Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 107 » Verse 7

Psalms 107:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 And he led them forth H1869 by the right H3477 way, H1870 that they might go H3212 to a city H5892 of habitation. H4186

Cross Reference

Jeremiah 31:9 STRONG

They shall come H935 with weeping, H1065 and with supplications H8469 will I lead H2986 them: I will cause them to walk H3212 by the rivers H5158 of waters H4325 in a straight H3477 way, H1870 wherein they shall not stumble: H3782 for I am a father H1 to Israel, H3478 and Ephraim H669 is my firstborn. H1060

Psalms 107:36 STRONG

And there he maketh the hungry H7457 to dwell, H3427 that they may prepare H3559 a city H5892 for habitation; H4186

Psalms 107:4 STRONG

They wandered H8582 in the wilderness H4057 in a solitary H3452 way; H1870 they found H4672 no city H5892 to dwell H4186 in.

Jeremiah 31:38-40 STRONG

Behold, the days H3117 come, H935 saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 that the city H5892 shall be built H1129 to the LORD H3068 from the tower H4026 of Hananeel H2606 unto the gate H8179 of the corner. H6438 And the measuring H4060 line H6957 H6961 shall yet go forth H3318 over against it upon the hill H1389 Gareb, H1619 and shall compass about H5437 to Goath. H1601 And the whole valley H6010 of the dead bodies, H6297 and of the ashes, H1880 and all the fields H7709 H8309 unto the brook H5158 of Kidron, H6939 unto the corner H6438 of the horse H5483 gate H8179 toward the east, H4217 shall be holy H6944 unto the LORD; H3068 it shall not be plucked up, H5428 nor thrown down H2040 any more for ever. H5769

Revelation 21:10-27 STRONG

And G2532 he carried G667 me G3165 away G667 in G1722 the spirit G4151 to G1909 a great G3173 and G2532 high G5308 mountain, G3735 and G2532 shewed G1166 me G3427 that great G3173 city, G4172 the holy G40 Jerusalem, G2419 descending G2597 out of G1537 heaven G3772 from G575 God, G2316 Having G2192 the glory G1391 of God: G2316 and G2532 her G846 light G5458 was like G3664 unto a stone G3037 most precious, G5093 even like G5613 a jasper G2393 stone, G3037 clear as crystal; G2929 And G5037 had G2192 a wall G5038 great G3173 and G2532 high, G5308 and had G2192 twelve G1427 gates, G4440 and G2532 at G1909 the gates G4440 twelve G1427 angels, G32 and G2532 names G3686 written thereon, G1924 which G3739 are G2076 the names of the twelve G1427 tribes G5443 of the children G5207 of Israel: G2474 On G575 the east G395 three G5140 gates; G4440 on G575 the north G1005 three G5140 gates; G4440 on G575 the south G3558 three G5140 gates; G4440 and G2532 on G575 the west G1424 three G5140 gates. G4440 And G2532 the wall G5038 of the city G4172 had G2192 twelve G1427 foundations, G2310 and G2532 in G1722 them G846 the names G3686 of the twelve G1427 apostles G652 of the Lamb. G721 And G2532 he that talked G2980 with G3326 me G1700 had G2192 a golden G5552 reed G2563 to G2443 measure G3354 the city, G4172 and G2532 the gates G4440 thereof, G846 and G2532 the wall G5038 thereof. G846 And G2532 the city G4172 lieth G2749 foursquare, G5068 and G2532 the length G3372 G846 is G2076 as large G5118 as G3745 G2532 the breadth: G4114 and G2532 he measured G3354 the city G4172 with the reed, G2563 G1909 twelve G1427 thousand G5505 furlongs. G4712 The length G3372 and G2532 the breadth G4114 and G2532 the height G5311 of it G846 are G2076 equal. G2470 And G2532 he measured G3354 the wall G5038 thereof, G846 an hundred G1540 and forty G5062 and four G5064 cubits, G4083 according to the measure G3358 of a man, G444 that is, G3603 of the angel. G32 And G2532 the building G1739 of the wall G5038 of it G846 was G2258 of jasper: G2393 and G2532 the city G4172 was pure G2513 gold, G5553 like G3664 unto clear G2513 glass. G5194 And G2532 the foundations G2310 of the wall G5038 of the city G4172 were garnished with G2885 all manner of G3956 precious G5093 stones. G3037 The first G4413 foundation G2310 was jasper; G2393 the second, G1208 sapphire; G4552 the third, G5154 a chalcedony; G5472 the fourth, G5067 an emerald; G4665 The fifth, G3991 sardonyx; G4557 the sixth, G1623 sardius; G4556 the seventh, G1442 chrysolite; G5555 the eighth, G3590 beryl; G969 the ninth, G1766 a topaz; G5116 the tenth, G1182 a chrysoprasus; G5556 the eleventh, G1734 a jacinth; G5192 the twelfth, G1428 an amethyst. G271 And G2532 the twelve G1427 gates G4440 were twelve G1427 pearls; G3135 every G1538 G303 several G1520 gate G4440 was G2258 of G1537 one G1520 pearl: G3135 and G2532 the street G4113 of the city G4172 was pure G2513 gold, G5553 as it were G5613 transparent G1307 glass. G5194 And G2532 I saw G1492 no G3756 temple G3485 therein: G1722 G846 for G1063 the Lord G2962 God G2316 Almighty G3841 and G2532 the Lamb G721 are G2076 the temple G3485 of it. G846 And G2532 the city G4172 had G2192 no G3756 need G5532 of the sun, G2246 neither G3761 of the moon, G4582 to G2443 shine G5316 in G1722 it: G846 for G1063 the glory G1391 of God G2316 did lighten G5461 it, G846 and G2532 the Lamb G721 is the light G3088 thereof. G846 And G2532 the nations G1484 of them which are saved G4982 shall walk G4043 in G1722 the light G5457 of it: G846 and G2532 the kings G935 of the earth G1093 do bring G5342 their G846 glory G1391 and G2532 honour G5092 into G1519 it. G846 And G2532 the gates G4440 of it G846 shall G2808 not G3364 be shut G2808 at all G3364 by day: G2250 for G1063 there shall be G2071 no G3756 night G3571 there. G1563 And G2532 they shall bring G5342 the glory G1391 and G2532 honour G5092 of the nations G1484 into G1519 it. G846 And G2532 there shall G1525 in no wise G3364 enter G1525 into G1519 it G846 any thing G3956 that defileth, G2840 neither G2532 whatsoever worketh G4160 abomination, G946 or G2532 maketh a lie: G5579 but G1508 they which are written G1125 in G1722 the Lamb's G721 book G975 of life. G2222

Revelation 21:2-4 STRONG

And G2532 I G1473 John G2491 saw G1492 the holy G40 city, G4172 new G2537 Jerusalem, G2419 coming down G2597 from G575 God G2316 out of G1537 heaven, G3772 prepared G2090 as G5613 a bride G3565 adorned G2885 for her G846 husband. G435 And G2532 I heard G191 a great G3173 voice G5456 out of G1537 heaven G3772 saying, G3004 Behold, G2400 the tabernacle G4633 of God G2316 is with G3326 men, G444 and G2532 he will dwell G4637 with G3326 them, G846 and G2532 they G846 shall be G2071 his G846 people, G2992 and G2532 God G2316 himself G846 shall be G2071 with G3326 them, G846 and be their G846 God. G2316 And G2532 God G2316 shall wipe away G1813 all G3956 tears G1144 from G575 their G846 eyes; G3788 and G2532 there shall be G2071 no G3756 more G2089 death, G2288 neither G3777 sorrow, G3997 nor G3777 crying, G2906 neither G3777 G3756 shall there be G2071 any more G2089 pain: G4192 for G3754 the former things G4413 are passed away. G565

2 Peter 2:21 STRONG

For G1063 it had been G2258 better G2909 for them G846 not G3361 to have known G1921 the way G3598 of righteousness, G1343 than, G2228 after they have known G1921 it, to turn G1994 from G1537 the holy G40 commandment G1785 delivered G3860 unto them. G846

2 Peter 2:15 STRONG

Which have forsaken G2641 the right G2117 way, G3598 and are gone astray, G4105 following G1811 the way G3598 of Balaam G903 the son of Bosor, G1007 who G3739 loved G25 the wages G3408 of unrighteousness; G93

Hebrews 12:22 STRONG

But G235 ye are come G4334 unto mount G3735 Sion, G4622 and G2532 unto the city G4172 of the living G2198 God, G2316 the heavenly G2032 Jerusalem, G2419 and G2532 to an innumerable company G3461 of angels, G32

Hebrews 11:16 STRONG

But G1161 now G3570 they desire G3713 a better G2909 country, that is, G5123 an heavenly: G2032 wherefore G1352 God G2316 is G1870 not G3756 ashamed G1870 G846 to be called G1941 their G846 God: G2316 for G1063 he hath prepared G2090 for them G846 a city. G4172

Hebrews 11:9-10 STRONG

By faith G4102 he sojourned G3939 in G1519 the land G1093 of promise, G1860 as G5613 in a strange country, G245 dwelling G2730 in G1722 tabernacles G4633 with G3326 Isaac G2464 and G2532 Jacob, G2384 the heirs with him G4789 of the same G846 promise: G1860 For G1063 he looked for G1551 a city G4172 which hath G2192 foundations, G2310 whose G3739 builder G5079 and G2532 maker G1217 is God. G2316

Jeremiah 33:10-13 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD; H3068 Again there shall be heard H8085 in this place, H4725 which ye say H559 shall be desolate H2720 without man H120 and without beast, H929 even in the cities H5892 of Judah, H3063 and in the streets H2351 of Jerusalem, H3389 that are desolate, H8074 without man, H120 and without inhabitant, H3427 and without beast, H929 The voice H6963 of joy, H8342 and the voice H6963 of gladness, H8057 the voice H6963 of the bridegroom, H2860 and the voice H6963 of the bride, H3618 the voice H6963 of them that shall say, H559 Praise H3034 the LORD H3068 of hosts: H6635 for the LORD H3068 is good; H2896 for his mercy H2617 endureth for ever: H5769 and of them that shall bring H935 the sacrifice of praise H8426 into the house H1004 of the LORD. H3068 For I will cause to return H7725 the captivity H7622 of the land, H776 as at the first, H7223 saith H559 the LORD. H3068 Thus saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts; H6635 Again in this place, H4725 which is desolate H2720 without man H120 and without beast, H929 and in all the cities H5892 thereof, shall be an habitation H5116 of shepherds H7462 causing their flocks H6629 to lie down. H7257 In the cities H5892 of the mountains, H2022 in the cities H5892 of the vale, H8219 and in the cities H5892 of the south, H5045 and in the land H776 of Benjamin, H1144 and in the places about H5439 Jerusalem, H3389 and in the cities H5892 of Judah, H3063 shall the flocks H6629 pass again H5674 under the hands H3027 of him that telleth H4487 them, saith H559 the LORD. H3068

Ezra 8:21-23 STRONG

Then I proclaimed H7121 a fast H6685 there, at the river H5104 of Ahava, H163 that we might afflict H6031 ourselves before H6440 our God, H430 to seek H1245 of him a right H3477 way H1870 for us, and for our little ones, H2945 and for all our substance. H7399 For I was ashamed H954 to require H7592 of the king H4428 a band of soldiers H2428 and horsemen H6571 to help H5826 us against the enemy H341 in the way: H1870 because we had spoken H559 unto the king, H4428 saying, H559 The hand H3027 of our God H430 is upon all them for good H2896 that seek H1245 him; but his power H5797 and his wrath H639 is against all them that forsake H5800 him. So we fasted H6684 and besought H1245 our God H430 for this: and he was intreated H6279 of us.

Jeremiah 31:24 STRONG

And there shall dwell H3427 in Judah H3063 itself, and in all the cities H5892 thereof together, H3162 husbandmen, H406 and they that go forth H5265 with flocks. H5739

Jeremiah 6:16 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 Stand H5975 ye in the ways, H1870 and see, H7200 and ask H7592 for the old H5769 paths, H5410 where is the good H2896 way, H1870 and walk H3212 therein, and ye shall find H4672 rest H4771 for your souls. H5315 But they said, H559 We will not walk H3212 therein.

Isaiah 63:13-14 STRONG

That led H3212 them through the deep, H8415 as an horse H5483 in the wilderness, H4057 that they should not stumble? H3782 As a beast H929 goeth down H3381 into the valley, H1237 the Spirit H7307 of the LORD H3068 caused him to rest: H5117 so didst thou lead H5090 thy people, H5971 to make H6213 thyself a glorious H8597 name. H8034

Isaiah 49:8-11 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 In an acceptable H7522 time H6256 have I heard H6030 thee, and in a day H3117 of salvation H3444 have I helped H5826 thee: and I will preserve H5341 thee, and give H5414 thee for a covenant H1285 of the people, H5971 to establish H6965 the earth, H776 to cause to inherit H5157 the desolate H8074 heritages; H5159 That thou mayest say H559 to the prisoners, H631 Go forth; H3318 to them that are in darkness, H2822 Shew H1540 yourselves. They shall feed H7462 in the ways, H1870 and their pastures H4830 shall be in all high places. H8205 They shall not hunger H7456 nor thirst; H6770 neither shall the heat H8273 nor sun H8121 smite H5221 them: for he that hath mercy H7355 on them shall lead H5090 them, even by the springs H4002 of water H4325 shall he guide H5095 them. And I will make H7760 all my mountains H2022 a way, H1870 and my highways H4546 shall be exalted. H7311

Isaiah 48:17 STRONG

Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 thy Redeemer, H1350 the Holy One H6918 of Israel; H3478 I am the LORD H3068 thy God H430 which teacheth H3925 thee to profit, H3276 which leadeth H1869 thee by the way H1870 that thou shouldest go. H3212

Isaiah 35:8-10 STRONG

And an highway H4547 shall be there, and a way, H1870 and it shall be called H7121 The way H1870 of holiness; H6944 the unclean H2931 shall not pass over H5674 it; but it shall be for those: the wayfaring men, H1980 though fools, H191 shall not err H8582 therein. No lion H738 shall be there, nor any ravenous H6530 beast H2416 shall go up H5927 thereon, it shall not be found H4672 there; but the redeemed H1350 shall walk H1980 there: And the ransomed H6299 of the LORD H3068 shall return, H7725 and come H935 to Zion H6726 with songs H7440 and everlasting H5769 joy H8057 upon their heads: H7218 they shall obtain H5381 joy H8057 and gladness, H8342 and sorrow H3015 and sighing H585 shall flee away. H5127

Isaiah 30:21 STRONG

And thine ears H241 shall hear H8085 a word H1697 behind H310 thee, saying, H559 This is the way, H1870 walk ye in it, H3212 when ye turn to the right hand, H541 and when ye turn to the left. H8041

Psalms 136:16 STRONG

To him which led H3212 his people H5971 through the wilderness: H4057 for his mercy H2617 endureth for ever. H5769

Psalms 78:52 STRONG

But made his own people H5971 to go forth H5265 like sheep, H6629 and guided H5090 them in the wilderness H4057 like a flock. H5739

Psalms 77:20 STRONG

Thou leddest H5148 thy people H5971 like a flock H6629 by the hand H3027 of Moses H4872 and Aaron. H175

Nehemiah 11:3 STRONG

Now these are the chief H7218 of the province H4082 that dwelt H3427 in Jerusalem: H3389 but in the cities H5892 of Judah H3063 dwelt H3427 every one H376 in his possession H272 in their cities, H5892 to wit, Israel, H3478 the priests, H3548 and the Levites, H3881 and the Nethinims, H5411 and the children H1121 of Solomon's H8010 servants. H5650

Commentary on Psalms 107 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 107:1-43. Although the general theme of this Psalm may have been suggested by God's special favor to the Israelites in their restoration from captivity, it must be regarded as an instructive celebration of God's praise for His merciful providence to all men in their various emergencies. Of these several are given—captivity and bondage, wanderings by land and sea, and famine; some as evidences of God's displeasure, and all the deliverances as evidence of His goodness and mercy to them who humbly seek Him.

1, 2. This call for thankful praise is the burden or chorus (compare Ps 107:8, 15, &c.).

2. redeemed of the Lord—(compare Isa 35:9, 10).

say—that is, that His mercy, &c.

hand of—or, "power of enemy."

3. gathered—alluding to the dispersion of captives throughout the Babylonian empire.

from the south—literally, "the sea," or, Red Sea (Ps 114:3), which was on the south.

4-7. A graphic picture is given of the sufferings of those who from distant lands returned to Jerusalem; or,

city of habitation—may mean the land of Palestine.

5. fainted—was overwhelmed (Ps 61:3; 77:3).

8, 9. To the chorus is added, as a reason for praise, an example of the extreme distress from which they had been delivered—extreme hunger, the severest privation of a journey in the desert.

10-16. Their sufferings were for their rebellion against (Ps 105:28) the words, or purposes, or promises, of God for their benefit. When humbled they cry to God, who delivers them from bondage, described as a dark dungeon with doors and bars of metal, in which they are bound in iron—that is, chains and fetters.

shadow of death—darkness with danger (Ps 23:4).

16. broken—literally, "shivered" (Isa 45:2).

17-22. Whether the same or not, this exigency illustrates that dispensation of God according to which sin brings its own punishment.

are afflicted—literally, "afflict themselves," that is, bring on disease, denoted by loathing of food, and drawing

18. near unto—literally, "even to"

gates—or, "domains" (Ps 9:13).

20. sent his word—that is, put forth His power.

their destructions—that is, that which threatened them. To the chorus is added the mode of giving thanks, by a sacrifice and joyful singing (Ps 50:14).

23-32. Here are set forth the perils of seafaring, futility of man's, and efficiency of God's, help.

go … sea—alluding to the elevation of the land at the coast.

24. These see … deep—illustrated both by the storm He raises and the calm He makes with a word (Ps 33:9).

25. waves thereof—literally, "His waves" (God's, Ps 42:7).

27. are … end—literally, "all their wisdom swallows up itself," destroys itself by vain and contradictory devices, such as despair induces.

29-32. He maketh … calm—or, "to stand to stillness," or "in quiet." Instead of acts of temple-worship, those of the synagogue are here described, where the people with the

assembly—or session of elders, convened for reading, singing, prayer, and teaching.

33-41. He turneth rivers into a wilderness, &c.—God's providence is illustriously displayed in His influence on two great elements of human prosperity, the earth's productiveness and the powers of government. He punishes the wicked by destroying the sources of fertility, or, in mercy, gives fruitfulness to deserts, which become the homes of a busy and successful agricultural population. By a permitted misrule and tyranny, this scene of prosperity is changed to one of adversity. He rules rulers, setting up one and putting down another.

40. wander … wilderness—reduced to misery (Job 12:24).

42, 43. In this providential government, good men will rejoice, and the cavils of the wicked will be stopped (Job 5:16; Isa 52:15), and all who take right views will appreciate God's unfailing mercy and unbounded love.