Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 108 » Verse 4

Psalms 108:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 For thy mercy H2617 is great H1419 above the heavens: H8064 and thy truth H571 reacheth unto the clouds. H7834

Cross Reference

Psalms 36:5 STRONG

Thy mercy, H2617 O LORD, H3068 is in the heavens; H8064 and thy faithfulness H530 reacheth unto the clouds. H7834

Micah 7:18-20 STRONG

Who is a God H410 like unto thee, that pardoneth H5375 iniquity, H5771 and passeth by H5674 the transgression H6588 of the remnant H7611 of his heritage? H5159 he retaineth H2388 not his anger H639 for ever, H5703 because he delighteth H2654 in mercy. H2617 He will turn again, H7725 he will have compassion H7355 upon us; he will subdue H3533 our iniquities; H5771 and thou wilt cast H7993 all their sins H2403 into the depths H4688 of the sea. H3220 Thou wilt perform H5414 the truth H571 to Jacob, H3290 and the mercy H2617 to Abraham, H85 which thou hast sworn H7650 unto our fathers H1 from the days H3117 of old. H6924

Ephesians 2:4-7 STRONG

But G1161 God, G2316 who is G5607 rich G4145 in G1722 mercy, G1656 for G1223 his G846 great G4183 love G26 wherewith G3739 he loved G25 us, G2248 Even G2532 when we G2248 were G5607 dead G3498 in sins, G3900 hath quickened us together with G4806 Christ, G5547 (by grace G5485 ye are G2075 saved;) G4982 And G2532 hath raised us up together, G4891 and G2532 made us sit together G4776 in G1722 heavenly G2032 places in G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus: G2424 That G2443 in G1722 the ages G165 to come G1904 he might shew G1731 the exceeding G5235 riches G4149 of his G846 grace G5485 in G1722 his kindness G5544 toward G1909 us G2248 through G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus. G2424

Psalms 85:10 STRONG

Mercy H2617 and truth H571 are met together; H6298 righteousness H6664 and peace H7965 have kissed H5401 each other.

Psalms 89:2 STRONG

For I have said, H559 Mercy H2617 shall be built up H1129 for ever: H5769 thy faithfulness H530 shalt thou establish H3559 in the very heavens. H8064

Psalms 89:5 STRONG

And the heavens H8064 shall praise H3034 thy wonders, H6382 O LORD: H3068 thy faithfulness H530 also in the congregation H6951 of the saints. H6918

Psalms 103:11 STRONG

For as the heaven H8064 is high above H1361 the earth, H776 so great H1396 is his mercy H2617 toward them that fear H3373 him.

Psalms 113:4 STRONG

The LORD H3068 is high H7311 above all nations, H1471 and his glory H3519 above the heavens. H8064

Isaiah 55:9 STRONG

For as the heavens H8064 are higher H1361 than the earth, H776 so are my ways H1870 higher H1361 than your ways, H1870 and my thoughts H4284 than your thoughts. H4284

Commentary on Psalms 108 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 108:1-13. This Psalm is composed of Ps 108:1-5 of Ps 57:7-11; and Ps 108:6-12 of Ps 60:5-12. The varieties are verbal and trivial, except that in Ps 108:9, "over Philistia will I triumph," differs from Ps 60:8, the interpretation of which it confirms. Its altogether triumphant tone may intimate that it was prepared by David, omitting the plaintive portions of the other Psalms, as commemorative of God's favor in the victories of His people.