Worthy.Bible » STRONG » Psalms » Chapter 53 » Verse 2

Psalms 53:2 King James Version with Strong's Concordance (STRONG)

2 God H430 looked down H8259 from heaven H8064 upon the children H1121 of men, H120 to see H7200 if there were H3426 any that did understand, H7919 that did seek H1875 God. H430

Cross Reference

2 Chronicles 15:2 STRONG

And he went out H3318 to meet H6440 Asa, H609 and said H559 unto him, Hear H8085 ye me, Asa, H609 and all Judah H3063 and Benjamin; H1144 The LORD H3068 is with you, while ye be with him; and if ye seek H1875 him, he will be found H4672 of you; but if ye forsake H5800 him, he will forsake H5800 you.

2 Chronicles 19:3 STRONG

Nevertheless H61 there are good H2896 things H1697 found H4672 in thee, in that thou hast taken away H1197 the groves H842 out of the land, H776 and hast prepared H3559 thine heart H3824 to seek H1875 God. H430

Psalms 27:8 STRONG

When thou saidst, Seek H1245 ye my face; H6440 my heart H3820 said H559 unto thee, Thy face, H6440 LORD, H3068 will I seek. H1245

Psalms 111:10 STRONG

The fear H3374 of the LORD H3068 is the beginning H7225 of wisdom: H2451 a good H2896 understanding H7922 have all they that do H6213 his commandments: his praise H8416 endureth H5975 for ever. H5703

Isaiah 55:6 STRONG

Seek H1875 ye the LORD H3068 while he may be found, H4672 call H7121 ye upon him while he is near: H7138

Deuteronomy 4:6 STRONG

Keep H8104 therefore and do H6213 them; for this is your wisdom H2451 and your understanding H998 in the sight H5869 of the nations, H5971 which shall hear H8085 all these statutes, H2706 and say, H559 Surely this great H1419 nation H1471 is a wise H2450 and understanding H995 people. H5971

1 Chronicles 28:9 STRONG

And thou, Solomon H8010 my son, H1121 know H3045 thou the God H430 of thy father, H1 and serve H5647 him with a perfect H8003 heart H3820 and with a willing H2655 mind: H5315 for the LORD H3068 searcheth H1875 all hearts, H3824 and understandeth H995 all the imaginations H3336 of the thoughts: H4284 if thou seek H1875 him, he will be found H4672 of thee; but if thou forsake H5800 him, he will cast thee off H2186 for ever. H5703

Job 28:28 STRONG

And unto man H120 he said, H559 Behold, the fear H3374 of the Lord, H136 that is wisdom; H2451 and to depart H5493 from evil H7451 is understanding. H998

Psalms 10:4 STRONG

The wicked, H7563 through the pride H1363 of his countenance, H639 will not seek H1875 after God: God H430 is not in all his thoughts. H4209

Psalms 11:4 STRONG

The LORD H3068 is in his holy H6944 temple, H1964 the LORD'S H3068 throne H3678 is in heaven: H8064 his eyes H5869 behold, H2372 his eyelids H6079 try, H974 the children H1121 of men. H120

Psalms 33:13-14 STRONG

The LORD H3068 looketh H5027 from heaven; H8064 he beholdeth H7200 all the sons H1121 of men. H120 From the place H4349 of his habitation H3427 he looketh H7688 upon all the inhabitants H3427 of the earth. H776

Psalms 102:19 STRONG

For he hath looked down H8259 from the height H4791 of his sanctuary; H6944 from heaven H8064 did the LORD H3068 behold H5027 the earth; H776

Jeremiah 16:17 STRONG

For mine eyes H5869 are upon all their ways: H1870 they are not hid H5641 from my face, H6440 neither is their iniquity H5771 hid H6845 from H5048 mine eyes. H5869

Jeremiah 23:24 STRONG

Can any H376 hide H5641 himself in secret places H4565 that I shall not see H7200 him? saith H5002 the LORD. H3068 Do not I fill H4392 heaven H8064 and earth? H776 saith H5002 the LORD. H3068

Commentary on Psalms 53 John Gill's Exposition of the Bible



To the chief Musician upon Mahalath, Maschil, cf15I A Psalm of David. The word "mahalath" is only used here and in Psalm 88:1. Some, with Aben Ezra, take it to be the first word of a song, to the tune of which this psalm was set; others, with Jarchi, that it is the name of a musical instrument on which it was sung; a hollow instrument; of the same nature with "nehiloth", See Gill on Psalm 5:1, title. Though it may relate to the argument or subject matter of the psalm, and be rendered, "concerning sickness" or "infirmity"F5צל מחלת "de miseria", Tigurine version, "vel infirmitate"; so Ainsworth. ; and, as Jarchi observes, some interpret it, "concerning the sickness or weakness of Israel", when the temple was destroyed. But it seems much better to understand it of the sickness and disease of sin, and the weakness following upon that, to which all mankind are subject; since the psalm manifestly treats of the general corruption and depravity of human nature. This psalm is the same with Psalm 14:1, and is expressed in the same words, with some little difference; the reason of its repetition is variously conjectured. Some think that the compiler of the book of Psalms, observing various readings in it occasioned by copying, thought fit to insert it both ways; but it is most likely to be composed by David himself, at different times, and it may be on different occasions, and with different views. Some think the former, namely the fourteenth psalm, was written concerning Nabal, and this concerning Doeg; according to Jarchi, that was concerning Nebuchadnezzar, this concerning Titus Vespasian; or, as others think, Antiochus Epiphanes. Kimchi is of opinion that this psalm, being placed between one that relates to Doeg, and another that refers to the Ziphites, points at the likeness there is between the case of David and the Messiah; that as David had many who sought to ensnare him, yet God rewarded them, and established him in the kingdom; so it will be with the Messiah: but it is much more reasonable with others to conclude, that it is repeated either because of the importance of it; because that as the former may refer to the corruption of the Jews in the times of David, this to the corruption of men in the times of Christ and his apostles, and under the Gospel dispensation, until the second coming of Christ, especially under the reign of antichrist. The argument of the psalm, according to the Syriac version, is concerning Ahithophel, who gave counsel to Absalom to pursue his father David and kill him: and, according to the Arabic version, it is a prophecy concerning Babel and Sennacherib; so Theodoret: but rather concerning mystical Babylon, and the man of sin.

Verse 1

The fool hath said in his heart, there is no God,.... The Targum adds, "of whom is revenge"; or there is no God to punish and avenge the wicked;

corrupt are they; the Chaldee paraphrase is, "the wicked have corrupted their ways"; as all flesh had done in the old world, Genesis 6:12;

and have done abominable iniquity; iniquity is the abominable thing that God hates, and makes men abominable in his sight; in Psalm 11:1, it is read, "abominable worlds": the Targum paraphrases the words, "they are far from good, for iniquity is found in them"; see Revelation 21:8;

there is none that doeth good; See Gill on Psalm 14:1.

Verse 2

God looked down from heaven upon the children of men,.... In Psalm 14:2, it is read, "the Lord" or "Jehovah"; in everything else there is an agreement in this verse; See Gill on Psalm 14:2;

to see if there were any that did understand; the Targum is, "that were understanding" in the law; it doubtless means understanding in divine and spiritual things;

that did seek God; the above paraphrase is, "seeking doctrine from before the Lord".

Verse 3

Every one of them is gone back,.... From God, and the way of his commandments. In Psalm 14:3, it is, "they are all gone aside"; See Gill on Psalm 14:3;

they are altogether become filthy; there is none that doeth good,

no, not one. What follows in this verse is the same as Psalm 14:3.

Verse 4

Have the workers of iniquity no knowledge?.... In Psalm 14:4, it is, "have all the workers", &c. There are none of them but what have, unless given up to judicial blindness, and hardness of heart, to believe a lie, as antichrist and his followers, 2 Thessalonians 2:10; See Gill on Psalm 14:4;

who eat up my people, as they eat bread; and drink their blood, and are drunken with it, Revelation 17:6;

they have not called upon God; but upon their idols, upon the Virgin Mary, and saints departed. In Psalm 14:4, it is, "upon the Lord".

Verse 5

There were they in great, fear, where no fear was,.... Before; neither of God nor man, nor any dread of punishment, but the utmost security, Revelation 18:7; also See Gill on Psalm 14:5;

for God hath scattered the bones of him that encampeth against thee; either against Christ, or against his church and people; who set themselves against the person, office, and grace of Christ, and seek to distress and destroy his interest: "the bones of such God will scatter": that is, he will destroy antichrist and his armies, which are his strength, as the bones are the strength of the human body; and make such a carnage of them, that the fowls of the air shall eat their flesh, and their bones shall be scattered here and there; see Revelation 19:17. So the Targum,

"for God scatters the strength of the armies of the wicked.'

Kimchi interprets it of the bones of the nations that shall encamp against Jerusalem, in the days of Gog; see Revelation 20:8; and Aben Ezra observes, that "thee" respects either God or the Messiah;

thou hast put them to shame; this is either an address of the psalmist unto God, declaring what he had done; or rather of God the Father to his Son Christ Jesus; and so Kimchi and Ben Melech say this refers to the Messiah: and it may be expressive of the shame and confusion that antichrist and his followers will be thrown into, when they shall make war with the Lamb, and he shall overcome them, Revelation 17:14;

because God hath despised them; or rejected them as reprobates; given them up to a reprobate mind; and being ungodly men, has before ordained them to this condemnation. The Targum is,

"for the Word of the Lord hath rejected them;'

as filthy, loathsome, and abominable, and cast them alive into the lake of fire, Revelation 19:20.

Verse 6

O that the salvation of Israel were come out of Zion!.... Or, "who will giveF6מי יתן "quis dabit", V. L. Pagninus, Montanus, &c. out of Zion the salvation of Israel?" The Targum adds, "except the Lord"; and this is a request to him for it: and, as in Psalm 14:7, it may be a wish for the first coming of Christ, to work out salvation for his people; here it may be expressive of the desire of the church for his coming in a spiritual manner, in the latter day, to take to himself his great power, and reign; to destroy antichrist, and deliver his people from bondage and oppression by him; when the Gentiles shall be gathered in, the Jews will be converted, and all Israel saved; see Romans 11:25. It is in the original text, "salvations"F7ישעות "salutes", Pagninus, Montanus, Cocceius; so Ainsworth. ; denoting the complete salvation of the church; when all her enemies will be destroyed, and all peace and prosperity shall be enjoyed by her; See Gill on Psalm 14:6.

when God bringeth back the captivity of his people: who have been carried into it by antichrist, Revelation 13:10;

Jacob shall rejoice, and Israel shall be glad; for now the kingdoms of this world will become Christ's; the marriage of the Lamb will be come, and the bride made ready, through the calling of the Gentiles, and the conversion of the Jews; which will occasion the twenty four elders, the representatives of the Christian church, to give thanks to the Lord God Almighty, and cause many voices to be heard in heaven, expressing great joy on this occasion, Revelation 11:15.