Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 107 » Verse 37

Psalms 107:37 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

37 And sow H2232 the fields, H7704 and plant H5193 vineyards, H3754 which may yield H6213 fruits H6529 of increase. H8393

Cross Reference

1 Corinthians 3:7 STRONG

So G5620 then neither G3777 is G2076 he that planteth G5452 any thing, G5100 neither G3777 he that watereth; G4222 but G235 God G2316 that giveth the increase. G837

Genesis 26:12 STRONG

Then Isaac H3327 sowed H2232 in that land, H776 and received H4672 in the same year H8141 an hundredfold: H3967 H8180 and the LORD H3068 blessed H1288 him.

Jeremiah 29:5 STRONG

Build H1129 ye houses, H1004 and dwell H3427 in them; and plant H5193 gardens, H1593 and eat H398 the fruit H6529 of them;

Ezekiel 28:26 STRONG

And they shall dwell H3427 safely H983 therein, and shall build H1129 houses, H1004 and plant H5193 vineyards; H3754 yea, they shall dwell H3427 with confidence, H983 when I have executed H6213 judgments H8201 upon all those that despise H7590 them round about H5439 them; and they shall know H3045 that I am the LORD H3068 their God. H430

Haggai 1:10-11 STRONG

Therefore the heaven H8064 over you is stayed H3607 from dew, H2919 and the earth H776 is stayed H3607 from her fruit. H2981 And I called H7121 for a drought H2721 upon the land, H776 and upon the mountains, H2022 and upon the corn, H1715 and upon the new wine, H8492 and upon the oil, H3323 and upon that which the ground H127 bringeth forth, H3318 and upon men, H120 and upon cattle, H929 and upon all the labour H3018 of the hands. H3709

Zechariah 8:12 STRONG

For the seed H2233 shall be prosperous; H7965 the vine H1612 shall give H5414 her fruit, H6529 and the ground H776 shall give H5414 her increase, H2981 and the heavens H8064 shall give H5414 their dew; H2919 and I will cause the remnant H7611 of this people H5971 to possess H5157 all these things.

Psalms 65:9-13 STRONG

Thou visitest H6485 the earth, H776 and waterest H7783 it: thou greatly H7227 enrichest H6238 it with the river H6388 of God, H430 which is full H4390 of water: H4325 thou preparest H3559 them corn, H1715 when thou hast so provided H3559 for it. Thou waterest H7301 the ridges H8525 thereof abundantly: H7301 thou settlest H5181 the furrows H1417 H1418 thereof: thou makest it soft H4127 with showers: H7241 thou blessest H1288 the springing H6780 thereof. Thou crownest H5849 the year H8141 with thy goodness; H2896 and thy paths H4570 drop H7491 fatness. H1880 They drop H7491 upon the pastures H4999 of the wilderness: H4057 and the little hills H1389 rejoice H1524 on every side. H2296 The pastures H3733 are clothed H3847 with flocks; H6629 the valleys H6010 also are covered over H5848 with corn; H1250 they shout for joy, H7321 they also sing. H7891

Isaiah 37:30 STRONG

And this shall be a sign H226 unto thee, Ye shall eat H398 this year H8141 such as groweth H5599 of itself; and the second H8145 year H8141 that which springeth H7823 of the same: and in the third H7992 year H8141 sow H2232 ye, and reap, H7114 and plant H5193 vineyards, H3754 and eat H398 the fruit H6529 thereof.

Isaiah 65:21 STRONG

And they shall build H1129 houses, H1004 and inhabit H3427 them; and they shall plant H5193 vineyards, H3754 and eat H398 the fruit H6529 of them.

Jeremiah 31:5 STRONG

Thou shalt yet plant H5193 vines H3754 upon the mountains H2022 of Samaria: H8111 the planters H5193 shall plant, H5193 and shall eat them as common things. H2490

Joel 1:10-12 STRONG

The field H7704 is wasted, H7703 the land H127 mourneth; H56 for the corn H1715 is wasted: H7703 the new wine H8492 is dried up, H3001 the oil H3323 languisheth. H535 Be ye ashamed, H3001 O ye husbandmen; H406 howl, H3213 O ye vinedressers, H3755 for the wheat H2406 and for the barley; H8184 because the harvest H7105 of the field H7704 is perished. H6 The vine H1612 is dried up, H3001 and the fig tree H8384 languisheth; H535 the pomegranate H7416 tree, the palm tree H8558 also, and the apple tree, H8598 even all the trees H6086 of the field, H7704 are withered: H3001 because joy H8342 is withered away H3001 from the sons H1121 of men. H120

Haggai 1:5-6 STRONG

Now therefore thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 Consider H7760 H3824 your ways. H1870 Ye have sown H2232 much, H7235 and bring H935 in little; H4592 ye eat, H398 but ye have not enough; H7654 ye drink, H8354 but ye are not filled with drink; H7937 ye clothe H3847 you, but there is none warm; H2527 and he that earneth wages H7936 earneth wages H7936 to put it into a bag H6872 with holes. H5344

Haggai 2:16-19 STRONG

Since those days were, when one came H935 to an heap H6194 of twenty H6242 measures, there were but ten: H6235 when one came H935 to the pressfat H3342 for to draw out H2834 fifty H2572 vessels out of the press, H6333 there were but twenty. H6242 I smote H5221 you with blasting H7711 and with mildew H3420 and with hail H1259 in all the labours H4639 of your hands; H3027 yet ye turned not to me, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 Consider H7760 H3824 now from this day H3117 and upward, H4605 from the four H702 and twentieth H6242 day H3117 of the ninth H8671 month, even from the day H3117 that the foundation H3245 of the LORD'S H3068 temple H1964 was laid, consider H7760 H3824 it. Is the seed H2233 yet in the barn? H4035 yea, as yet the vine, H1612 and the fig tree, H8384 and the pomegranate, H7416 and the olive H2132 tree, H6086 hath not brought forth: H5375 from this day H3117 will I bless H1288 you.

Acts 14:17 STRONG

Nevertheless G2544 G2532 he left G863 not G3756 himself G1438 without witness, G267 in that he did good, G15 and gave G1325 us G2254 rain G5205 from heaven, G3771 and G2532 fruitful G2593 seasons, G2540 filling G1705 our G2257 hearts G2588 with food G5160 and G2532 gladness. G2167

2 Corinthians 9:10 STRONG

Now G1161 he that ministereth G2023 seed G4690 to the sower G4687 both G2532 minister G5524 bread G740 for G1519 your food, G1035 and G2532 multiply G4129 your G5216 seed sown, G4703 and G2532 increase G837 the fruits G1081 of your G5216 righteousness;) G1343

Amos 9:13-15 STRONG

Behold, the days H3117 come, H935 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 that the plowman H2790 shall overtake H5066 the reaper, H7114 and the treader H1869 of grapes H6025 him that soweth H4900 seed; H2233 and the mountains H2022 shall drop H5197 sweet wine, H6071 and all the hills H1389 shall melt. H4127 And I will bring again H7725 the captivity H7622 of my people H5971 of Israel, H3478 and they shall build H1129 the waste H8074 cities, H5892 and inhabit H3427 them; and they shall plant H5193 vineyards, H3754 and drink H8354 the wine H3196 thereof; they shall also make H6213 gardens, H1593 and eat H398 the fruit H6529 of them. And I will plant H5193 them upon their land, H127 and they shall no more be pulled up H5428 out of their land H127 which I have given H5414 them, saith H559 the LORD H3068 thy God. H430

Commentary on Psalms 107 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 107:1-43. Although the general theme of this Psalm may have been suggested by God's special favor to the Israelites in their restoration from captivity, it must be regarded as an instructive celebration of God's praise for His merciful providence to all men in their various emergencies. Of these several are given—captivity and bondage, wanderings by land and sea, and famine; some as evidences of God's displeasure, and all the deliverances as evidence of His goodness and mercy to them who humbly seek Him.

1, 2. This call for thankful praise is the burden or chorus (compare Ps 107:8, 15, &c.).

2. redeemed of the Lord—(compare Isa 35:9, 10).

say—that is, that His mercy, &c.

hand of—or, "power of enemy."

3. gathered—alluding to the dispersion of captives throughout the Babylonian empire.

from the south—literally, "the sea," or, Red Sea (Ps 114:3), which was on the south.

4-7. A graphic picture is given of the sufferings of those who from distant lands returned to Jerusalem; or,

city of habitation—may mean the land of Palestine.

5. fainted—was overwhelmed (Ps 61:3; 77:3).

8, 9. To the chorus is added, as a reason for praise, an example of the extreme distress from which they had been delivered—extreme hunger, the severest privation of a journey in the desert.

10-16. Their sufferings were for their rebellion against (Ps 105:28) the words, or purposes, or promises, of God for their benefit. When humbled they cry to God, who delivers them from bondage, described as a dark dungeon with doors and bars of metal, in which they are bound in iron—that is, chains and fetters.

shadow of death—darkness with danger (Ps 23:4).

16. broken—literally, "shivered" (Isa 45:2).

17-22. Whether the same or not, this exigency illustrates that dispensation of God according to which sin brings its own punishment.

are afflicted—literally, "afflict themselves," that is, bring on disease, denoted by loathing of food, and drawing

18. near unto—literally, "even to"

gates—or, "domains" (Ps 9:13).

20. sent his word—that is, put forth His power.

their destructions—that is, that which threatened them. To the chorus is added the mode of giving thanks, by a sacrifice and joyful singing (Ps 50:14).

23-32. Here are set forth the perils of seafaring, futility of man's, and efficiency of God's, help.

go … sea—alluding to the elevation of the land at the coast.

24. These see … deep—illustrated both by the storm He raises and the calm He makes with a word (Ps 33:9).

25. waves thereof—literally, "His waves" (God's, Ps 42:7).

27. are … end—literally, "all their wisdom swallows up itself," destroys itself by vain and contradictory devices, such as despair induces.

29-32. He maketh … calm—or, "to stand to stillness," or "in quiet." Instead of acts of temple-worship, those of the synagogue are here described, where the people with the

assembly—or session of elders, convened for reading, singing, prayer, and teaching.

33-41. He turneth rivers into a wilderness, &c.—God's providence is illustriously displayed in His influence on two great elements of human prosperity, the earth's productiveness and the powers of government. He punishes the wicked by destroying the sources of fertility, or, in mercy, gives fruitfulness to deserts, which become the homes of a busy and successful agricultural population. By a permitted misrule and tyranny, this scene of prosperity is changed to one of adversity. He rules rulers, setting up one and putting down another.

40. wander … wilderness—reduced to misery (Job 12:24).

42, 43. In this providential government, good men will rejoice, and the cavils of the wicked will be stopped (Job 5:16; Isa 52:15), and all who take right views will appreciate God's unfailing mercy and unbounded love.