Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 48 » Verse 4

Psalms 48:4 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

4 For, lo, the kings H4428 were assembled, H3259 they passed by H5674 together. H3162

Cross Reference

2 Samuel 10:6-19 STRONG

And when the children H1121 of Ammon H5983 saw H7200 that they stank H887 before David, H1732 the children H1121 of Ammon H5983 sent H7971 and hired H7936 the Syrians H758 of Bethrehob, H1050 and the Syrians H758 of Zoba, H6678 twenty H6242 thousand H505 footmen, H7273 and of king H4428 Maacah H4601 a thousand H505 men, H376 and of Ishtob H382 twelve H6240 H8147 thousand H505 men. H376 And when David H1732 heard H8085 of it, he sent H7971 Joab, H3097 and all the host H6635 of the mighty men. H1368 And the children H1121 of Ammon H5983 came out, H3318 and put the battle H4421 in array H6186 at the entering in H6607 of the gate: H8179 and the Syrians H758 of Zoba, H6678 and of Rehob, H7340 and Ishtob, H382 and Maacah, H4601 were by themselves H905 in the field. H7704 When Joab H3097 saw H7200 that the front H6440 of the battle H4421 was against him before H6440 and behind, H268 he chose H977 of all the choice H977 men of Israel, H3478 and put them in array H6186 against H7125 the Syrians: H758 And the rest H3499 of the people H5971 he delivered H5414 into the hand H3027 of Abishai H52 his brother, H251 that he might put them in array H6186 against H7125 the children H1121 of Ammon. H5983 And he said, H559 If the Syrians H758 be too strong H2388 for me, then thou shalt help H3444 me: but if the children H1121 of Ammon H5983 be too strong H2388 for thee, then I will come H1980 and help H3467 thee. Be of good courage, H2388 and let us play the men H2388 for our people, H5971 and for the cities H5892 of our God: H430 and the LORD H3068 do H6213 that which seemeth H5869 him good. H2896 And Joab H3097 drew nigh, H5066 and the people H5971 that were with him, unto the battle H4421 against the Syrians: H758 and they fled H5127 before H6440 him. And when the children H1121 of Ammon H5983 saw H7200 that the Syrians H758 were fled, H5127 then fled H5127 they also before H6440 Abishai, H52 and entered H935 into the city. H5892 So Joab H3097 returned H7725 from the children H1121 of Ammon, H5983 and came H935 to Jerusalem. H3389 And when the Syrians H758 saw H7200 that they were smitten H5062 before H6440 Israel, H3478 they gathered H622 themselves together. H3162 And Hadarezer H1928 sent, H7971 and brought out H3318 the Syrians H758 that were beyond H5676 the river: H5104 and they came H935 to Helam; H2431 and Shobach H7731 the captain H8269 of the host H6635 of Hadarezer H1928 went before H6440 them. And when it was told H5046 David, H1732 he gathered H622 all Israel H3478 together, H622 and passed over H5674 Jordan, H3383 and came H935 to Helam. H2431 And the Syrians H758 set themselves in array H6186 against H7125 David, H1732 and fought H3898 with him. And the Syrians H758 fled H5127 before H6440 Israel; H3478 and David H1732 slew H2026 the men of seven H7651 hundred H3967 chariots H7393 of the Syrians, H758 and forty H705 thousand H505 horsemen, H6571 and smote H5221 Shobach H7731 the captain H8269 of their host, H6635 who died H4191 there. And when all the kings H4428 that were servants H5650 to Hadarezer H1928 saw H7200 that they were smitten H5062 before H6440 Israel, H3478 they made peace H7999 with Israel, H3478 and served H5647 them. So the Syrians H758 feared H3372 to help H3467 the children H1121 of Ammon H5983 any more.

Revelation 17:12-14 STRONG

And G2532 the ten G1176 horns G2768 which G3739 thou sawest G1492 are G1526 ten G1176 kings, G935 which G3748 have received G2983 no G3768 kingdom G932 as yet; G3768 but G235 receive G2983 power G1849 as G5613 kings G935 one G3391 hour G5610 with G3326 the beast. G2342 These G3778 have G2192 one G3391 mind, G1106 and G2532 shall give G1239 their G1438 power G1411 and G2532 strength G1849 unto the beast. G2342 These G3778 shall make war G4170 with G3326 the Lamb, G721 and G2532 the Lamb G721 shall overcome G3528 them: G846 for G3754 he is G2076 Lord G2962 of lords, G2962 and G2532 King G935 of kings: G935 and G2532 they that are with G3326 him G846 are called, G2822 and G2532 chosen, G1588 and G2532 faithful. G4103

Psalms 83:2-8 STRONG

For, lo, thine enemies H341 make a tumult: H1993 and they that hate H8130 thee have lifted up H5375 the head. H7218 They have taken crafty H6191 counsel H5475 against thy people, H5971 and consulted H3289 against thy hidden ones. H6845 They have said, H559 Come, H3212 and let us cut them off H3582 from being a nation; H1471 that the name H8034 of Israel H3478 may be no more in remembrance. H2142 For they have consulted H3289 together H3162 with one consent: H3820 they are H3772 confederate H1285 against thee: The tabernacles H168 of Edom, H123 and the Ishmaelites; H3459 of Moab, H4124 and the Hagarenes; H1905 Gebal, H1381 and Ammon, H5983 and Amalek; H6002 the Philistines H6429 with the inhabitants H3427 of Tyre; H6865 Assur H804 also is joined H3867 with them: they have holpen H2220 the children H1121 of Lot. H3876 Selah. H5542

Isaiah 7:1 STRONG

And it came to pass in the days H3117 of Ahaz H271 the son H1121 of Jotham, H3147 the son H1121 of Uzziah, H5818 king H4428 of Judah, H3063 that Rezin H7526 the king H4428 of Syria, H758 and Pekah H6492 the son H1121 of Remaliah, H7425 king H4428 of Israel, H3478 went up H5927 toward Jerusalem H3389 to war H4421 against it, but could H3201 not prevail H3898 against it.

Isaiah 8:8-10 STRONG

And he shall pass H2498 through Judah; H3063 he shall overflow H7857 and go over, H5674 he shall reach H5060 even to the neck; H6677 and the stretching out H4298 of his wings H3671 shall fill H4393 the breadth H7341 of thy land, H776 O Immanuel. H6005 H410 Associate H7489 yourselves, O ye people, H5971 and ye shall be broken in pieces; H2865 and give ear, H238 all H3605 ye of far H4801 countries: H776 gird H247 yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces; H2865 gird H247 yourselves, and ye shall be broken in pieces. H2865 Take H5779 counsel H6098 together, H5779 and it shall come to nought; H6565 speak H1696 the word, H1697 and it shall not stand: H6965 for God H410 is with us.

Isaiah 10:8 STRONG

For he saith, H559 Are not my princes H8269 altogether H3162 kings? H4428

Isaiah 29:5-8 STRONG

Moreover the multitude H1995 of thy strangers H2114 shall be like small H1851 dust, H80 and the multitude H1995 of the terrible ones H6184 shall be as chaff H4671 that passeth away: H5674 yea, it shall be at an instant H6621 suddenly. H6597 Thou shalt be visited H6485 of the LORD H3068 of hosts H6635 with thunder, H7482 and with earthquake, H7494 and great H1419 noise, H6963 with storm H5492 and tempest, H5591 and the flame H3851 of devouring H398 fire. H784 And the multitude H1995 of all the nations H1471 that fight H6633 against Ariel, H740 even all that fight H6638 against her and her munition, H4685 and that distress H6693 her, shall be as a dream H2472 of a night H3915 vision. H2377 It shall even be as when an hungry H7457 man dreameth, H2492 and, behold, he eateth; H398 but he awaketh, H6974 and his soul H5315 is empty: H7386 or as when H834 a thirsty man H6771 dreameth, H2492 and, behold, he drinketh; H8354 but he awaketh, H6974 and, behold, he is faint, H5889 and his soul H5315 hath appetite: H8264 so shall the multitude H1995 of all the nations H1471 be, that fight H6633 against mount H2022 Zion. H6726

Revelation 19:20 STRONG

And G2532 the beast G2342 was taken, G4084 and G2532 with G3326 him G5127 the false prophet G5578 that wrought G4160 miracles G4592 before G1799 him, G846 with G1722 which G3739 he deceived G4105 them that had received G2983 the mark G5480 of the beast, G2342 and G2532 them that worshipped G4352 his G846 image. G1504 These both G1417 were cast G906 alive G2198 into G1519 a lake G3041 of fire G4442 burning G2545 with G1722 brimstone. G2303

Revelation 20:8-9 STRONG

And G2532 shall go out G1831 to deceive G4105 the nations G1484 which G3588 are in G1722 the four G5064 quarters G1137 of the earth, G1093 Gog G1136 and G2532 Magog, G3098 to gather G4863 them G846 together G4863 to G1519 battle: G4171 the number G706 of whom G3739 is as G5613 the sand G285 of the sea. G2281 And G2532 they went up G305 on G1909 the breadth G4114 of the earth, G1093 and G2532 compassed G2944 the camp G3925 of the saints G40 about, G2944 and G2532 the beloved G25 city: G4172 and G2532 fire G4442 came down G2597 from G575 God G2316 out of G1537 heaven, G3772 and G2532 devoured G2719 them. G846

Commentary on Psalms 48 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 48:1-14. This is a spirited Psalm and song (compare Ps 30:1), having probably been suggested by the same occasion as the foregoing. It sets forth the privileges and blessings of God's spiritual dominion as the terror of the wicked and joy of the righteous.

1. to be praised—always: it is an epithet, as in Ps 18:3.

mountain of his holiness—His Church (compare Isa 2:2, 3; 25:6, 7, 10); the sanctuary was erected first on Mount Zion, then (as the temple) on Moriah; hence the figure.

2, 3. situation—literally, "elevation."

joy of, &c.—source of joy.

sides of the north—poetically for eminent, lofty, distinguished, as the ancients believed the north to be the highest part of the earth (compare Isa 14:13).

3. palaces—literally, "citadels."

refuge—(Ps 9:10; 18:3). He was so known in them because they enjoyed His presence.

4-6. For—The reason is given. Though the kings (perhaps of Moab and Ammon, compare Ps 83:3-5) combined, a conviction of God's presence with His people, evinced by the unusual courage with which the prophets (compare 2Ch 20:12-20) had inspired them, seized on their minds, and smitten with sudden and intense alarm, they fled astonished.

7. ships of Tarshish—as engaged in a distant and lucrative trade, the most valuable. The phrase may illustrate God's control over all material agencies, whether their literal destruction be meant or not.

8. This present experience assures of that perpetual care which God extends to His Church.

9. thought of—literally, "compared," or considered, in respect of former dealings.

in the … temple—in acts of solemn worship (compare 2Ch 20:28).

10. According … praise—that is, As Thy perfections manifested (compare Ps 8:1; 20:1-7), demand praise, it shall be given, everywhere.

thy right hand, &c.—Thy righteous government is displayed by Thy power.

11. the daughters, &c.—the small towns, or the people, with the chief city, or rulers of the Church.

judgments—decisions and acts of right government.

12-14. The call to survey Zion, or the Church, as a fortified city, is designed to suggest "how well our God secures His fold." This security is perpetual, and its pledge is His guidance through this life.