Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 142 » Verse 7

Psalms 142:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 Bring H3318 my soul H5315 out of prison, H4525 that I may praise H3034 thy name: H8034 the righteous H6662 shall compass me about; H3803 for thou shalt deal bountifully H1580 with me.

Cross Reference

Psalms 13:6 STRONG

I will sing H7891 unto the LORD, H3068 because he hath dealt bountifully H1580 with me.

Psalms 146:7 STRONG

Which executeth H6213 judgment H4941 for the oppressed: H6231 which giveth H5414 food H3899 to the hungry. H7457 The LORD H3068 looseth H5425 the prisoners: H631

Psalms 143:11 STRONG

Quicken H2421 me, O LORD, H3068 for thy name's H8034 sake: for thy righteousness' H6666 sake bring H3318 my soul H5315 out of trouble. H6869

Psalms 119:17 STRONG

GIMEL. Deal bountifully H1580 with thy servant, H5650 that I may live, H2421 and keep H8104 thy word. H1697

James 5:11 STRONG

Behold, G2400 we count them happy G3106 which endure. G5278 Ye have heard G191 of the patience G5281 of Job, G2492 and G2532 have seen G1492 the end G5056 of the Lord; G2962 that G3754 the Lord G2962 is G2076 very pitiful, G4184 and G2532 of tender mercy. G3629

Acts 2:24 STRONG

Whom G3739 God G2316 hath raised up, G450 having loosed G3089 the pains G5604 of death: G2288 because G2530 it was G2258 not G3756 possible G1415 that he G846 should be holden G2902 of G5259 it. G846

Isaiah 61:1 STRONG

The Spirit H7307 of the Lord H136 GOD H3069 is upon me; because the LORD H3068 hath anointed H4886 me to preach good tidings H1319 unto the meek; H6035 he hath sent H7971 me to bind up H2280 the brokenhearted, H7665 H3820 to proclaim H7121 liberty H1865 to the captives, H7617 and the opening of the prison H6495 to them that are bound; H631

Psalms 142:1 STRONG

[[Maschil H4905 of David; H1732 A Prayer H8605 when he was in the cave.]] H4631 I cried H2199 unto the LORD H3068 with my voice; H6963 with my voice H6963 unto the LORD H3068 did I make my supplication. H2603

Psalms 119:74 STRONG

They that fear H3373 thee will be glad H8055 when they see H7200 me; because I have hoped H3176 in thy word. H1697

Psalms 7:6-7 STRONG

Arise, H6965 O LORD, H3068 in thine anger, H639 lift up H5375 thyself because of the rage H5678 of mine enemies: H6887 and awake H5782 for me to the judgment H4941 that thou hast commanded. H6680 So shall the congregation H5712 of the people H3816 compass thee about: H5437 for their sakes therefore return H7725 thou on high. H4791

Psalms 116:7 STRONG

Return H7725 unto thy rest, H4494 O my soul; H5315 for the LORD H3068 hath dealt bountifully H1580 with thee.

Psalms 107:41-42 STRONG

Yet setteth he the poor H34 on high H7682 from affliction, H6040 and maketh H7760 him families H4940 like a flock. H6629 The righteous H3477 shall see H7200 it, and rejoice: H8055 and all iniquity H5766 shall stop H7092 her mouth. H6310

Psalms 88:4-8 STRONG

I am counted H2803 with them that go down H3381 into the pit: H953 I am as a man H1397 that hath no strength: H353 Free H2670 among the dead, H4191 like the slain H2491 that lie H7901 in the grave, H6913 whom thou rememberest H2142 no more: and they are cut off H1504 from thy hand. H3027 Thou hast laid H7896 me in the lowest H8482 pit, H953 in darkness, H4285 in the deeps. H4688 Thy wrath H2534 lieth hard H5564 upon me, and thou hast afflicted H6031 me with all thy waves. H4867 Selah. H5542 Thou hast put away H7368 mine acquaintance H3045 far H7368 from me; thou hast made H7896 me an abomination H8441 unto them: I am shut up, H3607 and I cannot come forth. H3318

Psalms 34:2 STRONG

My soul H5315 shall make her boast H1984 in the LORD: H3068 the humble H6035 shall hear H8085 thereof, and be glad. H8055

Psalms 31:8 STRONG

And hast not shut me up H5462 into the hand H3027 of the enemy: H341 thou hast set H5975 my feet H7272 in a large room. H4800

Psalms 22:21-27 STRONG

Save H3467 me from the lion's H738 mouth: H6310 for thou hast heard H6030 me from the horns H7161 of the unicorns. H7214 I will declare H5608 thy name H8034 unto my brethren: H251 in the midst H8432 of the congregation H6951 will I praise H1984 thee. Ye that fear H3373 the LORD, H3068 praise H1984 him; all ye the seed H2233 of Jacob, H3290 glorify H3513 him; and fear H1481 him, all ye the seed H2233 of Israel. H3478 For he hath not despised H959 nor abhorred H8262 the affliction H6039 of the afflicted; H6041 neither hath he hid H5641 his face H6440 from him; but when he cried H7768 unto him, he heard. H8085 My praise H8416 shall be of thee in the great H7227 congregation: H6951 I will pay H7999 my vows H5088 before them that fear H3373 him. The meek H6035 shall eat H398 and be satisfied: H7646 they shall praise H1984 the LORD H3068 that seek H1875 him: your heart H3824 shall live H2421 for ever. H5703 All the ends H657 of the world H776 shall remember H2142 and turn H7725 unto the LORD: H3068 and all the kindreds H4940 of the nations H1471 shall worship H7812 before H6440 thee.

Psalms 9:14 STRONG

That I may shew forth H5608 all thy praise H8416 in the gates H8179 of the daughter H1323 of Zion: H6726 I will rejoice H1523 in thy salvation. H3444

Psalms 9:3 STRONG

When mine enemies H341 are turned H7725 back, H268 they shall fall H3782 and perish H6 at thy presence. H6440

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Psalms 142

Commentary on Psalms 142 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


Cry Sent Forth from the Prison to the Best of Friends

This the last of the eight Davidic Psalms, which are derived by their inscriptions from the time of the persecution by Saul (vid., on Ps 34), is inscribed: A Meditation by David, when he was in the cave, a Prayer . Of these eight Psalms, Psalms 52:1-9 and Psalms 54:1-7 also bear the name of Maskı̂l (vid., on Psalms 32:1-11); and in this instance תּפּלּה (which occurs besides as an inscription only in Psalms 90:1; Psalms 102:1; Psalms 3:1) is further added, which looks like an explanation of the word maskı̂l (not in use out of the range of Psalm-poetry). The article of במערה , as in Psalms 57:1, points to the cave of Adullam (1 Sam. 22) or the cave of Engedi (1 Sam. 24), which latter, starting from a narrow concealed entrance, forms such a labyrinthine maze of passages and vaults that the torches and lines of explorers have not to the present time been able to reach the extremities of it.

The Psalm does not contain any sure signs of a post-Davidic age; still it appears throughout to be an imitation of older models, and pre-eminently by means of Psalms 142:2. (cf. Psalms 77:2.) and Psalms 142:4 (cf. Psalms 77:4) it comes into a relation of dependence to Ps 77, which is also noticeable in Psalms 143:1-12 (cf. Psalms 142:5 with Psalms 77:12.). The referring back of the two Psalms to David comes under one and the same judgment.

Verses 1-3

The emphasis of the first two lines rests upon אל־ה . Forsaken by all created beings, he confides in Jahve. He turns to Him in pathetic and importunate prayer ( זעק , the parallel word being התחנּן , as in Psalms 30:9), and that not merely inwardly (Exodus 14:15), but with his voice (vid., on Psalms 3:5) - for audible prayer reacts soothingly, strengtheningly, and sanctifyingly upon the praying one - he pours out before Him his trouble which distracts his thoughts ( שׁפך שׂיח as in Psalms 102:1, cf. Psalms 62:9; Psalms 64:2; 1 Samuel 1:16), he lays open before Him everything that burdens and distresses him. Not as though He did not also know it without all this; on the contrary, when his spirit ( רוּחי as in Psalms 143:4; Psalms 77:4, cf. נפשׁי Jonah 2:7, Psalms 107:5, לבּי Psalms 61:3) within him ( עלי , see Psalms 42:5) is enshrouded and languishes, just this is his consolation, that Jahve is intimately acquainted with his way together with the dangers that threaten him at every step, and therefore also understands how to estimate the title (right) and meaning of his complaints. The Waw of ואתּה is the same as in 1 Kings 8:36, cf. Ps 35. Instead of saying: then I comfort myself with the fact that, etc., he at once declares the fact with which he comforts himself. Supposing this to be the case, there is no need for any alteration of the text in order to get over that which is apparently incongruous in the relation of Psalms 142:4 to Psalms 142:4 .

Verses 3-5

The prayer of the poet now becomes deep-breathed and excited, inasmuch as he goes more minutely into the details of his straitened situation. Everywhere, whithersoever he has to go (cf. on Psalms 143:8), the snares of craftily calculating foes threaten him. Even God's all-seeing eye will not discover any one who would right faithfully and carefully interest himself in him. הבּיט , look! is a graphic hybrid form of הבּט and הבּיט , the usual and the rare imperative form; cf. הביא 1 Samuel 20:40 (cf. Jeremiah 17:18), and the same modes of writing the inf. absol. in Judges 1:28; Amos 9:8, and the fut. conv. in Ezekiel 40:3. מכּיר is, as in Ruth 2:19, cf. Ps 10, one who looks kindly upon any one, a considerate (cf. the phrase הכּיר פּנים ) well-wisher and friend. Such an one, if he had one, would be עמד על־ימינו or מימינו (Psalms 16:8), for an open attack is directed to the arms-bearing right side (Psalms 109:6), and there too the helper in battle (Psalms 110:5) and the defender or advocate (Psalms 109:31) takes his place in order to cover him who is imperilled (Psalms 121:5). But then if God looks in that direction, He will find him, who is praying to Him, unprotected. Instead of ואין one would certainly have sooner expected אשׁר or כי as the form of introducing the condition in which he is found; but Hitzig's conjecture, הבּיט ימין וראה , “looking for days and seeing,” gives us in the place of this difficulty a confusing half-Aramaism in ימין = יומין in the sense of ימים in Daniel 8:27; Nehemiah 1:4. Ewald's rendering is better: “though I look to the right hand and see ( וראה ), yet no friend appears for me;” but this use of the inf. absol. with an adversative apodosis is without example. Thus therefore the pointing appears to have lighted upon the correct idea, inasmuch as it recognises here the current formula הבּט וּראה , e.g., Job 35:5; Lamentations 5:1. The fact that David, although surrounded by a band of loyal subjects, confesses to having no true fiend, is to be understood similarly to the language of Paul when he says in Philippians 2:20 : “I have no man like-minded.” All human love, since sin has taken possession of humanity, is more or less selfish, and all fellowship of faith and of love imperfect; and there are circumstances in life in which these dark sides make themselves felt overpoweringly, so that a man seems to himself to be perfectly isolated and turns all the more urgently to God, who alone is able to supply the soul's want of some object to love, whose love is absolutely unselfish, and unchangeable, and unbeclouded, to whom the soul can confide without reserve whatever burdens it, and who not only honestly desires its good, but is able also to compass it in spite of every obstacle. Surrounded by bloodthirsty enemies, and misunderstood, or at least not thoroughly understood, by his friends, David feels himself broken off from all created beings. On this earth every kind of refuge is for him lost (the expression is like Job 11:20). There is no one there who should ask after or care for his soul, and should right earnestly exert himself for its deliverance. Thus, then, despairing of all visible things, he cries to the Invisible One. He is his “refuge” (Psalms 91:9) and his “portion” (Psalms 16:5; Psalms 73:26), i.e., the share in a possession that satisfies him. To be allowed to call Him his God - this it is which suffices him and outweighs everything. For Jahve is the Living One, and he who possesses Him as his own finds himself thereby “in the land of the living” (Psalms 27:13; Psalms 52:7). He cannot die, he cannot perish.

Verse 6-7

His request now ascends all the more confident of being answered, and becomes calm, being well-grounded in his feebleness and the superiority of his enemies, and aiming at the glorifying of the divine Name. In Psalms 142:7 רנּתי calls to mind Psalms 17:1; the first confirmation, Psalms 79:8, and the second, Psalms 18:18. But this is the only passage in the whole Psalter where the poet designates the “distress” in which he finds himself as a prison ( מסגּר ). V. 8 b brings the whole congregation of the righteous in in the praising of the divine Name. The poet therefore does not after all find himself so absolutely alone, as it might seem according to Psalms 142:5. He is far from regarding himself as the only righteous person. He is only a member of a community or church whose destiny is interwoven with his own, and which will glory in his deliverance as its own; for “if one member is honoured, all the members rejoice with it” (1 Corinthians 12:26). We understand the differently interpreted יכתּירוּ after this “rejoicing with” ( συγχαίρει ). The lxx, Syriac, and Aquilaz render: the righteous wait for me; but to wait is כּתּר and not הכתּיר . The modern versions, on the other hand, almost universally, like Luther after Felix Pratensis, render: the righteous shall surround me (flock about me), in connection with which, as Hengstenberg observes, בּי denotes the tender sympathy they fell with him: crowding closely upon me. But there is no instance of a verb of surrounding ( אפף , סבב , סבב , עוּד , עטר , הקּיף ) taking בּ ; the accusative stands with הכתּיר in Habakkuk 1:4, and כּתּר in Psalms 22:13, in the signification cingere . Symmachus (although erroneously rendering: τὸ ὄνομά σου στεφανώσονται δίκαιοι ), Jerome ( in me coronabuntur justi ), Parchon, Aben-Ezra, Coccejus, and others, rightly take יכתּירוּ as a denominative from כּתר , to put on a crown or to crown (cf. Proverbs 14:18): on account of me the righteous shall adorn themselves as with crowns, i.e., shall triumph, that Thou dealest bountifully with me (an echo of Psalms 13:6). According to passages like Ps 64:11; Psalms 40:17, one might have expected בּו instead of בּי . But the close of Ps 22 (Psalms 22:23.), cf. Psalms 140:12., shows that בי is also admissible. The very fact that David contemplates his own destiny and the destiny of his foes in a not merely ideal but foreordainedly causal connection with the general end of the two powers that stand opposed to one another in the world, belongs to the characteristic impress of the Psalms of David that come from the time of Saul's persecution.