Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 50 » Verse 7

Psalms 50:7 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

7 Hear, H8085 O my people, H5971 and I will speak; H1696 O Israel, H3478 and I will testify H5749 against thee: I am God, H430 even thy God. H430

Cross Reference

Psalms 81:8 STRONG

Hear, H8085 O my people, H5971 and I will testify H5749 unto thee: O Israel, H3478 if thou wilt hearken H8085 unto me;

Exodus 20:2 STRONG

I am the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 which have brought H3318 thee out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 out of the house H1004 of bondage. H5650

Jeremiah 2:4-5 STRONG

Hear H8085 ye the word H1697 of the LORD, H3068 O house H1004 of Jacob, H3290 and all the families H4940 of the house H1004 of Israel: H3478 Thus saith H559 the LORD, H3068 What iniquity H5766 have your fathers H1 found H4672 in me, that they are gone far H7368 from me, and have walked H3212 after H310 vanity, H1892 and are become vain? H1891

Malachi 3:5 STRONG

And I will come near H7126 to you to judgment; H4941 and I will be a swift H4116 witness H5707 against the sorcerers, H3784 and against the adulterers, H5003 and against false H8267 swearers, H7650 and against those that oppress H6231 the hireling H7916 in his wages, H7939 the widow, H490 and the fatherless, H3490 and that turn aside H5186 the stranger H1616 from his right, and fear H3372 not me, saith H559 the LORD H3068 of hosts. H6635

Zechariah 13:9 STRONG

And I will bring H935 the third part H7992 through the fire, H784 and will refine H6884 them as silver H3701 is refined, H6884 and will try H974 them as gold H2091 is tried: H974 they shall call H7121 on my name, H8034 and I will hear H6030 them: I will say, H559 It is my people: H5971 and they shall say, H559 The LORD H3068 is my God. H430

Micah 6:1-8 STRONG

Hear H8085 ye now what the LORD H3068 saith; H559 Arise, H6965 contend H7378 thou before the mountains, H2022 and let the hills H1389 hear H8085 thy voice. H6963 Hear H8085 ye, O mountains, H2022 the LORD'S H3068 controversy, H7379 and ye strong H386 foundations H4146 of the earth: H776 for the LORD H3068 hath a controversy H7379 with his people, H5971 and he will plead H3198 with Israel. H3478 O my people, H5971 what have I done H6213 unto thee? and wherein have I wearied H3811 thee? testify H6030 against me. For I brought thee up H5927 out of the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 and redeemed H6299 thee out of the house H1004 of servants; H5650 and I sent H7971 before H6440 thee Moses, H4872 Aaron, H175 and Miriam. H4813 O my people, H5971 remember H2142 now what Balak H1111 king H4428 of Moab H4124 consulted, H3289 and what Balaam H1109 the son H1121 of Beor H1160 answered H6030 him from Shittim H7851 unto Gilgal; H1537 that ye may know H3045 the righteousness H6666 of the LORD. H3068 Wherewith shall I come before H6923 the LORD, H3068 and bow H3721 myself before the high H4791 God? H430 shall I come before H6923 him with burnt offerings, H5930 with calves H5695 of a year H8141 old? H1121 Will the LORD H3068 be pleased H7521 with thousands H505 of rams, H352 or with ten thousands H7233 of rivers H5158 of oil? H8081 shall I give H5414 my firstborn H1060 for my transgression, H6588 the fruit H6529 of my body H990 for the sin H2403 of my soul? H5315 He hath shewed H5046 thee, O man, H120 what is good; H2896 and what doth the LORD H3068 require H1875 of thee, but to do H6213 justly, H4941 and to love H160 mercy, H2617 and to walk H3212 humbly H6800 with thy God? H430

Ezekiel 20:19-20 STRONG

I am the LORD H3068 your God; H430 walk H3212 in my statutes, H2708 and keep H8104 my judgments, H4941 and do H6213 them; And hallow H6942 my sabbaths; H7676 and they shall be a sign H226 between me and you, that ye may know H3045 that I am the LORD H3068 your God. H430

Ezekiel 20:7 STRONG

Then said H559 I unto them, Cast ye away H7993 every man H376 the abominations H8251 of his eyes, H5869 and defile H2930 not yourselves with the idols H1544 of Egypt: H4714 I am the LORD H3068 your God. H430

Ezekiel 20:5 STRONG

And say H559 unto them, Thus saith H559 the Lord H136 GOD; H3069 In the day H3117 when I chose H977 Israel, H3478 and lifted up H5375 mine hand H3027 unto the seed H2233 of the house H1004 of Jacob, H3290 and made myself known H3045 unto them in the land H776 of Egypt, H4714 when I lifted H5375 up mine hand H3027 unto them, saying, H559 I am the LORD H3068 your God; H430

Jeremiah 2:9 STRONG

Wherefore I will yet plead H7378 with you, saith H5002 the LORD, H3068 and with your children's H1121 children H1121 will I plead. H7378

Exodus 19:5-6 STRONG

Now therefore, if ye will obey H8085 my voice H6963 indeed, H8085 and keep H8104 my covenant, H1285 then ye shall be a peculiar treasure H5459 unto me above all people: H5971 for all the earth H776 is mine: And ye shall be unto me a kingdom H4467 of priests, H3548 and an holy H6918 nation. H1471 These are the words H1697 which thou shalt speak H1696 unto the children H1121 of Israel. H3478

Isaiah 1:18 STRONG

Come now, H3212 and let us reason together, H3198 saith H559 the LORD: H3068 though your sins H2399 be as scarlet, H8144 they shall be as white H3835 as snow; H7950 though they be red H119 like crimson, H8438 they shall be as wool. H6785

Psalms 81:10-12 STRONG

I am the LORD H3068 thy God, H430 which brought H5927 thee out of the land H776 of Egypt: H4714 open thy mouth H6310 wide, H7337 and I will fill H4390 it. But my people H5971 would not hearken H8085 to my voice; H6963 and Israel H3478 would H14 none of me. So I gave them up H7971 unto their own hearts' H3820 lust: H8307 and they walked H3212 in their own counsels. H4156

Psalms 49:1 STRONG

[[To the chief Musician, H5329 A Psalm H4210 for the sons H1121 of Korah.]] H7141 Hear H8085 this, all ye people; H5971 give ear, H238 all ye inhabitants H3427 of the world: H2465

Nehemiah 9:29-30 STRONG

And testifiedst H5749 against them, that thou mightest bring them again H7725 unto thy law: H8451 yet they dealt proudly, H2102 and hearkened H8085 not unto thy commandments, H4687 but sinned H2398 against thy judgments, H4941 (which if a man H120 do, H6213 he shall live H2421 in them;) and withdrew H5414 H5637 the shoulder, H3802 and hardened H7185 their neck, H6203 and would not hear. H8085 Yet many H7227 years H8141 didst thou forbear H4900 them, and testifiedst H5749 against them by thy spirit H7307 in H3027 thy prophets: H5030 yet would they not give ear: H238 therefore gavest H5414 thou them into the hand H3027 of the people H5971 of the lands. H776

2 Chronicles 28:5 STRONG

Wherefore the LORD H3068 his God H430 delivered H5414 him into the hand H3027 of the king H4428 of Syria; H758 and they smote H5221 him, and carried away H7617 a great multitude H1419 of them captives, H7633 and brought H935 them to Damascus. H1834 And he was also delivered H5414 into the hand H3027 of the king H4428 of Israel, H3478 who smote H5221 him with a great H1419 slaughter. H4347

2 Kings 17:13 STRONG

Yet the LORD H3068 testified H5749 against Israel, H3478 and against Judah, H3063 by H3027 all the prophets, H5030 and by all the seers, H2374 saying, H559 Turn H7725 ye from your evil H7451 ways, H1870 and keep H8104 my commandments H4687 and my statutes, H2708 according to all the law H8451 which I commanded H6680 your fathers, H1 and which I sent H7971 to you by H3027 my servants H5650 the prophets. H5030

1 Samuel 12:22-25 STRONG

For the LORD H3068 will not forsake H5203 his people H5971 for his great H1419 name's H8034 sake: because it hath pleased H2974 the LORD H3068 to make H6213 you his people. H5971 Moreover as for me, H595 God forbid H2486 that I should sin H2398 against the LORD H3068 in ceasing H2308 to pray H6419 for you: H1157 but I will teach H3384 you the good H2896 and the right H3477 way: H1870 Only fear H3372 the LORD, H3068 and serve H5647 him in truth H571 with all your heart: H3824 for consider H7200 how great things he hath done H1431 for you. But if ye shall still H7489 do wickedly, H7489 ye shall be consumed, H5595 both ye and your king. H4428

Deuteronomy 31:19-21 STRONG

Now therefore write H3789 ye this song H7892 for you, and teach H3925 it the children H1121 of Israel: H3478 put H7760 it in their mouths, H6310 that this song H7892 may be a witness H5707 for me against the children H1121 of Israel. H3478 For when I shall have brought H935 them into the land H127 which I sware H7650 unto their fathers, H1 that floweth H2100 with milk H2461 and honey; H1706 and they shall have eaten H398 and filled H7646 themselves, and waxen fat; H1878 then will they turn H6437 unto other H312 gods, H430 and serve H5647 them, and provoke H5006 me, and break H6565 my covenant. H1285 And it shall come to pass, when many H7227 evils H7451 and troubles H6869 are befallen H4672 them, that this song H7892 shall testify H6030 against H6440 them as a witness; H5707 for it shall not be forgotten H7911 out of the mouths H6310 of their seed: H2233 for I know H3045 their imagination H3336 which they go about, H6213 even now, H3117 before I have brought H935 them into the land H776 which I sware. H7650

Deuteronomy 26:17-18 STRONG

Thou hast avouched H559 the LORD H3068 this day H3117 to be thy God, H430 and to walk H3212 in his ways, H1870 and to keep H8104 his statutes, H2706 and his commandments, H4687 and his judgments, H4941 and to hearken H8085 unto his voice: H6963 And the LORD H3068 hath avouched H559 thee this day H3117 to be his peculiar H5459 people, H5971 as he hath promised H1696 thee, and that thou shouldest keep H8104 all his commandments; H4687

Commentary on Psalms 50 Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible


Ps 50:1-23. In the grandeur and solemnity of a divine judgment, God is introduced as instructing men in the nature of true worship, exposing hypocrisy, warning the wicked, and encouraging the pious.

1-4. The description of this majestic appearance of God resembles that of His giving the law (compare Ex 19:16; 20:18; De 32:1).

4. above—literally, "above" (Ge 1:7).

heavens … earth—For all creatures are witnesses (De 4:26; 30:19; Isa 1:2).

5. my saints—(Ps 4:3).

made—literally, "cut"

a covenant, &c.—alluding to the dividing of a victim of sacrifice, by which covenants were ratified, the parties passing between the divided portions (compare Ge 15:10, 18).

6. The inhabitants of heaven, who well know God's character, attest His righteousness as a judge.

7. I will testify—that is, for failure to worship aught.

thy God—and so, by covenant as well as creation, entitled to a pure worship.

8-15. However scrupulous in external worship, it was offered as if they conferred an obligation in giving God His own, and with a degrading view of Him as needing it [Ps 50:9-13]. Reproving them for such foolish and blasphemous notions, He teaches them to offer, or literally, "sacrifice," thanksgiving, and pay, or perform, their vows—that is, to bring, with the external symbolical service, the homage of the heart, and faith, penitence, and love. To this is added an invitation to seek, and a promise to afford, all needed help in trouble.

16-20. the wicked—that is, the formalists, as now exposed, and who lead vicious lives (compare Ro 2:21, 23). They are unworthy to use even the words of God's law. Their hypocrisy and vice are exposed by illustrations from sins against the seventh, eighth, and ninth commandments.

21, 22. God, no longer (even in appearance) disregarding such, exposes their sins and threatens a terrible punishment.

22. forget God—This denotes unmindfulness of His true character.

23. offereth praise—(Ps 50:14), so that the external worship is a true index of the heart.

ordereth … aright—acts in a straight, right manner, opposed to turning aside (Ps 25:5). In such, pure worship and a pure life evince their true piety, and they will enjoy God's presence and favor.