Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 33 » Verse 8

Psalms 33:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 Let all the earth H776 fear H3372 the LORD: H3068 let all the inhabitants H3427 of the world H8398 stand in awe H1481 of him.

Cross Reference

Psalms 22:27 STRONG

All the ends H657 of the world H776 shall remember H2142 and turn H7725 unto the LORD: H3068 and all the kindreds H4940 of the nations H1471 shall worship H7812 before H6440 thee.

Psalms 67:7 STRONG

God H430 shall bless H1288 us; and all the ends H657 of the earth H776 shall fear H3372 him.

Psalms 76:7 STRONG

Thou, even thou, art to be feared: H3372 and who may stand H5975 in thy sight H6440 when H227 once thou art angry? H639

Psalms 96:9-10 STRONG

O worship H7812 the LORD H3068 in the beauty H1927 of holiness: H6944 fear H2342 before H6440 him, all the earth. H776 Say H559 among the heathen H1471 that the LORD H3068 reigneth: H4427 the world H8398 also shall be established H3559 that it shall not be moved: H4131 he shall judge H1777 the people H5971 righteously. H4339

Jeremiah 10:7-12 STRONG

Who would not fear H3372 thee, O King H4428 of nations? H1471 for to thee doth it appertain: H2969 forasmuch as among all the wise H2450 men of the nations, H1471 and in all their kingdoms, H4438 there is none like unto thee. But they are altogether H259 brutish H1197 and foolish: H3688 the stock H6086 is a doctrine H4148 of vanities. H1892 Silver H3701 spread into plates H7554 is brought H935 from Tarshish, H8659 and gold H2091 from Uphaz, H210 the work H4639 of the workman, H2796 and of the hands H3027 of the founder: H6884 blue H8504 and purple H713 is their clothing: H3830 they are all the work H4639 of cunning H2450 men. But the LORD H3068 is the true H571 God, H430 he is the living H2416 God, H430 and an everlasting H5769 king: H4428 at his wrath H7110 the earth H776 shall tremble, H7493 and the nations H1471 shall not be able to abide H3557 his indignation. H2195 Thus H1836 shall ye say H560 unto them, The gods H426 that have not H3809 made H5648 the heavens H8065 and the earth, H778 even they shall perish H7 from the earth, H772 and from under H8460 these H429 heavens. H8065 He hath made H6213 the earth H776 by his power, H3581 he hath established H3559 the world H8398 by his wisdom, H2451 and hath stretched out H5186 the heavens H8064 by his discretion. H8394

Daniel 6:25-26 STRONG

Then H116 king H4430 Darius H1868 wrote H3790 unto all H3606 people, H5972 nations, H524 and languages, H3961 that dwell H1753 in all H3606 the earth; H772 Peace H8001 be multiplied H7680 unto you. I H4481 H6925 make H7761 a decree, H2942 That in every H3606 dominion H7985 of my kingdom H4437 men tremble H1934 H2112 and fear H1763 before H4481 H6925 the God H426 of Daniel: H1841 for he is the living H2417 God, H426 and stedfast H7011 for ever, H5957 and his kingdom H4437 that which shall not H3809 be destroyed, H2255 and his dominion H7985 shall be even unto H5705 the end. H5491

Hebrews 12:29 STRONG

For G2532 G1063 our G2257 God G2316 is a consuming G2654 fire. G4442

Revelation 14:6-7 STRONG

And G2532 I saw G1492 another G243 angel G32 fly G4072 in G1722 the midst of heaven, G3321 having G2192 the everlasting G166 gospel G2098 to preach G2097 unto them that dwell G2730 on G1909 the earth, G1093 and G2532 to every G3956 nation, G1484 and G2532 kindred, G5443 and G2532 tongue, G1100 and G2532 people, G2992 Saying G3004 with G1722 a loud G3173 voice, G5456 Fear G5399 God, G2316 and G2532 give G1325 glory G1391 to him; G846 for G3754 the hour G5610 of his G846 judgment G2920 is come: G2064 and G2532 worship G4352 him that made G4160 heaven, G3772 and G2532 earth, G1093 and G2532 the sea, G2281 and G2532 the fountains G4077 of waters. G5204

Revelation 15:4 STRONG

Who G5101 shall G5399 not G3364 fear G5399 thee, G4571 O Lord, G2962 and G2532 glorify G1392 thy G4675 name? G3686 for G3754 thou only G3441 art holy: G3741 for G3754 all G3956 nations G1484 shall come G2240 and G2532 worship G4352 before G1799 thee; G4675 for G3754 thy G4675 judgments G1345 are made manifest. G5319

Commentary on Psalms 33 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 33:1-22. A call to lively and joyous praise to God for His glorious attributes and works, as displayed in creation, and His general and special providence, in view of which, the Psalmist, for all the pious, professes trust and joy and invokes God's mercy.

1-3. The sentiment falls in with Ps 32:11 (compare 1Co 14:15). The instruments (Ps 92:3; 144:9) do not exclude the voice.

3. a new song—fresh, adapted to the occasion (Ps 40:3; 96:1).

play skilfully—(Compare 1Sa 16:17).

4-9. Reasons for praise: first, God's truth, faithfulness, and mercy, generally; then, His creative power which all must honor.

6. In "word" and "breath"—or, "spirit," there may be an allusion to the Son (Joh 1:1) and Holy Spirit.

9. he spake—literally, "said."

it was—The addition of "done" weakens the sense (compare Ge 1:3-10).

10, 11. In God's providence He thwarts men's purposes and executes His own.

heathen—literally, "nations."

12-19. The inference from the foregoing in Ps 33:12 is illustrated by God's special providence, underlying which is His minute knowledge of all men.

13. looketh—intently (Isa 14:16).

15. fashioneth—or, "forms," and hence knows and controls (Pr 21:1).

alike—without exception.

considereth—or, "understands"; God knows men's motives.

16, 17. Men's usual reliances in their greatest exigencies are, in themselves, useless.

17. On the war horse (compare Job 39:19-25).

a vain thing—a lie, which deceives us.

18, 19. Contrasted is God's guidance and power to save from the greatest earthly evil and its most painful precursor, and hence from all.

20-22. waiteth—in earnest expectation.

21. his holy name—(Compare Ps 5:12; 22:22; 30:4). Our faith measures mercy (Mt 9:29); and if of grace, it is no more of debt (Ro 11:6).