Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 110 » Verse 5

Psalms 110:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 The Lord H136 at thy right hand H3225 shall strike H4272 through kings H4428 in the day H3117 of his wrath. H639

Cross Reference

Romans 2:5 STRONG

But G1161 after G2596 thy G4675 hardness G4643 and G2532 impenitent G279 heart G2588 treasurest up G2343 unto thyself G4572 wrath G3709 against G1722 the day G2250 of wrath G3709 and G2532 revelation G602 of the righteous judgment G1341 of God; G2316

Psalms 16:8 STRONG

I have set H7737 the LORD H3068 always H8548 before me: because he is at my right hand, H3225 I shall not be moved. H4131

Psalms 68:14 STRONG

When the Almighty H7706 scattered H6566 kings H4428 in it, it was white as snow H7949 in Salmon. H6756

Mark 16:19 STRONG

So G3303 then G3767 after G3326 the Lord G2962 had spoken G2980 unto them, G846 he was received up G353 into G1519 heaven, G3772 and G2532 sat G2523 on G1537 the right hand G1188 of God. G2316

Revelation 20:8-9 STRONG

And G2532 shall go out G1831 to deceive G4105 the nations G1484 which G3588 are in G1722 the four G5064 quarters G1137 of the earth, G1093 Gog G1136 and G2532 Magog, G3098 to gather G4863 them G846 together G4863 to G1519 battle: G4171 the number G706 of whom G3739 is as G5613 the sand G285 of the sea. G2281 And G2532 they went up G305 on G1909 the breadth G4114 of the earth, G1093 and G2532 compassed G2944 the camp G3925 of the saints G40 about, G2944 and G2532 the beloved G25 city: G4172 and G2532 fire G4442 came down G2597 from G575 God G2316 out of G1537 heaven, G3772 and G2532 devoured G2719 them. G846

Revelation 19:11-21 STRONG

And G2532 I saw G1492 heaven G3772 opened, G455 and G2532 behold G2400 a white G3022 horse; G2462 and G2532 he that sat G2521 upon G1909 him G846 was called G2564 Faithful G4103 and G2532 True, G228 and G2532 in G1722 righteousness G1343 he doth judge G2919 and G2532 make war. G4170 G1161 His G846 eyes G3788 were as G5613 a flame G5395 of fire, G4442 and G2532 on G1909 his G846 head G2776 were many G4183 crowns; G1238 and he had G2192 a name G3686 written, G1125 that G3739 no man G3762 knew, G1492 but G1508 he himself. G846 And G2532 he was clothed G4016 with a vesture G2440 dipped G911 in blood: G129 and G2532 his G846 name G3686 is called G2564 The Word G3056 of God. G2316 And G2532 the armies G4753 which were G3588 in G1722 heaven G3772 followed G190 him G846 upon G1909 white G3022 horses, G2462 clothed G1746 in fine linen, G1039 white G3022 and G2532 clean. G2513 And G2532 out of G1537 his G846 mouth G4750 goeth G1607 a sharp G3691 sword, G4501 that G2443 with G1722 it G846 he should smite G3960 the nations: G1484 and G2532 he G846 shall rule G4165 them G846 with G1722 a rod G4464 of iron: G4603 and G2532 he G846 treadeth G3961 the winepress G3025 G3631 of the fierceness G2372 and G2532 wrath G3709 of Almighty G3841 God. G2316 And G2532 he hath G2192 on G1909 his vesture G2440 and G2532 on G1909 his G846 thigh G3382 a name G3686 written, G1125 KING G935 OF KINGS, G935 AND G2532 LORD G2962 OF LORDS. G2962 And G2532 I saw G1492 an G1520 angel G32 standing G2476 in G1722 the sun; G2246 and G2532 he cried G2896 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 saying G3004 to all G3956 the fowls G3732 that fly G4072 in G1722 the midst of heaven, G3321 Come G1205 and G2532 gather yourselves together G4863 unto G1519 the supper G1173 of the great G3173 God; G2316 That G2443 ye may eat G5315 the flesh G4561 of kings, G935 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of captains, G5506 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of mighty men, G2478 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of horses, G2462 and G2532 of them that sit G2521 on G1909 them, G846 and G2532 the flesh G4561 of all G3956 men, both free G1658 and G2532 bond, G1401 both G2532 small G3398 and G2532 great. G3173 And G2532 I saw G1492 the beast, G2342 and G2532 the kings G935 of the earth, G1093 and G2532 their G846 armies, G4753 gathered together G4863 to make G4160 war G4171 against G3326 him that sat G2521 on G1909 the horse, G2462 and G2532 against G3326 his G846 army. G4753 And G2532 the beast G2342 was taken, G4084 and G2532 with G3326 him G5127 the false prophet G5578 that wrought G4160 miracles G4592 before G1799 him, G846 with G1722 which G3739 he deceived G4105 them that had received G2983 the mark G5480 of the beast, G2342 and G2532 them that worshipped G4352 his G846 image. G1504 These both G1417 were cast G906 alive G2198 into G1519 a lake G3041 of fire G4442 burning G2545 with G1722 brimstone. G2303 And G2532 the remnant G3062 were slain G615 with G1722 the sword G4501 of him that sat G2521 upon G1909 the horse, G2462 which G3588 sword proceeded G1607 out of G1537 his G846 mouth: G4750 and G2532 all G3956 the fowls G3732 were filled G5526 with G1537 their G846 flesh. G4561

Revelation 17:12-14 STRONG

And G2532 the ten G1176 horns G2768 which G3739 thou sawest G1492 are G1526 ten G1176 kings, G935 which G3748 have received G2983 no G3768 kingdom G932 as yet; G3768 but G235 receive G2983 power G1849 as G5613 kings G935 one G3391 hour G5610 with G3326 the beast. G2342 These G3778 have G2192 one G3391 mind, G1106 and G2532 shall give G1239 their G1438 power G1411 and G2532 strength G1849 unto the beast. G2342 These G3778 shall make war G4170 with G3326 the Lamb, G721 and G2532 the Lamb G721 shall overcome G3528 them: G846 for G3754 he is G2076 Lord G2962 of lords, G2962 and G2532 King G935 of kings: G935 and G2532 they that are with G3326 him G846 are called, G2822 and G2532 chosen, G1588 and G2532 faithful. G4103

Revelation 11:18 STRONG

And G2532 the nations G1484 were angry, G3710 and G2532 thy G4675 wrath G3709 is come, G2064 and G2532 the time G2540 of the dead, G3498 that they should be judged, G2919 and G2532 that thou shouldest give G1325 reward G3408 unto thy G4675 servants G1401 the prophets, G4396 and G2532 to the saints, G40 and G2532 them that fear G5399 thy G4675 name, G3686 small G3398 and G2532 great; G3173 and G2532 shouldest destroy G1311 them which destroy G1311 the earth. G1093

Revelation 6:15-17 STRONG

And G2532 the kings G935 of the earth, G1093 and G2532 the great men, G3175 and G2532 the rich men, G4145 and G2532 the chief captains, G5506 and G2532 the mighty men, G1415 and G2532 every G3956 bondman, G1401 and G2532 every G3956 free man, G1658 hid G2928 themselves G1438 in G1519 the dens G4693 and G2532 in G1519 the rocks G4073 of the mountains; G3735 And G2532 said G3004 to the mountains G3735 and G2532 rocks, G4073 Fall G4098 on G1909 us, G2248 and G2532 hide G2928 us G2248 from G575 the face G4383 of him that sitteth G2521 on G1909 the throne, G2362 and G2532 from G575 the wrath G3709 of the Lamb: G721 For G3754 the great G3173 day G2250 of his G846 wrath G3709 is come; G2064 and G2532 who G5101 shall be able G1410 to stand? G2476

Acts 7:55-56 STRONG

But G1161 he, being G5225 full G4134 of the Holy G40 Ghost, G4151 looked up stedfastly G816 into G1519 heaven, G3772 and saw G1492 the glory G1391 of God, G2316 and G2532 Jesus G2424 standing G2476 on G1537 the right hand G1188 of God, G2316 And G2532 said, G2036 Behold, G2400 I see G2334 the heavens G3772 opened, G455 and G2532 the Son G5207 of man G444 standing G2476 on G1537 the right hand G1188 of God. G2316

Acts 2:34-36 STRONG

For G1063 David G1138 is not G3756 ascended G305 into G1519 the heavens: G3772 but G1161 he saith G3004 himself, G846 The LORD G2962 said G2036 unto my G3450 Lord, G2962 Sit thou G2521 on G1537 my G3450 right hand, G1188 Until G2193 I make G302 G5087 thy G4675 foes G2190 thy G4675 footstool. G4228 G5286 Therefore G3767 let G1097 all G3956 the house G3624 of Israel G2474 know G1097 assuredly, G806 that G3754 God G2316 hath made G4160 that same G5126 Jesus, G2424 whom G3739 ye G5210 have crucified, G4717 both G2532 Lord G2962 and G2532 Christ. G5547

Zechariah 9:13-15 STRONG

When I have bent H1869 Judah H3063 for me, filled H4390 the bow H7198 with Ephraim, H669 and raised up H5782 thy sons, H1121 O Zion, H6726 against thy sons, H1121 O Greece, H3120 and made H7760 thee as the sword H2719 of a mighty man. H1368 And the LORD H3068 shall be seen H7200 over them, and his arrow H2671 shall go forth H3318 as the lightning: H1300 and the Lord H136 GOD H3069 shall blow H8628 the trumpet, H7782 and shall go H1980 with whirlwinds H5591 of the south. H8486 The LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 shall defend H1598 them; and they shall devour, H398 and subdue H3533 with sling H7050 stones; H68 and they shall drink, H8354 and make a noise H1993 as through wine; H3196 and they shall be filled H4390 like bowls, H4219 and as the corners H2106 of the altar. H4196

Zechariah 9:9-10 STRONG

Rejoice H1523 greatly, H3966 O daughter H1323 of Zion; H6726 shout, H7321 O daughter H1323 of Jerusalem: H3389 behold, thy King H4428 cometh H935 unto thee: he is just, H6662 and having salvation; H3467 lowly, H6041 and riding H7392 upon an ass, H2543 and upon a colt H5895 the foal H1121 of an ass. H860 And I will cut off H3772 the chariot H7393 from Ephraim, H669 and the horse H5483 from Jerusalem, H3389 and the battle H4421 bow H7198 shall be cut off: H3772 and he shall speak H1696 peace H7965 unto the heathen: H1471 and his dominion H4915 shall be from sea H3220 even to sea, H3220 and from the river H5104 even to the ends H657 of the earth. H776

Ezekiel 38:18-19 STRONG

And it shall come to pass at the same time H3117 when H3117 Gog H1463 shall come H935 against the land H127 of Israel, H3478 saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD, H3069 that my fury H2534 shall come up H5927 in my face. H639 For in my jealousy H7068 and in the fire H784 of my wrath H5678 have I spoken, H1696 Surely in that day H3117 there shall be a great H1419 shaking H7494 in the land H127 of Israel; H3478

Psalms 149:7-9 STRONG

To execute H6213 vengeance H5360 upon the heathen, H1471 and punishments H8433 upon the people; H3816 To bind H631 their kings H4428 with chains, H2131 and their nobles H3513 with fetters H3525 of iron; H1270 To execute H6213 upon them the judgment H4941 written: H3789 this honour H1926 have all his saints. H2623 Praise H1984 ye the LORD. H3050

Psalms 110:1 STRONG

[[A Psalm H4210 of David.]] H1732 The LORD H3068 said H5002 unto my Lord, H113 Sit H3427 thou at my right hand, H3225 until I make H7896 thine enemies H341 thy footstool. H1916 H7272

Psalms 68:30 STRONG

Rebuke H1605 the company H2416 of spearmen, H7070 the multitude H5712 of the bulls, H47 with the calves H5695 of the people, H5971 till every one submit H7511 himself with pieces H7518 of silver: H3701 scatter H967 thou the people H5971 that delight H2654 in war. H7128

Psalms 21:8-9 STRONG

Thine hand H3027 shall find out H4672 all thine enemies: H341 thy right hand H3225 shall find out H4672 those that hate H8130 thee. Thou shalt make H7896 them as a fiery H784 oven H8574 in the time H6256 of thine anger: H6440 the LORD H3068 shall swallow them up H1104 in his wrath, H639 and the fire H784 shall devour H398 them.

Psalms 2:9-12 STRONG

Thou shalt break H7489 them with a rod H7626 of iron; H1270 thou shalt dash them in pieces H5310 like a potter's H3335 vessel. H3627 Be wise H7919 now therefore, O ye kings: H4428 be instructed, H3256 ye judges H8199 of the earth. H776 Serve H5647 the LORD H3068 with fear, H3374 and rejoice H1523 with trembling. H7461 Kiss H5401 the Son, H1248 lest he be angry, H599 and ye perish H6 from the way, H1870 when his wrath H639 is kindled H1197 but a little. H4592 Blessed H835 are all they that put their trust H2620 in him.

Psalms 2:2-6 STRONG

The kings H4428 of the earth H776 set H3320 themselves, and the rulers H7336 take counsel H3245 together, H3162 against the LORD, H3068 and against his anointed, H4899 saying, Let us break H5423 their bands H4147 asunder, H5423 and cast away H7993 their cords H5688 from us. He that sitteth H3427 in the heavens H8064 shall laugh: H7832 the Lord H136 shall have them in derision. H3932 Then shall he speak H1696 unto them in his wrath, H639 and vex H926 them in his sore displeasure. H2740 Yet have I set H5258 my king H4428 upon my holy H6944 hill H2022 of Zion. H6726

Psalms 45:4-5 STRONG

And in thy majesty H1926 ride H7392 prosperously H6743 because H1697 of truth H571 and meekness H6037 and righteousness; H6664 and thy right hand H3225 shall teach H3384 thee terrible things. H3372 Thine arrows H2671 are sharp H8150 in the heart H3820 of the king's H4428 enemies; H341 whereby the people H5971 fall H5307 under thee.

Commentary on Psalms 110 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 110:1-7. The explicit application of this Psalm to our Saviour, by Him (Mt 22:42-45) and by the apostles (Ac 2:34; 1Co 15:25; Heb 1:13), and their frequent reference to its language and purport (Eph 1:20-22; Php 2:9-11; Heb 10:12, 13), leave no doubt of its purely prophetic character. Not only was there nothing in the position or character, personal or official, of David or any other descendant, to justify a reference to either, but utter severance from the royal office of all priestly functions (so clearly assigned the subject of this Psalm) positively forbids such a reference. The Psalm celebrates the exaltation of Christ to the throne of an eternal and increasing kingdom, and a perpetual priesthood (Zec 6:13), involving the subjugation of His enemies and the multiplication of His subjects, and rendered infallibly certain by the word and oath of Almighty God.

1. The Lord said—literally, "A saying of the Lord," (compare Ps 36:1), a formula, used in prophetic or other solemn or express declarations.

my Lord—That the Jews understood this term to denote the Messiah their traditions show, and Christ's mode of arguing on such an assumption (Mt 22:44) also proves.

Sit … at my right hand—not only a mark of honor (1Ki 2:19), but also implied participation of power (Ps 45:9; Mr 16:19; Eph 1:20).

Sit—as a king (Ps 29:10), though the position rather than posture is intimated (compare Ac 7:55, 56).

until I make, &c.—The dominion of Christ over His enemies, as commissioned by God, and entrusted with all power (Mt 28:18) for their subjugation, will assuredly be established (1Co 15:24-28). This is neither His government as God, nor that which, as the incarnate Saviour, He exercises over His people, of whom He will ever be Head.

thine enemies thy footstool—an expression taken from the custom of Eastern conquerors (compare Jos 10:24; Jud 1:7) to signify a complete subjection.

2. the rod of thy strength—the rod of correction (Isa 9:4; 10:15; Jer 48:12), by which Thy strength will be known. This is His Word of truth (Isa 2:3; 11:4), converting some and confounding others (compare 2Th 2:8).

out of Zion—or, the Church, in which God dwells by His Spirit, as once by a visible symbol in the tabernacle on Zion (compare Ps 2:6).

rule thou, &c.—over enemies now conquered.

in the midst—once set upon, as by ferocious beasts (Ps 22:16), now humbly, though reluctantly, confessed as Lord (Php 2:10, 11).

3. Thy people … willing—literally, "Thy people (are) free will offerings"; for such is the proper rendering of the word "willing," which is a plural noun, and not an adjective (compare Ex 25:2; Ps 54:6), also a similar form (Jud 5:2-9).

in the day of thy power—Thy people freely offer themselves (Ro 12:1) in Thy service, enlisting under Thy banner.

in the beauties of holiness—either as in Ps 29:2, the loveliness of a spiritual worship, of which the temple service, in all its material splendors, was but a type; or more probably, the appearance of the worshippers, who, in this spiritual kingdom, are a nation of kings and priests (1Pe 2:9; Re 1:5), attending this Priest and King, clothed in those eminent graces which the beautiful vestments of the Aaronic priests (Le 16:4) typified. The last very obscure clause—

from the womb … youth—may, according to this view, be thus explained: The word "youth" denotes a period of life distinguished for strength and activity (compare Ec 11:9)—the "dew" is a constant emblem of whatever is refreshing and strengthening (Pr 19:12; Ho 14:5). The Messiah, then, as leading His people, is represented as continually in the vigor of youth, refreshed and strengthened by the early dew of God's grace and Spirit. Thus the phrase corresponds as a member of a parallelism with "the day of thy power" in the first clause. "In the beauties of holiness" belongs to this latter clause, corresponding to "Thy people" in the first, and the colon after "morning" is omitted. Others prefer: Thy youth, or youthful vigor, or body, shall be constantly refreshed by successive accessions of people as dew from the early morning; and this accords with the New Testament idea that the Church is Christ's body (compare Mic 5:7).

4. The perpetuity of the priesthood, here asserted on God's oath, corresponds with that of the kingly office just explained.

after the order—(Heb 7:15) after the similitude of Melchisedek, is fully expounded by Paul, to denote not only perpetuity, appointment of God, and a royal priesthood, but also the absence of priestly descent and succession, and superiority to the Aaronic order.

5. at thy right hand—as Ps 109:31, upholding and aiding, which is not inconsistent with Ps 110:1, where the figure denotes participation of power, for here He is presented in another aspect, as a warrior going against enemies, and sustained by God.

strike through—smite or crush.

kings—not common men, but their rulers, and so all under them (Ps 2:2, 10).

6. The person is again changed. The Messiah's conquests are described, though His work and God's are the same. As after a battle, whose field is strewn with corpses, the conqueror ascends the seat of empire, so shall He "judge," or "rule," among many nations, and subdue

the head—or (as used collectively for "many") "the heads," over many lands.

wound—literally, "smite," or "crush" (compare Ps 110:5).

7. As a conqueror, "faint, yet pursuing" [Jud 8:4], He shall be refreshed by the brook in the way, and pursue to completion His divine and glorious triumphs.