Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 24 » Verse 5

Psalms 24:5 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

5 He shall receive H5375 the blessing H1293 from the LORD, H3068 and righteousness H6666 from the God H430 of his salvation. H3468

Cross Reference

Titus 3:4-6 STRONG

But G1161 after G3753 that the kindness G5544 and G2532 love G5363 of God G2316 our G2257 Saviour G4990 toward man G5363 appeared, G2014 Not G3756 by G1537 works G2041 of G1722 righteousness G1343 which G3739 we G2249 have done, G4160 but G235 according to G2596 his G846 mercy G1656 he saved G4982 us, G2248 by G1223 the washing G3067 of regeneration, G3824 and G2532 renewing G342 of the Holy G40 Ghost; G4151 Which G3739 he shed G1632 on G1909 us G2248 abundantly G4146 through G1223 Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 our G2257 Saviour; G4990

Philippians 3:9 STRONG

And G2532 be found G2147 in G1722 him, G846 not G3361 having G2192 mine own G1699 righteousness, G1343 which G3588 is of G1537 the law, G3551 but G235 that which G3588 is through G1223 the faith G4102 of Christ, G5547 the righteousness G1343 which G3588 is of G1537 God G2316 by G1909 faith: G4102

Isaiah 46:13 STRONG

I bring near H7126 my righteousness; H6666 it shall not be far off, H7368 and my salvation H8668 shall not tarry: H309 and I will place H5414 salvation H8668 in Zion H6726 for Israel H3478 my glory. H8597

Psalms 88:1 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 or Psalm H4210 for the sons H1121 of Korah, H7141 to the chief Musician H5329 upon Mahalath H4257 Leannoth, H6031 Maschil H4905 of Heman H1968 the Ezrahite.]] H250 O LORD H3068 God H430 of my salvation, H3444 I have cried H6817 day H3117 and night H3915 before thee:

John 7:17 STRONG

If G1437 any man G5100 will G2309 do G4160 his G846 will, G2307 he shall know G1097 of G4012 the doctrine, G1322 whether G4220 it be G2076 of G1537 God, G2316 or G2228 whether I G1473 speak G2980 of G575 myself. G1683

1 Peter 3:9 STRONG

Not G3361 rendering G591 evil G2556 for G473 evil, G2556 or G2228 railing G3059 for G473 railing: G3059 but G1161 contrariwise G5121 blessing; G2129 knowing G1492 that G3754 ye are G2564 thereunto G1519 G5124 called, G2564 that G2443 ye should inherit G2816 a blessing. G2127

Titus 2:10-14 STRONG

Not G3361 purloining, G3557 but G235 shewing G1731 all G3956 good G18 fidelity; G4102 that G2443 they may adorn G2885 the doctrine G1319 of God G2316 our G2257 Saviour G4990 in G1722 all things. G3956 For G1063 the grace G5485 of God G2316 that bringeth salvation G4992 hath appeared G2014 to all G3956 men, G444 Teaching G3811 us G2248 that, G2443 denying G720 ungodliness G763 and G2532 worldly G2886 lusts, G1939 we should live G2198 soberly, G4996 G2532 righteously, G1346 and G2532 godly, G2153 in G1722 this present G3568 world; G165 Looking for G4327 that blessed G3107 hope, G1680 and G2532 the glorious G1391 appearing G2015 of the great G3173 God G2316 and G2532 our G2257 Saviour G4990 Jesus G2424 Christ; G5547 Who G3739 gave G1325 himself G1438 for G5228 us, G2257 that G2443 he might redeem G3084 us G2248 from G575 all G3956 iniquity, G458 and G2532 purify G2511 unto himself G1438 a peculiar G4041 people, G2992 zealous G2207 of good G2570 works. G2041

Ephesians 1:3 STRONG

Blessed G2128 be the God G2316 and G2532 Father G3962 of our G2257 Lord G2962 Jesus G2424 Christ, G5547 who G3588 hath blessed G2127 us G2248 with G1722 all G3956 spiritual G4152 blessings G2129 in G1722 heavenly G2032 places in G1722 Christ: G5547

Galatians 5:5 STRONG

For G1063 we G2249 through the Spirit G4151 wait for G553 the hope G1680 of righteousness G1343 by G1537 faith. G4102

Galatians 3:14 STRONG

That G2443 the blessing G2129 of Abraham G11 might come G1096 on G1519 the Gentiles G1484 through G1722 Jesus G2424 Christ; G5547 that G2443 we might receive G2983 the promise G1860 of the Spirit G4151 through G1223 faith. G4102

Galatians 3:9 STRONG

So then G5620 they which be of G1537 faith G4102 are blessed G2127 with G4862 faithful G4103 Abraham. G11

2 Corinthians 5:21 STRONG

For G1063 he hath made G4160 him to be sin G266 for G5228 us, G2257 who G3588 knew G1097 no G3361 sin; G266 that G2443 we G2249 might be made G1096 the righteousness G1343 of God G2316 in G1722 him. G846

1 Corinthians 1:30 STRONG

But G1161 of G1537 him G846 are G2075 ye G5210 in G1722 Christ G5547 Jesus, G2424 who G3739 of G575 God G2316 is made G1096 unto us G2254 G5037 wisdom, G4678 and righteousness, G1343 and G2532 sanctification, G38 and G2532 redemption: G629

Romans 5:17-18 STRONG

For G1063 if G1487 by one man's G1520 offence G3900 death G2288 reigned G936 by G1223 one; G1520 much G4183 more G3123 they which receive G2983 abundance G4050 of grace G5485 and G2532 of the gift G1431 of righteousness G1343 shall reign G936 in G1722 life G2222 by G1223 one, G1520 Jesus G2424 Christ.) G5547 Therefore G686 G3767 as G5613 by G1223 the offence G3900 of one G1520 judgment came upon G1519 all G3956 men G444 to G1519 condemnation; G2631 even G2532 so G3779 by G1223 the righteousness G1345 of one G1520 the free gift came upon G1519 all G3956 men G444 unto G1519 justification G1347 of life. G2222

Romans 4:6-9 STRONG

Even as G2509 David G1138 also G2532 describeth G3004 the blessedness G3108 of the man, G444 unto whom G3739 God G2316 imputeth G3049 righteousness G1343 without G5565 works, G2041 Saying, Blessed G3107 are they whose G3739 iniquities G458 are forgiven, G863 and G2532 whose G3739 sins G266 are covered. G1943 Blessed G3107 is the man G435 to whom G3739 the Lord G2962 will G3049 not G3364 impute G3049 sin. G266 Cometh this G3778 blessedness G3108 then G3767 upon G1909 the circumcision G4061 only, or G2228 upon G1909 the uncircumcision G203 also? G2532 for G1063 we say G3004 that G3754 faith G4102 was reckoned G3049 to Abraham G11 for G1519 righteousness. G1343

Romans 3:22 STRONG

Even G1161 the righteousness G1343 of God G2316 which is by G1223 faith G4102 of Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 unto G1519 all G3956 and G2532 upon G1909 all G3956 them that believe: G4100 for G1063 there is G2076 no G3756 difference: G1293

Numbers 6:24-27 STRONG

The LORD H3068 bless H1288 thee, and keep H8104 thee: The LORD H3068 make his face H6440 shine H215 upon thee, and be gracious H2603 unto thee: The LORD H3068 lift up H5375 his countenance H6440 upon thee, and give H7760 thee peace. H7965 And they shall put H7760 my name H8034 upon the children H1121 of Israel; H3478 and I will bless H1288 them.

Matthew 5:3-12 STRONG

Blessed G3107 are the poor G4434 in spirit: G4151 for G3754 theirs G846 is G2076 the kingdom G932 of heaven. G3772 Blessed G3107 are they that mourn: G3996 for G3754 they G846 shall be comforted. G3870 Blessed G3107 are the meek: G4239 for G3754 they G846 shall inherit G2816 the earth. G1093 Blessed G3107 are they which G3588 do hunger G3983 and G2532 thirst G1372 after righteousness: G1343 for G3754 they G846 shall be filled. G5526 Blessed G3107 are the merciful: G1655 for G3754 they G846 shall obtain mercy. G1653 Blessed G3107 are the pure G2513 in heart: G2588 for G3754 they G846 shall see G3700 God. G2316 Blessed G3107 are the peacemakers: G1518 for G3754 they G846 shall be called G2564 the children G5207 of God. G2316 Blessed G3107 are they which are persecuted G1377 for G1752 righteousness' sake: G1343 for G3754 theirs G846 is G2076 the kingdom G932 of heaven. G3772 Blessed G3107 are ye, G2075 when G3752 men shall revile G3679 you, G5209 and G2532 persecute G1377 you, and G2532 shall say G2036 all manner G3956 of evil G4190 G4487 against G2596 you G5216 falsely, G5574 for my sake. G1752 G1700 Rejoice, G5463 and G2532 be exceeding glad: G21 for G3754 great G4183 is your G5216 reward G3408 in G1722 heaven: G3772 for G1063 so G3779 persecuted they G1377 the prophets G4396 which G3588 were before G4253 you. G5216

Isaiah 61:10 STRONG

I will greatly H7797 rejoice H7797 in the LORD, H3068 my soul H5315 shall be joyful H1523 in my God; H430 for he hath clothed H3847 me with the garments H899 of salvation, H3468 he hath covered H3271 me with the robe H4598 of righteousness, H6666 as a bridegroom H2860 decketh H3547 himself with ornaments, H6287 and as a bride H3618 adorneth H5710 herself with her jewels. H3627

Isaiah 54:17 STRONG

No weapon H3627 that is formed H3335 against thee shall prosper; H6743 and every tongue H3956 that shall rise H6965 against thee in judgment H4941 thou shalt condemn. H7561 This is the heritage H5159 of the servants H5650 of the LORD, H3068 and their righteousness H6666 is of me, saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Isaiah 51:8 STRONG

For the moth H6211 shall eat them up H398 like a garment, H899 and the worm H5580 shall eat H398 them like wool: H6785 but my righteousness H6666 shall be for ever, H5769 and my salvation H3444 from generation H1755 to generation. H1755

Isaiah 51:5-6 STRONG

My righteousness H6664 is near; H7138 my salvation H3468 is gone forth, H3318 and mine arms H2220 shall judge H8199 the people; H5971 the isles H339 shall wait H6960 upon me, and on mine arm H2220 shall they trust. H3176 Lift up H5375 your eyes H5869 to the heavens, H8064 and look H5027 upon the earth H776 beneath: for the heavens H8064 shall vanish away H4414 like smoke, H6227 and the earth H776 shall wax old H1086 like a garment, H899 and they that dwell H3427 therein shall die H4191 in like H3644 manner: H3654 but my salvation H3444 shall be for ever, H5769 and my righteousness H6666 shall not be abolished. H2865

Isaiah 45:17 STRONG

But Israel H3478 shall be saved H3467 in the LORD H3068 with an everlasting H5769 salvation: H8668 ye shall not be ashamed H954 nor confounded H3637 world H5769 without end. H5703

Isaiah 33:15-17 STRONG

He that walketh H1980 righteously, H6666 and speaketh H1696 uprightly; H4339 he that despiseth H3988 the gain H1215 of oppressions, H4642 that shaketh H5287 his hands H3709 from holding H8551 of bribes, H7810 that stoppeth H331 his ears H241 from hearing H8085 of blood, H1818 and shutteth H6105 his eyes H5869 from seeing H7200 evil; H7451 He shall dwell H7931 on high: H4791 his place of defence H4869 shall be the munitions H4679 of rocks: H5553 bread H3899 shall be given H5414 him; his waters H4325 shall be sure. H539 Thine eyes H5869 shall see H2372 the king H4428 in his beauty: H3308 they shall behold H7200 the land H776 that is very far off. H4801

Isaiah 12:2 STRONG

Behold, God H410 is my salvation; H3444 I will trust, H982 and not be afraid: H6342 for the LORD H3050 JEHOVAH H3068 is my strength H5797 and my song; H2176 he also is become my salvation. H3444

Psalms 128:1-5 STRONG

[[A Song H7892 of degrees.]] H4609 Blessed H835 is every one that feareth H3373 the LORD; H3068 that walketh H1980 in his ways. H1870 For thou shalt eat H398 the labour H3018 of thine hands: H3709 happy H835 shalt thou be, and it shall be well H2896 with thee. Thy wife H802 shall be as a fruitful H6509 vine H1612 by the sides H3411 of thine house: H1004 thy children H1121 like olive H2132 plants H8363 round about H5439 thy table. H7979 Behold, that thus shall the man H1397 be blessed H1288 that feareth H3373 the LORD. H3068 The LORD H3068 shall bless H1288 thee out of Zion: H6726 and thou shalt see H7200 the good H2898 of Jerusalem H3389 all the days H3117 of thy life. H2416

Psalms 115:12-13 STRONG

The LORD H3068 hath been mindful H2142 of us: he will bless H1288 us; he will bless H1288 the house H1004 of Israel; H3478 he will bless H1288 the house H1004 of Aaron. H175 He will bless H1288 them that fear H3373 the LORD, H3068 both small H6996 and great. H1419

Psalms 72:17 STRONG

His name H8034 shall endure for ever: H5769 his name H8034 shall be continued H5125 H5125 as long as H6440 the sun: H8121 and men shall be blessed H1288 in him: all nations H1471 shall call him blessed. H833

Psalms 68:19 STRONG

Blessed H1288 be the Lord, H136 who daily H3117 H3117 loadeth H6006 us with benefits, even the God H410 of our salvation. H3444 Selah. H5542

Psalms 67:6-7 STRONG

Then shall the earth H776 yield H5414 her increase; H2981 and God, H430 even our own God, H430 shall bless H1288 us. God H430 shall bless H1288 us; and all the ends H657 of the earth H776 shall fear H3372 him.

Psalms 50:23 STRONG

Whoso offereth H2076 praise H8426 glorifieth H3513 me: and to him that ordereth H7760 his conversation H1870 aright will I shew H7200 the salvation H3468 of God. H430

Commentary on Psalms 24 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 24:1-10. God's supreme sovereignty requires a befitting holiness of life and heart in His worshippers; a sentiment sublimely illustrated by describing His entrance into the sanctuary, by the symbol of His worship—the ark, as requiring the most profound homage to the glory of His Majesty.

1. fulness—everything.

world—the habitable globe, with

they that dwell—forming a parallel expression to the first clause.

2. Poetically represents the facts of Ge 1:9.

3, 4. The form of a question gives vivacity. Hands, tongue, and heart are organs of action, speech, and feeling, which compose character.

hill of the Lord—(compare Ps 2:6, &c.). His Church—the true or invisible, as typified by the earthly sanctuary.

4. lifted up his soul—is to set the affections (Ps 25:1) on an object; here,

vanity—or, any false thing, of which swearing falsely, or to falsehood, is a specification.

5. righteousness—the rewards which God bestows on His people, or the grace to secure those rewards as well as the result.

6. Jacob—By "Jacob," we may understand God's people (compare Isa 43:22; 44:2, &c.), corresponding to "the generation," as if he had said, "those who seek Thy face are Thy chosen people."

7-10. The entrance of the ark, with the attending procession, into the holy sanctuary is pictured to us. The repetition of the terms gives emphasis.

10. Lord of hosts—or fully, Lord God of hosts (Ho 12:5; Am 4:13), describes God by a title indicative of supremacy over all creatures, and especially the heavenly armies (Jos 5:14; 1Ki 22:19). Whether, as some think, the actual enlargement of the ancient gates of Jerusalem be the basis of the figure, the effect of the whole is to impress us with a conception of the matchless majesty of God.