrying out of His counsel. The poet has before his eye the murmuring for water on the third day after the miraculous deliverance (Exodus 15:22-24) and in Rephidim (Exodus 17:2). Then the murmuring for flesh in the first and second years of the exodus which was followed by the sending of the quails (Ex. 16 and Num. 11), together with the wrathful judgment by which the murmuring for the second time was punished ( Kibrôth ha - Ta'avah , Numbers 11:33-35). This dispensation of wrath the poet calls רזון (lxx, Vulgate, and Syriac erroneously πλησμονήν , perhaps מזון , nourishment), inasmuch as he interprets Numbers 11:33-35 of a wasting disease, which swept away the people in consequence of eating inordinately of the flesh, and in the expression (cf. Psalms 78:31) he closely follows Isaiah 10:16. The “counsel” of God for which they would not wait, is His plan with respect to the time and manner of the help. חכּה , root Arab. ḥk , a weaker power of Arab. ḥq , whence also Arab. ḥkl , p. 111, ḥkm , p. 49 note 1, signifies prop. to make firm, e.g., a knot (cf. on Psalms 33:20), and starting from this (without the intervention of the metaphor moras nectere , as Schultens thinks) is transferred to a firm bent of mind, and the tension of long expectation. The epigrammatic expression ויּתאוּוּ תאוה (plural of ויתאו , Isaiah 45:12, for which codices, as also in Proverbs 23:3, Proverbs 23:6; Proverbs 24:1, the Complutensian, Venetian 1521, Elias Levita, and Baer have ויתאו without the tonic lengthening) is taken from Numbers 11:4.

The second principal sin was the insurrection against their superiors, Psalms 106:16-18. The poet has Numbers 16:1 in his eye. The rebellious ones were swallowed up by the earth, and their two hundred and fifty noble, non-Levite partisans consumed by fire. The fact that the poet does not mention Korah among those who were swallowed up is in perfect harmony with Numbers 16:25., Deuteronomy 11:6; cf. however Numbers 26:10. The elliptical תפתּה in Psalms 106:17 is explained from Numbers 16:32; Numbers 26:10.

The third principal sin was the worship of the calf, Psalms 106:19-23. The poet here glances back at Ex. 32, but not without at the same time having Deuteronomy 9:8-12 in his mind; for the expression “in Horeb” is Deuteronomic, e.g., Deuteronomy 4:15; Deuteronomy 5:2, and frequently. Psalms 106:20 is also based upon the Book of Deuteronomy: they exchanged their glory, i.e., the God who was their distinction before all peoples according to Deuteronomy 4:6-8; Deuteronomy 10:21 (cf. also Jeremiah 2:11), for the likeness ( תּבנית ) of a plough-ox (for this is pre-eminently called שׁוּר , in the dialects תּור ), contrary to the prohibition in Deuteronomy 4:17. On Psalms 106:21 cf. the warning in Deuteronomy 6:12. “Land of Cham” = Egypt, as in Psalms 78:51; Psalms 105:23, Psalms 105:27. With ויאמר in Psalms 106:23 the expression becomes again Deuteronomic: Deuteronomy 9:25, cf. Exodus 32:10. God made and also expressed the resolve to destroy Israel. Then Moses stepped into the gap (before the gap), i.e., as it were covered the breach, inasmuch as he placed himself in it and exposed his own life; cf. on the fact, besides Ex. 32, also Deuteronomy 9:18., Psalms 10:10, and on the expression, Ezekiel 22:30 and also Jeremiah 18:20.

Verses 24-33

The fact to which the poet refers in Psalms 106:24, viz., the rebellion in consequence of the report of the spies, which he brings forward as the fourth principal sin, is narrated in Num 13, Num 14. The appellation ארץ חמדּה is also found in Jeremiah 3:19; Zechariah 7:14. As to the rest, the expression is altogether Pentateuchal. “They despised the land,” after Numbers 14:31; “they murmured in their tents,” after Deuteronomy 1:27; “to lift up the land” = to swear, after Exodus 6:8; Deuteronomy 32:40; the threat להפּיל , to make them fall down, fall away, after Numbers 14:29, Numbers 14:32. The threat of exile is founded upon the two great threatening chapters, Lev 26; Deuteronomy 28:1; cf. more particularly Leviticus 26:33 (together with the echoes in Ezekiel 5:12; Ezekiel 12:14, etc.), Deuteronomy 28:64 (together with the echoes in Jeremiah 9:15; Ezekiel 22:15, etc.). Ezekiel 20:23 stands in a not accidental relationship to Psalms 106:26.; and according to that passage, וּלהפיל is an error of the copyist for וּלהפיץ (Hitzig).

Now follows in Psalms 106:28-31 the fifth of the principal sins, viz., the taking part in the Moabitish worship of Baal. The verb נצמד (to be bound or chained), taken from Numbers 25:3, Numbers 25:5, points to the prostitution with which Baal Peôr, this Moabitish Priapus, was worshipped. The sacrificial feastings in which, according to Numbers 25:2, they took part, are called eating the sacrifices of the dead, because the idols are dead beings (nekroi', Wisd. 13:10-18) as opposed to God, the living One. The catena on Revelation 2:14 correctly interprets: τὰ τοῖς εἰδώλοις τελεσθέντα κρέα .

(Note: In the second section of Aboda zara , on the words of the Mishna: “The flesh which is intended to be offered first of all to idols is allowed, but that which comes out of the temple is forbidden, because it is like sacrifices of the dead,” it is observed, fol. 32 b : “Whence, said R. Jehuda ben Bethêra, do I know that that which is offered to idols ( תקרובת לעבדה זרה ) pollutes like a dead body? From Psalms 106:28. As the dead body pollutes everything that is under the same roof with it, so also does everything that is offered to idols.” The Apostle Paul declares the objectivity of this pollution to be vain, cf. more particularly 1 Corinthians 10:28.)

The object of “they made angry” is omitted; the author is fond of this, cf. Psalms 106:7 and Psalms 106:32. The expression in Psalms 106:29 is like Exodus 19:24. The verb עמד is chosen with reference to Numbers 17:13. The result is expressed in Psalms 106:30 after Numbers 25:8, Numbers 25:18., Numbers 17:13. With פּלּל , to adjust, to judge adjustingly (lxx, Vulgate, correctly according to the sense, ἐξιλάσατο ), the poet associates the thought of the satisfaction due to divine right, which Phinehas executed with the javelin. This act of zeal for Jahve, which compensated for Israel's unfaithfulness, was accounted unto him for righteousness, by his being rewarded for it with the priesthood unto everlasting ages, Numbers 25:10-13. This accounting of a work for righteousness is only apparently contradictory to Genesis 15:5.: it was indeed an act which sprang from a constancy in faith, and one which obtained for him the acceptation of a righteous man for the sake of this upon which it was based, by proving him to be such.

In Psalms 106:32, Psalms 106:33 follows the sixth of the principal sins, viz., the insurrection against Moses and Aaron at the waters of strife in the fortieth year, in connection with which Moses forfeited the entrance with them into the Land of Promise (Numbers 20:11., Deuteronomy 1:37; Deuteronomy 32:51), since he suffered himself to be carried away by the persevering obstinacy of the people against the Spirit of God ( המרה mostly providing the future for מרה , as in Psalms 106:7, Psalms 106:43, Psalms 78:17, Psalms 78:40, Psalms 78:56, of obstinacy against God; on את־רוּחו cf. Isaiah 63:10) into uttering the words addressed to the people, Numbers 20:10, in which, as the smiting of the rock which was twice repeated shows, is expressed impatience together with a tinge of unbelief. The poet distinguishes, as does the narrative in Num. 20, between the obstinacy of the people and the transgression of Moses, which is there designated, according to that which lay at the root of it, as unbelief. The retrospective reference to Numbers 27:14 needs adjustment accordingly.

Verses 34-43

The sins in Canaan: the failing to exterminate the idolatrous peoples and sharing in their idolatry. In Psalms 106:34 the poet appeals to the command, frequently enjoined upon them from Exodus 23:32. onwards, to extirpate the inhabitants of Canaan. Since they did not execute this command (vid., Judges 1:1), that which it was intended to prevent came to pass: the heathen became to them a snare (mowqeesh), Exodus 23:33; Exodus 34:12; Deuteronomy 7:16. They intermarried with them, and fell into the Canaanitish custom in which the abominations of heathenism culminate, viz., the human sacrifice, which Jahve abhorreth (Deuteronomy 12:31), and only the demons ( שׁדים , Deuteronomy 32:17) delight in. Thus then the land was defiled by blood-guiltiness ( חנף , Numbers 35:33, cf. Isaiah 24:5; Isaiah 26:21), and they themselves became unclean (Ezekiel 20:43) by the whoredom of idolatry. In Psalms 106:40-43 the poet (as in Nehemiah 9:26.) sketches the alternation of apostasy, captivity, redemption, and relapse which followed upon the possession of Canaan, and more especially that which characterized the period of the judges. God's “counsel” was to make Israel free and glorious, but they leaned upon themselves, following their own intentions ( בּעצתם ); wherefore they perished in their sins. The poet uses מכך (to sink down, fall away) instead of the נמק (to moulder, rot) of the primary passage, Leviticus 26:39, retained in Ezekiel 24:23; Ezekiel 33:10, which is no blunder (Hitzig), but a deliberate change.

Verses 44-46

The poet's range of vision here widens from the time of the judges to the history of the whole of the succeeding age down to the present; for the whole history of Israel has essentially the same fundamental character, viz., that Israel's unfaithfulness does not annul God's faithfulness. That verifies itself even now. That which Solomon in 1 Kings 8:50 prays for on behalf of his people when they may be betrayed into the hands of the enemy, has been fulfilled in the case of the dispersion of Israel in all countries (Psalms 107:3), Babylonia, Egypt, etc.: God has turned the hearts of their oppressors towards them. On ראה ב , to regard compassionately, cf. Genesis 29:32; 1 Samuel 1:11. בּצּר לחם belong together, as in Psalms 107:6, and frequently. רנּה is a cry of lamentation, as in 1 Kings 8:28 in Solomon's prayer at the dedication of the Temple. From this source comes Psalms 106:6, and also from this source Psalms 106:46, cf. 1 Kings 8:50 together with Nehemiah 1:11. In ויּנּחם the drawing back of the tone does not take place, as in Genesis 24:67. חסדו beside כּרב is not pointed by the Kerî חסדּו , as in Psalms 5:8; Psalms 69:14, but as in Lamentations 3:32, according to Psalms 106:7, Isaiah 63:7, חסדו : in accordance with the fulness (riches) of His manifold mercy or loving-kindness. The expression in Psalms 106:46 is like Genesis 43:14. Although the condition of the poet's fellow-countrymen in the dispersion may have been tolerable in itself, yet this involuntary scattering of the members of the nation is always a state of punishment. The poet prays in Psalms 106:47 that God may be pleased to put an end to this.

Verse 47

He has now reached the goal, to which his whole Psalm struggles forth, by the way of self-accusation and the praise of the faithfulness of God. השׁתּבּח (found only here) is the reflexive of the Piel , to account happy, Ecclesiastes 4:2, therefore: in order that we may esteem ourselves happy to be able to praise Thee. In this reflexive (and also passive) sense השׁתבח is customary in Aramaic and post-biblical Hebrew.

Verse 48

The closing doxology of the Fourth Book. The chronicler has ואמרוּ before Psalms 106:47 (which with him differs only very slightly), an indispensable rivet, so to speak, in the fitting together of Psalms 106:1 (Psalms 107:1) and Psalms 106:47. The means this historian, who joins passages together like mosaic-work, calls to his aid are palpable enough. He has also taken over. Psalms 106:48 by transforming and let all the people say Amen, Hallelujah! in accordance with his style (cf. 1 Chronicles 25:3; 2 Chronicles 5:13, and frequently, Ezra 3:11), into an historical clause: ויּאמרוּ כל־העם אמן והלּל ליהוה . Hitzig, by regarding the echoes of the Psalms in the chronicler as the originals of the corresponding Psalms in the Psalter, and consequently 1 Chronicles 16:36 as the original of the Beracha placed after our Psalm, reverses the true relation; vid., with reference to this point, Riehm in the Theolog. Literat. Blatt , 1866, No. 30, and Köhler in the Luther. Zeitschrift , 1867, S. 297ff. The priority of Ps 106 is clear from the fact that Psalms 106:1 gives a liturgical key-note that was in use even in Jeremiah's time (Psalms 33:11), and that Psalms 106:47 reverts to the tephilla-style of the introit, Psalms 106:4. And the priority of Psalms 106:48 as a concluding formula of the Fourth Book is clear from the fact that is has been fashioned, like that of the Second Book (Psalms 72:18.), under the influence of the foregoing Psalm. The Hallelujah is an echo of the Hallelujah-Psalm, just as there the Jahve Elohim is an echo of the Elohim-Psalm. And “let all the people say Amen” is the same closing thought as in Psalms 106:6 of Ps, which is made into the closing doxology of the whole Psalter. Ἀμὴν ἀλληλούΐα together (Revelation 19:4) is a laudatory confirmation.