Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 147 » Verse 7

Psalms 147:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 Sing H6030 unto the LORD H3068 with thanksgiving; H8426 sing praise H2167 upon the harp H3658 unto our God: H430

Cross Reference

Psalms 95:1-2 STRONG

O come, H3212 let us sing H7442 unto the LORD: H3068 let us make a joyful noise H7321 to the rock H6697 of our salvation. H3468 Let us come H6923 before his presence H6440 with thanksgiving, H8426 and make a joyful noise H7321 unto him with psalms. H2158

Exodus 15:20-21 STRONG

And Miriam H4813 the prophetess, H5031 the sister H269 of Aaron, H175 took H3947 a timbrel H8596 in her hand; H3027 and all the women H802 went out H3318 after H310 her with timbrels H8596 and with dances. H4246 And Miriam H4813 answered H6030 them, Sing H7891 ye to the LORD, H3068 for he hath triumphed H1342 gloriously; H1342 the horse H5483 and his rider H7392 hath he thrown H7411 into the sea. H3220

Psalms 47:6-7 STRONG

Sing praises H2167 to God, H430 sing praises: H2167 sing praises H2167 unto our King, H4428 sing praises. H2167 For God H430 is the King H4428 of all the earth: H776 sing ye praises H2167 with understanding. H7919

Psalms 68:32 STRONG

Sing H7891 unto God, H430 ye kingdoms H4467 of the earth; H776 O sing praises H2167 unto the Lord; H136 Selah: H5542

Psalms 92:1-3 STRONG

[[A Psalm H4210 or Song H7892 for the sabbath H7676 day.]] H3117 It is a good H2896 thing to give thanks H3034 unto the LORD, H3068 and to sing praises H2167 unto thy name, H8034 O most High: H5945 To shew forth H5046 thy lovingkindness H2617 in the morning, H1242 and thy faithfulness H530 every night, H3915 Upon an instrument of ten strings, H6218 and upon the psaltery; H5035 upon the harp H3658 with a solemn sound. H1902

Psalms 107:21-22 STRONG

Oh that men would praise H3034 the LORD H3068 for his goodness, H2617 and for his wonderful works H6381 to the children H1121 of men! H120 And let them sacrifice H2076 the sacrifices H2077 of thanksgiving, H8426 and declare H5608 his works H4639 with rejoicing. H7440

Revelation 5:8-10 STRONG

And G2532 when G3753 he had taken G2983 the book, G975 the four G5064 beasts G2226 and G2532 four G5064 and twenty G1501 elders G4245 fell down G4098 before G1799 the Lamb, G721 having G2192 every one of them G1538 harps, G2788 and G2532 golden G5552 vials G5357 full G1073 of odours, G2368 which G3739 are G1526 the prayers G4335 of saints. G40 And G2532 they sung G103 a new G2537 song, G5603 saying, G3004 Thou art G1488 worthy G514 to take G2983 the book, G975 and G2532 to open G455 the seals G4973 thereof: G846 for G3754 thou wast slain, G4969 and G2532 hast redeemed G59 us G2248 to God G2316 by G1722 thy G4675 blood G129 out of G1537 every G3956 kindred, G5443 and G2532 tongue, G1100 and G2532 people, G2992 and G2532 nation; G1484 And G2532 hast made G4160 us G2248 unto our G2257 God G2316 kings G935 and G2532 priests: G2409 and G2532 we shall reign G936 on G1909 the earth. G1093

Commentary on Psalms 147 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 147:1-20. This and the remaining Psalms have been represented as specially designed to celebrate the rebuilding of Jerusalem (compare Ne 6:16; 12:27). They all open and close with the stirring call for praise. This one specially declares God's providential care towards all creatures, and particularly His people.

1. (Compare Ps 92:1; 135:3).

2. (Compare Ps 107:3; Isa 11:12).

3. Though applicable to the captive Israelites, this is a general and precious truth.

wounds—(Compare Margin).

4, 5. God's power in nature (Isa 40:26-28, and often) is presented as a pledge of His power to help His people.

telleth … stars—what no man can do (Ge 15:5).

6. That power is put forth for the good of the meek and suffering pious, and confusion of the wicked (Ps 146:8, 9).

7-9. His providence supplies bountifully the wild animals in their mountain homes.

Sing … Lord—literally, "Answer the Lord," that is, in grateful praise to His goodness, thus declared in His acts.

10, 11. The advantages afforded, as in war by the strength of the horse or the agility of man, do not incline God to favor any; but those who fear and, of course, trust Him, will obtain His approbation and aid.

13. strengthened … gates—or, means of defense against invaders,

14. maketh … borders—or, territories (Ge 23:17; Isa 54:12).

filleth thee, &c.—(Compare Margin).

15-18. God's Word, as a swift messenger, executes His purpose, for with Him to command is to perform (Ge 1:3; Ps 33:9), and He brings about the wonders of providence as easily as men cast crumbs.

17. morsels—used as to food (Ge 18:5), perhaps here denotes hail.

19, 20. This mighty ruler and benefactor of heaven and earth is such especially to His chosen people, to whom alone (De 4:32-34) He has made known His will, while others have been left in darkness. Therefore unite in the great hallelujah.