Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 142 » Verse 2

Psalms 142:2 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

2 I poured out H8210 my complaint H7879 before H6440 him; I shewed H5046 before H6440 him my trouble. H6869

Cross Reference

Psalms 102:1-28 STRONG

[[A Prayer H8605 of the afflicted, H6041 when he is overwhelmed, H5848 and poureth out H8210 his complaint H7879 before H6440 the LORD.]] H3068 Hear H8085 my prayer, H8605 O LORD, H3068 and let my cry H7775 come H935 unto thee. Hide H5641 not thy face H6440 from me in the day H3117 when I am in trouble; H6862 incline H5186 thine ear H241 unto me: in the day H3117 when I call H7121 answer H6030 me speedily. H4118 For my days H3117 are consumed H3615 like smoke, H6227 and my bones H6106 are burned H2787 as an hearth. H4168 My heart H3820 is smitten, H5221 and withered H3001 like grass; H6212 so that I forget H7911 to eat H398 my bread. H3899 By reason of the voice H6963 of my groaning H585 my bones H6106 cleave H1692 to my skin. H1320 I am like H1819 a pelican H6893 of the wilderness: H4057 I am like an owl H3563 of the desert. H2723 I watch, H8245 and am as a sparrow H6833 alone H909 upon the house top. H1406 Mine enemies H341 reproach H2778 me all the day; H3117 and they that are mad H1984 against me are sworn H7650 against me. For I have eaten H398 ashes H665 like bread, H3899 and mingled H4537 my drink H8249 with weeping, H1065 Because H6440 of thine indignation H2195 and thy wrath: H7110 for thou hast lifted me up, H5375 and cast me down. H7993 My days H3117 are like a shadow H6738 that declineth; H5186 and I am withered H3001 like grass. H6212 But thou, O LORD, H3068 shalt endure H3427 for ever; H5769 and thy remembrance H2143 unto all H1755 generations. H1755 Thou shalt arise, H6965 and have mercy H7355 upon Zion: H6726 for the time H6256 to favour H2603 her, yea, the set time, H4150 is come. H935 For thy servants H5650 take pleasure H7521 in her stones, H68 and favour H2603 the dust H6083 thereof. So the heathen H1471 shall fear H3372 the name H8034 of the LORD, H3068 and all the kings H4428 of the earth H776 thy glory. H3519 When the LORD H3068 shall build up H1129 Zion, H6726 he shall appear H7200 in his glory. H3519 He will regard H6437 the prayer H8605 of the destitute, H6199 and not despise H959 their prayer. H8605 This shall be written H3789 for the generation H1755 to come: H314 and the people H5971 which shall be created H1254 shall praise H1984 the LORD. H3050 For he hath looked down H8259 from the height H4791 of his sanctuary; H6944 from heaven H8064 did the LORD H3068 behold H5027 the earth; H776 To hear H8085 the groaning H603 of the prisoner; H615 to loose H6605 those that are appointed H1121 to death; H8546 To declare H5608 the name H8034 of the LORD H3068 in Zion, H6726 and his praise H8416 in Jerusalem; H3389 When the people H5971 are gathered H6908 together, H3162 and the kingdoms, H4467 to serve H5647 the LORD. H3068 He weakened H6031 my strength H3581 in the way; H1870 he shortened H7114 my days. H3117 I said, H559 O my God, H410 take me not away H5927 in the midst H2677 of my days: H3117 thy years H8141 are throughout all H1755 generations. H1755 Of old H6440 hast thou laid the foundation H3245 of the earth: H776 and the heavens H8064 are the work H4639 of thy hands. H3027 They shall perish, H6 but thou shalt endure: H5975 yea, all of them shall wax old H1086 like a garment; H899 as a vesture H3830 shalt thou change H2498 them, and they shall be changed: H2498 But thou art the same, and thy years H8141 shall have no end. H8552 The children H1121 of thy servants H5650 shall continue, H7931 and their seed H2233 shall be established H3559 before H6440 thee.

Isaiah 26:16 STRONG

LORD, H3068 in trouble H6862 have they visited H6485 thee, they poured out H6694 a prayer H3908 when thy chastening H4148 was upon them.

Romans 8:26 STRONG

G1161 Likewise G5615 the Spirit G4151 also G2532 helpeth G4878 our G2257 infirmities: G769 for G1063 we know G1492 not G3756 what G5101 we should pray for G4336 as G2526 we ought: G1163 but G235 the Spirit G4151 itself G846 maketh intercession G5241 for G5228 us G2257 with groanings G4726 which cannot be uttered. G215

Hebrews 5:7 STRONG

Who G3739 in G1722 the days G2250 of his G846 flesh, G4561 when he had offered up G4374 prayers G1162 and G5037 G2532 supplications G2428 with G3326 strong G2478 crying G2906 and G2532 tears G1144 unto G4314 him that was able G1410 to save G4982 him G846 from G1537 death, G2288 and G2532 was heard G1522 in that G575 he feared; G2124

Psalms 62:8 STRONG

Trust H982 in him at all times; H6256 ye people, H5971 pour out H8210 your heart H3824 before H6440 him: God H430 is a refuge H4268 for us. Selah. H5542

Philippians 4:6-7 STRONG

Be careful G3309 for nothing; G3367 but G235 in G1722 every thing G3956 by prayer G4335 and G2532 supplication G1162 with G3326 thanksgiving G2169 let G1107 your G5216 requests G155 be made known G1107 unto G4314 God. G2316 And G2532 the peace G1515 of God, G2316 which G3588 passeth G5242 all G3956 understanding, G3563 shall keep G5432 your G5216 hearts G2588 and G2532 minds G5216 G3540 through G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus. G2424

1 Samuel 1:15-16 STRONG

And Hannah H2584 answered H6030 and said, H559 No, my lord, H113 I am a woman H802 of a sorrowful H7186 spirit: H7307 I have drunk H8354 neither wine H3196 nor strong drink, H7941 but have poured out H8210 my soul H5315 before H6440 the LORD. H3068 Count H5414 not thine handmaid H519 for H6440 a daughter H1323 of Belial: H1100 for out of the abundance H7230 of my complaint H7879 and grief H3708 have I spoken H1696 hitherto.

Psalms 18:4-6 STRONG

The sorrows H2256 of death H4194 compassed H661 me, and the floods H5158 of ungodly men H1100 made me afraid. H1204 The sorrows H2256 of hell H7585 compassed me about: H5437 the snares H4170 of death H4194 prevented H6923 me. In my distress H6862 I called H7121 upon the LORD, H3068 and cried H7768 unto my God: H430 he heard H8085 my voice H6963 out of his temple, H1964 and my cry H7775 came H935 before H6440 him, even into his ears. H241

Psalms 42:4 STRONG

When I remember H2142 these things, I pour out H8210 my soul H5315 in me: for I had gone H5674 with the multitude, H5519 I went H1718 with them to the house H1004 of God, H430 with the voice H6963 of joy H7440 and praise, H8426 with a multitude H1995 that kept holyday. H2287

Commentary on Psalms 142 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 142:1-7. Maschil—(See on Ps 32:1, title). When he was in the cave—either of Adullam (1Sa 22:1), or En-gedi (1Sa 24:3). This does not mean that the Psalm was composed in the cave, but that the precarious mode of life, of which his refuge in caves was a striking illustration, occasioned the complaint, which constitutes the first part of the Psalm and furnishes the reason for the prayer with which it concludes, and which, as the prominent characteristic, gives its name.

1. with my voice—audibly, because earnestly.

2. (Compare Ps 62:8).

I poured out my complaint—or, "a sad musing."

3. thou knewest … path—The appeal is indicative of conscious innocence; knowest it to be right, and that my affliction is owing to the snares of enemies, and is not deserved (compare Ps 42:4; 61:2).

4. Utter desolation is meant.

right hand—the place of a protector (Ps 110:5).

cared for—literally, "sought after," to do good.

5. (Compare Ps 31:14; 62:7).

6. (Compare Ps 17:1).

7. (Compare Ps 25:17).

that I may praise—literally, "for praising," or, "that Thy name may be praised," that is, by the righteous, who shall surround me with sympathizing joy (Ps 35:27).