Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 144 » Verse 8

Psalms 144:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 Whose mouth H6310 speaketh H1696 vanity, H7723 and their right hand H3225 is a right hand H3225 of falsehood. H8267

Cross Reference

Psalms 12:2 STRONG

They speak H1696 vanity H7723 every one H376 with his neighbour: H7453 with flattering H2513 lips H8193 and with a double H3820 heart H3820 do they speak. H1696

Psalms 41:6 STRONG

And if he come H935 to see H7200 me, he speaketh H1696 vanity: H7723 his heart H3820 gathereth H6908 iniquity H205 to itself; when he goeth H3318 abroad, H2351 he telleth H1696 it.

Isaiah 44:20 STRONG

He feedeth H7462 on ashes: H665 a deceived H2048 heart H3820 hath turned him aside, H5186 that he cannot deliver H5337 his soul, H5315 nor say, H559 Is there not a lie H8267 in my right hand? H3225

Genesis 14:22 STRONG

And Abram H87 said H559 to the king H4428 of Sodom, H5467 I have lift up H7311 mine hand H3027 unto the LORD, H3068 the most high H5945 God, H410 the possessor H7069 of heaven H8064 and earth, H776

Deuteronomy 32:40 STRONG

For I lift up H5375 my hand H3027 to heaven, H8064 and say, H559 I live H2416 for ever. H5769

Psalms 10:7 STRONG

His mouth H6310 is full H4390 of cursing H423 and deceit H4820 and fraud: H8496 under his tongue H3956 is mischief H5999 and vanity. H205

Psalms 58:3 STRONG

The wicked H7563 are estranged H2114 from the womb: H7358 they go astray H8582 as soon as they be born, H990 speaking H1696 lies. H3577

Psalms 62:4 STRONG

They only consult H3289 to cast him down H5080 from his excellency: H7613 they delight H7521 in lies: H3577 they bless H1288 with their mouth, H6310 but they curse H7043 inwardly. H7130 Selah. H5542

Psalms 106:26 STRONG

Therefore he lifted up H5375 his hand H3027 against them, to overthrow H5307 them in the wilderness: H4057

Psalms 109:2-3 STRONG

For the mouth H6310 of the wicked H7563 and the mouth H6310 of the deceitful H4820 are opened H6605 against me: they have spoken H1696 against me with a lying H8267 tongue. H3956 They compassed H5437 me about also with words H1697 of hatred; H8135 and fought H3898 against me without a cause. H2600

Isaiah 59:5-7 STRONG

They hatch H1234 cockatrice' H6848 eggs, H1000 and weave H707 the spider's H5908 web: H6980 he that eateth H398 of their eggs H1000 dieth, H4191 and that which is crushed H2116 breaketh out H1234 into a viper. H660 Their webs H6980 shall not become garments, H899 neither shall they cover H3680 themselves with their works: H4639 their works H4639 are works H4639 of iniquity, H205 and the act H6467 of violence H2555 is in their hands. H3709 Their feet H7272 run H7323 to evil, H7451 and they make haste H4116 to shed H8210 innocent H5355 blood: H1818 their thoughts H4284 are thoughts H4284 of iniquity; H205 wasting H7701 and destruction H7667 are in their paths. H4546

Matthew 5:30 STRONG

And G2532 if G1487 thy G4675 right G1188 hand G5495 offend G4624 thee, G4571 cut G1581 it G846 off, G1581 and G2532 cast G906 it from G575 thee: G4675 for G1063 it is profitable G4851 for thee G4671 that G2443 one G1520 of thy G4675 members G3196 should perish, G622 and G2532 not G3361 that thy G4675 whole G3650 body G4983 should be cast G906 into G1519 hell. G1067

Revelation 13:16-17 STRONG

And G2532 he causeth G4160 all, G3956 both small G3398 and G2532 great, G3173 G2532 rich G4145 and G2532 poor, G4434 G2532 free G1658 and G2532 bond, G1401 to G2443 G846 receive G1325 a mark G5480 in G1909 their G846 right hand, G1188 G5495 or G2228 in G1909 their G846 foreheads: G3359 And G2532 that no G3363 man G5100 might G1410 buy G59 or G2228 sell, G4453 save he G1508 that had G2192 the mark, G5480 or G2228 the name G3686 of the beast, G2342 or G2228 the number G706 of his G846 name. G3686

Commentary on Psalms 144 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 144:1-15. David's praise of God as his all-sufficient help is enhanced by a recognition of the intrinsic worthlessness of man. Confidently imploring God's interposition against his enemies, he breaks forth into praise and joyful anticipations of the prosperity of his kingdom, when freed from vain and wicked men.