Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 37 » Verse 15

Psalms 37:15 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

15 Their sword H2719 shall enter H935 into their own heart, H3820 and their bows H7198 shall be broken. H7665

Cross Reference

Psalms 7:14-15 STRONG

Behold, he travaileth H2254 with iniquity, H205 and hath conceived H2029 mischief, H5999 and brought forth H3205 falsehood. H8267 He made H3738 a pit, H953 and digged H2658 it, and is fallen H5307 into the ditch H7845 which he made. H6466

Psalms 35:8 STRONG

Let destruction H7722 come H935 upon him at unawares; H3045 H3808 and let his net H7568 that he hath hid H2934 catch H3920 himself: into that very destruction H7722 let him fall. H5307

Psalms 46:9 STRONG

He maketh wars H4421 to cease H7673 unto the end H7097 of the earth; H776 he breaketh H7665 the bow, H7198 and cutteth H7112 the spear H2595 in sunder; H7112 he burneth H8313 the chariot H5699 in the fire. H784

1 Samuel 2:4 STRONG

The bows H7198 of the mighty men H1368 are broken, H2844 and they that stumbled H3782 are girded H247 with strength. H2428

1 Samuel 31:4 STRONG

Then said H559 Saul H7586 unto his armourbearer, H5375 H3627 Draw H8025 thy sword, H2719 and thrust me through H1856 therewith; lest these uncircumcised H6189 come H935 and thrust me through, H1856 and abuse H5953 me. But his armourbearer H5375 H3627 would H14 not; for he was sore H3966 afraid. H3372 Therefore Saul H7586 took H3947 a sword, H2719 and fell H5307 upon it.

2 Samuel 17:23 STRONG

And when Ahithophel H302 saw H7200 that his counsel H6098 was not followed, H6213 he saddled H2280 his ass, H2543 and arose, H6965 and gat him home H3212 to his house, H1004 to his city, H5892 and put his household H1004 in order, H6680 and hanged H2614 himself, and died, H4191 and was buried H6912 in the sepulchre H6913 of his father. H1

Esther 7:9-10 STRONG

And Harbonah, H2726 one H259 of the chamberlains, H5631 said H559 before H6440 the king, H4428 Behold also, the gallows H6086 fifty H2572 cubits H520 high, H1364 which Haman H2001 had made H6213 for Mordecai, H4782 who had spoken H1696 good H2896 for the king, H4428 standeth H5975 in the house H1004 of Haman. H2001 Then the king H4428 said, H559 Hang H8518 him thereon. So they hanged H8518 Haman H2001 on the gallows H6086 that he had prepared H3559 for Mordecai. H4782 Then was the king's H4428 wrath H2534 pacified. H7918

Psalms 76:3-6 STRONG

There brake H7665 he the arrows H7565 of the bow, H7198 the shield, H4043 and the sword, H2719 and the battle. H4421 Selah. H5542 Thou art more glorious H215 and excellent H117 than the mountains H2042 of prey. H2964 The stouthearted H47 H3820 are spoiled, H7997 they have slept H5123 their sleep: H8142 and none of the men H582 of might H2428 have found H4672 their hands. H3027 At thy rebuke, H1606 O God H430 of Jacob, H3290 both the chariot H7393 and horse H5483 are cast into a dead sleep. H7290

Isaiah 37:38 STRONG

And it came to pass, as he was worshipping H7812 in the house H1004 of Nisroch H5268 his god, H430 that Adrammelech H152 and Sharezer H8272 his sons H1121 smote H5221 him with the sword; H2719 and they escaped H4422 into the land H776 of Armenia: H780 and Esarhaddon H634 his son H1121 reigned H4427 in his stead.

Jeremiah 51:56 STRONG

Because the spoiler H7703 is come H935 upon her, even upon Babylon, H894 and her mighty men H1368 are taken, H3920 every one of their bows H7198 is broken: H2865 for the LORD H3068 God H410 of recompences H1578 shall surely H7999 requite. H7999

Hosea 1:5 STRONG

And it shall come to pass at that day, H3117 that I will break H7665 the bow H7198 of Israel H3478 in the valley H6010 of Jezreel. H3157

Hosea 2:18 STRONG

And in that day H3117 will I make H3772 a covenant H1285 for them with the beasts H2416 of the field, H7704 and with the fowls H5775 of heaven, H8064 and with the creeping things H7431 of the ground: H127 and I will break H7665 the bow H7198 and the sword H2719 and the battle H4421 out of the earth, H776 and will make them to lie down H7901 safely. H983

Micah 5:6 STRONG

And they shall waste H7462 the land H776 of Assyria H804 with the sword, H2719 and the land H776 of Nimrod H5248 in the entrances H6607 thereof: thus shall he deliver H5337 us from the Assyrian, H804 when he cometh H935 into our land, H776 and when he treadeth H1869 within our borders. H1366

Matthew 27:4-5 STRONG

Saying, G3004 I have sinned G264 in that I have betrayed G3860 the innocent G121 blood. G129 And G1161 they said, G2036 What G5101 is that to G4314 us? G2248 see G3700 thou G4771 to that. And G2532 he cast down G4496 the pieces of silver G694 in G1722 the temple, G3485 and departed, G402 and G2532 went G565 and hanged himself. G519

Commentary on Psalms 37 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 37:1-40. A composed and uniform trust in God and a constant course of integrity are urged in view of the blessedness of the truly pious, contrasted in various aspects with the final ruin of the wicked. Thus the wisdom and justice of God's providence are vindicated, and its seeming inequalities, which excite the cavils of the wicked and the distrust of the pious, are explained. David's personal history abundantly illustrates the Psalm.

1, 2. The general sentiment of the whole Psalm is expressed. The righteous need not be vexed by the prosperity of the wicked; for it is transient, and their destiny undesirable.

3. Trust—sure of safety.

shalt thou dwell—or, "dwell thou"; repose quietly.

verily … fed—or, "feed on truth," God's promise (Ps 36:5; compare Ho 12:1).

4. desires—(Ps 20:5; 21:2), what is lawful and right, really good (Ps 84:11).

5. Commit thy way—(Pr 16:3). Works—what you have to do and cannot set forth as a burden.

trust … in him—literally, "on Him." He will do what you cannot (compare Ps 22:8; 31:6). He will not suffer your character to remain under suspicion.

7, 8. Rest in—literally, "Be silent to the Lord."

and wait—Be submissive—avoid petulance and murmurings, anger and rash doing.

9. Two reasons: The prosperity of the wicked is short; and the pious, by humble trust, will secure all covenant blessing, denoted here by "inherit the earth" (compare Ps 25:13).

10, 11. shall not be—literally, "is not"—is not to be found.

11. peace—includes prosperity.

12. gnasheth … teeth—in beastly rage.

13. (Compare Ps 2:4).

seeth—knows certainly.

his day—of punishment, long delayed, shall yet come (Heb 10:37).

14, 15. sword, and … bow—for any instruments of violence.

slay—literally, "slaughter" (1Sa 25:11).

poor and needy—God's people (Ps 10:17; 12:5). The punishment of the wicked as drawn on themselves—often mentioned (compare Ps 7:15, 16; 35:8).

16. riches—literally, "noise and tumult," as incidental to much wealth (compare Ps 39:6). Thus the contrast with the "little" of one man is more vivid.

17. Even the members of the body needed to hold weapons are destroyed.

18, 19. God, who knows His people's changes, provides against evil and supplies all their need.

20. While the wicked, however mighty, are destroyed, and that utterly, as smoke which vanishes and leaves no trace.

21, 22. payeth not—not able; having grown poor (compare De 15:7). Ability of the one and inability of the other do not exclude moral dispositions. God's blessing or cursing makes the difference.

22. cut off—opposed to "inherit the earth" (compare Le 7:20, 21).

23, 24. steps—way, or, "course of life"; as ordered by God, failures will not be permanent.

26. his seed is blessed—literally, "for a blessing" (Ge 12:2; Ps 21:6). This position is still true as the rule of God's economy (1Ti 4:8; 6:6).

27-29. The exhortation is sustained by the assurance of God's essential rectitude in that providential government which provides perpetual blessings for the good, and perpetual misery for the wicked.

30, 31. The righteous described as to the elements of character, thought, word, and action.

31. steps—or, "goings"—for conduct which is unwavering (Ps 18:36).

32, 33. The devices of the wicked against the good fail because God acquits them.

34. On the contrary, the good are not only blessed, but made to see the ruin of their foes.

35, 36. of which a picture is given, under the figure of a flourishing tree (compare Margin), which soon withers.

36. he was not—(Compare Ps 37:10).

37. By "the end" is meant reward (Pr 23:18; 24:14), or expectation of success, as in Ps 37:38, which describes the end of the wicked in contrast, and that is cut off (compare Ps 73:17).

38. together—at once; entirely (Ps 4:8).

39, 40. strength—(Ps 27:1; 28:8).

trouble—straits (Ps 9:9; 10:1). In trust and quietness is the salvation of the pious from all foes and all their devices.