Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 108 » Verse 9

Psalms 108:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 Moab H4124 is my washpot; H7366 H5518 over Edom H123 will I cast out H7993 my shoe; H5275 over Philistia H6429 will I triumph. H7321

Cross Reference

Ruth 4:7-8 STRONG

Now this was the manner in former time H6440 in Israel H3478 concerning redeeming H1353 and concerning changing, H8545 for to confirm H6965 all things; H1697 a man H376 plucked off H8025 his shoe, H5275 and gave H5414 it to his neighbour: H7453 and this was a testimony H8584 in Israel. H3478 Therefore the kinsman H1350 said H559 unto Boaz, H1162 Buy H7069 it for thee. So he drew off H8025 his shoe. H5275

2 Samuel 8:1-2 STRONG

And after H310 this it came to pass, that David H1732 smote H5221 the Philistines, H6430 and subdued H3665 them: and David H1732 took H3947 Methegammah H4965 out of the hand H3027 of the Philistines. H6430 And he smote H5221 Moab, H4124 and measured H4058 them with a line, H2256 casting them down H7901 to the ground; H776 even with two H8147 lines H2256 measured H4058 he to put to death, H4191 and with one full H4393 line H2256 to keep alive. H2421 And so the Moabites H4124 became David's H1732 servants, H5650 and brought H5375 gifts. H4503

2 Samuel 21:15-22 STRONG

Moreover the Philistines H6430 had yet war H4421 again with Israel; H3478 and David H1732 went down, H3381 and his servants H5650 with him, and fought H3898 against the Philistines: H6430 and David H1732 waxed faint. H5774 And Ishbibenob, H3430 which was of the sons H3211 of the giant, H7497 the weight H4948 of whose spear H7013 weighed three H7969 hundred H3967 shekels of brass H5178 in weight, H4948 he being girded H2296 with a new H2319 sword, thought H559 to have slain H5221 David. H1732 But Abishai H52 the son H1121 of Zeruiah H6870 succoured H5826 him, and smote H5221 the Philistine, H6430 and killed H4191 him. Then the men H582 of David H1732 sware H7650 unto him, saying, H559 Thou shalt go H3318 no more out with us to battle, H4421 that thou quench H3518 not the light H5216 of Israel. H3478 And it came to pass after this, H310 that there was again a battle H4421 with the Philistines H6430 at Gob: H1359 then Sibbechai H5444 the Hushathite H2843 slew H5221 Saph, H5593 which was of the sons H3211 of the giant. H7497 And there was again a battle H4421 in Gob H1359 with the Philistines, H6430 where Elhanan H445 the son H1121 of Jaareoregim, H3296 a Bethlehemite, H1022 slew H5221 the brother of Goliath H1555 the Gittite, H1663 the staff H6086 of whose spear H2595 was like a weaver's H707 beam. H4500 And there was yet a battle H4421 in Gath, H1661 where was a man H376 of great stature, H4067 H4055 that had on every hand H3027 six H8337 fingers, H676 and on every foot H7272 six H8337 toes, H676 four H702 and twenty H6242 in number; H4557 and he also was born H3205 to the giant. H7497 And when he defied H2778 Israel, H3478 Jonathan H3083 the son H1121 of Shimea H8092 the brother H251 of David H1732 slew H5221 him. These four H702 were born H3205 to the giant H7497 in Gath, H1661 and fell H5307 by the hand H3027 of David, H1732 and by the hand H3027 of his servants. H5650

Psalms 60:8-10 STRONG

Moab H4124 is my washpot; H5518 H7366 over Edom H123 will I cast out H7993 my shoe: H5275 Philistia, H6429 triumph H7321 thou because of me. Who will bring H2986 me into the strong H4692 city? H5892 who will lead H5148 me into Edom? H123 Wilt not thou, O God, H430 which hadst cast us off? H2186 and thou, O God, H430 which didst not go out H3318 with our armies? H6635

Isaiah 14:29-32 STRONG

Rejoice H8055 not thou, whole Palestina, H6429 because the rod H7626 of him that smote H5221 thee is broken: H7665 for out of the serpent's H5175 root H8328 shall come forth H3318 a cockatrice, H6848 and his fruit H6529 shall be a fiery H8314 flying H5774 serpent. H8314 And the firstborn H1060 of the poor H1800 shall feed, H7462 and the needy H34 shall lie down H7257 in safety: H983 and I will kill H4191 thy root H8328 with famine, H7458 and he shall slay H2026 thy remnant. H7611 Howl, H3213 O gate; H8179 cry, H2199 O city; H5892 thou, whole Palestina, H6429 art dissolved: H4127 for there shall come H935 from the north H6828 a smoke, H6227 and none shall be alone H909 in his appointed times. H4151 What shall one then answer H6030 the messengers H4397 of the nation? H1471 That the LORD H3068 hath founded H3245 Zion, H6726 and the poor H6041 of his people H5971 shall trust H2620 in it.

John 13:8 STRONG

Peter G4074 saith G3004 unto him, G846 Thou shalt G3538 never G1519 G165 G3364 wash G3538 my G3450 feet. G4228 Jesus G2424 answered G611 him, G846 If G3362 I wash G3538 thee G4571 not, G3362 thou hast G2192 no G3756 part G3313 with G3326 me. G1700

John 13:14 STRONG

If G1487 I G1473 then, G3767 your Lord G2962 and G2532 Master, G1320 have washed G3538 your G5216 feet; G4228 ye G5210 also G2532 ought G3784 to wash G3538 one another's G240 feet. G4228

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Psalms 108

Commentary on Psalms 108 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


Two Elohimic Fragments Brought Together

The אודך in Psalms 108:4 and the whole contents of this Psalm is the echo to the הודוּ of the preceding Psalm. It is inscribed a Psalm-song by David , but only because it is compiled out of ancient Davidic materials. The fact of the absence of the למנצח makes it natural to suppose that it is of later origin. Two Davidic Psalm-pieces in the Elohimic style are here, with trifling variations, just put together, not soldered together, and taken out of their original historical connection.

That a poet like David would thus compile a third out of two of his own songs (Hengstenberg) is not conceivable.

Verses 1-5

This first half is taken from Ps. 57:8-12. The repetition of confident is my heart in Psalms 57:1-11 is here omitted; and in place of it the “my glory” of the exclamation, awake my glory , is taken up to “I will sing and will harp” as a more minute definition of the subject (vid., on Psalms 3:5): He will do it, yea,his soul with all its godlike powers shall do it. Jahve in Psalms 108:4 is transformed out of the Adonaj ; and Waw copul . is inserted both before Psalms 108:4 and Psalms 108:6 , contrary to Psalms 57:1-11. מעל , Psalms 108:5 (as in Esther 3:1), would be a pleasing change for עד if Psalms 108:5 followed Psalms 108:5 and the definition of magnitude did not retrograde instead of heightening. Moreover Psalms 36:6; Jeremiah 51:9 (cf. על in Psalms 113:4; Psalms 148:13) favour עד in opposition to מעל .

Verses 6-13

Ps. 60:7-14 forms this second half. The clause expressing the purpose with למען , as in its original, has the following הושׁיעה for its principal clause upon which it depends. Instead of ועננוּ , which one might have expected, the expression used here is וענני without any interchange of the mode of writing and of reading it; many printed copies have ועננו here also; Baer, following Norzi, correctly has וענני . Instead of ולי ... לי , Psalms 60:9, we here read לי ... לי , which is less soaring. And instead of Cry aloud concerning me, O Philistia do I shout for joy (the triumphant cry of the victor); in accordance with which Hupfeld wishes to take התרועעי in the former as infinitive: “over ( עלי instead of עלי ) Philistia is my shouting for joy” ( התרועעי instead of התרועעי , since the infinitive does not admit of this pausal form of the imperative). For עיר מצור we have here the more usual form of expression עיר מבצר . Psalms 108:12 is weakened by the omission of the אתּה ( הלא ).