Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 25 » Verse 16

Psalms 25:16 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

16 Turn H6437 thee unto me, and have mercy H2603 upon me; for I am desolate H3173 and afflicted. H6041

Cross Reference

Psalms 86:16 STRONG

O turn H6437 unto me, and have mercy H2603 upon me; give H5414 thy strength H5797 unto thy servant, H5650 and save H3467 the son H1121 of thine handmaid. H519

Psalms 143:4 STRONG

Therefore is my spirit H7307 overwhelmed H5848 within me; my heart H3820 within H8432 me is desolate. H8074

Psalms 60:1 STRONG

[[To the chief Musician H5329 upon Shushaneduth, H7802 Michtam H4387 of David, H1732 to teach; H3925 when he strove H5327 with Aramnaharaim H763 H5104 and with Aramzobah, H760 when Joab H3097 returned, H7725 and smote H5221 of Edom H123 in the valley H1516 of salt H4417 twelve H8147 H6240 thousand.]] H505 O God, H430 thou hast cast us off, H2186 thou hast scattered H6555 us, thou hast been displeased; H599 O turn thyself to us again. H7725

Psalms 69:14-20 STRONG

Deliver H5337 me out of the mire, H2916 and let me not sink: H2883 let me be delivered H5337 from them that hate H8130 me, and out of the deep H4615 waters. H4325 Let not the waterflood H4325 H7641 overflow H7857 me, neither let the deep H4688 swallow me up, H1104 and let not the pit H875 shut H332 her mouth H6310 upon me. Hear H6030 me, O LORD; H3068 for thy lovingkindness H2617 is good: H2896 turn H6437 unto me according to the multitude H7230 of thy tender mercies. H7356 And hide H5641 not thy face H6440 from thy servant; H5650 for I am in trouble: H6887 hear H6030 me speedily. H4118 Draw nigh H7126 unto my soul, H5315 and redeem H1350 it: deliver H6299 me because of mine enemies. H341 Thou hast known H3045 my reproach, H2781 and my shame, H1322 and my dishonour: H3639 mine adversaries H6887 are all before thee. Reproach H2781 hath broken H7665 my heart; H3820 and I am full of heaviness: H5136 and I looked H6960 for some to take pity, H5110 but there was none; and for comforters, H5162 but I found H4672 none.

Psalms 88:15-18 STRONG

I am afflicted H6041 and ready to die H1478 from my youth H5290 up: while I suffer H5375 thy terrors H367 I am distracted. H6323 Thy fierce wrath H2740 goeth over H5674 me; thy terrors H1161 have cut me off. H6789 They came round about H5437 me daily H3117 like water; H4325 they compassed H5362 me about together. H3162 Lover H157 and friend H7453 hast thou put far H7368 from me, and mine acquaintance H3045 into darkness. H4285

Daniel 9:17 STRONG

Now therefore, O our God, H430 hear H8085 the prayer H8605 of thy servant, H5650 and his supplications, H8469 and cause thy face H6440 to shine H215 upon thy sanctuary H4720 that is desolate, H8076 for the Lord's H136 sake.

Micah 7:19 STRONG

He will turn again, H7725 he will have compassion H7355 upon us; he will subdue H3533 our iniquities; H5771 and thou wilt cast H7993 all their sins H2403 into the depths H4688 of the sea. H3220

Mark 15:33-35 STRONG

And G1161 when G1096 the sixth G1623 hour G5610 was come, G1096 there was G1096 darkness G4655 over G1909 the whole G3650 land G1093 until G2193 the ninth G1766 hour. G5610 And G2532 at the ninth G1766 hour G5610 Jesus G2424 cried G994 with a loud G3173 voice, G5456 saying, G3004 Eloi, G1682 Eloi, G1682 lama G2982 sabachthani? G4518 which G3739 is, G2076 being interpreted, G3177 My G3450 God, G2316 my G3450 God, G2316 why G5101 hast G1519 thou forsaken G1459 me? G3165 And G2532 some of them G5100 that stood by, G3936 when they heard G191 it, said, G3004 Behold, G2400 he calleth G5455 Elias. G2243

Commentary on Psalms 25 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 25:1-22. The general tone of this Psalm is that of prayer for help from enemies. Distress, however, exciting a sense of sin, humble confession, supplication for pardon, preservation from sin, and divine guidance, are prominent topics.

1. lift up my soul—(Ps 24:4; 86:4), set my affections (compare Col 3:2).

2. not be ashamed—by disappointment of hopes of relief.

3. The prayer generalized as to all who wait on God—that is, who expect His favor. On the other hand, the disappointment of the perfidious, who, unprovoked, have done evil, is invoked (compare 2Sa 22:9).

4, 5. On the ground of former favor, he invokes divine guidance, according to God's gracious ways of dealing and faithfulness.

6, 7. Confessing past and present sins, he pleads for mercy, not on palliations of sin, but on God's well-known benevolence.

8, 9. upright—acting according to His promise.

sinners—the general term, limited by the

meek—who are penitent.

the way—and his way—God's way of providence.

9. in judgment—rightly.

10. paths—similar sense—His modes of dealing (compare Ps 25:4).

mercy and truth—(Job 14:1-22), God's grace in promising and faithfulness in performing.

11. God's perfections of love, mercy, goodness, and truth are manifested (his name, compare Ps 9:10) in pardoning sin, and the greatness of sin renders pardon more needed.

12, 13. What he asks for himself is the common lot of all the pious.

13. inherit the earth—(compare Mt 5:5). The phrase, alluding to the promise of Canaan, expresses all the blessings included in that promise, temporal as well as spiritual.

14. The reason of the blessing explained—the pious enjoy communion with God (compare Pr 3:21, 12), and, of course, learn His gracious terms of pardon.

15. His trust in God is fixed.

net—is frequently used as a figure for dangers by enemies (Ps 9:15; 10:9).

16-19. A series of earnest appeals for aid because God had seemed to desert him (compare Ps 13:1; 17:13, &c.), his sins oppressed him, his enemies had enlarged his troubles and were multiplied, increasing in hate and violence (Ps 9:8; 18:48).

20. keep my soul—(Ps 16:1).

put my trust—flee for refuge (Ps 2:12).

21. In conscious innocence of the faults charged by his enemies, he confidently commits his cause to God. Some refer—

integrity, &c.—to God, meaning His covenant faithfulness. This sense, though good, is an unusual application of the terms.

22. Extend these blessings to all Thy people in all their distresses.