Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 109 » Verse 14

Psalms 109:14 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

14 Let the iniquity H5771 of his fathers H1 be remembered H2142 with the LORD; H3068 and let not the sin H2403 of his mother H517 be blotted out. H4229

Cross Reference

Exodus 20:5 STRONG

Thou shalt not bow down H7812 thyself to them, nor serve H5647 them: for I the LORD H3068 thy God H430 am a jealous H7067 God, H410 visiting H6485 the iniquity H5771 of the fathers H1 upon the children H1121 unto the third H8029 and fourth H7256 generation of them that hate H8130 me;

Nehemiah 4:5 STRONG

And cover H3680 not their iniquity, H5771 and let not their sin H2403 be blotted out H4229 from before H6440 thee: for they have provoked thee to anger H3707 before the builders. H1129

Jeremiah 18:23 STRONG

Yet, LORD, H3068 thou knowest H3045 all their counsel H6098 against me to slay H4194 me: forgive H3722 not their iniquity, H5771 neither blot out H4229 their sin H2403 from thy sight, H6440 but let them be overthrown H3782 before H6440 thee; deal H6213 thus with them in the time H6256 of thine anger. H639

Leviticus 26:39 STRONG

And they that are left H7604 of you shall pine away H4743 in their iniquity H5771 in your enemies' H341 lands; H776 and also in the iniquities H5771 of their fathers H1 shall they pine away H4743 with them.

2 Samuel 3:29 STRONG

Let it rest H2342 on the head H7218 of Joab, H3097 and on all his father's H1 house; H1004 and let there not fail H3772 from the house H1004 of Joab H3097 one that hath an issue, H2100 or that is a leper, H6879 or that leaneth H2388 on a staff, H6418 or that falleth H5307 on the sword, H2719 or that lacketh H2638 bread. H3899

2 Samuel 21:1 STRONG

Then there was a famine H7458 in the days H3117 of David H1732 three H7969 years, H8141 year H8141 after H310 year; H8141 and David H1732 enquired H1245 of H6440 the LORD. H3068 And the LORD H3068 answered, H559 It is for Saul, H7586 and for his bloody H1818 house, H1004 because he slew H4191 the Gibeonites. H1393

2 Samuel 21:8-9 STRONG

But the king H4428 took H3947 the two H8147 sons H1121 of Rizpah H7532 the daughter H1323 of Aiah, H345 whom she bare H3205 unto Saul, H7586 Armoni H764 and Mephibosheth; H4648 and the five H2568 sons H1121 of Michal H4324 the daughter H1323 of Saul, H7586 whom she brought up H3205 for Adriel H5741 the son H1121 of Barzillai H1271 the Meholathite: H4259 And he delivered H5414 them into the hands H3027 of the Gibeonites, H1393 and they hanged H3363 them in the hill H2022 before H6440 the LORD: H3068 and they fell H5307 all seven H7651 H7659 together, H3162 and were put to death H4191 in the days H3117 of harvest, H7105 in the first H7223 days, in the beginning H8462 of barley H8184 harvest. H7105

2 Kings 8:27 STRONG

And he walked H3212 in the way H1870 of the house H1004 of Ahab, H256 and did H6213 evil H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD, H3068 as did the house H1004 of Ahab: H256 for he was the son in law H2860 of the house H1004 of Ahab. H256

2 Kings 9:27 STRONG

But when Ahaziah H274 the king H4428 of Judah H3063 saw H7200 this, he fled H5127 by the way H1870 of the garden H1588 house. H1004 And Jehu H3058 followed H7291 after H310 him, and said, H559 Smite H5221 him also in the chariot. H4818 And they did so at the going up H4608 to Gur, H1483 which is by Ibleam. H2991 And he fled H5127 to Megiddo, H4023 and died H4191 there.

2 Kings 10:13-14 STRONG

Jehu H3058 met H4672 with the brethren H251 of Ahaziah H274 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 and said, H559 Who are ye? And they answered, H559 We are the brethren H251 of Ahaziah; H274 and we go down H3381 to salute H7965 the children H1121 of the king H4428 and the children H1121 of the queen. H1377 And he said, H559 Take H8610 them alive. H2416 And they took H8610 them alive, H2416 and slew H7819 them at the pit H953 of the shearing house, H1044 even two H8147 and forty H705 men; H376 neither left H7604 he any H376 of them.

2 Kings 11:1 STRONG

And when Athaliah H6271 the mother H517 of Ahaziah H274 saw H7200 that her son H1121 was dead, H4191 she arose H6965 and destroyed H6 all the seed H2233 royal. H4467

2 Chronicles 22:3-4 STRONG

He also walked H1980 in the ways H1870 of the house H1004 of Ahab: H256 for his mother H517 was his counsellor H3289 to do wickedly. H7561 Wherefore he did H6213 evil H7451 in the sight H5869 of the LORD H3068 like the house H1004 of Ahab: H256 for they were his counsellors H3289 after H310 the death H4194 of his father H1 to his destruction. H4889

Isaiah 43:25 STRONG

I, even I, am he that blotteth out H4229 thy transgressions H6588 for mine own sake, and will not remember H2142 thy sins. H2403

Matthew 23:31-36 STRONG

Wherefore G5620 ye be witnesses G3140 unto yourselves, G1438 that G3754 ye are G2075 the children G5207 of them which killed G5407 the prophets. G4396 Fill G4137 ye G5210 up G4137 then G2532 the measure G3358 of your G5216 fathers. G3962 Ye serpents, G3789 ye generation G1081 of vipers, G2191 how G4459 can ye G5343 escape G575 the damnation G2920 of hell? G1067 Wherefore, G1223 G5124 behold, G2400 I G1473 send G649 unto G4314 you G5209 prophets, G4396 and G2532 wise men, G4680 and G2532 scribes: G1122 and G2532 some of G1537 them G846 ye shall kill G615 and G2532 crucify; G4717 and G2532 some of G1537 them G846 shall ye scourge G3146 in G1722 your G5216 synagogues, G4864 and G2532 persecute G1377 them from G575 city G4172 to G1519 city: G4172 That G3704 upon G1909 you G5209 may come G2064 all G3956 the righteous G1342 blood G129 shed G1632 upon G1909 the earth, G1093 from G575 the blood G129 of righteous G1342 Abel G6 unto G2193 the blood G129 of Zacharias G2197 son G5207 of Barachias, G914 whom G3739 ye slew G5407 between G3342 the temple G3485 and G2532 the altar. G2379 Verily G281 I say G3004 unto you, G5213 All G3956 these things G5023 shall come G2240 upon G1909 this G5026 generation. G1074

Commentary on Psalms 109 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 109:1-31. The writer complains of his virulent enemies, on whom he imprecates God's righteous punishment, and to a prayer for a divine interposition in his behalf appends the expression of his confidence and a promise of his praises. This Psalm is remarkable for the number and severity of its imprecations. Its evident typical character (compare Ps 109:8) justifies the explanation of these already given, that as the language of David respecting his own enemies, or those of Christ, it has respect not to the penitent, but to the impenitent and implacable foes of good men, and of God and His cause, whose inevitable fate is thus indicated by inspired authority.

1. God of my praise—its object, thus recognizing God as a certain helper. Be not silent (compare Ps 17:13; 28:1).

2. For the mouth … opened—or, "They have opened a wicked mouth"

against me—literally, "with me," that is, Their intercourse is lying, or, they slander me to my face (Mt 26:59).

3. (Compare Ps 35:7; 69:4).

4, 5. They return evil for good (compare Ps 27:12; Pr 17:13).

I give myself unto prayer—or literally, "I (am) prayer," or, "as for me, prayer," that is, it is my resource for comfort in distress.

6. over him—one of his enemies prominent in malignity (Ps 55:12).

let Satan stand—as an accuser, whose place was the right hand of the accused (Zec 3:1, 2).

7. The condemnation is aggravated when prayer for relief is treated as a sin.

8. The opposite blessing is long life (Ps 91:16; Pr 3:2). The last clause is quoted as to Judas by Peter (Ac 1:20).

office—literally, "charge," Septuagint, and Peter, "oversight" [1Pe 5:2].

9, 10. Let his family share the punishment, his children be as wandering beggars to prowl in their desolate homes, a greedy and relentless creditor grasp his substance, his labor, or the fruit of it, enure to strangers and not his heirs, and his unprotected, fatherless children fall in want, so that his posterity shall utterly fail.

13. posterity—literally, "end," as in Ps 37:38, or, what comes after; that is, reward, or success, or its expectation, of which posterity was to a Jew a prominent part.

14, 15. Let the iniquity of his fathers be remembered, &c.—Added to the terrible overthrow following his own sin, let there be the imputation of his parents' guilt, that it may now come before God, for His meting out its full consequences, in cutting off the memory of them (that is, the parents) from the earth (Ps 34:16).

16. Let God remember guilt, because he (the wicked) did not remember mercy.

poor and needy … broken in heart—that is, pious sufferer (Ps 34:18; 35:10; 40:17).

17-19. Let his loved sin, cursing, come upon him in punishment (Ps 35:8), thoroughly fill him as water and oil, permeating to every part of his system (compare Nu 5:22-27), and become a garment and a girdle for a perpetual dress.

20. Let this … reward—or, "wages," pay for labor, the fruit of the enemy's wickedness.

from the Lord—as His judicial act.

21, 22. do … for me—that is, kindness.

wounded—literally, "pierced" (Ps 69:16, 29).

23. like the shadow—(Compare Ps 102:11).

tossed up and down—or, "driven" (Ex 10:19).

24, 25. Taunts and reproaches aggravate his afflicted and feeble state (Ps 22:6, 7).

26, 27. Let my deliverance glorify Thee (compare Ps 59:13).

28-31. In confidence that God's blessing would come on him, and confusion and shame on his enemies (Ps 73:13), he ceases to regard their curses, and anticipates a season of joyful and public thanksgiving; for God is near to protect (Ps 16:8; 34:6) the poor from all unrighteous judges who may condemn him.