Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 45 » Verse 8

Psalms 45:8 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

8 All thy garments H899 smell of myrrh, H4753 and aloes, H174 and cassia, H7102 out of the ivory H8127 palaces, H1964 whereby H4482 they have made thee glad. H8055

Cross Reference

Song of Solomon 1:3 STRONG

Because of the savour H7381 of thy good H2896 ointments H8081 thy name H8034 is as ointment H8081 poured forth, H7324 therefore do the virgins H5959 love H157 thee.

2 Corinthians 2:14-16 STRONG

Now G1161 thanks G5485 be unto God, G2316 which always G3842 causeth G2358 us G2248 to triumph G2358 in G1722 Christ, G5547 and G2532 maketh manifest G5319 the savour G3744 of his G846 knowledge G1108 by G1223 us G2257 in G1722 every G3956 place. G5117 For G3754 we are G2070 unto God G2316 a sweet savour G2175 of Christ, G5547 in G1722 them that are saved, G4982 and G2532 in G1722 them that perish: G622 To G3739 the one G3303 we are the savour G3744 of death G2288 unto G1519 death; G2288 and G1161 to the other G3739 the savour G3744 of life G2222 unto G1519 life. G2222 And G2532 who G5101 is sufficient G2425 for G4314 these things? G5023

John 19:39 STRONG

And G1161 there came G2064 also G2532 Nicodemus, G3530 which G3588 at the first G4412 came G2064 to G4314 Jesus G2424 by night, G3571 and brought G5342 a mixture G3395 of myrrh G4666 and G2532 aloes, G250 about G5616 an hundred G1540 pound G3046 weight.

Song of Solomon 4:6 STRONG

Until the day H3117 break, H6315 and the shadows H6752 flee away, H5127 I will get H3212 me to the mountain H2022 of myrrh, H4753 and to the hill H1389 of frankincense. H3828

Matthew 2:11 STRONG

And G2532 when they were come G2064 into G1519 the house, G3614 they saw G2147 G1492 the young child G3813 with G3326 Mary G3137 his G846 mother, G3384 and G2532 fell down, G4098 and worshipped G4352 him: G846 and G2532 when they had opened G455 their G846 treasures, G2344 they presented G4374 unto him G846 gifts; G1435 gold, G5557 and G2532 frankincense, G3030 and G2532 myrrh. G4666

Song of Solomon 5:5 STRONG

I rose up H6965 to open H6605 to my beloved; H1730 and my hands H3027 dropped H5197 with myrrh, H4753 and my fingers H676 with sweet smelling H5674 myrrh, H4753 upon the handles H3709 of the lock. H4514

Hebrews 12:2 STRONG

Looking G872 unto G1519 Jesus G2424 the author G747 and G2532 finisher G5051 of our faith; G4102 who G3739 for G473 the joy G5479 that was set before G4295 him G846 endured G5278 the cross, G4716 despising G2706 the shame, G152 and G5037 is set down G2523 at G1722 the right hand G1188 of the throne G2362 of God. G2316

John 14:2 STRONG

In G1722 my G3450 Father's G3962 house G3614 are G1526 many G4183 mansions: G3438 if it were not G1490 so, I would have told G302 G2036 you. G5213 I go G4198 to prepare G2090 a place G5117 for you. G5213

Amos 3:15 STRONG

And I will smite H5221 the winter H2779 house H1004 with the summer H7019 house; H1004 and the houses H1004 of ivory H8127 shall perish, H6 and the great H7227 houses H1004 shall have an end, H5486 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Song of Solomon 5:13 STRONG

His cheeks H3895 are as a bed H6170 of spices, H1314 as sweet H4840 flowers: H4026 his lips H8193 like lilies, H7799 dropping H5197 sweet smelling H5674 myrrh. H4753

Exodus 30:23-24 STRONG

Take H3947 thou also unto thee principal H7218 spices, H1314 of pure H1865 myrrh H4753 five H2568 hundred H3967 shekels, and of sweet H1314 cinnamon H7076 half H4276 so much, H4276 even two hundred H3967 and fifty H2572 shekels, and of sweet H1314 calamus H7070 two hundred H3967 and fifty H2572 shekels, And of cassia H6916 five H2568 hundred H3967 shekels, after the shekel H8255 of the sanctuary, H6944 and of oil H8081 olive H2132 an hin: H1969

Song of Solomon 5:1 STRONG

I am come H935 into my garden, H1588 my sister, H269 my spouse: H3618 I have gathered H717 my myrrh H4753 with my spice; H1313 I have eaten H398 my honeycomb H3293 with my honey; H1706 I have drunk H8354 my wine H3196 with my milk: H2461 eat, H398 O friends; H7453 drink, H8354 yea, drink abundantly, H7937 O beloved. H1730

Song of Solomon 4:13-14 STRONG

Thy plants H7973 are an orchard H6508 of pomegranates, H7416 with pleasant H4022 fruits; H6529 camphire, H3724 with spikenard, H5373 Spikenard H5373 and saffron; H3750 calamus H7070 and cinnamon, H7076 with all trees H6086 of frankincense; H3828 myrrh H4753 and aloes, H174 with all the chief H7218 spices: H1314

Song of Solomon 3:6 STRONG

Who is this that cometh H5927 out of the wilderness H4057 like pillars H8490 of smoke, H6227 perfumed H6999 with myrrh H4753 and frankincense, H3828 with all powders H81 of the merchant? H7402

Song of Solomon 1:13 STRONG

A bundle H6872 of myrrh H4753 is my wellbeloved H1730 unto me; he shall lie H3885 all night betwixt my breasts. H7699

Psalms 150:4 STRONG

Praise H1984 him with the timbrel H8596 and dance: H4234 praise H1984 him with stringed instruments H4482 and organs. H5748

Psalms 45:15 STRONG

With gladness H8057 and rejoicing H1524 shall they be brought: H2986 they shall enter H935 into the king's H4428 palace. H1964

Psalms 16:11 STRONG

Thou wilt shew H3045 me the path H734 of life: H2416 in thy presence H6440 is fulness H7648 of joy; H8057 at thy right hand H3225 there are pleasures H5273 for evermore. H5331

1 Kings 22:39 STRONG

Now the rest H3499 of the acts H1697 of Ahab, H256 and all that he did, H6213 and the ivory H8127 house H1004 which he made, H1129 and all the cities H5892 that he built, H1129 are they not written H3789 in the book H5612 of the chronicles H1697 H3117 of the kings H4428 of Israel? H3478

Commentary on Psalms 45 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 45:1-17. Shoshannim—literally, "Lilies," either descriptive of an instrument so shaped, or denoting some tune or air so called, after which the Psalm was to be sung (see on Ps 8:1, title). A song of loves, or, of beloved ones (plural and feminine)—a conjugal song. Maschil—(See on Ps 32:1, title, and Ps 42:1, title) denotes the didactic character of the Psalm; that it gives instruction, the song being of allegorical, and not literal, import. The union and glories of Christ and his Church are described. He is addressed as a king possessed of all essential graces, as a conqueror exalted on the throne of a righteous and eternal government, and as a bridegroom arrayed in nuptial splendor. The Church is portrayed in the purity and loveliness of a royally adorned and attended bride, invited to forsake her home and share the honors of her affianced lord. The picture of an Oriental wedding thus opened is filled up by representing the complimentary gifts of the wealthy with which the occasion is honored, the procession of the bride clothed in splendid raiment, attended by her virgin companions, and the entrance of the joyous throng into the palace of the king. A prediction of a numerous and distinguished progeny, instead of the complimentary wish for it usually expressed (compare Ge 24:60; Ru 4:11, 12), and an assurance of a perpetual fame, closes the Psalm. All ancient Jewish and Christian interpreters regarded this Psalm as an allegory of the purport above named. In the Song of Songs the allegory is carried out more fully. Hosea (Ho 1:1-3:5) treats the relation of God and His people under the same figure, and its use to set forth the relation of Christ and His Church runs through both parts of the Bible (compare Isa 54:5; 62:4, 5; Mt 22:3; 25:1; Joh 3:29; Eph 5:25-32, &c.). Other methods of exposition have been suggested. Several Jewish monarchs, from Solomon to the wicked Ahab, and various foreign princes, have been named as the hero of the song. But to none of them can the terms here used be shown to apply, and it is hardly probable that any mere nuptial song, especially of a heathen king, would be permitted a place in the sacred songs of the Jews. The advocates for any other than the Messianic interpretation have generally silenced each other in succession, while the application of the most rigorous rules of a fair system of interpretation has but strengthened the evidences in its favor. The scope of the Psalm above given is easy and sustained by the explication of its details. The quotation of Ps 45:6, 7 by Paul (Heb 1:8, 9), as applicable to Christ, ought to be conclusive, and their special exposition shows the propriety of such an application.

1. An animated preface indicative of strong emotion. Literally, "My heart overflows: a good matter I speak; the things which I have made," &c.

inditing—literally, "boiling up," as a fountain overflows.

my tongue is the pen—a mere instrument of God's use.

of a ready writer—that is, it is fluent. The theme is inspiring and language flows fast.

2. To rich personal attractions is added grace of the lips, captivating powers of speech. This is given, and becomes a source of power and proves a blessing. Christ is a prophet (Lu 4:22).

3, 4. The king is addressed as ready to go forth to battle.

sword—(Compare Re 1:16; 19:15).

mighty—(Compare Isa 9:6).

glory and … majesty—generally used as divine attributes (Ps 96:6; 104:1; 111:3), or as specially conferred on mortals (Ps 21:5), perhaps these typically.

4. ride prosperously—or conduct a successful war.

because of—for the interests of truth, &c.

meekness … righteousness—without any connection—that is, a righteousness or equity of government, distinguished by meekness or condescension (Ps 18:35).

right hand—or power, as its organ.

shall teach thee—point the way to terrible things; that is, in conquest of enemies.

5. The result.

people—Whole nations are subdued.

6. No lawful construction can be devised to change the sense here given and sustained by the ancient versions, and above all by Paul (Heb 1:8). Of the perpetuity of this government, compare 2Sa 7:13; Ps 10:16; 72:5; 89:4; 110:4; Isa 9:7.

7. As in Ps 45:6 the divine nature is made prominent, here the moral qualities of the human are alleged as the reason or ground of the mediatorial exultation. Some render "O God, thy God," instead of

God, thy God—but the latter is sustained by the same form (Ps 50:7), and it was only of His human nature that the anointing could be predicated (compare Isa 61:3).

oil of gladness—or token of gladness, as used in feasts and other times of solemn joy (compare 1Ki 1:39, 40).

fellows—other kings.

8. The king thus inaugurated is now presented as a bridegroom, who appears in garments richly perfumed, brought out from

ivory palaces—His royal residence; by which, as indications of the happy bridal occasion, He has been gladdened.

9. In completion of this picture of a marriage festival, female attendants or bridesmaids of the highest rank attend Him, while the queen, in rich apparel (Ps 45:13), stands ready for the nuptial procession.

10, 11. She is invited to the union, for forming which she must leave her father's people. She representing, by the form of the allegory, the Church, this address is illustrated by all those scriptures, from Ge 12:1 on, which speak of the people of God as a chosen, separate, and peculiar people. The relation of subjection to her spouse at once accords with the law of marriage, as given in Ge 3:16; 18:12; Eph 5:22; 1Pe 3:5, 6, and the relation of the Church to Christ (Eph 5:24). The love of the husband is intimately connected with the entire devotion to which the bride is exhorted.

12. daughter of Tyre—(Ps 9:14); denotes the people. Tyre, celebrated for its great wealth, is selected to represent the richest nations, an idea confirmed by the next clause. These gifts are brought as means to conciliate the royal parties, representing the admitted subjection of the offerers. This well sets forth the exalted position of the Church and her head, whose moral qualities receive the homage of the world. The contribution of material wealth to sustain the institutions of the Church may be included (compare "riches of the Gentiles," Ps 72:10; Isa 60:5-10).

13. the king's daughter—a term of dignity. It may also intimate, with some allusion to the teaching of the allegory, that the bride of Christ, the Church, is the daughter of the great king, God.

within—Not only is her outward raiment costly, but all her apparel is of the richest texture.

wrought gold—gold embroidery, or cloth in which gold is woven.

14, 15. The progress of the procession is described; according to the usual custom the bride and attendants are conducted to the palace. Some for the words—

in raiment of needlework—propose another rendering, "on variegated (or embroidered) cloths"—that is, in the manner of the East, richly wrought tapestry was spread on the ground, on which the bride walked. As the dress had been already mentioned, this seems to be a probable translation.

15. shall they be brought—in solemn form (compare Job 10:19; 21:22). The entrance into the palace with great joy closes the scene. So shall the Church be finally brought to her Lord, and united amid the festivities of the holy beings in heaven.

16. As earthly monarchs govern widely extended empires by viceroys, this glorious king is represented as supplying all the principalities of earth with princes of his own numerous progeny.

17. The glories of this empire shall be as wide as the world and lasting as eternity.

therefore—Because thus glorious, the praise shall be universal and perpetual. Some writers have taxed their ingenuity to find in the history and fortunes of Christ and His Church exact parallels for every part of this splendid allegory, not excepting its gorgeous Oriental imagery. Thus, by the dresses of the king and queen, are thought to be meant the eminent endowments and graces of Christ and His people. The attendant women, supposed (though inconsistently it might seem with the inspired character of the work) to be concubines, are thought to represent the Gentile churches, and the bride the Jewish, &c. But it is evident that we cannot pursue such a mode of interpretation. For, following the allegory, we must suspend to the distant future the results of a union whose consummation as a marriage is still distant (compare Re 21:9). In fact, the imagery here and elsewhere sets before us the Church in two aspects. As a body, it is yet incomplete, the whole is yet ungathered. As a moral institution, it is yet imperfect. In the final catastrophe it will be complete and perfect. Thus, as a bride adorned, &c., it will be united with its Lord. Thus the union of Christ and the Church triumphant is set forth. On the other hand, in regard to its component parts, the relation of Christ as head, as husband, &c., already exists, and as these parts form an institution in this world, it is by His union with it, and the gifts and graces with which He endows it, that a spiritual seed arises and spreads in the world. Hence we must fix our minds only on the one simple but grand truth, that Christ loves the Church, is head over all things for it, raises it in His exaltation to the highest moral dignity—a dignity of which every, even the meanest, sincere disciple will partake. As to the time, then, in which this allegorical prophecy is to fulfilled, it may be said that no periods of time are specially designated. The characteristics of the relation of Christ and His Church are indicated, and we may suppose that the whole process of His exaltation from the declaration of His Sonship, by His resurrection, to the grand catastrophe of the final judgment, with all the collateral blessings to the Church and the world, lay before the vision of the inspired prophet.