Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 148 » Verse 9

Psalms 148:9 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

9 Mountains, H2022 and all hills; H1389 fruitful H6529 trees, H6086 and all cedars: H730

Cross Reference

Isaiah 44:23 STRONG

Sing, H7442 O ye heavens; H8064 for the LORD H3068 hath done H6213 it: shout, H7321 ye lower parts H8482 of the earth: H776 break forth H6476 into singing, H7440 ye mountains, H2022 O forest, H3293 and every tree H6086 therein: for the LORD H3068 hath redeemed H1350 Jacob, H3290 and glorified H6286 himself in Israel. H3478

Isaiah 49:13 STRONG

Sing, H7442 O heavens; H8064 and be joyful, H1523 O earth; H776 and break forth H6476 into singing, H7440 O mountains: H2022 for the LORD H3068 hath comforted H5162 his people, H5971 and will have mercy H7355 upon his afflicted. H6041

Psalms 65:12-13 STRONG

They drop H7491 upon the pastures H4999 of the wilderness: H4057 and the little hills H1389 rejoice H1524 on every side. H2296 The pastures H3733 are clothed H3847 with flocks; H6629 the valleys H6010 also are covered over H5848 with corn; H1250 they shout for joy, H7321 they also sing. H7891

Psalms 96:11-13 STRONG

Let the heavens H8064 rejoice, H8055 and let the earth H776 be glad; H1523 let the sea H3220 roar, H7481 and the fulness H4393 thereof. Let the field H7704 be joyful, H5937 and all that is therein: then shall all the trees H6086 of the wood H3293 rejoice H7442 Before H6440 the LORD: H3068 for he cometh, H935 for he cometh H935 to judge H8199 the earth: H776 he shall judge H8199 the world H8398 with righteousness, H6664 and the people H5971 with his truth. H530

Psalms 97:4-5 STRONG

His lightnings H1300 enlightened H215 the world: H8398 the earth H776 saw, H7200 and trembled. H2342 The hills H2022 melted H4549 like wax H1749 at the presence H6440 of the LORD, H3068 at the presence H6440 of the Lord H113 of the whole earth. H776

Psalms 98:7-9 STRONG

Let the sea H3220 roar, H7481 and the fulness H4393 thereof; the world, H8398 and they that dwell H3427 therein. Let the floods H5104 clap H4222 their hands: H3709 let the hills H2022 be joyful H7442 together H3162 Before H6440 the LORD; H3068 for he cometh H935 to judge H8199 the earth: H776 with righteousness H6664 shall he judge H8199 the world, H8398 and the people H5971 with equity. H4339

Psalms 114:3-7 STRONG

The sea H3220 saw H7200 it, and fled: H5127 Jordan H3383 was driven H5437 back. H268 The mountains H2022 skipped H7540 like rams, H352 and the little hills H1389 like lambs. H1121 H6629 What ailed thee, O thou sea, H3220 that thou fleddest? H5127 thou Jordan, H3383 that thou wast driven H5437 back? H268 Ye mountains, H2022 that ye skipped H7540 like rams; H352 and ye little hills, H1389 like lambs? H1121 H6629 Tremble, H2342 thou earth, H776 at the presence H6440 of the Lord, H113 at the presence H6440 of the God H433 of Jacob; H3290

Isaiah 42:11 STRONG

Let the wilderness H4057 and the cities H5892 thereof lift up H5375 their voice, the villages H2691 that Kedar H6938 doth inhabit: H3427 let the inhabitants H3427 of the rock H5553 sing, H7442 let them shout H6681 from the top H7218 of the mountains. H2022

Isaiah 55:12-13 STRONG

For ye shall go out H3318 with joy, H8057 and be led forth H2986 with peace: H7965 the mountains H2022 and the hills H1389 shall break forth H6476 before H6440 you into singing, H7440 and all the trees H6086 of the field H7704 shall clap H4222 their hands. H3709 Instead of the thorn H5285 shall come up H5927 the fir tree, H1265 and instead of the brier H5636 shall come up H5927 the myrtle tree: H1918 and it shall be to the LORD H3068 for a name, H8034 for an everlasting H5769 sign H226 that shall not be cut off. H3772

Isaiah 64:1 STRONG

Oh H3863 that thou wouldest rend H7167 the heavens, H8064 that thou wouldest come down, H3381 that the mountains H2022 might flow down H2151 at thy presence, H6440

Ezekiel 36:1-15 STRONG

Also, thou son H1121 of man, H120 prophesy H5012 unto the mountains H2022 of Israel, H3478 and say, H559 Ye mountains H2022 of Israel, H3478 hear H8085 the word H1697 of the LORD: H3068 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Because the enemy H341 hath said H559 against you, Aha, H1889 even the ancient H5769 high places H1116 are ours in possession: H4181 Therefore prophesy H5012 and say, H559 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Because they have made you desolate, H8074 and swallowed you up H7602 on every side, H5439 that ye might be a possession H4181 unto the residue H7611 of the heathen, H1471 and ye are taken up H5927 in the lips H8193 of talkers, H3956 and are an infamy H1681 of the people: H5971 Therefore, ye mountains H2022 of Israel, H3478 hear H8085 the word H1697 of the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD H3069 to the mountains, H2022 and to the hills, H1389 to the rivers, H650 and to the valleys, H1516 to the desolate H8074 wastes, H2723 and to the cities H5892 that are forsaken, H5800 which became a prey H957 and derision H3933 to the residue H7611 of the heathen H1471 that are round about; H5439 Therefore thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Surely in the fire H784 of my jealousy H7068 have I spoken H1696 against the residue H7611 of the heathen, H1471 and against all Idumea, H123 which have appointed H5414 my land H776 into their possession H4181 with the joy H8057 of all their heart, H3824 with despiteful H7589 minds, H5315 to cast it out H4054 for a prey. H957 Prophesy H5012 therefore concerning the land H127 of Israel, H3478 and say H559 unto the mountains, H2022 and to the hills, H1389 to the rivers, H650 and to the valleys, H1516 Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Behold, I have spoken H1696 in my jealousy H7068 and in my fury, H2534 because ye have borne H5375 the shame H3639 of the heathen: H1471 Therefore thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 I have lifted up H5375 mine hand, H3027 Surely the heathen H1471 that are about H5439 you, they shall bear H5375 their shame. H3639 But ye, O mountains H2022 of Israel, H3478 ye shall shoot forth H5414 your branches, H6057 and yield H5375 your fruit H6529 to my people H5971 of Israel; H3478 for they are at hand H7126 to come. H935 For, behold, I am for you, and I will turn H6437 unto you, and ye shall be tilled H5647 and sown: H2232 And I will multiply H7235 men H120 upon you, all the house H1004 of Israel, H3478 even all of it: and the cities H5892 shall be inhabited, H3427 and the wastes H2723 shall be builded: H1129 And I will multiply H7235 upon you man H120 and beast; H929 and they shall increase H7235 and bring fruit: H6509 and I will settle H3427 you after your old estates, H6927 and will do better H2895 unto you than at your beginnings: H7221 and ye shall know H3045 that I am the LORD. H3068 Yea, I will cause men H120 to walk H3212 upon you, even my people H5971 Israel; H3478 and they shall possess H3423 thee, and thou shalt be their inheritance, H5159 and thou shalt no more H3254 henceforth bereave H7921 them of men. Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 Because they say H559 unto you, Thou land devourest up H398 men, H120 and hast bereaved H7921 thy nations; H1471 Therefore thou shalt devour H398 men H120 no more, neither bereave H7921 H3782 thy nations H1471 any more, saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069 Neither will I cause men to hear H8085 in thee the shame H3639 of the heathen H1471 any more, neither shalt thou bear H5375 the reproach H2781 of the people H5971 any more, neither shalt thou cause thy nations H1471 to fall H3782 any more, saith H5002 the Lord H136 GOD. H3069

Worthy.Bible » Commentaries » Keil & Delitzsch Commentary » Commentary on Psalms 148

Commentary on Psalms 148 Keil & Delitzsch Commentary


Hallelujah of All Heavenly and Earthly Beings

After the Psalmist in the foregoing Hallelujah has made the gracious self-attestation of Jahve in the case of the people of revelation, in connection with the general government of the almighty and all-benevolent One in the world, the theme of his praise, he calls upon all creatures in heaven and on earth, and more especially mankind of all peoples and classes and races and ages, to join in concert in praise of the Name of Jahve, and that on the ground of the might and honour which He has bestowed upon His people, i.e., has bestowed upon them once more now when they are gathered together again out of exile and Jerusalem has risen again out of the ruins of its overthrow. The hymn of the three in the fiery furnace, which has been interpolated in Daniel 3:1 of the Book of Daniel in the lxx, is for the most part an imitation of this Psalm. In the language of the liturgy this Psalm has the special name of Laudes among the twenty Psalmi alleluiatici , and all the three Psalms which close the Psalter are called αἶνοι , Syriac shabchûh (praise ye Him).

In this Psalm the loftiest consciousness of faith is united with the grandest contemplation of the world. The church appears here as the choir-leader of the universe. It knows that its experiences have a central and universal significance for the whole life of creation; that the loving-kindness which has fallen to its lot is worthy to excite joy among all beings in heaven and on earth. And it calls not only upon everything in heaven and on earth that stands in fellowship of thought, of word, and of freedom with it to praise God, but also the sun, moon, and stars, water, earth, fire, and air, mountains, trees, and beasts, yea even such natural phenomena as hail, snow, and mist. How is this to be explained? The easiest way of explaining is to say that it is a figure of speech (Hupfeld); but this explanation explains nothing. Does the invitation in the exuberance of feeling, without any clearness of conception, here overstep the boundary of that which is possible? Or does the poet, when he calls upon these lifeless and unconscious things to praise God, mean that we are to praise God on their behalf - ἀφορ ᾶν εἰς ταῦτα , as Theodoret says, καὶ τοῦ Θεοῦ τὴν σοφίαν καταμανθάνειν καὶ διὰ πάντων αὐτῷ πλέκειν τὴν ὑμνῳδίαν ? Or does the “praise ye” in its reference to these things of nature proceed on the assumption that they praise God when they redound to the praise of God, and find its justification in the fact that the human will enters into this matter of fact which relates to things, and is devoid of any will, and seizes it and drags it into the concert of angels and men? All these explanations are unsatisfactory. The call to praise proceeds rather from the wish that all creatures, by becoming after their own manner an echo and reflection of the divine glory, may participate in the joy at the glory which God has bestowed upon His people after their deep humiliation. This wish, however, after all rests upon the great truth, that the way through suffering to glory which the church is traversing, has not only the glorifying of God in itself, but by means of this glorifying, the glorifying of God in all creatures and by all creatures, too, as its final aim, and that these, finally transformed (glorified) in the likeness of transformed (glorified) humanity, will become the bright mirror of the divine doxa and an embodied hymn of a thousand voices. The calls also in Isaiah 44:23; Isaiah 49:13, cf. Psalms 52:9, and the descriptions in Isaiah 35:1., Isaiah 41:19; Isaiah 55:12., proceed from the view to which Paul gives clear expression from the stand-point of the New Testament in Romans 8:18.

Verses 1-6

The call does not rise step by step from below upwards, but begins forthwith from above in the highest and outermost spheres of creation. The place whence, before all others, the praise is to resound is the heavens; it is to resound in the heights, viz., the heights of heaven ( Job 16:19; Job 25:2; Job 31:2). The מן might, it is true, also denote the birth or origin: ye of the heavens, i.e., ye celestial beings (cf. Psalms 68:27), but the parallel בּמּרומים renders the immediate construction with הללוּ more natural. Psalms 148:2-4 tell who are to praise Jahve there: first of all, all His angels, the messengers of the Ruler of the world - all His host, i.e., angels and stars, for צבאו ( Chethîb ) or צבאיו ( Kerî as in Psalms 103:21) is the name of the heavenly host armed with light which God Tsebaoth commands (vid., on Genesis 2:1), - a name including both stars (e.g., in Deuteronomy 4:19) and angels (e.g., in Joshua 5:14., 1 Kings 22:19); angels and stars are also united in the Scriptures in other instances (e.g., Job 38:7). When the psalmist calls upon these beings of light to praise Jahve, he does not merely express his delight in that which they do under any circumstances (Hengstenberg), but comprehends the heavenly world with the earthly, the church above with the church here below (vid., on Psalms 29:1-11; Ps 103), and gives a special turn to the praise of the former, making it into an echo of the praise of the latter, and blending both harmoniously together. The heavens of heavens are, as in Deuteronomy 10:14; 1 Kings 8:27, Sir. 16:18, and frequently, those which lie beyond the heavens of the earth which were created on the fourth day, therefore they are the outermost and highest spheres. The waters which are above the heavens are, according to Hupfeld, “a product of the fancy, like the upper heavens and the whole of the inhabitants of heaven.” But if in general the other world is not a notion to which there is no corresponding entity, this notion may also have things for its substance which lie beyond our knowledge of nature. The Scriptures, from the first page to the last, acknowledge the existence of celestial waters, to which the rain-waters stand in the relation as it were of a finger-post pointing upwards (see Genesis 1:7). All these beings belonging to the superterrestrial world are to praise the Name of Jahve, for He, the God of Israel, it is by whose fiat ( צוּה , like אמר in Psalms 33:9)

(Note: The interpolated parallel member, αὐτὸς εἶπε καὶ ἐγενήθησαν , here in the lxx is taken over from that passage.))

the heavens and all their host are created (Psalms 33:6). He has set them, which did not previously exist, up ( העמיד as e.g., in Nehemiah 6:7, the causative to עמד in Psalms 33:9, cf. Psalms 119:91), and that for ever and ever (Psalms 111:8), i.e., in order for ever to maintain the position in the whole of creation which He has assigned to them. He hath given a law ( חק ) by which its distinctive characteristic is stamped upon each of these heavenly beings, and a fixed bound is set to the nature and activity of each in its mutual relation to all, and not one transgresses (the individualizing singular) this law given to it. Thus ולא יעבר is to be understood, according to Job 14:5, cf. Jeremiah 5:22; Job 38:10; Psalms 104:9. Hitzig makes the Creator Himself the subject; but then the poet would have at least been obliged to say חק־נתן למו , and moreover it may be clearly seen from Jeremiah 31:36; Jeremiah 33:20, how the thought that God inviolably keeps the orders of nature in check is expressed θεοπρεπῶς . Jeremiah 5:22, by way of example, shows that the law itself is not, with Ewald, Maurer, and others, following the lxx, Syriac, Italic, Jerome, and Kimchi, to be made the subject: a law hath He given, and it passes not away (an imperishable one). In combination with חק , עבר always signifies “to pass over, transgress.”

Verses 7-14

The call to the praise of Jahve is now turned, in the second group of verses, to the earth and everything belonging to it in the widest extent. Here too מן־הארץ , like מן־השּׁמים , Psalms 148:1, is intended of the place whence the praise is to resound, and not according to Psalms 10:18 of earthly beings. The call is addressed in the first instance to the sea-monsters or dragons (Psalms 74:13), i.e., as Pindar ( Nem . iii. 23f.) expresses it, θῆρας ἐν πελάγεΐ ὑπερο'χους , and to the surging mass of waters ( תּהמות ) above and within the earth. Then to four phenomena of nature, coming down from heaven and ascending heavenwards, which are so arranged in Psalms 148:8 , after the model of the chiasmus (crosswise position), that fire and smoke ( קטור ), more especially of the mountains (Exodus 19:18), hail and snow stand in reciprocal relation; and to the storm-wind ( רוּח סערה , an appositional construction, as in Psalms 107:25), which, beside a seeming freeness and untractableness, performs God's word. What is said of this last applies also to the fire, etc.; all these phenomena of nature are messengers and servants of God, Psalms 104:4, cf. Psalms 103:20. When the poet wishes that they all may join in concert with the rest of the creatures to the praise of God, he excepts the fact that they frequently become destructive powers executing judicial punishment, and only has before his mind their (more especially to the inhabitant of Palestine, to whom the opportunity of seeing hail, snow, and ice was more rare than with us, imposing) grandeur and their relatedness to the whole of creation, which is destined to glorify God and to be itself glorified. He next passes over to the mountains towering towards the skies and to all the heights of earth; to the fruit-trees, and to the cedars, the kings among the trees of the forest; to the wild beasts, which are called חחיּה because they represent the most active and powerful life in the animal world, and to all quadrupeds, which, more particularly the four-footed domestic animals, are called בּהמה ; to the creeping things ( רמשׂ ) which cleave to the ground as they move along; and to the birds, which are named with the descriptive epithet winged ( צפּור כּנף as in Deuteronomy 4:17, cf. Genesis 7:14; Ezekiel 39:17, instead of עוף כּנף , Genesis 1:21). And just as the call in Ps 103 finds its centre of gravity, so to speak, at last in the soul of man, so here it is addressed finally to humanity, and that, because mankind lives in nations and is comprehended under the law of a state commonwealth, in the first instance to its heads: the kings of the earth, i.e., those who rule over the earth by countries, to the princes and all who have the administration of justice and are possessed of supreme power on the earth, then to men of both sexes and of every age.

All the beings mentioned from Psalms 148:1 onwards are to praise the Name of Jahve; for His Name, He (the God of this Name) alone (Isaiah 2:11; Psalms 72:18) is נשׂגּב , so high that no name reaches up to Him, not even from afar; His glory (His glorious self-attestation) extends over earth and heaven (vid., Psalms 8:2). כּי , without our being able and obliged to decide which, introduces the matter and the ground of the praise; and the fact that the desire of the poet comprehends in יהללוּ all the beings mentioned is seen from his saying “earth and heaven,” as he glances back from the nearer things mentioned to those mentioned farther off (cf. Genesis 2:4). In Psalms 148:14 the statement of the object and of the ground of the praise is continued. The motive from which the call to all creatures to Hallelujah proceeds, viz., the new mercy which God has shown towards His people, is also the final ground of the Hallelujah which is to sound forth; for the church of God on earth is the central-point of the universe, the aim of the history of the world, and the glorifying of this church is the turning-point for the transformation of the world. It is not to be rendered: He hath exalted the horn of His people, any more than in Psalms 132:17 : I will make the horn of David to shoot forth. The horn in both instances is one such as the person named does not already possess, but which is given him (different from Psalms 89:18, Psalms 89:25; Psalms 92:11, and frequently). The Israel of the Exile had lost its horn, i.e., its comeliness and its defensive and offensive power. God has now given it a horn again, and that a high one, i.e., has helped Israel to attain again an independence among the nations that commands respect. In Ps 132, where the horn is an object of the promise, we might directly understand by it the Branch ( Zemach ). Here, where the poet speaks out of his own present age, this is at least not the meaning which he associates with the words. What now follows is an apposition to ויּרם קרן לעמּו : He has raised up a horn for His people - praise (we say: to the praise of; cf. the New Testament εἰς ἔπαινον ) to all His saints, the children of Israel, the people who stand near Him. Others, as Hengstenberg, take תּהלּה as a second object, but we cannot say הרים תּהלּה . Israel is called עם קרבו , the people of His near = of His nearness or vicinity (Köster), as Jerusalem is called in Ecclesiastes 8:10 מקום קדושׁ instead of קדשׁ מקום (Ew. §287, a , b ). It might also be said, according to Leviticus 10:3, עם קרביו , the nation of those who are near to Him (as the Targum renders it). In both instances עם is the governing noun, as, too, surely גּבר is in גּבר עמיתי ni , Zechariah 13:7, which need not signify, by going back to the abstract primary signification of עמית , a man of my near fellowship, but can also signify a man of my neighbour, i.e., my nearest man, according to Ew. loc. cit. (cf. above on Psalms 145:10). As a rule, the principal form of עם is pointed עם ; and it is all the more unnecessary, with Olshausen and Hupfeld, to take the construction as adjectival for עם קרוב לו . It might, with Hitzig after Aben-Ezra, be more readily regarded as appositional (to a people, His near, i.e., standing near to Him). We have here an example of the genitival subordination, which is very extensive in Hebrew, instead of an appositional co-ordination: populo propinqui sui , in connection with which propinqui may be referred back to propinquum = propinquitas , but also to propinquus (literally: a people of the kind of one that is near to Him). Thus is Israel styled in Deuteronomy 4:7. In the consciousness of the dignity which lies in this name, the nation of the God of the history of salvation comes forward in this Psalm as the leader ( choragus ) of all creatures, and strikes up a Hallelujah that is to be followed by heaven and earth.