Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 124 » Verse 4

Psalms 124:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 Then H233 the waters H4325 had overwhelmed H7857 us, the stream H5158 had gone over H5674 our soul: H5315

Cross Reference

Job 22:11 STRONG

Or darkness, H2822 that thou canst not see; H7200 and abundance H8229 of waters H4325 cover H3680 thee.

Psalms 18:4 STRONG

The sorrows H2256 of death H4194 compassed H661 me, and the floods H5158 of ungodly men H1100 made me afraid. H1204

Psalms 32:6 STRONG

For this shall every one that is godly H2623 pray H6419 unto thee in a time H6256 when thou mayest be found: H4672 surely in the floods H7858 of great H7227 waters H4325 they shall not come nigh H5060 unto him.

Psalms 42:7 STRONG

Deep H8415 calleth H7121 unto deep H8415 at the noise H6963 of thy waterspouts: H6794 all thy waves H4867 and thy billows H1530 are gone H5674 over me.

Psalms 69:2 STRONG

I sink H2883 in deep H4688 mire, H3121 where there is no standing: H4613 I am come H935 into deep H4615 waters, H4325 where the floods H7641 overflow H7857 me.

Psalms 69:15 STRONG

Let not the waterflood H4325 H7641 overflow H7857 me, neither let the deep H4688 swallow me up, H1104 and let not the pit H875 shut H332 her mouth H6310 upon me.

Isaiah 8:7-8 STRONG

Now therefore, behold, the Lord H136 bringeth up H5927 upon them the waters H4325 of the river, H5104 strong H6099 and many, H7227 even the king H4428 of Assyria, H804 and all his glory: H3519 and he shall come up H5927 over all his channels, H650 and go over H1980 all his banks: H1415 And he shall pass H2498 through Judah; H3063 he shall overflow H7857 and go over, H5674 he shall reach H5060 even to the neck; H6677 and the stretching out H4298 of his wings H3671 shall fill H4393 the breadth H7341 of thy land, H776 O Immanuel. H6005 H410

Isaiah 28:2 STRONG

Behold, the Lord H136 hath a mighty H2389 and strong one, H533 which as a tempest H2230 of hail H1259 and a destroying H6986 storm, H8178 as a flood H2230 of mighty H3524 waters H4325 overflowing, H7857 shall cast down H3240 to the earth H776 with the hand. H3027

Isaiah 59:19 STRONG

So shall they fear H3372 the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 from the west, H4628 and his glory H3519 from the rising H4217 of the sun. H8121 When the enemy H6862 shall come in H935 like a flood, H5104 the Spirit H7307 of the LORD H3068 shall lift up a standard H5127 against him.

Jeremiah 46:7-8 STRONG

Who is this that cometh up H5927 as a flood, H2975 whose waters H4325 are moved H1607 as the rivers? H5104 Egypt H4714 riseth up H5927 like a flood, H2975 and his waters H4325 are moved H1607 like the rivers; H5104 and he saith, H559 I will go up, H5927 and will cover H3680 the earth; H776 I will destroy H6 the city H5892 and the inhabitants H3427 thereof.

Daniel 9:26 STRONG

And after H310 threescore H8346 and two H8147 weeks H7620 shall Messiah H4899 be cut off, H3772 but not for himself: and the people H5971 of the prince H5057 that shall come H935 shall destroy H7843 the city H5892 and the sanctuary; H6944 and the end H7093 thereof shall be with a flood, H7858 and unto the end H7093 of the war H4421 desolations H8074 are determined. H2782

Revelation 12:15-16 STRONG

And G2532 the serpent G3789 cast G906 out of G1537 his G846 mouth G4750 water G5204 as G5613 a flood G4215 after G3694 the woman, G1135 that G2443 he might cause G4160 her G5026 to be carried away of the flood. G4216 And G2532 the earth G1093 helped G997 the woman, G1135 and G2532 the earth G1093 opened G455 her G846 mouth, G4750 and G2532 swallowed up G2666 the flood G4215 which G3739 the dragon G1404 cast G906 out of G1537 his G846 mouth. G4750

Revelation 17:1 STRONG

And G2532 there came G2064 one G1520 of G1537 the seven G2033 angels G32 which G3588 had G2192 the seven G2033 vials, G5357 and G2532 talked G2980 with G3326 me, G1700 saying G3004 unto me, G3427 Come hither; G1204 I will shew G1166 unto thee G4671 the judgment G2917 of the great G3173 whore G4204 that sitteth G2521 upon G1909 many G4183 waters: G5204

Revelation 17:15 STRONG

And G2532 he saith G3004 unto me, G3427 The waters G5204 which G3739 thou sawest, G1492 where G3757 the whore G4204 sitteth, G2521 are G1526 peoples, G2992 and G2532 multitudes, G3793 and G2532 nations, G1484 and G2532 tongues. G1100

Commentary on Psalms 124 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



A Song of degrees of David. Some think this psalm was written by David, after the conquest of the Philistines and Ammonites, and other nations that rose up against him and Israel, like the proud waves of the sea, and spread themselves like a flood; and whose destruction was like the breach of many waters, 2 Samuel 5:18. Others, after his deliverance from the persecution of Saul, or from the conspiracy of Absalom. Theodoret is of opinion that David wrote this by a prophetic spirit, concerning the enemies of the Jews, upon their return to their own land, from the Babylonish captivity; who envied them, and rose up against them, but the Lord delivered them. And others apply it to the times of Antiochus, when the Jewish church and state were threatened with ruin; but the Lord appeared for them, in raising up the Maccabees. Kimchi interprets it of the Jews in captivity; and drama of the deliverance of the children of Israel at the Red sea. It may be applied to any time of distress the church and people of God have been in, and he has wrought salvation for them.

Verse 1

If it had not been the Lord who was on our side,.... Or, "was for us"F8לנו "pro nobis", Vatablus. . The Syriac version is, "that rose up for us"; against their enemies, that rose up against them, as in Psalm 123:2, or, "was with us", as Kimchi and Ben Melech; to help and assist, support and supply, strengthen and defend: or, "was among us", as the Arabic version; as their King, Protector, and Saviour. This implies that he was on their side; was for them, with them, and among them, and took their part against their enemies; see Psalm 118:6; which if he had not done, their case would have been miserable and deplorable; or if any other had took their part, and not he, let them be who they would, angels or men. If God is on the side of us, it matters not who is against us; but if he is not on our side, or against us, it signifies nothing who is for us; see Romans 8:31. It suggests that the case of Israel now was so very forlorn and distressed, that none but the Lord himself could help them. Jehovah is on the side of his people in a spiritual sense, or otherwise it would be bad for them: God the Father is on their side; his love and relation to them engage him to be so; hence all those good things that are provided for them, and bestowed on them; nor will he suffer any to do them hurt, they being as dear to him as the apple of his eye; hence he grants them his gracious presence, supports them under all their trials and exercises, supplies all their wants, and keeps them by his power, and preserves them from all their enemies; so that they have nothing to fear from any quarter: Christ is on their side; he is the surety for them, the Saviour of them; has took their part against all their spiritual enemies, sin, Satan, the world, and death; has engaged with them, and conquered them; he is the Captain of their salvation, their King at the head of them, that protects and defends them here, and is their friend in the court of heaven; their Advocate and interceding High Priest there, who pleads their cause against Satan, and obtains every blessing for them: the Spirit of Jehovah is on their side, to carry on his own work in them; to assist them in their prayers and supplications; to secure them from Satan's temptations; to set up a standard for them, when the enemy comes in like a flood upon them; and to comfort them under all their castings down; and to work them up for, and bring them safe to, heaven: but were not this the case, what would become of them?

now may Israel say; this was a public case the psalmist here records, in which all Israel were concerned; and whom he calls upon to take notice of it, and directs them what to say on this occasion.

Verse 2

If it had not been the Lord who was on our side,.... This he repeats both for the confirmation of it, and to excite the attention of the Israelites to it; as well as to observe that it was not once only, but again and again, many times the Lord appeared to be on their side. The Targum renders it,

"the Word of the Lord;'

the essential Word, the Son of God; and so in Psalm 123:1, in the king's Bible;

when men rose up against us; wicked men; though no hard epithet is given in the text, however just. The enemies of God's people are only called "men" by them, to show their meekness and patience; it is in the singular number, "when man rose up"; hence Aroma interprets it of Pharaoh king of Egypt; and R. Obadiah of Haman: but it might be better interpreted of the man of sin, the man of the earth; who, at the head of his antichristian party, has rose up against the saints, oppressed them, and threatened them with utter ruin, 2 Thessalonians 2:4. Though it is best to understand it of a body of men; of men not mean, but mighty; not few, but numerous; and who united as one man against the people of God, and rose up against them in an hostile manner; being full of enmity to them, and bent upon their ruin.

Verse 3

Then they had swallowed us up quick,.... Or "alive"; as the earth swallowed up Korah and his company; or as the fish swallowed up Jonah; or rather as ravenous beasts swallow their prey; to which the allusion is. The people of God are comparable to sheep and lambs, and such like innocent creatures: and the wicked to lions, tigers, wolves, bears, and such like beasts of prey that devour living creatures;

when their wrath was kindled against us; which is cruel and outrageous; there is no standing against it, nor before it; it is like a fierce flame of fire that burns furiously, and there is no stopping it; none but God can restrain it.

Verse 4

Then the waters had overwhelmed us,.... People, comparable to waters for their multitude, Strength, force, and impetuosity; which bear down all before them, and against which there is no standing; which, like the waters of the flood, overflow and destroy all they pass over. These are the floods of ungodly men, which are very destructive and terrible; see Revelation 17:15; together with all those reproaches, afflictions, and persecutions, which come along with them; which the presence of God only can bear up his people under, and carry them through, Song of Solomon 8:7;

the stream had gone over our soul; and so deprived them of life; the whole force of the enemy; which, like a stream, flows in with great strength and rapidity, when a breach is made and spreads itself, Arama interprets it of the stream of the Egyptians, and restrains it to them, their armies and forces; but it rather designs others, and the enemies of God's people in general, which threaten their ruin, even their very souls and lives: it may be applied to the stream of corruptions, the flood of temptation and flow of persecutions, such as the flood the dragon cast out of his mouth after the woman; which, were it not for divine grace and assistance, would destroy the saints, who have no might against this great force, 2 Chronicles 20:12.

Verse 5

Then the proud waters had gone over our soul. The wicked, who, through their pride, persecute the poor saints: these proud tyrants and persecutors would prevail over them, to their ruin and destruction; who, for their number, force, and strength, and especially for their pride and haughtiness, are like to the strong, boisterous, and swelling waves of the sea, were they not stopped and bounded by him who has said, Thus far shall ye go, and no farther, Job 38:11.

Verse 6

Blessed be the Lord,.... Here begins the church's thanksgiving for deliverance from all their enemies, their proud persecutors; and from all afflictions and troubles by them; which they could never have been delivered from, had not the Lord appeared for them; and therefore it is but just that he should have all the glory of it, and be blessed and praised on account thereof;

who hath not given us as a prey to their teeth; the teeth of wicked men are like spears and arrows, like swords and knives, to devour good men; their passions are strong, and their desires very vehement after their ruin; and, if suffered, the saints would fall an easy prey to them: but God will not give them up to them, either to Satan the devouring lion, or to any of his emissaries; nay, when they have seized them, and got them in their mouths, they shall be snatched from them, as the lamb out of the mouth of the lion and the bear by David; see Psalm 57:4, 1 Peter 5:8.

Verse 7

Our soul is escaped as a bird out of the snare of the fowlers,.... The people of God are like little birds, being harmless and innocent, singing forth the praises of God for his goodness to them; as also because weak and unable to resist their foes; and worthless in themselves, like sparrows, as the wordF9כצפור ως σπουθιον, Sept. "sicut passer", V. L. here used signifies; and are fearful and timorous, and flee at the least apprehension of danger, Psalm 102:7. Satan, and wicked men under his influence, are like fowlers who lay snares for them, to draw them into sin, into immorality and error, in order to bring them to ruin and destruction; hence we read of the snare of the devil and of wicked men, 1 Timothy 3:7, 2 Timothy 2:26; and who form plans and lay schemes to oppress and destroy them; but through the wisdom given them to discern these devices and stratagems, and through the power of divine grace, accompanying them, they escape what was intended for their hurt, and particularly in the following manner:

the snare is broken, and we are escaped; measures concerted by wicked men are broken, their schemes are confounded, their devices are disappointed, so that they cannot perform their enterprise; and by this means the saints escape the evils designed against them, the afflictions of the world, and the temptations of Satan.

Verse 8

Our help is in the name of the Lord,.... This is the conclusion the church draws from the scene of Providence in her favour; this is the instruction she learns from hence, that her help is in the Lord only, and not in any creature; and that it is right to put her trust and confidence in the Lord for it, and only to expect it from him whose name is in himself; and is a strong tower to flee unto for safety, Proverbs 18:10. The Targum is,

"in the name of the Word of the Lord;'

in the Messiah; in whom the name of the Lord is, his nature and perfections; and in whom help is found, being laid upon him, Exodus 23:21;

who made heaven and earth; and therefore must be able to help his people, and to do more for them than they are able to ask or think: for what is it he cannot do that made the heavens and the earth, and all that is in them? see Psalm 121:1.