Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 31 » Verse 19-20

Psalms 31:19-20 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

19 Oh how great H7227 is thy goodness, H2898 which thou hast laid up H6845 for them that fear H3373 thee; which thou hast wrought H6466 for them that trust H2620 in thee before the sons H1121 of men! H120

20 Thou shalt hide H5641 them in the secret H5643 of thy presence H6440 from the pride H7407 of man: H376 thou shalt keep them secretly H6845 in a pavilion H5521 from the strife H7379 of tongues. H3956

Commentary on Psalms 31 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 31:1-24. The prayer of a believer in time of deep distress. In the first part, cries for help are mingled with expressions of confidence. Then the detail of griefs engrosses his attention, till, in the assurance of strong but submissive faith, he rises to the language of unmingled joyful trust and exhorts others to like love and confidence towards God.

1. Expresses the general tone of feeling of the Psalm.

2-4. He seeks help in God's righteous government (Ps 5:8), and begs for an attentive hearing, and speedy and effectual aid. With no other help and no claim of merit, he relies solely on God's regard to His own perfections for a safe guidance and release from the snares of his enemies. On the terms "rock," &c., (compare Ps 17:2; 18:2, 50; 20:6; 23:3; 25:21).

5, 6. commit my spirit—my life, or myself. Our Saviour used the words on the Cross [Lu 23:46], not as prophetical, but, as many pious men have done, as expressive of His unshaken confidence in God. The Psalmist rests on God's faithfulness to His promises to His people, and hence avows himself one of them, detesting all who revere objects of idolatry (compare De 32:21; 1Co 8:4).

7. hast known my soul, &c.—had regard to me in trouble.

8. shut me up … enemy—abandon to (1Sa 23:11).

large room—place of safety (compare Ps 18:19).

9, 10. mine eye, &c.—denotes extreme weakness (compare Ps 6:7).

grief—mingled sorrow and indignation (Ps 6:7).

soul and … belly—the whole person.

10. Though the effects ascribed to grief are not mere figures of speech—

spent … consumed—must be taken in the modified sense of wasted and decayed.

iniquity—or, suffering by it (see on Ps 40:12).

11. among—or, literally, "from," or, "by" my enemies. The latter clauses describe the progress of his disgrace to the lowest degree, till,

12. he is forgotten as one dead, and contemned as a useless broken vessel.

13. For—introduces further reasons for his prayer, the unjust, deliberate, and murderous purposes of his foes.

14-18. In his profession of trust he includes the terms of the prayer expressing it.

15. times—course of life.

deliver … hand—opposed to "shut me up," &c., of Ps 31:8.

16. Make … shine—(Compare Nu 6:25; Ps 4:6). Deprecating from himself, he imprecates on the wicked God's displeasure, and prays that their virulent persecution of him may be stopped.

19-21. God displays openly His purposed goodness to His people.

20. the secret of thy presence—or, covering of Thy countenance; the protection He thus affords; compare Ps 27:5 for a similar figure; "dwelling" used there for "presence" here. The idea of security further presented by the figure of a tent and a fortified city [Ps 31:21].

22. For I said—literally, "And I said," in an adversative sense. I, thus favored, was despondent.

in my haste—in my terror.

cut off … eyes—from all the protection of Thy presence.

23, 24. the Lord … proud doer—literally, "the Lord is keeping faith," that is, with His people, and is repaying, &c. Then let none despair, but take courage; their hopes shall not be in vain.