Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 126 » Verse 3

Psalms 126:3 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

3 The LORD H3068 hath done H6213 great things H1431 for us; whereof we are glad. H8056

Cross Reference

Revelation 19:1-7 STRONG

And G2532 after G3326 these things G5023 I heard G191 a great G3173 voice G5456 of much G4183 people G3793 in G1722 heaven, G3772 saying, G3004 Alleluia; G239 Salvation, G4991 and G2532 glory, G1391 and G2532 honour, G5092 and G2532 power, G1411 unto the Lord G2962 our G2257 God: G2316 For G3754 true G228 and G2532 righteous G1342 are his G846 judgments: G2920 for G3754 he hath judged G2919 the great G3173 whore, G4204 which G3748 did corrupt G5351 the earth G1093 with G1722 her G846 fornication, G4202 and G2532 hath avenged G1556 the blood G129 of his G846 servants G1401 at G1537 her G846 hand. G5495 And G2532 again G1208 they said, G2046 Alleluia. G239 And G2532 her G846 smoke G2586 rose up G305 for G1519 ever G165 and ever. G165 And G2532 the four G5064 and G2532 twenty G1501 elders G4245 and G2532 the four G5064 beasts G2226 fell down G4098 and G2532 worshipped G4352 God G2316 that sat G2521 on G1909 the throne, G2362 saying, G3004 Amen; G281 Alleluia. G239 And G2532 a voice G5456 came G1831 out of G1537 the throne, G2362 saying, G3004 Praise G134 our G2257 God, G2316 all ye G3956 his G846 servants, G1401 and G2532 ye that fear G5399 him, G846 both G2532 small G3398 and G2532 great. G3173 And G2532 I heard G191 as it were G5613 the voice G5456 of a great G4183 multitude, G3793 and G2532 as G5613 the voice G5456 of many G4183 waters, G5204 and G2532 as G5613 the voice G5456 of mighty G2478 thunderings, G1027 saying, G3004 Alleluia: G239 for G3754 the Lord G2962 God G2316 omnipotent G3841 reigneth. G936 Let us be glad G5463 and G2532 rejoice, G21 and G2532 give G1325 honour G1391 to him: G846 for G3754 the marriage G1062 of the Lamb G721 is come, G2064 and G2532 his G846 wife G1135 hath made G2090 herself G1438 ready. G2090

Isaiah 51:9-11 STRONG

Awake, H5782 awake, H5782 put on H3847 strength, H5797 O arm H2220 of the LORD; H3068 awake, H5782 as in the ancient H6924 days, H3117 in the generations H1755 of old. H5769 Art thou not it that hath cut H2672 Rahab, H7294 and wounded H2490 the dragon? H8577 Art thou not it which hath dried H2717 the sea, H3220 the waters H4325 of the great H7227 deep; H8415 that hath made H7760 the depths H4615 of the sea H3220 a way H1870 for the ransomed H1350 to pass over? H5674 Therefore the redeemed H6299 of the LORD H3068 shall return, H7725 and come H935 with singing H7440 unto Zion; H6726 and everlasting H5769 joy H8057 shall be upon their head: H7218 they shall obtain H5381 gladness H8342 and joy; H8057 and sorrow H3015 and mourning H585 shall flee away. H5127

Psalms 31:19 STRONG

Oh how great H7227 is thy goodness, H2898 which thou hast laid up H6845 for them that fear H3373 thee; which thou hast wrought H6466 for them that trust H2620 in thee before the sons H1121 of men! H120

Psalms 18:50 STRONG

Great H1431 deliverance H3444 giveth he to his king; H4428 and sheweth H6213 mercy H2617 to his anointed, H4899 to David, H1732 and to his seed H2233 for H5704 evermore. H5769

Isaiah 66:14 STRONG

And when ye see H7200 this, your heart H3820 shall rejoice, H7797 and your bones H6106 shall flourish H6524 like an herb: H1877 and the hand H3027 of the LORD H3068 shall be known H3045 toward his servants, H5650 and his indignation H2194 toward his enemies. H341

Revelation 12:10 STRONG

And G2532 I heard G191 a loud G3173 voice G5456 saying G3004 in G1722 heaven, G3772 Now G737 is come G1096 salvation, G4991 and G2532 strength, G1411 and G2532 the kingdom G932 of our G2257 God, G2316 and G2532 the power G1849 of his G846 Christ: G5547 for G3754 the accuser G2723 of our G2257 brethren G80 is cast down, G2598 which G3588 accused G2725 them G846 before G1799 our G2257 God G2316 day G2250 and G2532 night. G3571

Ephesians 1:18-22 STRONG

The eyes G3788 of your G5216 understanding G1271 being enlightened; G5461 that G1519 ye G5209 may know G1492 what G5101 is G2076 the hope G1680 of his G846 calling, G2821 and G2532 what G5101 the riches G4149 of the glory G1391 of his G846 inheritance G2817 in G1722 the saints, G40 And G2532 what G5101 is the exceeding G5235 greatness G3174 of his G846 power G1411 to G1519 us-ward G2248 who G3588 believe, G4100 according to G2596 the working G1753 of his G846 mighty G2479 power, G2904 Which G3739 he wrought G1754 in G1722 Christ, G5547 when he raised G1453 him G846 from G1537 the dead, G3498 and G2532 set G2523 him at G1722 his own G846 right hand G1188 in G1722 the heavenly G2032 places, Far above G5231 all G3956 principality, G746 and G2532 power, G1849 and G2532 might, G1411 and G2532 dominion, G2963 and G2532 every G3956 name G3686 that is named, G3687 not G3756 only G3440 in G1722 this G5129 world, G165 but G235 also G2532 in G1722 that which is to come: G3195 And G2532 hath put G5293 all G3956 things under G5259 his G846 feet, G4228 and G2532 gave G1325 him G846 to be the head G2776 over G5228 all G3956 things to the church, G1577

Luke 1:49 STRONG

For G3754 he that is mighty G1415 hath done G4160 to me G3427 great things; G3167 and G2532 holy G40 is his G846 name. G3686

Luke 1:46 STRONG

And G2532 Mary G3137 said, G2036 My G3450 soul G5590 doth magnify G3170 the Lord, G2962

Ezra 7:27-28 STRONG

Blessed H1288 be the LORD H3068 God H430 of our fathers, H1 which hath put H5414 such a thing as this in the king's H4428 heart, H3820 to beautify H6286 the house H1004 of the LORD H3068 which is in Jerusalem: H3389 And hath extended H5186 mercy H2617 unto me before H6440 the king, H4428 and his counsellors, H3289 and before all the king's H4428 mighty H1368 princes. H8269 And I was strengthened H2388 as the hand H3027 of the LORD H3068 my God H430 was upon me, and I gathered together H6908 out of Israel H3478 chief men H7218 to go up H5927 with me.

Isaiah 52:9-10 STRONG

Break forth into joy, H6476 sing H7442 together, H3162 ye waste places H2723 of Jerusalem: H3389 for the LORD H3068 hath comforted H5162 his people, H5971 he hath redeemed H1350 Jerusalem. H3389 The LORD H3068 hath made bare H2834 his holy H6944 arm H2220 in the eyes H5869 of all the nations; H1471 and all the ends H657 of the earth H776 shall see H7200 the salvation H3444 of our God. H430

Isaiah 25:9 STRONG

And it shall be said H559 in that day, H3117 Lo, this is our God; H430 we have waited H6960 for him, and he will save H3467 us: this is the LORD; H3068 we have waited H6960 for him, we will be glad H1523 and rejoice H8055 in his salvation. H3444

Isaiah 12:4-6 STRONG

And in that day H3117 shall ye say, H559 Praise H3034 the LORD, H3068 call H7121 upon his name, H8034 declare H3045 his doings H5949 among the people, H5971 make mention H2142 that his name H8034 is exalted. H7682 Sing H2167 unto the LORD; H3068 for he hath done H6213 excellent things: H1348 this is known H3045 H3045 in all the earth. H776 Cry out H6670 and shout, H7442 thou inhabitant H3427 of Zion: H6726 for great H1419 is the Holy One H6918 of Israel H3478 in the midst H7130 of thee.

Isaiah 11:11-16 STRONG

And it shall come to pass in that day, H3117 that the Lord H136 shall set H3254 his hand H3027 again H3254 the second time H8145 to recover H7069 the remnant H7605 of his people, H5971 which shall be left, H7604 from Assyria, H804 and from Egypt, H4714 and from Pathros, H6624 and from Cush, H3568 and from Elam, H5867 and from Shinar, H8152 and from Hamath, H2574 and from the islands H339 of the sea. H3220 And he shall set up H5375 an ensign H5251 for the nations, H1471 and shall assemble H622 the outcasts H1760 of Israel, H3478 and gather together H6908 the dispersed H5310 of Judah H3063 from the four H702 corners H3671 of the earth. H776 The envy H7068 also of Ephraim H669 shall depart, H5493 and the adversaries H6887 of Judah H3063 shall be cut off: H3772 Ephraim H669 shall not envy H7065 Judah, H3063 and Judah H3063 shall not vex H6887 Ephraim. H669 But they shall fly H5774 upon the shoulders H3802 of the Philistines H6430 toward the west; H3220 they shall spoil H962 them H1121 of the east H6924 together: H3162 they shall lay H4916 their hand H3027 upon Edom H123 and Moab; H4124 and the children H1121 of Ammon H5983 shall obey H4928 them. And the LORD H3068 shall utterly destroy H2763 the tongue H3956 of the Egyptian H4714 sea; H3220 and with his mighty H5868 wind H7307 shall he shake H5130 his hand H3027 over the river, H5104 and shall smite H5221 it in the seven H7651 streams, H5158 and make men go over H1869 dryshod. H5275 And there shall be an highway H4546 for the remnant H7605 of his people, H5971 which H834 shall be left, H7604 from Assyria; H804 like as it was to Israel H3478 in the day H3117 that he came up H5927 out of the land H776 of Egypt. H4714

Psalms 68:22 STRONG

The Lord H136 said, H559 I will bring again H7725 from Bashan, H1316 I will bring my people again H7725 from the depths H4688 of the sea: H3220

Psalms 68:7-8 STRONG

O God, H430 when thou wentest forth H3318 before H6440 thy people, H5971 when thou didst march H6805 through the wilderness; H3452 Selah: H5542 The earth H776 shook, H7493 the heavens H8064 also dropped H5197 at the presence H6440 of God: H430 even Sinai H5514 itself H2088 was moved at the presence H6440 of God, H430 the God H430 of Israel. H3478

Psalms 66:5-6 STRONG

Come H3212 and see H7200 the works H4659 of God: H430 he is terrible H3372 in his doing H5949 toward the children H1121 of men. H120 He turned H2015 the sea H3220 into dry H3004 land: they went H5674 through the flood H5104 on foot: H7272 there did we rejoice H8055 in him.

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Psalms 126

Commentary on Psalms 126 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


The Harvest of Joy after the Sowing of Tears

It is with this Psalm, which the favourite word Zion connects with the preceding Psalm, exactly as with Psalms 85:1-13, which also gives thanks for the restoration of the captive ones of Israel on the one hand, and on the other hand has to complain of the wrath that is still not entirely removed, and prays for a national restoration. There are expositors indeed who also transfer the grateful retrospect with which this Song of degrees (Psalms 126:1-3), like that Korahitic Psalm (Psalms 126:2-4), begins, into the future (among the translators Luther is at least more consistent than the earlier ones); but they do this for reasons which are refuted by Psalms 85:1-13, and which are at once silenced when brought face to face with the requirements of the syntax.

Verses 1-3

When passages like Isaiah 1:9; Genesis 47:25, or others where והיינו is perf. consec. , are appealed to in order to prove that היינוּ כּחלמים may signify erimus quasi somniantes , they are instances that are different in point of syntax. Any other rendering than that of the lxx is here impossible, viz.: Ἐν τῷ ἐπιστρέψαι κύριον τὴν αἰχμαλωσίαν Σιὼν ἐγενήθημεν ὡς παρακεκλημένοι ( כּנחמים ? - Jerome correctly, quasi somniantes ). It is, however, just as erroneous when Jerome goes on to render: tunc implebitur risu os nostrum ; for it is true the future after אז has a future signification in passages where the context relates to matters of future history, as in Psalms 96:12; Zephaniah 3:9, but it always has the signification of the imperfect after the key-note of the historical past has once been struck, Exodus 15:1; Joshua 8:30; Joshua 10:12; 1 Kings 11:7; 1 Kings 16:21; 2 Kings 15:16; Job 38:21; it is therefore, tunc implebatur . It is the exiles at home again upon the soil of their fatherland who here cast back a glance into the happy time when their destiny suddenly took another turn, by the God of Israel disposing the heart of the conqueror of Babylon to set them at liberty, and to send them to their native land in an honourable manner. שׁיבת is not equivalent to שׁבית , nor is there any necessity to read it thus (Olshausen, Böttcher, and Hupfeld). שׁיבה (from שׁוּב , like בּיאה , קימה ) signifies the return, and then those returning; it is, certainly, an innovation of this very late poet. When Jahve brought home the homeward-bound ones of Zion - the poet means to say - we were as dreamers. Does he mean by this that the long seventy years' term of affliction lay behind us like a vanished dream (Joseph Kimchi), or that the redemption that broke upon us so suddenly seemed to us at first not to be a reality but a beautiful dream? The tenor of the language favours the latter: as those not really passing through such circumstances, but only dreaming. Then - the poet goes on to say - our mouth was filled with laughter (Job 8:21) and our tongue with a shout of joy, inasmuch, namely, as the impression of the good fortune which contrasted so strongly with our trouble hitherto, compelled us to open our mouth wide in order that our joy might break forth in a full stream, and our jubilant mood impelled our tongue to utter shouts of joy, which knew no limit because of the inexhaustible matter of our rejoicing. And how awe-inspiring was Israel's position at that time among the peoples! and what astonishment the marvellous change of Israel's lot produced upon them! Even the heathen confessed that it was Jahve's work, and that He had done great things for them (Joel 2:20., 1 Samuel 12:24) - the glorious predictions of Isaiah, as in Psalms 45:14; 52:10, and elsewhere, were being fulfilled. The church on its part seals that confession coming from the mouth of the heathen. This it is that made them so joyful, that God had acknowledged them by such a mighty deed.

Verses 4-6

But still the work so mightily and graciously begun is not completed. Those who up to the present time have returned, out of whose heart this Psalm is, as it were, composed, are only like a small vanguard in relation to the whole nation. Instead of שׁבותנו the Kerî here reads שׁביתנוּ , from שׁבית , Numbers 21:29, after the form בכית in Genesis 50:4. As we read elsewhere that Jerusalem yearns after her children, and Jahve solemnly assures her, “thou shalt put them all on as jewels and gird thyself like a bride” (Isaiah 49:18), so here the poet proceeds from the idea that the holy land yearns after an abundant, reanimating influx of population, as the Negeb (i.e., the Judaean south country, Genesis 20:1, and in general the south country lying towards the desert of Sinai) thirsts for the rain-water streams, which disappear in the summer season and regularly return in the winter season. Concerning אפיק , “a water-holding channel,” vid., on Psalms 18:16. If we translate converte captivitatem nostram (as Jerome does, following the lxx), we shall not know what to do with the figure, whereas in connection with the rendering reduc captivos nostros it is just as beautifully adapted to the object as to the governing verb. If we have rightly referred negeb not to the land of the Exile but to the Land of Promise, whose appearance at this time is still so unlike the promise, we shall now also understand by those who sow in tears not the exiles, but those who have already returned home, who are again sowing the old soil of their native land, and that with tears, because the ground is so parched that there is little hope of the seed springing up. But this tearful sowing will be followed by a joyful harvest. One is reminded here of the drought and failure of the crops with which the new colony was visited in the time of Haggai, and of the coming blessing promised by the prophet with a view to the work of the building of the Temple being vigorously carried forward. Here, however, the tearful sowing is only an emblem of the new foundation-laying, which really took place not without many tears (Ezra 3:12), amidst sorrowful and depressed circumstances; but in its general sense the language of the Psalm coincides with the language of the Preacher on the Mount, Matthew 5:4 : Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted. The subject to Psalms 126:6 is the husbandman, and without a figure, every member of the ecclesia pressa . The gerundial construction in Psalms 126:6 (as in 2 Samuel 3:16; Jeremiah 50:4, cf. the more Indo-Germanic style of expression in 2 Samuel 15:30) depicts the continual passing along, here the going to and fro of the sorrowfully pensive man; and Psalms 126:6 the undoubted coming and sure appearing of him who is highly blessed beyond expectation. The former bears משׁך הזּרע , the seed-draught, i.e., the handful of seed taken from the rest for casting out (for משׁך הזּרע in Amos 9:13 signifies to cast forth the seed along the furrows); the latter his sheaves, the produce ( תּבוּאה ), such as puts him to the blush, of his, as it appeared to him, forlorn sowing. As by the sowing we are to understand everything that each individual contributes towards the building up of the kingdom of God, so by the sheaves, the wholesome fruit which, by God bestowing His blessing upon it beyond our prayer and comprehension, springs up from it.