Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 145 » Verse 3-5

Psalms 145:3-5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

3 Great H1419 is the LORD, H3068 and greatly H3966 to be praised; H1984 and his greatness H1420 is unsearchable. H2714

4 One H1755 generation H1755 shall praise H7623 thy works H4639 to another, and shall declare H5046 thy mighty acts. H1369

5 I will speak H7878 of the glorious H3519 honour H1926 of thy majesty, H1935 and of thy wondrous H6381 works. H1697

Commentary on Psalms 145 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 145:1-21. A Psalm of praise to God for His mighty, righteous, and gracious government of all men, and of His humble and suffering people in particular.

1, 2. (Compare Ps 30:1).

bless thy name—celebrate Thy perfections (Ps 5:11). God is addressed as king, alluding to His government of men.

3. (Compare Ps 18:3; 48:1).

greatness—as displayed in His works.

4. shall declare—literally, "they shall declare," that is, all generations.

5. I will speak—or, "muse" (Ps 77:12; 119:15).

thy wondrous works—or, "words of thy wonders," that is, which described them (Ps 105:27, Margin).

6. terrible acts—which produce dread or fear.

7. memory—(Ps 6:5), remembrance, or what causes to be remembered.

righteousness—as in Ps 143:1, goodness according to covenant engagement.

8, 9. (Compare Ps 103:8; 111:4).

over all, &c.—rests on all His works.

10. bless—as in Ps 145:1, to praise with reverence, more than merely to praise.

11, 12. The declaration of God's glory is for the extension of His knowledge and perfections in the world.

13. (Compare Da 4:3, 34).

14. (Compare Ps 37:17; 54:4).

15, 16. eyes of … thee—or, look with expecting faith (Ps 104:27, 28).

17. holy … works—literally, "merciful" or "kind, goodness" (Ps 144:2) is the corresponding noun.

righteous—in a similar relation of meaning to "righteousness" (Ps 145:7).

18, 19. (Compare Ps 34:7, 10).

20. Those who fear Him (Ps 145:19) are those who are here said to love Him.

21. (Compare Ps 33:21).

all flesh—(Ps 65:2). The Psalm ends, as it began, with ascriptions of praise, in which the pious will ever delight to join.