Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 37 » Verse 18

Psalms 37:18 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

18 The LORD H3068 knoweth H3045 the days H3117 of the upright: H8549 and their inheritance H5159 shall be for ever. H5769

Cross Reference

Psalms 1:6 STRONG

For the LORD H3068 knoweth H3045 the way H1870 of the righteous: H6662 but the way H1870 of the ungodly H7563 shall perish. H6

Psalms 103:17 STRONG

But the mercy H2617 of the LORD H3068 is from everlasting H5769 to H5704 everlasting H5769 upon them that fear H3373 him, and his righteousness H6666 unto children's H1121 children; H1121

Psalms 73:24 STRONG

Thou shalt guide H5148 me with thy counsel, H6098 and afterward H310 receive H3947 me to glory. H3519

Psalms 31:7 STRONG

I will be glad H1523 and rejoice H8055 in thy mercy: H2617 for thou hast considered H7200 my trouble; H6040 thou hast known H3045 my soul H5315 in adversities; H6869

Romans 6:23 STRONG

For G1063 the wages G3800 of sin G266 is death; G2288 but G1161 the gift G5486 of God G2316 is eternal G166 life G2222 through G1722 Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 our G2257 Lord. G2962

Revelation 11:3-5 STRONG

And G2532 I will give G1325 power unto my G3450 two G1417 witnesses, G3144 and G2532 they shall prophesy G4395 a thousand G5507 two hundred G1250 and threescore G1835 days, G2250 clothed in G4016 sackcloth. G4526 These G3778 are G1526 the two G1417 olive G1636 trees, and G2532 the two G1417 candlesticks G3087 standing G2476 before G1799 the God G2316 of the earth. G1093 And G2532 if any man G1536 G846 will G2309 hurt G91 them, G846 fire G4442 proceedeth G1607 out of G1537 their G846 mouth, G4750 and G2532 devoureth G2719 their G846 enemies: G2190 and G2532 if any man G1536 will G2309 hurt G91 them, G846 he must G1163 in this manner G3779 be killed. G615

1 John 2:25 STRONG

And G2532 this G3778 is G2076 the promise G1860 that G3739 he G846 hath promised G1861 us, G2254 even eternal G166 life. G2222

1 Peter 1:4-5 STRONG

To G1519 an inheritance G2817 incorruptible, G862 and G2532 undefiled, G283 and G2532 that fadeth not away, G263 reserved G5083 in G1722 heaven G3772 for G1519 you, G5209 Who G3588 are kept G5432 by G1722 the power G1411 of God G2316 through G1223 faith G4102 unto G1519 salvation G4991 ready G2092 to be revealed G601 in G1722 the last G2078 time. G2540

2 Timothy 4:2-4 STRONG

Preach G2784 the word; G3056 be instant G2186 in season, G2122 out of season; G171 reprove, G1651 rebuke, G2008 exhort G3870 with G1722 all G3956 longsuffering G3115 and G2532 doctrine. G1322 For G1063 the time G2540 will come G2071 when G3753 they will G430 not G3756 endure G430 sound G5198 doctrine; G1319 but G235 after G2596 their own G2398 lusts G1939 shall they heap G2002 to themselves G1438 teachers, G1320 having itching G2833 ears; G189 And G2532 they shall turn away G3303 G654 their ears G189 from G575 the truth, G225 and G1161 shall be turned G1624 unto G1909 fables. G3454

2 Timothy 3:1-5 STRONG

This G5124 know G1097 also, G1161 that G3754 in G1722 the last G2078 days G2250 perilous G5467 times G2540 shall come. G1764 For G1063 men G444 shall be G2071 lovers of their own selves, G5367 covetous, G5366 boasters, G213 proud, G5244 blasphemers, G989 disobedient G545 to parents, G1118 unthankful, G884 unholy, G462 Without natural affection, G794 trucebreakers, G786 false accusers, G1228 incontinent, G193 fierce, G434 despisers of those that are good, G865 Traitors, G4273 heady, G4312 highminded, G5187 lovers of pleasures G5369 more G3123 than G2228 lovers of God; G5377 Having G2192 a form G3446 of godliness, G2150 but G1161 denying G720 the power G1411 thereof: G846 from G2532 such G5128 turn away. G665

2 Timothy 2:19 STRONG

Nevertheless G3305 the foundation G2310 of God G2316 standeth G2476 sure, G4731 having G2192 this G5026 seal, G4973 The Lord G2962 knoweth G1097 them that are G5607 his. G846 And, G2532 Let G868 every one G3956 that nameth G3687 the name G3686 of Christ G5547 depart G868 from G575 iniquity. G93

Deuteronomy 33:25 STRONG

Thy shoes H4515 shall be iron H1270 and brass; H5178 and as thy days, H3117 so shall thy strength H1679 be.

Romans 5:21 STRONG

That G2443 as G5618 sin G266 hath reigned G936 unto G1722 death, G2288 even G2532 so G3779 might G936 grace G5485 reign G936 through G1223 righteousness G1343 unto G1519 eternal G166 life G2222 by G1223 Jesus G2424 Christ G5547 our G2257 Lord. G2962

Matthew 24:21-24 STRONG

For G1063 then G5119 shall be G2071 great G3173 tribulation, G2347 such as G3634 was G1096 not G3756 since G575 the beginning G746 of the world G2889 to this G2193 time, G3568 no, G3761 nor ever G3364 shall be. G1096 And G2532 except G1508 those G1565 days G2250 should be shortened, G2856 there G3756 should G302 no G3956 flesh G4561 be saved: G4982 but G1161 for G1223 the elect's sake G1588 those G1565 days G2250 shall be shortened. G2856 Then G5119 if G1437 any man G5100 shall say G2036 unto you, G5213 Lo, G2400 here G5602 is Christ, G5547 or G2228 there; G5602 believe G4100 it not. G3361 For G1063 there shall arise G1453 false Christs, G5580 and G2532 false prophets, G5578 and G2532 shall shew G1325 great G3173 signs G4592 and G2532 wonders; G5059 insomuch that, G5620 if G1487 it were possible, G1415 they shall deceive G4105 the very G2532 elect. G1588

Matthew 6:32 STRONG

(For G1063 after G1934 all G3956 these things G5023 do the Gentiles G1484 seek:) G1934 for G1063 your G5216 heavenly G3770 Father G3962 knoweth G1492 that G3754 ye have need G5535 of all G537 these things. G5130

Isaiah 60:21 STRONG

Thy people H5971 also shall be all righteous: H6662 they shall inherit H3423 the land H776 for ever, H5769 the branch H5342 of my planting, H4302 the work H4639 of my hands, H3027 that I may be glorified. H6286

Psalms 49:5 STRONG

Wherefore should I fear H3372 in the days H3117 of evil, H7451 when the iniquity H5771 of my heels H6120 shall compass H5437 me about?

Psalms 37:13 STRONG

The Lord H136 shall laugh H7832 at him: for he seeth H7200 that his day H3117 is coming. H935

Psalms 31:15 STRONG

My times H6256 are in thy hand: H3027 deliver H5337 me from the hand H3027 of mine enemies, H341 and from them that persecute H7291 me.

Psalms 21:4 STRONG

He asked H7592 life H2416 of thee, and thou gavest H5414 it him, even length H753 of days H3117 for ever H5769 and ever. H5703

Psalms 16:11 STRONG

Thou wilt shew H3045 me the path H734 of life: H2416 in thy presence H6440 is fulness H7648 of joy; H8057 at thy right hand H3225 there are pleasures H5273 for evermore. H5331

Commentary on Psalms 37 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 37:1-40. A composed and uniform trust in God and a constant course of integrity are urged in view of the blessedness of the truly pious, contrasted in various aspects with the final ruin of the wicked. Thus the wisdom and justice of God's providence are vindicated, and its seeming inequalities, which excite the cavils of the wicked and the distrust of the pious, are explained. David's personal history abundantly illustrates the Psalm.

1, 2. The general sentiment of the whole Psalm is expressed. The righteous need not be vexed by the prosperity of the wicked; for it is transient, and their destiny undesirable.

3. Trust—sure of safety.

shalt thou dwell—or, "dwell thou"; repose quietly.

verily … fed—or, "feed on truth," God's promise (Ps 36:5; compare Ho 12:1).

4. desires—(Ps 20:5; 21:2), what is lawful and right, really good (Ps 84:11).

5. Commit thy way—(Pr 16:3). Works—what you have to do and cannot set forth as a burden.

trust … in him—literally, "on Him." He will do what you cannot (compare Ps 22:8; 31:6). He will not suffer your character to remain under suspicion.

7, 8. Rest in—literally, "Be silent to the Lord."

and wait—Be submissive—avoid petulance and murmurings, anger and rash doing.

9. Two reasons: The prosperity of the wicked is short; and the pious, by humble trust, will secure all covenant blessing, denoted here by "inherit the earth" (compare Ps 25:13).

10, 11. shall not be—literally, "is not"—is not to be found.

11. peace—includes prosperity.

12. gnasheth … teeth—in beastly rage.

13. (Compare Ps 2:4).

seeth—knows certainly.

his day—of punishment, long delayed, shall yet come (Heb 10:37).

14, 15. sword, and … bow—for any instruments of violence.

slay—literally, "slaughter" (1Sa 25:11).

poor and needy—God's people (Ps 10:17; 12:5). The punishment of the wicked as drawn on themselves—often mentioned (compare Ps 7:15, 16; 35:8).

16. riches—literally, "noise and tumult," as incidental to much wealth (compare Ps 39:6). Thus the contrast with the "little" of one man is more vivid.

17. Even the members of the body needed to hold weapons are destroyed.

18, 19. God, who knows His people's changes, provides against evil and supplies all their need.

20. While the wicked, however mighty, are destroyed, and that utterly, as smoke which vanishes and leaves no trace.

21, 22. payeth not—not able; having grown poor (compare De 15:7). Ability of the one and inability of the other do not exclude moral dispositions. God's blessing or cursing makes the difference.

22. cut off—opposed to "inherit the earth" (compare Le 7:20, 21).

23, 24. steps—way, or, "course of life"; as ordered by God, failures will not be permanent.

26. his seed is blessed—literally, "for a blessing" (Ge 12:2; Ps 21:6). This position is still true as the rule of God's economy (1Ti 4:8; 6:6).

27-29. The exhortation is sustained by the assurance of God's essential rectitude in that providential government which provides perpetual blessings for the good, and perpetual misery for the wicked.

30, 31. The righteous described as to the elements of character, thought, word, and action.

31. steps—or, "goings"—for conduct which is unwavering (Ps 18:36).

32, 33. The devices of the wicked against the good fail because God acquits them.

34. On the contrary, the good are not only blessed, but made to see the ruin of their foes.

35, 36. of which a picture is given, under the figure of a flourishing tree (compare Margin), which soon withers.

36. he was not—(Compare Ps 37:10).

37. By "the end" is meant reward (Pr 23:18; 24:14), or expectation of success, as in Ps 37:38, which describes the end of the wicked in contrast, and that is cut off (compare Ps 73:17).

38. together—at once; entirely (Ps 4:8).

39, 40. strength—(Ps 27:1; 28:8).

trouble—straits (Ps 9:9; 10:1). In trust and quietness is the salvation of the pious from all foes and all their devices.